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bubble sparkly

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Posts posted by bubble sparkly

  1. It kind of seems like the Northerners picked Jon as their leader because someone (Glover?) was trying to suck up to Jon and cover his ass after the Boltons lost the BotB, and the rest fell into line. In s5 and 6 the Northerners didn’t care that Ramsay was abusing Sansa and they didn’t support the Starks in trying to take back WF (apart from Lyanna Mormont). The North decided to support the Boltons as Wardens and accept Cersei as their Queen. They most certainly gave zero fucks about the Starks.

    After the North made Jon leader it took them about 30 seconds to turn on him after he left for Dragonstone. They are a fickle bunch and why anyone actually wants to be in charge of these morons is beyond me. If Sansa ever gets her wish to be the boss they will turn on her in a hot minute too.

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  2. Yeah, I think D&D have laid enough clues to foreshadow how the Dany / North conflict will be resolved. “They’ll come to see you for what you are”, “you have to earn their trust” and “my father said you find your true friends on the battlefield” etc.  Northerners hate Dany, then the WF battle happens and Dany and her armies fight side by side with the Northerners, the survivors give each other friendship bracelets.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

    I have never understood why they would wait until Spring to try and execute Tyrion. If they are executing him at Dragonpit, then it must been that it is death by fire, right?

    The whole "Tyrion is held prisoner for a few months" thing seems pretty strange to me as well.  For starters, it seems ludicrous that Arya "serial killer" Stark would sit back and let Tyrion chill in a cell and then risk him weaselling his way out of another trial when he apparently betrayed the Starks.  I presume the Tyrion trial won't be another sham trial like the one they cooked up for Littlefinger.

    If the Tyrion trial stuff is true, I would love it if Jon gave the Dracarys order to execute Tyrion by dragonfire.  This is solely so we can see people who claim Dany is a Mad Queen Tyrant for using her dragons fall all over themselves to justify why Jon doing the same thing is somehow different and totally okay lol.

    • Love 6
  4. 14 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    We do know that a ton of fake snow was used for the Dragonpit, so I'm guessing D&D will be going crazy with those grey/blue filters to make everything look appropriately dour, as you said.

    If whatever was filmed in the DP required lots of fake snow, does that throw a bit of a wrench in Friki's claims that Tyrion has been locked up for at least a few months? Assuming the NK is defeated in ep 6, and thus Winter is "over", would it still be snowing a few months later?

    • Love 2
  5. Jorah has to somehow end up with Sam's sword next episode right?  What are the options for how this happens?  Does Sam just fling it at Jorah with a salty "you may as well use it since all the other Tarlys capable of fighting are dead"? Does Sam end up getting over his Dany hate next episode (maybe Dany absolves Jaime and it makes Sam re-think his position)? Do Jorah and Sam have a private heart to heart and, I dunno, Sam tells hims to use the sword to protect Gilly and Little Sam? Or will Jorah save Sam in battle, then end up grabbing the sword from him to keep fighting?

    • Love 1
  6. I also wonder, if Friki's leak is correct, if the Tyrion betrayal is the Big Dramatic Secret Ending and who ends up where is a more minor footnote.  Sansa ending up LOW isn't surprising, Arya ending up with Gendry or going travelling again isn't surprising, Jaime and Cersei dying isn't surprising.  So, following that train of thought, Dany and Jon ruling together and having a little Targ baby isn't surprising.  The only surprise for casual viewers may be if Dany decides to destroy the throne and D/J employ a more collaborative style of government. So perhaps D&D wanted Davos to plant the seed in ep 1 for when everything gets worked out in ep 6.  Perhaps they are banking on the Tyrion reveal overshadowing everything else and being the main focus of the finale?

  7. I am torn between thinking Dany and Jon will run away and live near their waterfall etc., or they will rule together.  They seemed to be trying to make an Important Point with Sam's waffle about whether Dany would be willing to give up the throne.  It could be hinting to the GTFO of Westeros ending, or it could just be a hint that Dany will indeed have the opportunity to take the throne later in the season but she will destroy it instead and propose a joint rule with Jon.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

    ITA. Dany isn't going to do anything to Jaime. She has never held people responsible for their parents' sins and she has long accepted the truth about her father's madness from Ser Barristan. Of course, this will anger the Northeners and leave all fans who dislike her even more furious.

    Oh yeah, good point that Dany "forgiving" Jaime would likely anger the Northerners even more.  Certainly, Sansa and Arya might be even more pissed if the whole Bran thing comes out.  Jon would potentially let it be for the time being due to the AoTD, although who knows what his mood is going to be like next ep.

    • Love 1
  9. Hmm, after watching the promo I wonder if the Dany/Jaime stuff is going to be a bit of a bluff?  Like, Dany starts out talking about what Viserys told her about the Jaime/Aerys situation, then flips it by saying that she's since learned her father was an evil man etc.?  Of course, given Jaime shows up without any Lannister soldiers perhaps no one will be falling over themselves to absolve him of past actions, especially if Bran drop the window!bomb lol.

    Also, Dany was told a few times that she needs to earn the Northerners trust, so it seems likely this whole situation will play out as expected, with everyone hating her until the battle in ep 3.

    Finally, this episode laid the perfect groundwork for Bronn to have a darkly comedic ending.  He finally gets his castle, then promptly dies of the pox.

    • Love 6
  10. I don't know if there is a deeper underlying meaning to any of this or if it's just coincidence, but is it strange that a lot of the ancestral swords are now being wielded by non-family members?

    Mormont sword (Longclaw) - wielded by a Snow (who is actually a Stark/Targ)

    Stark Sword (Ice) - wielded by a Tarth and a Lannister

    Tarly sword (Heartsbane) - will be wielded by a Mormont (if the trailers etc are correct)

  11. 26 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    The fact that the only plot point (other than the 8x03 battle) that the cast members seem willing to discuss in any detail is Sansa's dislike of Dany speaks volumes about just how important it is to S8, in my opinion. They haven't even released the episode title for 8x01, but they can't shut up about how much Sansa distrusts and dislikes Dany?

    I swear, with how much press this whole “Sansa hates Dany” thing is getting, I am half expecting Dany and Sansa to end the series as ultimate BFFs with Sansa making Dany’s wedding dress and  calling her “sister”. It feels like 80% of the cast media stuff over the past few weeks has been about the feud.

    • Love 5
  12. If Dany was really ruthless she would take her dragons and her armies and move to juuusstttt outside the Northern border, heeding the Northerners requests to leave them alone. Then when the AOTD comes through she would fight and presumably win the war, and it would be easy to take on Cersei and present herself as the savior of Westeros. Then she should take any surviving Northerners at their word about wanting to be independent and let them rot and starve, refusing to sell food and other goods to them or supply any aid. They would end up bending the knee in no time or moving South to survive.

    • Love 7
  13. Wasn’t there a picture of Sami and Lucas on set in a hospital some months back? Perhaps they come back for a few episodes while Will has brain surgery or something? It was also suggested that Sami is back for the Caroline farewell, but I don’t know if that was filmed at the same time as the hospital picture. It’s hard to keep track with this 6 month delay.

    • Love 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    I tend to agree with @anamika that I just don't see Sansa as the endgame Lady of Winterfell at all, but personally I don't see the setup for Arya or Bran as endgame Lady/Lord of Winterfell in the show. It would seem random to me, depending of course on the writing in S8.

    Maybe Dany takes revenge on the Stark "mean girls" by kicking them out of WF and naming Alice Karstark LOW and WOTN in the finale lol?

    One of the things I find a bit weird when considering Sansa's endgame is that she has been LOW since the end of s6.  So if her endgame is to be LOW, it seems kind of underwhelming since she would have effectively achieved her endgame 2 seasons before the finale.  I guess Sansa could be named Warden and get a promotion of sorts, but she was essentially acting Warden in s7 when Jon was gone so again it's a bit "same old".

    Alternatively, I can't think of any other endgame Sansa could have apart from a last minute marriage to Tyrion (if the trial thing is fake) or Robin etc.  However, Sansa doesn't appear to currently have any desire to be married again, so D&D would need to either show her falling in love or show her deciding to enter into a political marriage for whatever reason.

  15. I can understand why Sam would prefer Jon on the IT, just like Missandei would prefer Dany etc. However if Sam blurts out Jon’s parentage to other people without Jon’s consent I think that makes him an asshole and a shitty friend. It’s extra stupid when the AOTD are on their way and there is really no time to be playing political games.

    • Love 6
  16. I don't think any J/B romance scenes could happen in 8x02, because I simply don't see how there would be enough time for Jaime to have the necessary scenes dealing with the Starks/Tyrion/Northern Lords and to get romantic.  If JB are going to hook up I think 8x04 makes more sense because they would have barely survived the battle of WF and it probably gives them more of a nudge to just jump in and hook up while they still have the chance etc.

    Jon will probably be in full brood mode in 8x02, so if there are anymore J/D sexytimes I'd probably guess 8x04 for them as well.  Thematically it would be more satisfying for another sex scene to occur after Jon and Dany have both accepted his Targ heritage and if they are at the Targ ancestral home of Dragonstone (and as per the 2nd trailer it seems JD have one scene there).

    The only other couples or potential couples that might be in with a shot to hook up are Missandei and Greyworm (but they got their big scenes last season so I doubt it), and Gilly and Sam (but I can't really see them getting another one)

    • Love 4
  17. To be fair to Jon and Dany, the Northerners themselves don’t seem to give a flying fuck that the AOTD is approaching. The only thing they seem to do once JD arrive is berate them and whine about knee bending. So if the Northerners can spend hours bitching and whining, which has no benefit to the war, then JD can spend a few hours showing the dragons how to mate.

    ETA: the GA likes dragons, and they like hot people having sex. Jon and Dany are also two of the most popular characters. I really doubt the GA is suddenly going to hate Jon and Dany because of their waterfall sexytimes.

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  18. Given FV has brought a number of his OLTL faves back as multiple different people, the best solution might be to bring JT back as a new character (maybe a Quartermaine?). That way he can be on the show and not tarnish Scrubs, but anytime KMc makes an appearance he could just play Patrick.

    But this is assuming Miller wants to go back to Y&R. My understanding was that Y&R has a strict taping schedule and they weren’t prepared to give BM time off for prime time and movies, which is why he ended up leaving. BM doesn’t seem content to be a soap lifer so he may not be prepared to go back to Y&R and give up his prime time goals.

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  19. Did Friki claim that Tyrion was working with Cersei and made a deal with her though? I know there was talk of the “I never bet against my family” line, but there was also something about Tyrion locking the gates to KL or something.

    Friki’s story about the Tyrion trial has always been incomplete. I truly am curious as to whether he got the biggest scoop of the offseason or whether he was majorly conned.

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  20. Okay, I am cackling. According to Freefolk, a couple of people who were at the premiere say that the dragons watch Dany and Jon kissing passionately with great interest. The leakers also seem to agree that the kissing leads to(offscreen) sex and the dragons are down with watching this too. I guess the dragons are very supportive of their mommy getting them a new step-daddy lol 😂.

    ETA: maybe this scene of Dany and Jon going at it in front of the dragons is what Emilia was referring to when she said that Dany does some weird shit in s8 haha?

    • LOL 7
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  21. I don’t see how getting killed by dragonfire is a “worse” death the methods we have seen our other heroes use. We have seen various Starks use decapitation, hanging, eaten alive by dogs, poison, stabbing etc. They have shown that dragonfire kills people very quickly onscreen, and it seems to take a similar amount of time to kill someone as the socially accepted hanging and decapitation methods.

    I’m sure death by dragonfire is not fun, but it’s not like death by dogs, poison or decapitation is a painless death.

    • Love 9
  22. Another thing that annoys me is how there's this idea that Dany should never use her dragons...apart from when other people tell her she should.  Apparently using them to kill traitors is out.  Yet Jon was actively recruiting Dany's dragons in the fight against the dead, so it seems it's fine for her to burn wights (do we know if they can feel pain like humans can?)  Then we get the the battle in 8x03.  If the Lannisters and the GC attack WF will Sam, Jon and the Northerners want Dany to saddle up the dragons and attack the opposing army?  Or will they tell her to take the dragon and stay away, and make her promise not to burn any humans even if the Lannisters/GC kill every human in WF?  If a Lannister soldier corners Gilly and Dany had the opportunity to save Gilly and kill the soldier with dragonfire, I somehow don't think Sam would be opposed to the dragons be used as weapons in this scenario.

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