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Posts posted by jodo

  1. Joanne3482 you need to watch the videos of Will (Josiah) growing up in China at New Day (google it on vimeo) and watch the one where he tries to reach the cookie.  I am sure there are orphanages around the world that must deny children food but both Will and Zoey came to Bill and Jen well fed.  Zoey is just super tiny and was not undernourished.  It is assumed because of Will's food obsession it is because of the hoarding aspect.  I think it has more to do with a North American diet and being fed addictive foods containing sugars, burgers/fries/nachos/goldfish cookies/cakes/ice cream/pineapple from a can that has added sugar usually.  New Day is run by American and Chinese ladies and the videos show lots of care and laughter.  They are heartwarming and a testament to how lucky he was to be there.  We were not lucky enough to see any of Zoey's growing up but she did not look starved when they picked her up, just tiny and cute!  She didn't even want to eat when they tried to feed her at first.  Will showed her how to do it!  LOL

    In some cases at New Day there are often more than 2 caregivers per child as witnessed with him on a swing giggling his head off and in other group settings.  He sure does not look undernourished, he certainly was when they got him at 3.5months old and only 6lbs.  The New Day years do not include him walking around all the time with a water bottle or carrying a tin full of goldfish.  He was not raised to be obsessed with food like we are in North America.  He learned this when he came to North America like it was a right of passage and shows caring when it is just the opposite.  They did something right there and should not have it second guessed that he must have been starving there for him to behave like this when the US has the largest obesity rate in the world.  We are supposed to eat to live not live to eat.  

    • Love 3

    Jodo, why would you blame Jen or Bill on TLC's editing? They didn't mislead anyone.

    Because they are the exec producers and say what is a go and what is a no especially as to what they want to achieve from each segment.  

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  3. I didn't mean to imply protein/veggies/salad was bad for them, it is not ENOUGH for them or they wouldn't be so ravenous, what is wrong with adding a mashed sweet potato.  Will is eating like he is starving and cramming the food into his mouth like there will be no more food and Zoey is following his lead, neither child came from a starving environment.

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  4. @mbutterfly..I agree, I have noticed how much more Will is looking at the camera and Zoey is too...he is far more aware now and the camera/production people must interact with them all you know speaking to them between filming and stuff so it must be a bit confusing to the kids.  Will was used to being filmed at New Day and often looked at the person with the video there, he is used to it.  Zoey's eyes are wide and beautiful gazing about.

    The protein/veggies/salad diet is for adults trying to lose weight (Bill?) not for growing kids.  They will not become obese if the fats added are good fats.  There are no good fats in burgers/fries or take out foods deep fried in fats and certainly not in cake or ice cream.  That is why North America is fat.  

    Will had exemplary manners at their first dinner didn't he so seeing him a year later was certainly a setback.  We have seen them consume so many finger type foods like burgers/fries/nachos/goldfish I think he is getting used to eating with his hands and Jen doing the excessive wiping.  

    Well maybe in 5-10 years Kate will write a tell-all book!  LOL

    • Love 2
  5. Cakegate!  LOVE IT!  LOL

    I was glad to hear Bill tell Jen you don't need to be here and it is true, he is likely worn out from just thinking of all his responsibility never mind doing it all....3 meals, snacks, baths, naps, diapers for two (why is Will still in diapers which it appears from his pants).....and I am sure I have left a ton out, who does the grocery shopping, laundry and cleans the house?  So Jen tags along feeling dizzy and Bill gets to worry about that too, she was just another draw on his already taxed energy but had to show us she was super mom making it all about her. 

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  6. With praise comes criticism I am afraid when you let us into your daily lives.  We love those kids and want the best for them, we don't want to tune in to see spoiled brats or kids who are disrespectful, those kids are on the other reality shows!  

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  7. What I really notice since Zoey joined the crew is how much more Will is sucking his thumb!  It is ALWAYS in his mouth if food or drink is not.  He even inserted it between bites of his cereal...he is feeling Zoey's presence and more insecure with it I think...I am not a shrink but he seems to take more comfort in that and also seems to need more comfort now.  He also is speaking like a baby.  I only hear one word from him at a time.  He is as baby like as Zoey is and although I can't understand or hear her yet I think she is putting more than one word together.  Will is a fan of communicating by waving his hand instead of speaking and they allow it.  Bill could certainly be helping Jen out more with the kids discipline wise.     

    I think re the food no one is saying feed him fries and burgers more (like they have been at restaurants) but give him food that will stick with him more, that child is hungry...when was the last time broccoli and salad filled you up?  Certainly not me.  How about some sweet potatoes mashed up and some meat loaf and veggie sticks with some hummus dip.  

    I think Will is feeling a bit out of it with Zoey there, he is not getting all the attention anymore from Bill or Jen....Bill is now doing housework instead of being on the floor with Will hanging out on his back.  

    Zoey is copying Will big time which is even more reason to address Will's behavior before they have two to deal with.  Zoey went under the table (because she can..lol) and I heard her say CAKE.....gee wonder where she got that from.  Were they that used to having cake every night.  Again why not give them a treat of fruit and a piece of cheese for dessert to satisfy that sweet tooth?

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  8. It was on the show where Jen, Will and Zoey were on the floor and Jen had the blood pressure on her arm and took it off to give to Zoey and Will grabbed it and Jen said Will come on let's share and Zoey raised her arm up and had a mad look on her face and in the voice over Jen is talking about two toddlers sharing etc...it was a clip on TLC's site I watched a clip of that same show which included Will coming into the room at first and took the doctor's kit box away from Zoey so that part wasn't on the show.  Will was very "will"ful in this whole episode, signs of the future.  

    I agree the food needs to be more filling for the kids and they need to eat more frequently maybe...all kids love mac and cheese for the most part!  

  9. Will has this face he gets when he is miffed with Jen and I have never seen him use it with Bill although Bill does not correct Will at all does he, no wonder Baba is the favorite.  I agree he is becoming spoiled in some ways and Bill just keeps saying "he is Will" like that explains it...all kids have a "will" but it can't always be used and interpreted as his personality.  It is discipline nothing more.  Will wants it and usually gets it.  Zoey was playing with the doctor's kit and Will took it away from her prompting Jen to ask Will to bring it back which he didn't do, she said she would count to three, she didn't...nuff said there, Will does what he wants with no repercussions.  Bill heard all that I am sure and he should have stepped into the room when Will was not forthcoming in giving it back to Zoey and said Will take it to Zoey now and say you are sorry.  That is not overstepping Jen, that is helping her raise 2 kids, they have to co-parent and not let things go, kids count on that. 

    And another poster said it correctly....no smiles from our Will this week.    

    • Love 4
  10. Bill shows up with Zoey for the appt and the nurse asks for the name so Bill says Klein followed immediately by Jen saying Klein...was Bill's Klein not loud enough...being picky I know but I truly wanted to say shut up Jen!  I agree they didn't have to play doctor either as Zoey was fine with doctors as we had seen and she was not getting needles or blood taken.  They could have weighed and measured her at home and Jen could have felt around in her mouth there too but of course they had to let her be doctor and give her a glove.  Jen put the whole focus using the doctor's kit, having Bill give her the needle and the show was all about her not Zoey. I guess it is obvious I like Jen less and less with each show and wish Bill would grow back his balls on occasion.  Will is showing signs of becoming a spoiled brat and if they don't get it in check now when he is that size there isn't a hope in hell when he gets bigger and wants to lash out.  

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  11. I too do NOT like the new Ridge, at least he has lost the accent he had for a while.  I did like Ron Moss although he was a very wooden actor, he was at least believable as a sex object but not this guy, far from it, eewww  eewww as Jimmy Fallon would say!!  Who is Rick married to again?  I forgot her name, she is the WORST actress I have seen in a while.  She talks like a baby and the scene she just did telling Ridge off was completely laughable and made me seek out this forum! I rarely watch a show I used to pvr daily.  

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  12. Wondering if Will might be just a bit jealous of Zoey....I saw this clip on TLC which did not get aired as part of last night of Zoey playing with the doctor's kit and Will swoops in and takes it causing Zoey to cry of course...Jen gets miffed and tells Will to bring it back, asks him a couple of times (no response and no surprise) and says she will count to 3 which she doesn't do and Will knows there is no follow through so he leaves the kit and goes on to another toy and never does bring it back to her.....first rule of parenting is follow through, if you are not going to do that then don't threaten it in the first place.....then Will is at the table wanting cake, cake cake....Jen is apologizing (?) that she didn't make cake and so we go back and forth with Will crying asking for cake, cake cake....she asks him if he needs a timeout (asks?) and of course he doesn't get it and next thing Bill takes Will down and off they go to the high chairs for cookies with Will making sure Zoey only got two of them like he did....he gets what he wants eventually.....there is something not satisfying the kids in their diet and they are craving sugar already.  How about some sugar free jello or a piece of fruit with some cheese cut up in quarters of course!  LOL

    Last night's episode was very misleading both in the promo clips and during the show about Jen leaving her chemo and making it appear her oncologist was tracking her down and Jen saying she was dizzy and tired after taking Adivan and telling the nurses I am supposed to be in bed but had to be with my daughter and on and on....turns out the doctor was tracking her down to give her good news on the lab results and it had nothing to do with her being up and about...she simply told Jen do what you have to do provided you can then get some rest.  I didn't appreciate being misled by TLC or Jen and Bill.  

    I am wondering why Jen's parents aren't involved more in helping and/or why they have not hired someone full time (Kate?) to come and live in even temporarily to help with meals/cleanup and leave them to parenting...maybe Bill has taken a leave of absence too.  

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  13. Yes they could use food as a reward to get him to talk more instead of as a reward to keep him quiet.

    So last night's episode is back to 30 minutes which is too bad.  So now Zoey is copying Will with EAT EAT as she did when they got to the hospital and she was in her stroller.  She is picking up all of Will's habits about eating/drinking making it so important.  These kids are not starving so why are they so hungry or are they eating the wrong things or things that don't fill them up...something is not working.  Jen keeps blaming the orphanage and I have yet to understand why and I think this is unfair to them.  Zoey is gaining weight because she is growing taller and she is copying Will and there seems to be a plentiful supply of food all the time.  Giving her a bagel to chew on?  And Bill is looking bigger every episode across his upper body and his face, wow!  Will was just shoving food into his mouth at dinner last night and Jen asked him to use a fork so he shoved the food onto the fork and shoved it all in...it was cute but she shouldn't have laughed.  And how come Bill is not doing any discipline?  He should have asked Will to use his fork and eat properly backing Jen up.

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  14. I also wondered why the focus was on food at the hospital.  The day Bill went with Jen and stayed with her she asked him if he was getting her lunch for her and he said well I will get you hospital lunch...weird.  And yes there were containers of food on her tray at the hospital when he took the kids and Will was having his fit trying to get out of the stroller and get fed right now...EAT EAT EAT, telling Bill in the hall he wanted a drink with his hand motions which I think is adorable but instead of waving his hand back and forth and pointing at his mouth why can't they ask him to say Baba/Mama I want a drink, or I am hungry and I want to eat or can I have something to eat?  I haven't heard phrases yet although they say he is using them?  I don't see them encouraging him to repeat phrases back to them when he is such a "will"ing audience.   

  15. Keith's head bop is hilarious and if JLO wants to dance she picked the wrong show.  I like how Harry is seriously listening to the performances.  JLO gets an Emmy for her portrayal of attempting to look earnest at least.  

    Next week singing their audition songs..these are the lamest themes.  

  16. I'm a Columbo nerd, love him he is so exasperating and knows who the killer is from the get go.  He plays it beautifully.  Just watched Requiem for a Star with Anne Baxter this weekend, loved it.  I didn't like the Columbo movies made in the late 80's/90's though...his acting was not the same, forced somehow and not enjoyable.  

    Jack Cassidy is one of my favorite villains in the series.  

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  17. Well I am so glad it is not just me being mean about Jen's cackly laugh and I love that term as I couldn't describe it myself.  I find it very annoying and kids can pick up on intensity in your voice as well as your body.  I too wondered what they meant about Bill and Zoey.  I just don't think Zoey liked so much change, ie being handed from one to another.  She didn't like it in the orphanage either when she got passed from the lady dressed in white to the shorter Indian lady.  She wanted to bond with one person not many, Bill, Jen, Kate and the grandparents...too many people.  Jen has admitted she is type A, competitive and her intensity is very visible.  She is a perfectionist, almost OCD about things being perfect as Bill has often alluded to.  She lucked out when she got Bill as not many men would be so accommodating, I am sure there are times when he says enough Jen!  Like on the plane when Will was vomiting and Bill finally said enough wiping Jen and she stepped back and said oh ok as if she knew but couldn't help herself.  

    I also was surprised the parents were no longer living there.  It was a beautiful space and a pool too, wondered why they moved when they originally moved to be closer to Jen and the kids.  So far this season they have not been shown as much.  Bill did stay with Jen one day of the filming and her mother was looking after the kids and Jen kept saying you have to leave to relieve my mother plus she wanted to sleep.  Jen's mother also looks after that pet store.  They said the father travels sometimes on business so is not always home.  Kate had holidays too.  

    Truthfully I like Jen less and less as the shows carry on and like Bill so much more.  I often mute Jen or turn the volume down to avoid hearing her nervous laugh.  I am very very happy about her win over her cancer battle of course as I want those precious kids to have both parents.  

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  18. I don't have an attachment to any of them.  I do like Jessica but almost wish they would give her a complete makeover and get rid of that pink hair.  Malaya is young and those silly runaround outbursts she needs to get over, odd looking at her parents in the audience their demeanor is so laid back, give us some of that Malaya and leave the energy for your songs.  I think she will even sound better when those braces come off.  

    Tired of seeing Alex clinging for dear life to his guitar, makes him look more needy and less confident.  I like his voice but he is not my type of singer at all.  Caleb is a rocker but a karaoke rocker.  Some peeps might be impressed because he is bringing something better than intensely boring to the stage.  Alex and Dexter are just plain boring.  Poor CJ, he is just so down home isn't he and his aw shucks behavior is wearing me thin and the fact he cannot carry a tune makes me wonder are we not over this good old boy thing yet.  Jena comes across like a spoiled brat used to getting her way, there is something about her I cannot warm to.

    I am an AI fan and love the judges this year because their feedback is superlative to anything ever before but the contestants that were picked must surely be a letdown for the judges too if they think back to people they felt they couldn't put forward.  I will get through this season but it is lackluster and certainly not a nail biter!

  19. So glad to see Majesty go.  She just couldn't believe she was in the bottom three again.  That song was HORRIBLE to save her, was she kidding.  At least the judges didn't play up the super serious super long discussion about should we or shouldn't we.  Write down a big fat NO on your notepad and share to the other two, end of discussion.  The bottom three was right in my opinion and it is too bad only one can be sent home each week, let's get this hot mess of a season over with already.  I feel compelled to watch as I have always enjoyed previous seasons but this one is just weird.  The judging is the only thing that has done a 180 from previous seasons, it is amazing and helpful to the contestants.  Goodbye Randy, producers can save your money and up Harry's pay.  Has Jennifer got written in her contract "you must put me on camera "x" percentage of airtime..."  They show her a lot.  I was a fan until she showed her immature side and booed Harry a couple of times, not professional.  Since then seeing/hearing less of her is better baby.  

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