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Posts posted by jodo

  1. The whole contrived dinner was just a fiasco!  Sooo tired of Devon and Hilary sharing stares...sooo tired of Neil reaching out for Hilary to continue to kiss her over and over while he continues to say "my wife, my wife"....terribly written and portrayed.  


    I hit the FF button on my DVR and wake up wondering is it over then?


    Peaches recaps for me and she even had trouble watching!  Seriously if they cancelled this soap how much would we as viewers be out?  Would there be an outcry.. 

  2. And a great time was had by all!  Not a smile to be seen!  I hope the episode is happier!  


    I guess one of the white haired gents on deck is Stevie?  No idea, don't follow him, only his wonderful hair!  LOL


    Jen does look so much better with her hair short, goes more with her body and not so severe.  Her recent Twitter pics are showing she is back to being a blonde much more so than she ever was.   

  3. To me it looks like the camera person is filming and not being able to help.  Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong picture.  Interesting view of filming for a future episode though.


    The photo that comes after the sign is the one I am referring to.  I guess he could be filming behind the rail but it also looks like he might be saying something and yet Jen looks like she is pointing and trying to get Zoey to come with her away from the rail or something which is why I didn't think he had much to film but hey it will be interesting to see if the scene makes the show.  

  4. Bill knows how to swim. Will is learning to swim and Jen knows how to swim but said she doesn't float (she has no fat on her so that makes some sense).



    In the episode of Will getting his first swimming lesson Jen said she could not even tread water and could not float, this means she cannot swim.  Jen said she "sinks like a rock" even though her parents gave her "lots and lots of lessons."   Bill said because he had a bigger chest he could float "a little bit better" but did not say he could swim and that this was because of their type of dwarfism and their individual lung capacity.   Bill said Will would likely have "average sized person air capacity" making him a better candidate.  

    I am not sure this has anything to do with having additional fat on your body.  

  5. Need a little help. Did anyone catch the short biopic on Hungarian director, Michael Curtiz last night? If you did, did you happen to catch the title?

    I did watch it but didn't notice a title...they have a tendency on TCM to air those a few times and I have seen it more than once.  Lyle Talbot was the one who spoke about him for one and Mary Wickes.  

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  6. Well if weight is any indication then Zoey has certainly flourished since joining the AK family!  Those kids never had food like this in China or India but they will have to be careful.  I remember Jen mentioning it was not good for little people especially to carry extra weight and they commented how he had put on 3lbs before he had even left China likely eating the hotel food and I remember Bill bringing him his first taste of McDonalds at the hotel.  Welcome to the North American obesity battle!    

    I hope next season we see Bill with a reduced waistline as this is not good for his internal organs or his back.  Jen keeps herself nice and trim!  

  7. What makes you see the kids as props?


    I see the kids as being something like "props" in that they complete a picture of a typical American family unit of 2.5 (?) kids, one a boy and one a girl; the boy having the traits of his Dad and being best "buds" and the girl being a little princess with all the traits of her Mom.  Jen isn't as warm to Will as she used to be and even then when he was the only kid in town she was not overwhelming in her attachment to him.  With Jen everything is task related and how to get through the tasks if that makes sense.  I can't recall seeing her hug or kiss Will or Zoey unless it was for the camera and on command "give me a kiss!"



    edited by jodo to remove double post from a timeout issue! 

  8. How do we know that they DON'T qualify for a special program through public schools?  I'd say, given the level of speech we've seen at their ages, that both are experiencing delays.  Of course, in Zoey's case -- and particularly at tea parties -- I suspect it's because she can't get a word in edgewise...


    Because of their financial status maybe?  

  9. So Sharon Case is posting lots of party pics on Twitter along with Tamara Clutterbuck among others!  Remember this was the woman who was raising Cassie before Grace and Tony found her and brought her to Sharon eventually....she was not a nice woman and was being led around by some no good....so I think they must be bringing her back somehow because of Mariah...Mariah will turn out to be Cassie's twin sister.  Unless of course they have been that tight as friends since that storyline sailed mega years ago?  Avery was also in the pics and 2 other friends called BOOBS!  LOL

  10. How is Bill saying the kids are going to school misleading? The kids are 2 and 4. It's not like he said they would be attending college in the fall. At 2 and 4 of course it's preschool. 

    Well it did seem to mislead a few of us.  And there are clarifications still being made about where they might go in Texas.  If he meant preschool then say so. 


    Especially when I couldn't deny that Will's language skills had backslid rather than show progress.  I'm to the point where I want to know if the show's going on, and what viewers are saying about it -- but to watch the children who have *no* say in their fame ??? I don't feel good about that any more.


    I am feeling this way myself....I am feeling selfish in missing the kids on tv and reading the FB/Twitter comments all ask the same things "when is the show coming back on?; I miss the kids, you are such wonderful parents!; why isn't the show an hour long instead of HBBoo?"   Wow selfish much?  Would you want your kids filmed and displayed this way and some day the kids will read all of this and this is not on us but on the very people who are putting them in this position...yep Bill and Jen.  The network is not to blame.


    I suggest we continue our comments on this forum or any forum and to take it a step further and let our concerns be known to the Paul Peterson organization called "A Minor Consideration".  The organization looks after the interests of children who have no voice.  I have already done it.       


    Here is the link:     http://www.minorcon.org/index.html#contacts

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  12. I agree that Bill dresses for comfort. As much as he comes across as "yes Dear" to Jen, I have a feeling she doesn't get that much input on what he wears. That battle was probably fought a long time ago.


    Bill -- and now Will -- go around with their shirt tails hanging out...


    My theory as to why Bill and now Will look that way and have their shirts hanging out is because they are both overweight!  I think Bill at one time could tuck a shirt in but not anymore!  

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