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Demented Daisy

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Posts posted by Demented Daisy

  1. Quote

    That’s definitely bad news, and something which is sure to come into play as Sam and Dean seek his help when Supernatural returns.


    I'm still waiting for an episode like Good God, Y'all or Abandon All Hope -- every recurring character (or close to) in an "all hands on deck" situation.  But if they did that, then Sam and Dean would have to explain to Jodi why they're working with the demon that tried to kill her.

    Seriously, Crowley needs to die.  Then Rowena can become the Queen of Hell.  ;-)

    • Love 1
  2. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE, GREEN
    • Diane -- BLUE
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- ORANGE
    • Sue -- PINK, PURPLE
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    Amara consumes the grace of what Heavenly "number cruncher"?

  3. Correct!  (A lot of the questions are similar, just worded ever so slightly differently.)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- ORANGE
    • Sue -- PINK, PURPLE
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE):

    Castiel takes Sam and Dean to what year in order to prevent Anna from killing John and Mary Winchester?

  4. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- PINK, PURPLE
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE):

    Charlie, Dean, and Sam encounter this ancient European family while tracking down the Book of the Damned.

  5. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- PINK, PURPLE
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Creatures (GREEN):

    In order for Dean to be cured after he is turned into a vampire, he must not drink any human blood, as well as obtain what from the vampire who turned him?

  6. Correct!  

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- PINK
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    What are the three ingredients needed for the Horn of Gabriel spell?

  7. Correct!  (Though in the episode, she is known as Greed.)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- PINK
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Locations (YELLOW):

    All of the following Winchesters have been to Hell aside from which one: John, Mary, Dean, or Sam?

  8. Correct!

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    What are the names of the demons known as the Seven Deadly Sins?

  9. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE):

    Who does Rowena ask Sam to kill if she decodes the Book of the Damned for him?

  10. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN

    Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE):

    In the Season 10 episode "About A Boy", Dean is magically transformed into a teenager.  What is his exact age?

  11. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW, PURPLE

    Our next category is Creatures (GREEN):

    What is the name of the vampire that Dean befriends in Purgatory?

  12. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- PINK, YELLOW

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    What kind of spell does Henry Winchester use to travel from 1958 to 2013?

  13. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- PINK

    Our next category is Locations (YELLOW):

    Demons and other inhabitants of Hell can travel back and forth to Earth through portals known as what?

  14. It was Amanda Heckerling, a reference to Amy Heckerling.  :-)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- BLUE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 
    • sarthaz -- 

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    What are the names of Azazel's two demon children?

  15. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Diane -- YELLOW, PURPLE
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- GREEN, PURPLE
    • sarthaz -- BLUE

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    This special gem is needed for the illusion spell that Crowley helps Dean use in the hunter's final confrontation with Cain.

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