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Posts posted by Snaporaz

  1. 25 minutes ago, boes said:

    I generally love Traci but lately, not so much.  Maybe she'll get an actual storyline with Alan, and maybe, just maybe, it'll be rootable and about Traci getting to be a real person again, with real needs instead of everyone's cheerleading mother substitute.  Waht am I thinking??  The likelihood of such a storyline with JG writing the show is minimal to non-existent.

    Another reason I resent Show killing off Colleen.  I think Traci's character would be more well-rounded than what she's been reduced to.

    Yeah, I think any storyline involving Traci and Alan will result in Traci moving to Paris, never to be seen again.  I haven't heard any mention of her intending to visit Theo or Allie while she's there...

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  2. Soooo, that's it?  As my little league coach used to say to us, that was a long slide for an out.  

    Are we supposed to assume that Martin raped Ashley?  Why were they being so circumspect and vague about whatever the trauma was?  

    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Ashley's continued therapy at the clinic will take place off-screen and we'll hear about it later, like Conor's therapy and, well, everything else that happens on this show.

    And I'm also going to guess that this disorder was sparked not in childhood, but probably the day she fell under Victor's thrall.

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  3. Ok, now I'm beginning to think the Interview With the Vampire writers may be Y&R fans, because there was yet another reference in last week's episode.  This one was probably unintentional, but 18th century Lestat mentioned his "jabot collar".  I had no idea "jabot" was an actual word and had to look it up!  I just thought it was a way to make "J. Abbott" sound French and fancy.

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  4. On 5/27/2024 at 5:49 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Ashley was okay with getting psychiatric treatment but not at Fairview, the local mental asylum. Not sure I get what the problem is with Fairview unless it holds bad memories for her. Or maybe she's afraid of running into someone she knows, tee hee.

    Didn't the whole Faith switcheroo happen at Fairview while Ashley and Sharon were conveniently patients there at the same time?  Maybe that has soured her on the place.

    How did Cole avoid tripping Victor's alarm the first time he went down to the dungeon?  He and Michael were either very trusting or very naive to let Victor handle contacting the authorities about finding Jordan alive.  He was probably talking to one of his goons who will be transporting Jordan to the Newman Palazzo dungeon.

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  5. I was catching up with Interview with the Vampire on AMC and had a little chuckle at the Y&R reference in last week's episode.  While the vampire Louis was recounting his story to the interviewer Molloy, there was a very soapy obvious twist in the plot.  The jaded and cynical Molloy opened his laptop and cued up "Nadia's Theme"!

    • LOL 5
  6. 7 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Just catching up on comments. I thought Sugar had plastic surgery to look like Phyllis and was shot & killed by Paul Williams. Right? Or am I full of crap and combining a few stories into one? Who knows anymore, my head hurts!

    Sheila tricked Sugar into getting plastic surgery to look like her (Sheila) so that Sugar would go to jail for Sheila's crimes.  (Sugar thought Sheila was treating her to a face-lift, but Sheila paid off the surgeon).  Sugar was sent to the psych ward when she failed to convince the prison staff that she wasn't Sheila.

    It was Sheila herself who had plastic surgery to look like Phyllis (I guess in an attempt to get close to Lauren, as she and Phyllis are best friends), but Paul figured it out quickly and spoiled whatever Sheila had planned.  It was actually Lauren who shot and killed (so we thought!) Sheila that time.

    And let's not forget Sheila's ret-conned sister Sarah Smythe, who had plastic surgery to look like Lauren.  I forget what happened to her...

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  7. 11 hours ago, MollyB said:

    I got the same vibe.  And Jack immediately came to mind as the 'dirty business' she could take care of.  But how would she know about the Hotel Room Drunkout and Viktor's anger at Jack?  Maybe she's fishing because she knows Viktor must have a big dance card for revenge.

    And I'm so tired of this cruel story.  I wish Viktor would just take her to the swiftly running river and throw her in.  No one will be the wiser as to how and when she died if the bottom feeders do their job.

    No spoiler, just spitballing...I think we're going to get a big old dose of Mrs. Jordan Doubtfire, which would explain why Victor was so opposed to Claire taking the job as Harrison's nanny.  Once Jordan is ensconced in the Abbott house, she sneaks opioids into Jack's meals. Of course, I thought a similar scenario (minus the opioids) was going to play out with Sheila on B&B disguising herself to replace her grandson's conveniently indisposed nanny, and I was pretty wrong about that.  

    If this does play out, I hope Summer is totally enamored with the new nanny, and impressed by her stellar credentials (all supplied by Victor).  I hope she trusts her completely to care for HER SON, only to eventually learn that her precious grandpa put a deranged murderer in HER SON'S orbit.

    ***Bonus points if Phyllis and her overprotective grandma instincts sit in on the interview and unwittingly advise Summer to hire Jordan!

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  8. Phyllis might want to have her dotter checked for brain worms.  It would explain so much.

    21 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Mamie's behavior has become so focused & intense & toxic, to the point of being really strange, & more importantly, extremely distracting to the good of the company.  If she were my elder relative, I'd be worried if other issues are going on with her, such as Dementia or Alzheimer's.

    My problem with Mamie is that this is not who she ever was.  If you're going to bring a character back after 20+ years, the character should at the very least somewhat resemble who they were when they left.  Cole, for example, is the same guy he was when he and Victoria were married.  Mamie was wise and kind and sensible, more of a mother figure to Dru, Olivia, Jack, Ashley, and Tracy than their own mothers.  This version of Mamie is unrecognizable.  I suppose Jill buying her off to get her away from John may have made her bitter, regretting the life she could have had if she had seen where a relationship with John would have taken her, but she didn't have to take Jill's money.

    I thought when she first came back that she had some terminal illness and was desperate to secure some kind of legacy for her family, but they kind of already have that on their own.  

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  9. Yeah, I'm convinced Sheila had the key to those chains in her pocket the whole time, and that credit card purchase from the convenience store was a couple week's worth of snack foods and water.  There's a reason she didn't want to go to the hospital.  But I'm still looking forward to Steffy's meltdown!☢️

    Does it look like SC has lost weight?  He looked really thin today, and his face looks a little gaunt.  Hope he's ok...

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  10. My only other soapy DID experience was Carrie Todd on GL ages ago.  I remember it being pretty well done (Doug Marland was writing at the time, but the story ended abruptly when he left).  Carrie had distinct personalities, and I don't think they knew what the others were doing.

    Real Ashley is totally in the dark, but the other Ashleys seem to know everything about Real Ashley's life.  So why didn't Flirty Ashley know the details of how she and Alan met?  

    The most interesting part of Nikki's drunk dreaming was how it revealed that she subconsciously knows how cruel and abusive Victor is.

    4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    More musings on today's Y&R:

    Abby said Billy is her favorite uncle. Sucks to be you, Nick. 😈

    So it sucks to be Jack, who is the main reason she won $500 million!  (And an honorable *sucks to be* mention to Victor's hot brother Matt, but I don't think Abby ever met him.)

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  11. 11 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Hmm...I don't know Ivy (stopped watching years ago), but what about...Deacon? That is, if he can cut himself lose of that barnacle called Sheila.

    There would be a bit of an age difference.  Ivy actually could call Deacon "Daddy".  Although the gap between Eric and Donna is probably bigger.

    Deacon should have been looking down when he prayed for help.  But Beelzebub heard his prayer all the same.  

    Seconding the opinion that a redeemed Sheila is pointless, unless she gets snapped back to her true self by Steffy or Lauren (who really should be the one to put her down once and for all).  Sheila obviously has no memory issues, since she knew Sugar was heading off to kill Steffy.

    Why in the world would a knockout like Ivy want to get bogged down by a guy with as much baggage as Liam, father of two children with two different women?  And Liam pretty much telegraphed to her that he would be with Steffy if Finn weren't standing in the way.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    She didn't explain it. Based on what I've since read elsewhere, allegedly it was Jordan's accomplice who helped her lug Claire's chloroformed body out of the Abbott manse. Claire woke up as she was being put in the storage unit and the woman died as a result of the fight she had with Claire. Meanwhile, Jordan was at the NoTell Motel with Harrison.

    So...they killed off a character we never saw or even knew existed.  I can't imagine why I was confused!

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  13. 21 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    I was hoping Ivy would be back before everyone finds out Sheila is alive. I just wanted one scene of her finding out Steffy killed her and saying to Steffy "oh, you got another one?"

    Nothing has changed, Steffy did get another one.  Just not the one she thought she got!

    Liam can't be single for five minutes, can he?  

    How long has it been in Show time since Sugar was killed?  Could anyone besides that cockroach Sheila survive that long without water?  

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  14. WTF did I just watch?  Where was Scarlett O'Abbott when Teen Ash and Sleeping Ash were chained to beds?  

    Thank gods Summer's son was found!  Summer's son can shine again!  But come on, really?  It was that easy to outfox Jordan?  Unless her real leverage is that Claire is still missing.

    3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    For a long time I had been saying the Winters crew needed a patriarch or matriarch because Neil's photo doesn't cut it. I was hoping they'd bring back Olivia but apparently the actress who played her has solidly refused more than once. AFAIC Mamie is not the answer. Both Lily and Devon barely tolerate her and Nate seems to humor her because it doesn't cost him anything.

    Malcolm could fill that role.  The original is out of the question, but I wouldn't be opposed to a recast.  Or a recast Olivia, for that matter.

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