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Everything posted by Netfoot

  1. Not terribly impressed by this episode. The seized brakes/failed hydraulic nail-biter was OK, despite the certain knowledge that the train would be saved in the end. But there seemed to be little advance made to the overall plot. I read a sci-fi novel where a time traveler was "doing the business" with a beauty from the past. While on the job, he observed a small millipede-like creature crawl out from behind her ear, run over her forehead and vanish into her hairline. It didn't put him off his stroke.... Once, crossing the channel (Dieppe/Newhaven) in a storm, I observed a lad trying to pick up a girl standing at the rail. He had a good line of chat, begging for kisses, etc, and I think he must have been successful in the end. But I didn't stick around to see how he fared. Because every so often this girl would hold up a finger to interrupt her swain while she vomited profusely over the side. He didn't seem to mind.... I guess if you're horny enough, you ignore, uh, trivialities.
  2. They are carrying an entire tail full of excess baggage. Finding labour would not be a problem. I assume since they still have gardens and farms that the pollination problem has been solved, whether or not they conscripted tailies to help, or made do with their existing labour force.
  3. Can't say from personal experience. I kept my butt indoors and only peeked out to see a sky that was completely hazed out and showed no sign of blue. Had to go out yesterday so stopped by the supermarket looking for tomatoes (none to be had) and while there a news flash came on the TV to say the dust would linger for anything up to a week. But we did have rain yesterday and last night (and still), so that may be helping wash the dust out of the air. The TV said that the dust would make it as far as the southern USA. I'm in a better mood than when I made my last post. Slept a little better last night. It's damp and windy and Buddy has gone back to bed. I wish I could join him. (There is some sort of weather system affecting us.) Gotta have a few words with Dr. Kristi re. napping, but I don't see her for 2½ weeks. I get to see the other sawbones on Monday, and hopefully he will reduce my steroid dosage, and will only charge me the usual $180 and not his preferred $360 for doing so. Today is day #91 for lockdown. I've been out as required to purchase food, meds and other necessities, but nothing frivolous! Bud usually comes with me for the drive, but stays in the car. It's been 47 days since he got out to have a run and a breath of fresh air. Gotta pay $1100 bucks for car insurance on Tuesday. Since I rarely get to drive the car any more, it's like $20 per drive, now. At least gasoline has gone down significantly. ETA: At some point yesterday - can't remember when - I guess I bashed my elbow on something. Now it hurts like hell at the slightest movement and is really bad if it touches anything!
  4. Not quite. Horticulturalists have been hand-pollinating their plants for centuries, especially when developing new breeds and strains of plant. They collect pollen from one plant and manually transfer it to te next. Lack of bees would be a PITA but it would not prevent the growth of broccoli, etc. It would just make it tediously labour intensive.
  5. Great. Active cases UP by one (from six to seven). Yesterday at supermarket, no tomatoes or peppers. My usual laundry still locked down (or out of business) and my favourite copy-center ditto. Buddy was up half the night, standing on my head and staring out the window, and repeatedly demanding to be let out to patrol or pee, one or the other, or maybe both. I got very little sleep, and I'm feeling it, but still under Dr. Kristi's "no naps" restriction. And now a "significant Sahara Dust outbreak" will affect the island until at least tonight, with "persons with respiratory issues" to take especial care (also non-GPS equipped marine users). They don't usually make much fuss about Sahara Dust, so I must assume today will be significantly high, or they wouldn't have released such a bulletin. I have had trouble breathing/shortness-of-breath for many months now. They found a mass of blood-clots in my lungs a while back, hence the damned warfarin therapy which requires frequent blood tests and makes me bleed everywhere at every opportunity. But it's been ages and I'm not seeing any improvement. They don't know what's causing it, and (apparently) they don't know how to cure it. All they know is how to charge between $1,500 and $3,000 a pop to run tests for it. My favourite of which is when they charged me $2,250 to run the test and then another $750 to interpret the results! All the tests BTW, have come back negative for whatever they were looking for. So. Windows shut up, no going outside, And a micro-porous cloth mask all day at home, to hopefully ameliorate the effects. Why can't the Sahara keep it's damned dust at home? <bitch><moan>
  6. Essentially, you are suggesting a meritocracy. The engineers and sanitation workers have value because of their skills, and for what they can offer the society of the train. But the useless 1st Classers have nothing to offer and should be thrown off so as not to waste resources that could be enjoyed by the worthy. This same argument could be used to justify euthanizing our elderly. They may have contributed in the past, perhaps hugely. But now they are too old to pull that plough, so off with their heads! It might be argued that those 1st Classers actually contributed more than any engineer or sanitation worker, and also, they did it first! Besides, if it is morally and ethically OK to eliminate 1st Class just because we find them inconvenient, it must be equally acceptable on an ethical and moral level to eliminate the Tailies because we find them inconvenient. And because they stink.
  7. What is it with this number? They are constantly on about the train being 1001 cars long. Have they counted recently? Suppose there are actually only 999? Or in fact 1002? We get it! It's a loooong train! With bigger than normal carriages! I just don't know why they keep on harping about the number.
  8. I'm getting a little tired of the messianic Layton edit. The eye thing was... unusual. Yes, and commuting her sentence was a big mistake. She was plainly guilty, the judgement was unanimous, and commutation obviously sparks up animosity amongst the people of the train who were unwillingly providing her with, uh, trinkets for her jewelry box. She should have been immediately transported to the Drawers, or the Ejection seat, or what ever the sentence was. But there has to be grist for the plot-mill, I guess...
  9. You are showing your age! (I remember that book.)
  10. Don't feel bad - I had to consult the same doctor to find out where the thymus even was! Removal supposedly reduces the amount of drugs I have to take to combat the damned condition which has ruined my life in so many ways. If I'm lucky, the reduction will be total. Fingers crossed... The tamarind logs came from a tree that was being trimmed. I'm hoping I can get some decent blanks out of them for the lathe, and also cut into boards to make various small items. They were only cut this week, so it will be quite a while before they dry out enough to be used for anything. Heidi asked about thin slices to use as place-mats, but that isn't as easy as it sounds. I could try slicing them quite thick (over an inch), letting them dry for a year and a half or so, and then reslicing them flat. Because they will warp and distort as they dry. Sorry to hear about you cousin. When you're suffering from something scary like MG, it's easy to become so focused on your own problems you forget there are people out there who are suffering from really scary stuff! I catch myself sometimes, when I go to the doctor, and I'm wingeing on about myself, and suddenly realize she (Dr. Kristi) helps patients who have so much more than I to deal with. I send best wishes to your cousin and hope she is comfortable and happy. Buddy, as the above photo shows, can't keep his sticky paws out of anything! It is impossible to take a photo without him somehow getting himself into the action! There is something on the edge of a recent X-ray that I am sure is his nosie! And yet... when you do want to take his photo he is the most uncooperative creature in the world. The frosting has been developing for a while, but I guess seeing him every day makes me less likely to notice. Heidi only sees him now and again, so she spotted it right away. Bud will be 7 (or 49) on 12th August, so not an old-timer just yet. Sometimes you see him in a cute position and as you reach for the camera... he insists on moving away and won't be called back gain! But I'll get him eventually... Poor bud is suffering the lockdown more than me. I at least get to go out every couple of weeks to grab meds/groceries. He gets to go in the car, but he doesn't get out to run and stretch his legs and breathe free air! He's only been out once in the last 85 days, and that was over 40 days ago. I must take a special drive out to the country and loose him, so he can run around for a couple hours. This lockdown is something else. Our PM has been great. She locked us down hard, but only for a few weeks. Then she began gradually opening up again, in stages. We are almost completely out from under, now. And it seems to have worked. I've been watching graphs of the numbers, and the sharp initial rise was immediately checked by the lockdown, and after the incubation period ended, we'v been tending down just fine, despite the gradual reopening. Right now, I can go out pretty much when ever I want (except weekend night-time curfew) and do virtually anything I want, so long as I wear a mask. I won't go out unnecessarily because of my own personal medical condition, but the country as a whole is getting back to normal. I truly pity those people I see on the news who have been locked down for months, and are told the lockdown might continue until August or even later. What is the point of that? My friend without the AR-15 will be OK. We've known each other long enough that she is quite aware I am only winding her up. I hope she remains safe from CV19 and the attention of the mob. Who I wish I could buy an AR-15 for is myself! Plus a number of other firearms as well. I fired my first gun when I was eight. I've competitively shot rifle and pistol. (Never been much of a shotgun person, though I'd just love to have a KSG-25 in the cupboard for when the SHTF.) Unfortunately, Barbados has very strict regulations on gun ownership. The only people who can easily get their hands on firearms are the ruffians, villains, rogues and scoundrels that can be found in any society. You know, the people who don't abide by the regulations generally, so are unlikely to abide by firearm regulations specifically. I have to go and see if the water is back on again. I've had lousy water pressure for three months. Who knew the reservoirs would be affected by lockdown? And yesterday and today long periods with no water at all. I have to wash pots and pans in the kitchen before I can prepare something for lunch. So I hope the water comes back on soon. I have several cans of water I can use to flush the toilet, but that is water I caught last year when the hurricane season started, so it's over a year old. I wouldn't want to use it for cooking! When the taps are flowing again, I need to throw it all out and refill for this year's hurricane season.
  11. It is exactly one year ago today that I had my thymectomy and hernia repair operation(s). Of course, I have fully recovered from that. Collected my tamarind logs yesterday. While doing so ran into my niece Heidi who commented that Buddy had "frosting". Yes, it's true, my baby has frosting. I will try to get a decent photo of him and his frosting and post it. Poor boy. Gotta take him somewhere he can run and breathe. He is really feeling the lockdown. It's been nearly 40 days since he was out of the house. Well, he goes out with me, but he stays in the van. So, it really doesn't count as any sort of outing for him. PM on telly yesterday saying that virtually all activities allowed to operate again, but people should still take protective measures. I assume that means masks. Still 6 active cases here. Curfew discontinued for four days a week but weekends (Friday to Sunday) still 8:00PM to 5:00AM. Public gatherings in excess of 250 people should call the cops in advance to give them warning, but approval is expected in virtually every case. They have already approved a "protest march" for Saturday. I wonder what they will be protesting? Naps are still banned, and this is having a negative effect on my reading. I have only read six of the books I recently received (plus the one I am halfway through). Ten Seventeen more remain here in a pile, and the one I ordered mnost recently is in Florida ad "Preparing for shipment". Gotta talk to Dr. Kristi about the naps, and I am hoping to persuade her to drop at least two pills from my daily regime, currently 31. Sent a message to a very old friend (43 years) who lives in SF. Teasingly asked her "So, which gun exactly did you buy?" Got a long tirade of irate messages telling me how completely unnecessary that would be... Asked for her exact address so I could "send you an AR-15." She refuses to talk to me now. Some people have no sense of humour. Going to have to see my neurologist. He monitors my progress and each month, reduces the amount of nasty drugs I am taking. It was coming down every month but I have not seen him for three months now. I would reallu like the drugs to fall to zero (remission) which was the whole point of the thymectomy. Shopping/pharmacy again Tuesday. I feel for another breadfruit. That and a few local ground provisions would be welcome. Otherwise still got 114 days of food in the house. May prove useful when the inevitable hurricane comes. Gotta go. Want to WhatsApp my surgeons from last year with some sort of silly thank-you message. ETA: Somehow, I have managed within the last few days, in separate unconnected incidents, to break by favourite plate and my favourite coffe/tea mug.
  12. The number of active CV19 patients fell as low as 4, and held there for a full week. However, a flight of returning citizens (110 passengers in all) was allowed in yesterday. All of these were tested and all were placed into involuntary medical quarantine for two weeks. Four were found to be positive. Two of the previous cases were cleared and sent home. So the net number of active cases has gone up to six. It is expected that some Bajan citizens will wish to come home, and the policy is that any Bajan requesting entry, no matter how sick they might be, will be welcomed "with open arms." At some point, there will also be non-Bajan arrivals. (Cruise ships which request aid for example, have and will be accommodated.) This means we will probably get more "imported" cases. This might go on for months, if not years, and there is no guarantee that we will ever be virus-free. This is the new normal. For me this poses the problem of how to know when to return to normal life. When do I carelessly rub shoulders with people in the market? When can I go out with friends? When do I leave home without my N95 mask? I imagine everyone is asking themselves these questions. I'm not usually a Nervous Nellie, but seeing as I just happen to have some of exactly the wrong qualities, which places me at more-than-usual risk... I don't see Dr. Kristy for another four weeks when I go for my next PT/INR. I suppose I will just have to stick with what I am doing until I see her, and she can give me advice on how to behave going forward. Buddy is being unusually naughty today. Begged for a snack, so I gave him a tin of tuna. Minutes later, he is nose down in the trash, stealing the empty tuna tin and dragging it out into the garage, where he can savour it at his leisure. Gotta go and get some freshly cut tamarind logs. Not sure what I will do with them, but if I don't collect them today, they are going in the skip! ETA: As I was getting dressed to go out, guess who raided the trash and stole that tuna can again?
  13. Given it's obvious racist nature, can this show expect to remain in production long? In a previous episode we see Melanie assembling a message from an earlier recording. I have to assume that recording was of Mr. Wilford's recognizable voice. I take this as evidence that Mr. W. does - or at least did - exist. The fact that Melanie must fake tapes and pull head-games with the phone tells me that Mr. W. is not available to deal with these issues himself. Is he dead? Did he miss the train? Is he in a Drawer? I don't know. But it's obvious that he is not available. I do not believe Melanie is Mr. W. but she is faking it that he is still in control, presumably to preserve order and retain control of the train. Draw your own conclusions, but
  14. What is the point of asking for my Photo ID, then peering intensely at my face mask, trying to confirm that it's me?
  15. Yes, I know, but I was thinking of the case where someone pays $250K down, in return for lifetime support/upkeep. I believe that in such cases, the retirement homes are legally (as well as morally and ethically) required to hold up their end of the bargain. I dunno. but so jump to your own conclusions!
  16. Latest PT/INR results just in (tested Tuesday). Numbers are good; just about the middle of the desired range. Testing again in 5 weeks. Also went to pharmacy, and took the opportunity to buy some veggies. Pharmacy was a problem. One of the immunosuppressants I am on simply was not available at my pharmacy, nor at any of their branches island wide. None of the alternatives were available either. Bad news: I need that stuff to avoid becoming a gibbering wreck and (possibly) dying. The pharmacist called all the competing pharmacies and found one with a small supply. She told me to get down there ASAP and try to get two months supply instead of only one. There is an island-wide shortage, and she didn't know when more of the stuff will be coming in. I had Dr. Kristi write me a prescription and whizzed around there. I was able to get them to provide me two months supply. Maybe taking two months was selfish, but I'm trying to keep breathing. (Figuratively and literally.) Wet Market Virus numbers gradually improving. No new cases in the last 12 days and active cases down to four! If that would just hit zero and stay there a while..... The whole Social Distancing thing is a PITA, but since I am particularly at risk, I will have to stick with it until someone I trust tells me it isn't necessary any longer. Don't know how much sense it is, when governors and mayors are releasing violent prisoners from jail, saying it's too dangerous to have them locked down in jail, then telling regular citizens it's too dangerous for them NOT to lockdown at home. Went to the supermarket/pharmacy Tuesday and there was a long line outside, everybody standing on the 6' paint-marks. I joined the end of the line. After 15 minutes a guy comes along and says "Are you waiting for the supermarket?" "Yes, and the pharmacy," i said. "Well this line is not for you, you can go right in!" Ok, good. Except I waited 15 minutes in the sun for nothing. And... the place is a supermarket/pharmacy. If the line wasn't for that, what was it for? Also, guys were up at the club yesterday. The report was "It was lovely - wind straight down the strip, 10-ish knots." Of course, I couldn't go. Because Buddy won't social distance or wear a mask. I can't blame him for the mask, because those N95s don't fit his puggy little face. And all he wants to do is go and rub heads with all his friends who he hasn't seen in... well, today is Day #75 for us. Good news! All 24 books have now been delivered! So... I ordered another book! But those books I just received allow me to complete two series of books, one 11 volumes long, and one 21 volumes long. I've already finished two of the new ones and started a third, and have a stack here still to read that is almost 15" (21 books) high, not counting the one on my pillow waiting for me. Trouble is, Dr. K. did not grant permission to take naps. I didn't get much chance to chat with her, so the subject never came up. (I was rushing to get to the pharmacy that had the meds which weren't available elsewhere.) Since I read in bed, and this usually leads to a nap, I am now only reading in bed at night, before lights-out. On Tuesday I was surprised to see the Ark second hand book tent in the usual place in the supermarket parking lot (first Tuesday of the month). I usually buy a couple books, just to give them some support, but I didn't buy any books Tuesday. We did drive by and stop so Buddy could give a small $20 donation out the car window, as he tries to do every month. Right after giving them the $20, Mango Man from a few weeks ago came by, looking hungrier than ever, without even any mangos to sell this time. He said it was his birthday which I doubt, but all I had left in my wallet was a $2 note, which I showed him. He wasn't too pleased, but all else I had was a Hard Dollar in my pocket and I wasn't getting out of the car to get my hand in there to retrieve it. So he got the two bucks and I don't feel bad. $20 for dogs and $2 for a human, but it isn't my fault. I'd have done it the other way around if I'd seen him first. But since he came along after and not before, the deed was done, and my wallet was empty save for the $2. Well, I guess I had better go see if there are any movies left on BitTorrent that I have not already watched.....
  17. When I produce or provide everything, but it gets taken away by force of arms, so it can be shared out to people who produce or provide nothing? I thought that was called "communism." There are people who worked and saved their whole lives long, and in the autumn of their years, pay a large sum of money into an all-inclusive retirement community. In return, the community is supposed to provide them with accommodation to the agreed level of comfort, meals of an agreed standard, a certain level of health care, etc. Timeline? As far as I know, the agreements are valid until the senior resident dies of old age. I see the train as similar to this. 1st class paid in advance for a certain lifestyle ongoing, and as far as I am concerned, they deserve to have the bargain upheld. 2nd class ditto: different payment, different lifestyle, but a deal is a deal. The trespassers in your woods (or the tailies on the train) made no payment (cash nor services), no deal was struck, they have no right to accommodation, food, or anything. The fact that they were allowed to stay and provided with something to eat is due to the generosity of the train's administrators. Not due to any rights they may feel they have. It always shocks people - especially Americans, who are real big on their rights - when they discover exactly how little they have a right to. I believe the big three we hear about are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. There is no right to food, water, housing, healthcare, education... You have the right to pursue these things, but not the right to demand that they be provided.
  18. When you are in a (permanently) closed environment, every single thing becomes a non-renewable resource. Every empty tin can, bottle or chewing-gum wrapper, every piece of string, every pint of pee. Save everything, because you never know when you might desperately need it. But I gotta admit, keeping haircut snippings is a bit of a stretch...
  19. So... they paid in advance for a product/service, but it's perfectly fine to refuse to provide what was promised. Thanks for your prompt payment, Jack, but I'm OK, so you can go suck salt! Or just go in at one end, and out at the other, dropping the tail section along the way. (No reversing, or even stopping.) Since this is essentially killing the tailies, why not simply kill them and reclaim the space on the train for later use?
  20. I don't get that impression of her. I think she is more clued-in than anyone else on the train, certainly more than any of the staff. She doesn't appear to be 'evil'. More pragmatic, sure. I think she basically does what she believes must be done to preserve the train, and therefore, the remainder of humanity.
  21. She hammed that up to such a degree it was awful. I dunno if she is just a bad actress or whether she was following the director's instructions. Either way, she wasn't wearing a sandwich-board to declare her interest, and that was all. Let me guess. She will make some sort of over-entitled play, get snubbed, then be all like "Daddy, the tailie put his hand up my dress!"
  22. I think Tiara Girl is sitting on it.
  23. You are probably right. But at the present time, they have only been on the train for 6-7 years (did I get that right?) so maybe they have not yet experienced anything that would introduce such a thought. The issue with the trade-off of power to maintain speed vs. power to illuminate carriages seems to be the first sign of a crack in the system. Still have to consider the idea that all the food, liquor, cigars, linens, etc, are the property of the first class passengers who literally paid for that stuff. So, if the question of who contributes what ever comes up.....
  24. I think a) Cruise Liner, b) All-inclusive Resort, c) Orient Express. You pay for the experience up front, and enjoy the benefits of the 'package' thereafter. Perhaps certain things are billed extra, like booze on a cruise ship. Now, assuming there is no future after SnowPiercer, what use a monetary system? Greenbacks, diamonds or TrainBucks are essentially worthless, because they can't be used to acquire any objects not already on the train. Why would the SnowPiercer administration want your money in exchange for a bottle of wine? They can't use your money to replenish the wine, and they can't spend their profits on anything either. Class interaction? Well, some people contribute more than others. More cash up front to finance the construction or completion of the train itself. Some people contribute less cash. Some, none at all. What you get in return is determined by what you contribute. First class passengers on an aeroplane get Bucks Fizz. Coach passengers get lousy coffee. Is this classist? If I pay for a Roller and you buy a bicycle, is it classist to suggest that we shouldn't both be given a Toyota for our money? If you paid for the train, you get to live the life of leisure and luxury that was promised you in exchange for your money. If you paid not-so-much, you get less leisure and luxury. If you paid nothing, you came on as a worker, and you get to earn your board and lodgings by doing your job. Everybody gets the right to stay on the train. Now, at the last minute, we have a buncha people leap on board. They are essentially trainhopper, who in the distant past might have been thrown physically from the train when caught. These trainhoppers have been allowed to stay and even provided with a (very unappetizing) food source. It would be easy to say they could simply sign on to the mobile workforce and 'pay their way' with their labour. But this assumes there are enough jobs for the trainhoppers, and there is no evidence of this.
  25. Heh! It was when I was off to England for 3+ weeks. Saw her the week before and honestly, I was feeling pretty low, physically. Maybe because I had been on a fairly harsh diet for a while? She gave me a B-12 booster shot, told me to stop dieting while overseas, and to eat anything and everything that came my way. She specifically instructed me to seek out scones, clotted cream and strawberry preserves, and called it a prescription. You know, if she wasn't a generation too young for me, and happily married with more kids than you can shake a stick at... she still would be outta my league! :-)
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