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Quilt Fairy

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Posts posted by Quilt Fairy

  1. So after anonymously taking the Greyhound bus to Calgary, Canada, Neal then uses his U.S. passport (one assumes) to fly to Venezuela via Cuba? Way to keep on the down low. Can Americans even go to Cuba legally?


    They also seem to be copying one of the sub-plots from the movie Goodnight and Good Luck about Murrow and McCarthy. But if it's not against the rules for co-workers to date, I don't understand what the HR VP/Don/Sloan sub-plot is all about. Everyone knows they're a couple; they've announced they're a couple. Now they're suddenly supposed to hide it? Where is this going?

  2. Actually, I think that the Amazing Yellow Line as been red this year, or at least it was in the previous episode. I'm not determined enough to research this to be certain though.

    The Amazing Yellow Line plays well with other colors and allows them to share in the limelight when there are multiple departures and routes.  I use yellow as the default because I believe it was the first color used on TAR and was the first that was given it's own capitalization on TWoP.


    IIRC, the pole greaser was scooting up the pole and still managed to fall off before he reached the top.


    "Twisty little passages, all alike." Hah! I remember that! As well as "A maze of little twisty passages, all different." Geez, we're old.

  3. I couldn't figure out why so many racers were showing up at the Pit Stop with bruised faces until I realized it was probably from the polishing wax they were using on the armor.


    Malta was stunning.


    I know they 'only' took a ferry to go from Sicily to Malta but I would have appreciated an appearance by the Amazing Yellow Line, it helps me get oriented.

    • Love 1
  4. I was so pleased to hear "It's a party! No black or white!" But in the end I thought the prettiest thing on the runway tonight was the outfit Gunnar was wearing.  Other than that, there were a lot of dresses vying for the bottom. I thought Sonija should have been there rather than the top. I wouldn't have been surprised to see Samantha, Michelle, or even my favorite Justin in the bottom.


    And in the grocery store today  I was surprised to find something designed by Isaac Mizrahi: Kleenex boxes. (I could try to say something snarky here but seriously, what could I add?)

    • Love 5
  5. Let me understand this: Dave wants to be a partner, so Todd pulls $500K out of thin air as the amount that would be needed to buy in. (I sure hope Dave had a lawyer review the deal before it was signed.)  So Dave is now a 'partner', but runs the entire mining operation and makes all the decisions. Here's the big question: What the FUCK does Todd do?

    • Love 4
  6. Easily could have been a 3-2 or 4-1 victory for Red if they'd let go of the egos for a second


    Except it could never be a 4-1 victory, it was 'first team to 3 points'.  Which is a stupid and obviously pointless way to set up the challenge since they were announcing the winners after each round. Suppose one team ran the table 3-0 and game over. Then the judges are supposed to pick someone from the losing team to go home but there are 2 chefs on that team who didn't even get to present their dishes. How could they possibly select one of those chefs to leave? And all of this is a long way of saying you knew it was going to be 2-2 and go down to the last pair.  

    • Love 13
  7. God, dripping water on the floor, reminds me that I'm not going to get presents like this all the time and gets back in the tub. Thank you, God.

    • Love 17
  8. I recommend that anyone watching Curse stay tuned for Search for the Lost Giants which airs after it on HC. Two brothers, crazy quest, what's not to like?


    These guys are about as likely to actually find anything as the clowns on Finding Bigfoot.

    Probably true. But I want these guys to find something, whereas I'm actually rooting for the FB team to fail. (Of course, they haven't failed because they don't just believe, they know.)

    • Love 1
  9. Anyone else watch this quirky little show on the History Channel? From their website:

    In 1795, three teenage boys discovered a strange, man-made depression in the ground on Oak Island–a small, wooded island just off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. As the boys began to dig, they found a number of intriguing artifacts. It was the end of the piracy era and rumors of buried treasure were rampant. The boys’ discovery launched a treasure hunt that has spanned more than 200 years, cost millions of dollars and involved dozens of speculators, engineers and even famous personalities such as John Wayne, Errol Flynn and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It has also cost six men their lives.  According to legend, a seventh must die before the mystery will be solved.

    The search had gone dormant, but last year, Rick and Marty Lagina, two brothers from Michigan with a life-long interest in the mystery, renewed the efforts to discover the legendary treasure.

    Marty is the skeptic and the money man; Rick is the true believer. It's difficult to say how much money they've invested in this search. The island is described as privately owned, but I don't know if they bought the whole thing or just a piece of it.  Over the course of the first season, we were told that Oak Island could potentially hold a fortune in pirate gold, the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Seriously, where is Indiana Jones when you need him? Oh, and there was a Swedish guy who showed up and said he'd found the correct location to dig from decoding Shakespear's plays. You can't make shit like this up.

    • Love 3
  10. I personally had no issue with menu design being part of the challenge.  That is something that a top chef needs to master.


    I thought it was a very interesting part of the challenge, something we never see except for Restaurant Wars, and no one went home for a bad menu, only a bad dish.  This was the first time I can recall them selecting a winning team without picking out one member as the actual winner. (Which never matters unless there's a prize on the line, but they do it anyway.)

  11. Why do I have absolutely no recollection of Ernie and Cindy?

    They were from my home town of Chicago, which is the only reason I remember them. She was the woman who was super-prepared for anything TAR had to throw at a team. IIRC, they won a goodly number of legs as well as the title.

    • Love 1
  12. I was also confused that Wickham has a sister but Darcy is unaware?

    That made no sense at all. Wickham grew up at Pemberley, his family worked there (possibly for generations) but now there's a heretofore unknown sister? And I have to say, when Mrs. Younge was speaking of the 'strong bond of love' between her and Wickham, I got an unclean feeling from it. As in, if they really were brother and sister, there was some incest going on. Mrs. Younge's desire for Wickham's son Charlie also struck me as slightly off.

    • Love 2
  13. I wanted to report that the TV reviewer in the Chicago Sun-Times today gave a very favorable review to S3. No details, except that the first episode will cover

    the Boston Marathon bombing

    , but she did say that the final 6 episodes will send the show out well. I'd include a link but I cannot find her comments on-line.

    • Love 1
  14. For those who haven't read the original, Col. Fitzwilliam was a very nice man in the original.

    This bothered me so much. He inherits the estate after the death of an older brother and suddenly he's an asshole? And what would he be doing still in the Army? Soldiering was for 2nd sons.


    I also couldn't understand why Will - the guy who was dying and couldn't even get out of bed - was suddenly able to get to the front door, bash Capt. Denny with his stick and then run into the woods after him. Really? Really?!!


    I thought it unlikely, but I really wanted Wickham to hang. And I think it would have been a nice P.D. James 'twist' to have the guy that everyone was sure committed the murder actually commit the murder.


    Whatever other anachronisms there were, nothing bothered me so much as Lizzy running up the scaffold crying "Stop the hanging!" Shit like that you might expect from an American screenwriter writing for a least common denominator American audience. But English writers writing for an English audience? For shame.

    • Love 3
  15. Of course, now that I say that, next week probably the Scientists will win a leg and the Dentists will be out. Which would be awesome.

    Which can't happen. They'd need 2 consecutive last place finishes to be out. How much longer is the damn Save valid?


    I think Jim's eyes didn't bother me as much this week because he was squinting in the Moroccan sun and you couldn't see all the white. I honestly don't think I could be one of his dental patients. Imagine looking up at those eye from a perspective of 10-12 inches?

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