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Posts posted by DangerousMinds

  1. 1 hour ago, iwantcookies said:

    I had COVID in 2019. I still have antibodies. I want the vaccine so bad. Maybe in May.

    In 2019?  The first cases in NYC weren’t reported until 2020, I thought. When was your last antibody test?

    • Love 13
  2. On 3/26/2021 at 12:09 AM, Girl in a Cardigan said:

    Thank you! I rarely buy Salt & Straw by the pint, but that shizz is LEGIT! And living in a big city in California, that price doesn't really faze me. If I can get out of a dessert store for less than $20, I feel like I'm doing well. And if S&S wants to send me $100 worth of ice cream in a bag, you know I'd be posting about it on Insta. I mean, I'm not an influencer, so I don't get stuff for free, but I still tag good businesses.

    Jinger's pizza photo is a little perplexing because you'd think you'd want to actually show the pizza. And why do they need like 5 large pizzas for 2 1/2 people? But it's not surprising to me that the pizza place would repost her story. A lot of places repost all of their mentions. Yesterday, I posted a photo in my stories from a tattoo artist in another country because it featured a cartoon I like and the artist reposted my story thanking me for posting. 😂

    I just found supermarket brand (Kroger) ice cream  in many of the same Salt & Straw flavors. But these were only $3.99. 🙂 

    • Love 6
  3. 5 hours ago, Magog said:

    If that is the case, how come Kylie's loser "friends" (Stassie & Victoria) are not famous?

    As for Tristan Thompson, he doesn't need these idiots (especially Khloe) & the shame, dumbness, fleas, & bedbugs that comes with it to be famous. He is an NBA Champion (2016 Cavaliers (YAY!!)) & that part alone makes him famous. What is Khloe famous for other than being a complete failure at life, being lucked out by Kim's big ass & sex tape, having MaMa Kris around holding her hand all the time like the big baby that she is, & being an outright failure at being a parent?

    Perfectly said!

  4. 24 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Again...unless you are privy to their personal family issues, not just what you see on an edited TV show, I think it is prudent to not make accusations that are serious and inflammatory. Claiming that one parent is grossly negligent or is guilty of parental alienation can be used in court in custody decisions. Decisions that can be devastating to the child in question and all parties involved. I am not defending any of the behaviors of the adults on this show...they all have said and done things that are indefensible but I am certainly not going to accuse Maci of parental alienation or negligence. That is absurd.

    I don’t think any judge in a custody case is going to take our opinions here into account. We are all free to speculate and make our own judgments.

    • LOL 1
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  5. 45 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    I know this because it is all on tv.  She’s made it clear he can’t see Bentley alone. She claims Bentley is pushing for joint therapy and that he will only see him if that happens.  When discussed, he seems to not know much about this plan that he supposedly came up with. His only question is if he can see his dad more.  

    And while all of this is discussed, you can actually see the embarrassment on his face.  He specifically said he DOES NOT want to talk on camera about his therapy, and rather than respect the wishes of her son, she calls the therapist to discuss his issues on camera.  That’s selling him out FOR MONEY and it’s so beyond messed up I cannot believe anyone would defend it.

    I’m not Mac.  I’m not the only person who sees right through Maci and her lies and BS. Ryan is obviously not well, and I have nothing but compassion for addicts.  

    Maci doesn’t have another storyline so Bentley’s very personal issues have been turned into tv content.  He’s a minor, and this is wrong.  How can that be defended?

    That can’t be defended IMO, and I think ALL the parents in these shows are guilty of the same.

    • Love 7
  6. On 3/25/2021 at 10:18 PM, iwantcookies said:

    I keep having nightmares/night terrors. I cannot sleep more than 2 hours at a time. My head is about to explode/dizzy etc. we humans do need sleep. 

    I’m so sorry to hear this. What kind of work schedule do you have? I think you said you work from home? Sometimes I take NyQuil or Melatonin and they help.

    • Love 1
  7. Regarding Jeremy and EVERYONE one out there trying to take away anyone’s rights in any way. Who don’t follow public health suggestions, leading to over half a million Americans dead in a year. Who don’t call out insurrection attempts or terrorist attacks, etc. 




    • Love 24
  8. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

    It's simple, really. You can't be the face of two contradictory enterprises, both of which want to attract people to their door. If he were clear on that, I don't think he'd have much of a problem. 

    He's now the face of MacArthur and MacArthur-type Calvinism. (And he's also married to a Duggar, and the Duggars, and Duggar-adjacents -- all of them as far as anybody knows -- embrace the exact same principles that make MacArthur-type Calvinism controversal. They reject any acceptance of homosexuality, and they insist that women are not to lead, either in the home or outside of it, including, for example, teaching even a single class at a seminary.)

    Those two things are essential -- not peripheral at all -- to the MacArthur-Calvinism niche.  That's consistently made clear by not just MacArthur but by his many colleagues and by many of his seminary alums and so on. Over and over again.

    So if Jer embraces them -- which he must, since he strongly embraces the MacArthur-Calvinism brand and philosophy -- then he's choosing his niche. And there's nothing at all wrong with him choosing a niche. If he believes in that niche, then it's fine for him to embrace it.  If he believes in it, he should embrace it. 

    But....it's a very controversial niche, mainly because of those two things. (This year, Macarthur added the right to disobey any public-health rules that interfere with in-person church participation to his core principles, apparently, so that's a third controversial plank. But the same goes for it as for the others.) 

    And once you choose to be a public representative of any niche about whose principles many people strongly disagree, then that's your niche. If you want to partner with or be the face of any other enterprise or business, you have to choose one that is compatible with the controversial principles of your niche. 

    So no enterprise that wants to attract LGBQT people or feminists as part of its customer base is a suitable partner for Jer and Jinge, and Jer and Jinge aren't suitable representatives for them. Jer and Jinge love Grace Community Church of LA. They're faces of that church. So....the principles of the niche they've chosen preclude them from being the face of anybody in a niche that holds the opposite of MacArthur's key views.. If you're known to be associated with such a niche, then that may drive away customers who vehemently disagree with your key principles. That's just a fact of life. 

    But guess what???  There are plenty of  companies and organizations that he could partner with or be a representative of that are completely compatible with the principles of the MacArthur-Calvinism niche. So there's no reason he can't brand himself and work with people who brand themselves similarly. As @Snow Fairy has pointed out, there's a perfectly good brand available to him -- but he does little to really go for that brand niche. 

    Now, can he partner with anybody he wants to,  just because he likes the non-gluten donuts or whatever that they sell?

    No. Nobody is going to have much if any luck trying to be key participants in two contradictory niches. (It's not impossible to work for somebody in a contradictory niche, of course. But why waste your time and energy and court repeated disappointment by even trying? It's a big world and every niche has people to work with, so try those first, at least.)

    Al he needs to do to have a lot more success than they've had so far is find organizations that agree with the MacArthur-Calvinist controversial views and generally just avoid organizations who hold opposing views, at least until he's happy with the number of gigs he has, so that losing a new one he's tried to land isn't really a blow).

    If they'd been doing this from the beginning, I think they'd have had plenty of partnerships and gigs. But instead they've gone after partnerships with people who are on the other side of a huge controversy that has tremendous ability to turn off your customers, no matter which side of the divide you're on. (and, of course, most of those people weren't careful enough either -- although I think they probably never expected a MacArthur Calvinist to show up and want to sell donuts in their sex-positive lefty stores...) 

    Nobody who holds any controversial views can expect to just hook up with any business. Nobody's being unfair to Jer and Jingle by refusing to have them  as the business's face after they learn what niche they actually represent. Literally no one will be an acceptable representative or partner for every business. If I tried to work for the Ark Encounter or Focus on the Family, they wouldn't hire me, no matter how much they needed any skill I might offer them. And that would be the smart move on their part. 

    Jer's wanted it all, seems to me. And when you try to have it all, you often end up with little or nothing. Hoping for the sake of their little family that he figures this out. 

    And you don't have to be Einstein to figure it out. As big a jerk as Der's repeatedly been and as much of a dumb-ass as he's appeared to be at times, I doubt he'll apply for jobs at law firms that specialize in gender-discrimination cases brought by trans people. And applying for a job and asking somebody to be their influencer are pretty similar. 

    As usual, you just explained it all much better than I ever could! 

    • LOL 1
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  9. 3 hours ago, leighdear said:

    He will never find that place.  Because as has been pointed out before, some people will search every square inch of the Vuolo's lives to find something they can torpedo, just because. 

    We've all seen the absolute glee some individuals take in heading straight to a new or potential sponsor, in order to trash this couple in social media and point out every single bad thing they can.  Even when they can only base it on the fact that there is a Duggar involved somewhere.


    Not only based on the fact that he married a Duggar - based on his own public misogynistic, bigoted  beliefs and hatred toward the LGBT community. Unless he denounces all that, and that would mean no more involvement with his church, members of the public will point these facts out. As they should, IMO. Bigotry, misogyny, and hatred for minority communities must be called out every time we see it. Especially when they are actively trying to use the legal system to take rights away from others.

    • Love 24
  10. 9 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

    Why don't they brand themselves for what they are - a religious family, 2 cute kids, dad and mom, living in LA. They could get so much more audience from that. But no, shoes and food is so much better

    Because there are so many of those out there already? None of that would make them special or interesting.

    4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    It's the Second Coming! 

    Is that what "The King Is Coming" t shirt was about? (and if so -- worse and worse and I didn't think it could get worse...)

    Are we sure that isn’t a Kanye shirt? 🤣

    • LOL 8
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  11. 6 hours ago, Booger666 said:

    My guess is that they aren’t saying in case she switches programs. There is so much negativity on SM I could see Amber supporters being nasty if she says she’s going to do a RN program and then switches to an ultrasound, PA, or PT type specialty. She’s older with two kids and may not be able to balance a lot of schoolwork with her home life.  It will be challenging and I hope she’s able to pursue whatever medical career she wants. 

    2 kids, but also with a husband who doesn’t really work.

  12. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Big hard no on this one. I have never, in all our years of marriage, offered to make my husband a meal when I was going out. Grow up Matt. Grow up Jeremy. And stop being so sexist, you assholes.

    Also, I don’t think Jinger cooks for him every night when she is home. And when does she EVER go out in the evening without him?

    • Love 13
  13. 11 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    She wasn't really discussing it though. She was shutting down conversation by saying she simply believed everything the Bible said and she "doesn't like to talk about it." Derick was trying to explain his more nuanced, reality-based view of the Genesis story and Jill might as well have put her hands over her ears. You got a window into how narrow and rigid her education was.

    Still a massive difference between the “conversations” that Jeremy and Jinger have. He talks, and she’s afraid to say anything he doesn’t agree with.

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