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bubble sparkly

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Posts posted by bubble sparkly

  1. So moving forward, it appears that only Bran, Dany and Sam know about Jon's paternity.  It also seems like the Northerners have come around to Dany given their cheering in the promo (unless they are cheering something else).  Do we think we will get Sam spilling the beans to anyone?  If the final battle with Cersei is 8x05 then it seems like any drama about Jon being the heir really needs to come to a head in 8x04 right?

  2. I have to admit I thought the NK would escape the WF battle, I really didn't think we would have only Cersei and Euron for the last 3 eps.  Although, I guess Dan and Jon's army is down to like 3 people and 1 dragon now (or did Rhaegal survive, I was unclear on that).

    Also, I really don't know what to think re Tyrion and Sansa.  Their interactions seemed pretty shippy, even in the midst of Missandei giving Sansa an epic verbal smackdown lol.

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  3. Is book Alys the one who married a wildling? It’s possible they are keeping her around to be shown married to a wilding or Dothraki in the epilogue to show how all the different factions have integrated (and that the Northerners no longer run screaming from a brown person). Alys, girl, do yourself a favor and hook up with Qhono. He’s a million times hotter than the ugly dumbasses we’ve seen so far in the North.

    Although it would be hilarious if Cersei tasked the GC with kidnapping Sansa and they proudly present her with Alys lol.

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  4. I don’t see how anyone could mix the two up anyway. Alys has orange hair and Sansa has a deeper red. So only someone who  didn’t know Sansa well could possibly think an orange-haired body could be her.

    But yes, isn’t that the latest Jonsa theory heh? Poor Alys will die, for some reason people will think it’s Sansa, then Jon will go crazy and realise he’s deeply in love with his pain in the ass sister lol.

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  5. Yeah but I’d argue Jon’s death was nothing more than a plot point to release him from his vows. No one questioned his honor for leaving the NW, he wasn’t changed by death at all etc. So if, and this is as big if since our only lead is a song lol, Dany did go through something similar it could be for a plot point reason. Maybe she needs to die so Jon can realise he’s okay with marrying his Aunt? Maybe it’s so the Northerners will finally come around to Dany after seeing her die for them?

    • Love 4
  6. I suppose Dany dying then being resurrected would fit with why D&D are trying to tease this Mad Queen stuff so hard.  Like, we're supposed to think that she's going down a dark path, but then she proves her "worthiness" by giving up her life / claim to the throne, and is rewarded by being resurrected.  I do wonder how the inevitable Targ baby would fit.  Would she not actually get pregnant until the epilogue, somehow give birth before the big ep 5 battle (lol), or die preggo and just have the foetus get resurrected with her?

  7. I never thought the day would come when we need to listen to a Kardasian boyfriend rap for GOT spoilers lol.  If Beric survives 8x03 then I think he is definitely in the frame to give someone the kiss of life because he doesn't really serve a purpose.  Mel is the other obvious candidate.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    8x03 and 8x04 have the same content warnings: adult content, adult language, and nudity.)

    Wait, someone is getting naked in 8x03?  8x04 I can understand as there will presumably be a bit of a breather from fighting so couples can have "we survived" or "we're related and we don't give a fuck" etc. sex if they so choose.  Surely no one is nuding up in Winterfell in 8x03, so perhaps it will be Cersei since we know the body double filmed something.  Maybe she Gone Girls Euron, or she has the miscarriage that was delayed from s7?

  9. Assuming the scene with the flirtatious Northern girl wasn't cut, I think there's a good chance she's going to be used to make one half of a couple or potential couple jealous.  I would think Jon and Gendry would be the main candidates.  Possibly Jaime, but the Northerners still seem to have an aversion to Lannisters.

    I guess it could be something random like Bronn going to a brothel when he gets to town, or Tyrion's "I can no longer whoremonger" resolve being tested.  I hope it's Jon for the sole reason that I find it absolutely bizarre that no Northern women have tried to land the hot, young, single (as far as they know) King/Warden.  Like, I know Northerners are dumb as a box of rocks, but this really takes the cake.  Not one single girl has thought she might like to be the King's/Warden's wife and climb the social ladder?  Not one single Lord has told one of his attractive daughters to try and get Jon into bed so said Lord can try and force a marriage?

    • LOL 6
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  10. Just out of curiosity I checked the Foxtel GOT ratings warnings for ep 1 and ep 2.  Ep 1 specified violence, sex and nudity and ep 2 only specified adult themes.  I guess Arya's sideboob and the Gendrya sexytimes didn't meet Foxtel's definition of sex and nudity lol.  Sadly, they appear to be so spoiler-phobic they aren't releasing any ratings warnings for ep 3 in advance.

    So if there is some sort of adult content warning for ep 4 maybe it is a sex scene without full on nudity?

    • Love 1
  11. So after the first few episodes I have seen people looking back over some of the recent cast interviews to try and see what is still to come.  A couple of interesting ones for me are:

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What can you tell us about Sansa’s storyline this season?
    SOPHIE TURNER: Sansa this season is very much enjoying becoming a leader in her own right and the leader of Winterfell, and this year there are certain challenges of people who come into her life that threaten that. She has to go behind a few backs and risks tearing apart her family.

    Now, Sophie is a notorious troll so she could just be exaggerating for dramatic effect, but I am curious about "going behind backs and risks tearing her family apart".  I wouldn't say any of Sansa's actions in the first 2 episodes fit this quote, unless she was exaggerating the Sansa/Dany stuff and perhaps classifying their convo in ep 2 as going behind Jon's back to ask for Northern independence.  If ST was referring to something still to come, the only thing I can think of is if she goes behind Jon's back (maybe with Sam?) to try and get support for his claim to the throne.  Although Sansa has seemed pretty keen not to stick her neck out for Southern politics stuff recently.

    “The whole show is just a discussion on power,” Clarke tells me in an interview at the Mandarin Oriental before the premiere at Radio City Music Hall. “Because the Iron Throne is representative of complete and consuming power and what that does to someone. It’s fascinating, what I’ve found about the sacrifices that you make and what you get out of it as a result. Ultimately, if you get on the throne, what are you really getting? Cersei proves that you’re not getting that much,” Clarke says. “You’re getting a lot of loneliness, pain, critiques.”

    I think this may support the idea that Dany will ultimately give up her claim to the throne (and probably destroy the throne in a symbolic gesture). Whether it means Jon/Dany co-ruling, a more democratic style ruling council, or Jon and Dany peacing out to the waterfall, I don't know.  I do get the feeling that we definitely won't end up with one singular ruler at the end though.

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  12. The only reason I can think of for them to throw Tyrion in jail for a few months is that, for whatever reason, D&D want to time his trial to fit with another event. Dany giving birth could possibly fit if you assume she’s already a couple of months pregnant but doesn’t realise. Although that still seems odd because it’s not like they couldn’t delay the trial for a few more days if she went into labor.

  13. Yeah, I still can't really make sense of the Tyrion leaks based on what we have seen for the first 2 episodes.  So far everyone is agreeing that he's a smart and clever guy who made a series of bad decisions.  Even freaking Jorah's (presumably) dying wish to Dany is that she keeps Tyrion around!  Political genius Sansa has given him her stamp of approval. So far there are no clues that Tyrion is acting against Team Good Guy.

    Even the spec that he closes the gates of KL to try and stop the AOTD seems weird because we were beaten over the head with "peacenik, anti-violence" Tyrion last season.  If Tyrion practically got the vapours over Dany executing the idiotic and traitorous Tarlys, I'm not sure I buy him suddenly being ruthless and practical and deciding to sacrifice the KL residents to save the world.

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  14. Well she either has to marry Royce or Robin lol, neither are exactly A+ marriage material. At least Robin is age appropriate and  the actor has had a puberty glow up. Unless the show is going to produce some other young Vale hottie in the last few episodes (Harry the Heir or similar) and have Sansa fall in love

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  15. 11 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

    Too bad that unlike Dany, the people in the North only care about each other and have no use for people who don't look like them or are different from them.

    It doesn't exactly paint the Starks in the best light that all their subjects in the North are so blatantly racist that even little girls are basically like "eww brown people" when Missandei got too close to them.  I mean...... yikes.  No wonder Grey Worm and Missandei want to get as far away as possible when the war is over.

    • Love 10
  16. Two other random points that may or may not mean anything.  When Emilia said she was emotional filming her last scene and everyone was telling her to chill out because it was a shot of her hand, was that the scene with Sansa that ends with Dany pulling her hand away?

    Also, on the Inside the Episode D&D talked about Sansa not trusting Dany yet after being let down by monarchs in the past etc.  The way they were phrasing it seemed to imply that Sansa is only insisting on Northern independence because she isn't ready to accept Dany as her monarch due to this lack of trust.  Does this mean that once Sansa presumably does decide Dany can be trusted, that the North will happily agree to be part of the 7K?

    • Love 4
  17. I think they laid it on very thick with Sam's comments last week during the parentage reveal with the "you gave up your throne to save your people, would Dany do the same" stuff.  So, I feel like D&D are going to have Dany prove she's "worthy" by giving up her claim in favour of Jon because she loves him and thinks he will be a good king, and because she thinks it's important for the Targ line to continue.  Now, presumably Jon will fight her on it since he doesn't want the throne, and then this will perhaps lead into the Boatbaby reveal and/or we will get a continuation of Davos' "they should get married and rule together" idea.

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  18. 14 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

    Dany's emphasis on Jon being the last male Targaryen heir makes me think that she will end their relationship and give up her claim so their family line can continue

    I think this is likely too.  It seems like it could happen in the Dragonstone scene from the promo, where Dany was in front of the fireplace and Jon was behind her.  I can see her "ordering" him to take the throne and find a girl to marry so their line can continue, then Jon angrily declaring back that the only girl he's marrying is her.  Then they have fiery Targ sex on the floor or whatever lol.

    I think it's telling that so far no one has verbalised that Jon and Dany are aunt and nephew, and that Jon had no problem with Dany cuddling him in the crypt.  I think the show is going to sweep the incest stuff under the rug and their issue will be the throne / the Targ line continuing.

    Also, I don't know what I think about the Tyrion stuff.  This ep we had Jorah going to bat for Tyrion and saying how smart he is.  Is this setting up for a Tyrion betrayal later or are Friki's leaks bogus?  I just don't know!!!

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  19. I think another possible explanation for this Sansa stuff is that she's at a narrative dead end in s8, and has been since the end of s6.  I think I have said this before, but if Sansa's endgame is LOW, she effectively reached her endgame 2 seasons ago.  Even in s7, one of the main reasons both Sansa and Arya acted so stupidly is that they had to drag out the Littlefinger stuff until the finale, when Sansa already knew he was a devious snake in ep 1 and could have executed him for the Boltons and Lysa stuff then.

    It appears that a lot of the other main characters are going to experience some kind of personal crisis, reflection and growth in s8, however it doesn't seem like Sansa has anywhere left to go.  Jon obviously has his parentage stuff to deal with, along with the associated Dany drama.  Dany has the Jon stuff which will likely lead to reflections about her not being the last Targ and heir to the throne.  Unfortunately, we will probably get some sexist bullshit about Dany deciding she's been too ruthless or something (and none of the male characters will be required to have a similar revelation).

    Arya still has her list and a possible romance with Gendry.  She may be required to have a similar "violence is not okay" realisation like Dany.  Jaime will have to confront his past actions r.e. Bran and presumably has a final confrontation with Cersei.  And Cersei will likely meet a sticky end etc.

    Whereas with Sansa, so far in s8 she's challenged Jon, distrusted Dany and distrusted Cersei.  None of this is new territory, and is basically a variation on everything she's said in the past 2 seasons.  The most popular speculations for other things Sansa will do in s8 are that she might lead the women and children during the battle (a Blackwater callback) and play a role in discovering Tyrion's alleged betrayal.  Again, this is nothing new, the show has been trying to tell us that Sansa is a capable leader and political mastermind since s6.

    So I think the reason the cast are free to say Sansa is a badass leader and political genius is because there is absolutely nothing spoilery about that, since that has been the show's position on Sansa since s6.  Whereas, with Dany most things she is involved with this season seem to be spoilery.  D&D are clearly playing up the Mad Queen angle in at least the first few eps with Sam leading the charge, and we still have the Jon parentage reveal and heir to the throne drama that may not be fully resolved until ep 4. I am slightly comforted by the fact that D&D didn't appear to berate Dany in the Inside the Episode stuff and say she was in the wrong, because they haven't had any problem doing that before.

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  20. 16 minutes ago, glowbug said:

    I just can't imagine why Dany would tell Sansa she shouldn't have trusted Cersei when Sansa clearly doesn't trust her. 

    Agreed.  Also, I don't get the feeling Sansa and Jon have shared every single detail of their lives from s1 to s5 with each other, so I doubt Jon himself would have even been able to pass on details of when Sansa did trust Cersei in s1 for Dany to bring up in a conversation.  Like, Sansa and Jon clearly had an offscreen conversation in s6 about recent big ticket items such as Ramsay and the whole "return from the dead" stuff.  But I don't get the vibe that Jon told Sansa about Ygritte and all his NW adventures from the first few seasons, and I doubt Sansa went into detail about her s1 foolishness r.e. Joffrey and Cersei etc.  Jon isn't exactly a big sharer at the best of times, and Sansa still doesn't even completely trust Jon.

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