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Everything posted by duckseason

  1. Scott Gimple has been confirmed to return as showrunner for season 6. That'll show him.
  2. Beth had a tiny fanbase. It didn't get any decent numbers until she and Daryl wound up alone together and some people thought she was going to end up bouncing on Daryl's magic peen. There may be some genuine Beth fans but they're vastly outnumbered by the Twilight Bethyl peen-bouncing crowd.
  3. From that link: That is some fucked up shit right there. Don't tell me that killing off some pretend redshirt is sexist when those who are crying sexism are mocking real life women who survived domestic abuse. You want to find sexism? Go look in the fucking mirror.
  4. I don't care about the concerns of some silly girls [who are no doubt an embarrassment to girls the same age who aren't silly]. I came to watch zombies eat people, if I wanted some idiotic teen romance I'd watch the fucking CW. This is an adult show: it has sex scenes, the violence is graphic, the themes are for mature audiences, the focus is on adults You need to be a grown-up to watch. If what happens including losing a favorite character is too traumatizing, it's past your bedtime.
  5. It's because Mika wasn't a young woman who was alone around Daryl. Some of those people screaming "sexism!" wanted to hook up a young teenager with a man in his forties - that's a male power fantasy right there, and they wouldn't have given a shit about Beth if it wasn't for Daryl. I wouldn't because some people would call what they're doing harassment. Some of the content these "protesters" have sent to Scott Gimple and Melissa McBride and other cast and crew has been pretty disgusting.
  6. As far as personalities go I think they have the right balance. Arlene and Wek are colorful, Chilton is about the middle, and Jim and Vikram are fairly quiet, and the latter two are quiet in different ways. I like how Jim watches everything like a hawk and then lowers the boom when he needs to. Not a lot of excessive chatter from him. If they had a whole panel of loud attention-grabbers, like on Shark Tank, it would burn me out. I miss Bruce since he was laid-back and was another one who was good at balancing out the overall energy level. I liked the snowboarding jeans idea, the rest were blah. They brought up a good point about the plow attachments - how would it adapt to different plow blades. Arlene did get weird about the button - some people and not just elderly have trouble bending over and would appreciate a switch that was more accessible (but those hings have already flooded the market).
  7. It's frustrating because even if Kirkman regretted it, it was still written and filmed and no one even mentioning the CDC to Eugene was a huge, glaring hole. I don't like the skype format because now, as already said, people are going to do stupid attention-getting things to get their questions on the air and their silly hats and tiny dogs are going to pull focus and airtime away from the questions and answers and the rest of the show in general. I thought the hat guy did ask a good question, it's too bad he screamed it like a lunatic and felt that he had to just to get his question heard. Random: This will always be funny. Sorry, Beth, he's just not that into you!
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