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  1. I agree. I think Nick genuinely cares for her. And he doesn't strike me as a guy to stick around for the sake of sticking around. I think they have a good balance in their personalities, and some couples are more private. My husband is an introvert, and very quiet with strangers. I can only imagine how he'd be on camera! He also isn't big in to PDA nor am I. Some couples just prefer to be more private - and that is ok!
  2. Just finished watching. I actually fast forwarded through most of it. I really don't care about Tom and Lily. I just wanted to see Nick and Sonia. I honestly just think Nick is awkward in front of the camera. And I think they genuinely like each other. But I don't understand this format. Why did it have to be so edited?
  3. I will come to participate here. So that means I have to watch.
  4. I agree with this entirely. I mean how many of us have said awful things to our partners and been forgiven? I know I have!
  5. Well this was anti-climatic. I think the most un-shocking part was the monotone "I want to stay Married" part that Nick said - and then the not even kissing after the decision was made. I wonder if Nick slipped her a thousand before the decision and said "I'm going to try to save face cause I looked like a total douche nozzle before. So take this money - say you will stay married and then I don't look like a jerk. Then you can go make more sandwiches"
  6. I don't know - Sean and Davina's SM was CLEAR they didn't work - and Jessica and Ryan was the same thing. Last season they got tighter on SM. So it was harder to tell - but it was clear Ashley and David were over - but it was obvious on the show. However - Sam did mislead everyone and post photos of them together to throw people off - and people believed it. So I think the show and the cast are getting better with manipulating it. However, I do think it's telling if people are still together or not and the words they choose. I don't think Sonia and Nick are together.
  7. Neil, Sam, and Tres were down in Miami. there was footage of them hanging out with season 4 cast. Tom and Lily were there, and in one shot - they are sitting very close together with her leg pointed in to his legs. Derek was also in the video. Nick's dog made an appearance - but neither he nor Sonia were in the videos.
  8. I've been a long time viewer and participant in the forum - I've been here since season 1. I did a lot of investigative work in season's 2 and 3. but this season has me less than interested. I don't even watch the shows. I just read what happened in the episode on the main page or US weekly. This season the cast is REALLY boring to me. I also don't like the experts and their advice is very much directed to help themselves vs the participants. If I went with my gut and spoilers I have seen on Tres's Twitter from a few weeks ago - I would say Sonia and Nick split and Tom and Lily stick it out. I have absolutely no hope for Tom and Lily long term. Tom needs a hippy chick that doesn't care about income, career and is a free spirit. Lily needs a man that can match her career ambition -because she's been clear she wants to be a stay at home mom once she has kids. I highly doubt Tom can provide the stability she yearns for
  9. What I saw was a guy that wanted to spend time with his wife, and she was working and not paying attention to him. I have no idea what the agreement was with them ahead of time - but it appeared they were going to spend time together. I can see where he would be upset. In fact I use to do this all the time when I was still working. My husband would constantly have to remind me to put the phone or laptop down because it was not time to work - it was time to spend with him. I realize she is a realtor and needs to work odd hours and doesn't have a traditional 9-5. But they can and do take breaks. I think all he wanted was for her to take a break. I don't think he likes her just for sex either. He seems to genuinely care for her. I think he's made a lot of compromises for her. I actually like him as an individual on the show. :)
  10. Tom - to me - seems like a free spirit and lacks interest in material possessions. It could be he doesn't want to grow up - or it could be it is what he believes. I don't get any pretense at all from him - whatsoever. It's his choice. I think he seems the most sincere of all the guys they have had on this dang show - next to maybe Jason and Doug. At some point he will either figure out he needs to work more consistently or he will just keep being a gypsy. Lily will either embrace it or tire of it. It would not work for me. But to each their own.
  11. I thought there were lilies in there and that is why she was happy :)
  12. I actually thought the flowers were really sweet. I don't think he is the type of guy that would spend a lot on flowers. And she seems to be the type of woman - as am I - that loves the gesture not the gift. I don't think there is anything wrong with "gas station" flowers. It's the sentiment that counts and clearly he was thinking of her :)
  13. So last week I kind of glazed over the episode because it really feels like this season is dragging. Without a third couple - it's a lot of time to spend on two couples that I'm not all that invested in. That being said. I totally support Sonia not being in the house. It seems that Nick is actually making more of an effort with her not there. He seems more interested and invested, and I don't blame her for not wanting to be there. No woman should have to be a place where she does not feel safe either physically or emotionally. What he said was very hurtful, and in a dating relationship could have ended things on the spot. For the experts to be pushing for her to move in serves more for their own motives than for the couple. Couples separate and move out all the time. People sometimes DO need space. That doesn't mean it won't work - it just means they know they need time to sort through it. Sonia seems thoughtful to me in that she doesn't want to be bitten twice by the snake. I get it! It's easier for him to try and Woo when she isn't there. MAKE him want you and miss you. You go Sonia! Tom and Lily. She is very, very young. I can understand her ambition - I was the same way at her age. But My hope is at some point she does realize that working and being with your significant other should not be done at the same time. Tom seems very patient with her and I think overall they are a good match. Her gift was incredibly thoughtful to him.
  14. Did anyone watch unfiltered yet? It's up on FYI app. And Nick clarifies that he meant to say that he was not attracted to her over emotional and dramatic personality. He said physically he found her attractive but her constant need for conversations beyond the basics of "how was your day" was often too much for him....So he married a complete stranger and got annoyed when said stranger wanted to get to know him....OH THE HUMANITY!
  15. In an interview with The Knot I think it was - Derek said they were under contract to film for the full 6 weeks so they had to film regardless of the outcome.
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