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13 Good
  1. Yeah as a poker player/fan I immediately recognized Vanessa. She's fairly awkward (as me and most poker nerds are) but definitely incredibly intelligent. Clay is certainly a handsome fella but seems dumber than a bag of rocks, with a personality to match. A few of those ladies definitely want to jump his bones. Meg is annoying to the point of cringe, I hope she tones things down. Jason seems like he's acting like a caricature of himself. John (dentist) is uncomfortable to watch. Jackie comes off as an incredibly unpleasant person. Audrey has unspoken immunity for at least the first half or so of the game, if not longer. The rest of the cast will be petrified in fear of the backlash and claims of transphobia if they put her up for eviction. I guess they brought on Jace to fill the "douche-bro" role in this season. He was also painful to watch. I'm hoping some of the flagrantly annoying traits are more jitters and trying to get their personalities out at the onset and they start to get more comfortable.
  2. So on topics other than THAT scene... Does anyone actually believe LF would let Cersei get her paws on his beloved Catelyn-reborn, Sansa? I think he senses the instability in KL and that Tommen's reign is a sinking ship. I LOVED the "shrine" at the House of Black and White. It was incredibly creepy but was mesmerizing and kind of hauntingly beautiful. I'll be interested to see who a young girl will become. Gotta say that Tyrion is quite the quick thinker when his life (or manhood) is on the line. First with the wildlings, now with these pirates. I hope his plot armor can keep him alive and whole! I did not realize how much I missed Matriarch Tyrell. Dianna Rigg really owns that role and is easily in my top 3 favorite characters in the show. Can't wait for her showdown with the High Sparrow.
  3. That was an incredible monologue by Andrew Lincoln. He brought it. It's a shame that he had completely lost his mind and was drenched in blood because what he said wasn't exactly wrong. He definitely couldn't see that he was coming off as an invader, though. Deanna didn't really seem to be willing to come to any actual middle ground, she just hemmed and hawed like the politician she is. Are we expected to draw relation from Rick's attempt at taking over with Glenn alpha'ing that Alexandria red shirt? Sonequa Martin impressed me this episode, she's got some real acting chops. The woodland romance came off of awkward, which is too be expected. Poor Coral. The really odd scene that stood out to me was when Rick asked Carol why it mattered so much to her to protect the Anderson son from an abusive father. Is Rick really not stupid enough to see the parallels? They were speaking very quietly though so I might have missed something. And I did catch that language being repeated later by Jessie to Rick.
  4. I was really hoping this episode would redeem the pretty lackluster season after an awesome episode 1...sadly it did not turn out that way. They did a horrible job of showing us that Maggie was still concerned about Beth, and the hospital storyline was really weak in my opinion. I also don't know what went wrong with Beth for me. Whether it was the writing, the direction, or Emily Kinney's dull, one-note performance, but I just could not get invested in her at all. I don't have the searring hatred that some others on this board have, but I think my opinion of her is worse: total indifference. When she was shot I experienced a little shock but nothing emotionally jarring. The writers have shown they're capable of creating compelling female characters, so I don't know what went wrong here. I havent read the comics so I don't know how big her role is in them, but choosing her to hold up a storyline was a bad idea IMO.
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