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Demented Daisy

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Posts posted by Demented Daisy

  1. 9 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Crap, I was waiting for someone else to answer this more assuredly, but I guess I'll take a stab at it...amulets and...not sigils, but another word for sigils...crap, I don't know.

    Amulet, yes, but does anyone know what kind?  @Diane is the only one who hasn't chimed in, I think....

  2. 2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Hmm after the Chuck = God reveal I fanwanked that Chuck was Chuck in S4. The Chuck we knew was killed in 423 along with Castiel and, that's when God stepped in. I don't know if that actually works with everything we've seen in S11 but, that was my thought at the time. 


    Yep, I thought so at the time, too:

    On 4/19/2016 at 4:09 PM, Demented Daisy said:

    I think it's possible that Chuck was God in S5, but not necessarily in S4.  And not just Swan Song, but the entire season.

    Is it possible that the archangel that smited the crap out of Cas was God appearing to Chuck?  Consider what Castiel trying to talk to Dean did; imagine if God did the same.  I think He could quite easily blow Castiel to smithereens, convince Chuck to be His vessel, then bring Cas back.

    I'm not saying that's what happened, but I accept it as a possibility.

  3. Correct!  

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE, ORANGE

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    In the season 1 episode "Salvation", John says he has a whole arsenal to hold off Meg, including holy water and what objects?

  4. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE, ORANGE

    Our next category is Locations (YELLOW):

    What is the first named motel where Sam and Dean stay?

  5. Ditty is correct!  

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE, ORANGE

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    What's the phrase Dean uses for the conversation between angels that all angels can hear?

  6. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE, ORANGE

    Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE):

    What was Sam's score on the LSAT?

  7. Correct!  (The card was looking for a buruburu, but I'll take it.)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE):

    What is Dean's favorite TV hospital drama?

  8. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Creatures (GREEN):

    Ghosts born of a person's fear of dying in a terrible or horrific way are called what?

  9. Quote

    Escaping capture for 28 days wins the couple $250K.

    Wow.  That's way short of the billion dollars a runner got for eluding the Hunters for 30 days in Stephen King's The Running Man.  ;-)

    • Love 5
  10. Correct!  (30-40 million; I would have accepted either answer.)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz --

    Ou next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    Crowley travels to Saudi Arabia to claim what mystical item?

  11. Unless they're going to make a ship canon, I think everyone associated with the show needs to refuse to talk about it in the future.  And if asked, respond only with, "Asked and answered."  Or something along those lines.  To do otherwise just engenders hurt feelings.

    For example (Harry Potter, go ahead and skip), people shipped the HP characters.  The biggest ships were Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione.  Those ships were, obviously, in opposition to one another.  JK Rowling eventually made one of the ships canon (R/Hr).  But people who shipped Harmony (the Harry/Hermione ship) never stopped.  They pointed to passages from the books as proof of why Harmony should have been the "one true ship".

    Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, JK Rowling said that she made a mistake.  That in reality, Ron and Hermione would probably be divorced by now and putting them together was "wish fulfillment" on her part.  The actress who played Hermione agreed and said that she always felt that Harry and Hermione should have been together.

    It was bad.  It was really, really bad.  The Harmony shippers were gleeful, boasting that they were right all along and Jo proved it!  The Ron/Hermione (which some called Romione -- not nearly as cute, huh?) shippers were crushed that their ship, which had always been canon, was now being torn down by the woman who created it!

    Long story short, shippers gonna ship.  Better for everyone else to stay out of the way, IMO.

  12. Quote

    "This world needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get"

    Hey, does that mean someone is planning on rescuing Adam from the cage?  ;-)

    In all honesty, I would appreciate one little line.  Anything, really, to show that his sacrifice, however misguided, did not damn him to an eternity of torment.

    • Love 1
  13. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • Diane -- ORANGE, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW, PINK
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz --

    Our next category is Locations (YELLOW):

    Crowley estimates there are how many souls in Purgatory?

  14. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN, BLUE
    • Diane -- ORANGE, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz --

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    Castiel had a fondness for what kind of sandwich when he was human?

  15. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN
    • Diane -- ORANGE, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN, ORANGE
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz --

    Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE):

    What was the name of the dog that Sam adopted as a teenager?

  16. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- GREEN
    • Diane -- ORANGE, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK, GREEN
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz --

    Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE):

    How many season 1 episodes does Bobby Singer appear in?

  17. Correct!  (Famulatus)

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- GREEN
    • Diane -- ORANGE, BLUE, PINK
    • catrox -- PINK
    • AwesomO -- BLUE, YELLOW
    • Sue -- PURPLE
    • sarthaz --

    Our next category is Creatures (GREEN):

    Ghosts can infect the living with this disease that causes the victim to experience extreme fear that leads to cardiac arrest.

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