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Posts posted by lucy711

  1. 1 minute ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    Looks like Jon has known Fernanda since she was just a leeeeetle girl.  Fernanda was a fast one....hooking up and getting some tits when she was just a tot.

    As an aside, I wouldn't get implants so young. My chest filled out in college.  I'd love implants now, but I'm in my 30s and could use a lift after breastfeeding.  Fernanda rushed this!

  2. 7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Somewhere in the he said, she said versions is a bit of the truth.

    There are thousands of beautiful young girls who try to be models. Very few make it. Fernanda is one of the dime a dozen, at least right now. Maybe build up an Instagram modelling portfolio, since that is how it seems to be done. Have an IT factor. Other than that it is a tough slog. And a lot of hard, hard work for a small chance at making it. Or at least making enough money to live on.

    Did Fernanda ever say that she was interested in modelling? Did she not approach any agencies/agents in Mexico and start her book/portfolio? There was never any real mention of what she planned to do in the US. I just assumed that her husband was paying for college or community college courses for her and she would work toward some degree or other certification.

    Chicago is a nice big city with a lot of people and a lot to do - culture, sports, shopping, parks, etc. Sure beats where Jon lives.

    And how Houston? Does she have friends there? Family?

    I had zero expectation the marriage would last more than a year or two. Fernanda chose to leave Mexico, she chose to leave her family, she chose to come to the US to marry a dude. It was time to grow up and not throw a tantrum each time your husband comes home late from work, or if he wants to spend time with his friends. You are not sewn to him.

    I can love and honour many people. Wonder if Fernanda was being true to herself, or maybe hoped that Jon would fund her modelling dream. Um, no, you work on that yourself and that is something you should have done before your married him.

    Maybe they will own their dysfunction on the tell-all and that both simply conned each other with promises they never intended to keep.

    Thank you for saying this.  You don't just waltz into a modeling agency and get a contract.  It involves a lot of work.  My sister-in-law had a portfolio done and ran around all over NYC for years and got nowhere.  Like Fernanda, she is very pretty, but so are many, many girls that age.  And pretty isn't enough- you have to be the right height and have the right frame for clothing.  Maybe she should actually consider a more viable long-term plan like getting a skill or attending college.  Not everyone can make a living on taking pictures on Instagram.  I don't think she and Jonathan ever talked about long-term plans prior to their marriage.

    • Love 8
  3. 10 hours ago, millennium said:

    Ashley described herself as short and slender.   I ran to the dictionary to double-check the definition of slender.

    It's funny how everyone has different perceptions of body types.  I think she is slender but not skinny.  I think a woman can have a large chest but still be slender if she isn't carrying too much weight elsewhere.

    • Love 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Booger666 said:

    Leida’s dress was awful.  Really, really awful.  It looked like an oversized toilet paper roll with a bunch of cheap glitter on it.  No shape or design to it at all.

    The chapel where Colt and Larissa got married must have a spa package for the guests as part of the wedding package because I noticed cousin John was wearing his swim trunks and flip flops.  Sheesh.

    Yes.  You are right about Leida's dress, but I think she doesn't have much shape in general and that is why she wears oversized tops.  I don't think she is bad-looking at all, but her personality detracts from any attentiveness that she may have had.  Her wedding was so incredibly sad.  They would have had such a better time getting married in a court course and then treating themselves to a fancy dinner afterward.

    I agree with what @Drogo said- many men seem to cheat to feel better about themselves and the attractiveness of their spouse/partner is not the issue.  I mean- Prince Charles cheated on Princess Diana, and she was so beautiful (although they were so mismatched that they never should have married in the first place). 

    I think Ashley has many issues and that leads to her poor decision-making.  She needs to take a step back and focus on herself for a while before looking for another life partner.

    I am used to seeing people wear cocktail attire at weddings, so watching the attire of the folks at Colt/Larissa's wedding and Eric/Leida's made me shudder.  I live in NJ and it is common for non-bridal party members to even get their hair done for nice weddings.  I have only seen one wedding in real life where people weren't dressed up.  I went to a wedding for friends of mine in Pennsylvania.  The groom's family looked fine, but multiple people from the bride's family came in jeans and flannel shirts.  I couldn't believe it.  And the mother of the bride wore pants like Debbie.  It was the first time I saw a mother of the bride/groom not in a dress (As an aside I've been to many other weddings in PA where everyone looked fine).  Edited to add this: I think a woman could rock a fancy pantsuit at a wedding if it is tailored right, but the mother of the bride in question was in generic black pants and a blouse that was somewhat like Debbie's. 

    • Love 9
  5. On 12/23/2018 at 8:22 PM, Teri313 said:

    Well, I just think that TLC is desperately trying to make the Jay and Ashley storyline a condemnation to a certain degree on American's and that we are racists, when we really haven't seen anything that supports that. They (Jay?) complained about being uncomfortable because people were staring at them in the market. Well, that's what happens when a camera crew is following you around. People are curious. They want to know if it's someone famous. It's almost 2019, it's not that unusual to see bi-racial couples. And if you do, people aren't staring and point or threatening them or making rude comments. I have never witnessed anything like that. And what has the rest of his experience been like since he's been here? People welcoming him with open arms - her friends at the party they threw for him, the wedding venue guy. The only person who's been a problem (aside from the ex-boyfriend) is what's-her-name (Natalie?), but her problem is that he's a player and she thinks (and is probably right) that he cheated on her. I just really don't think TLC needs to create a racial problem. If there is truly an incident, fine, but it looks completely manufactured to me at this point.

    I agree with you.  Ashley said on social media that the racist comments on her page were the work of a jilted ex-boyfriend.  I've heard people even surmising that TLC planted the comments to make their storyline more interesting.  I put nothing past TLC, but I'm willing to accept her explanation.  It seems like everything with this couple has been distorted by the show in some way.

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    He had a way out of the marriage -- NOT get married in the first place.   But that would have meant a one way ticket back to his home country and starting all over again on another mark.   He thinks the wedding means a guaranteed green card so he got what he wanted.   Now he is ready to move on and be single and sleep around again.    Except he missed ONE important part -- he still needs Ashley to sign off on the green card.   He sly, but not smart -- like most con men.

    Yeah, I tend to agree.  He is young and impulsive and has not mastered the con yet.  Azan, though, was quite good.  How many thousands of dollars did Nicole give him?  And I think they are still "together."  But then again, maybe he just found an easy target!

    • Love 3
  7. 4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I can't totally hate on Jay because he's 20.  I don't know many 20 year old's who want to settle down, especially not in this age of social media, where there seems to be an endless supply of people to hook up with.  I think Ashley thought that she, Ashley could keep this man faithful.  It's one of those,  "My love can change him."  or "Once he sees this, he'll never stray."  Uh huh, tell me another one, Ashley.

    Jay knew he wasn't ready.  I don't feel bad for him because he was clearing working a con on Ashley the whole time.  I didn't think he was in it for the green card, but apparently he was.

    But I agree that Ashley showed a terrible lack of judgement.  I'm Ashley's age and have a child.  I would not entertain marrying a 20 year old for one minute.  It's absurd.  I am at a completely different stage in my life than someone that age.

    • Love 11
  8. 30 minutes ago, Sterling said:

    Full disclosure:  I'm not one to talk about weight.  But I don't wear skintight midriff tops with asymmetrical bands cutting into my tummy a la Larissa.

    She's put on weight since her arrival.  Seems she's enjoying some of Debbie's bith stew and homemade pizza and 200 hot dogs.

    Yup.  I think it's easy to put on weight in the USA but I'm sure she will soon figure out where to go for healthier food.  Incidentally, I think I'd gain weight if I moved to any foreign country because I'd want to try all of the foods that I wasn't used to eating!  Even when I was in Britain I gorged on the scones and biscuits!

    If I was Kalani's mother or father, I'd slowly start cutting financial ties.  Kalani is capable of working.  Asuelu can do something once he gets his legal paperwork.  All parents watching this show should take note of this story and realize that Kalani's attitude is what happens when you don't raise your children to be independent and self-reliant.

    It was much less fun watching for me last night because I didn't participate in the live chat.  But I was multi-tasking and baking/wrapping at the same time.  Happy Holidays to everyone!

    • Love 12
  9. 3 hours ago, eatsleep said:


    eatsleep- I'm not so sure how you quoted me (about Steven and Olga the "martyr") because I didn't write this.  Not a big deal, but I'm not the type of person to use the term f---boy!

    • Love 4
  10. 18 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    Same here.

    I'm kind of surprised by the number of people that seem to think she should be able to contend easily with being housebound.  Yes, you can take online classes.  Yes, you can clean.  Yes, you can bingewatch Netflix.  Yes, you could Uber somewhere, provided your fiance is okay with paying the tab for that.  She's essentially housebound in a foreign country with no friends here, all at the age of 19 when being housebound is the last thing you want to do.

    At 51, I go stir crazy working from home 7 days a week.  I can keep myself busy with work, but it is isolating being all by yourself on a routine basis  -- and I have the means to get out of the house.  And with Fernanda and others, it's a 3 month process.  It's not a week we're talking about.  She's not staying at a luxury resort where there is plenty to do in walking distance.  And she doesn't have a endless budget to do fun things during this 3 month process.  Is it really too much to ask of her mate to be spend that time with her on the off hours?  Or maybe be more courteous and invite her out w/his friends?  I understand his need for solo time but could he not have met the friend for lunch?  While she speaks the language well, it's still her foreign tongue.  Her friends are not local.  There's an age gap with his friends.  

    Did she overreact?  Likely.  But I think she's going stir crazy and this was just one more example of his thoughtlessness.  

    I thought Luis was a real fucking turd, but I had a twinge of feeling sorry for him b/c he was also pretty much housebound in Molly's house -- and she basically expected him to babysit the kids.  

    You can fill your days with activities; you can talk on the phone with your friends.  But the need for real human interaction, in person, is really huge.  And for now, she has no real friends in the area.  It would be nice if Jon would come get her for lunch during the day just to get her out.


    The reason I'm not more sympathetic about her being housebound is that it is temporary.  And she, and the other fiancees, knew that coming over.  Their significant others still needs to work. Maybe Jon can't come home during lunch hour.  Many jobs don't offer that flexibility.  My husband works too far away to even consider coming home at lunch.  You can't expect the partner to take off for weeks at a time.  Most jobs won't allow that.  And I still hold that going to a bar ONE NIGHT after work isn't that ridiculous.  I don't think that is thoughtless at all, although he could have responded to her texts.  It might be a personality thing in that I've always enjoyed being home and can always find something to do (yes, even after I had surgery once and couldn't drive for weeks).  If Fernanda is an extrovert, I'm sure it is harder.  I don't think there is definitely a right or wrong way to react to Fernanda's situation.  It is about how people cope with different situations and what our expectations are of our partners.  I do agree with you in that Jonathan should probably take more time to know what she likes and doesn't like to help her adjust to life in the USA.

    Luis was a slightly different story because it was wrong for Molly to expect him to babysit HER kids.

    • Love 4
  11. 19 hours ago, iwasish said:

    I don’t get it. Fernanda tells Jon’s mom that he’s everything she wants in a man. Then she tells him he’s selfish, thoughtless and cruel. When he’s buying her stuff and escorting her around town, going to the gym and having everyone look at her and Jon, the glamorous beautiful couple everything is swell. He works long hours to make a decent living and he seems pretty generous. Yes it is boring to be home alone for long periods of time day after day, but that’s his lifestyle, she’s been with him long enough to know it. He’s given her a car and that offers her some freedom, he doesn’t have her locked up in a tower.

    If she’s mature enough to get married, she should be mature enough to figure out how to fill the time that she is alone. It’s not forever, just til the green card is approved. She and Jon  both argue that she is indeed mature enough to leave her family and home to marry and start a new life in the US, but as soon as she’s no longer the center of attention and Jon’s universe, she flips out and becomes an hysterical mess. 

    I find it so amusing that Leida and Larissa and Fernanda and many of the participants on these shows complain that they’ve been lied to, deceived, treated badly, disrespected etc by their partner and are so unhappy and homesick, yet when it’s suggested that they return home to their motherland, irs all “oh, I can’t, I love him/her!!!”  How do you love someone who makes you feel so miserable ?

    I agree.  I feel like you can always find something to do if you make the effort.  I would take an online class if I were her since I'm assuming that she will want a job once she has a green card.  There is so much you can do online today.  Or maybe she can learn a new hobby- knitting, painting, yoga, whatever.  I'm an introvert so I thrive on time at home!

    • Love 3
  12. What amazes me is that Asuelu seems to be somewhat of a ladies' man.  I do not find him sexy at all and can't imagine wanting to go to bed with him, even if he seems sweet.  Maybe I would with a few cocktails in me, but I'm just not seeing it!

    1 minute ago, RealReality10 said:

    My mom is a broker who started life as an agent.  It doesn't seem that easy to me and I'm an attorney in a state with the hardest bar exam.

    Agreed.  Being a good realtor is hard work and I would imagine the hours could be rough.  I never turn up my nose at any occupation.  To do well- whether you are a real estate agent, lawyer, teacher, plumber, waitress, accountant, construction worker, etc.- usually entails hard work. 

    • Love 20
  13. 1 minute ago, Drogo said:

    Romantic partners are entitled to get upset about anything that upsets them.  Jonathan doesn't have some constitutional right to go out drinking with his friends without Fernanda getting angry. 

    It's not really about being an adult, it's about respect. He doesn't know her, so he needs to be diligent about checking first to see how something he's planning to do will make her feel.  

    I suppose everyone handles relationships differently.  My husband and I don't and have never checked in with each other to do things like that (before we had kids).  I went to happy hour after work many times without telling him, and he did the same.  Jonathan doesn't have a constitutional right to go out, but I am a firm believer in each party in a marriage having autonomy.  We talk to each other about important issues and always consult each other before buying something significant, but my husband would have no time for me if I whined about him doing things after work on his own (as long as it wasn't every night).  Ditto for me.  I have also come to realize after watching this show that I am much less sensitive than most women.  A lot of stuff just doesn't bother me.

    • Love 5
  14. I am with Jonathan in that ridiculous fight.  If Fernanda thinks she is old enough to get married, then she needs to act like an adult.  Or, maybe he needs to teach her how to be a wife.  In my book, a wife doesn't throw a fit just because her husband goes out one night with a few buddies.  If she can't handle it yet, then maybe she should still be clubbing at home with her friends and come back when she is a bit wiser and more mature.  Jonathan is just dim-witted to think that he can reason with her the same way he could with a woman his age.

    • Love 2
  15. Kalani really can't claim ignorance over the birth control thing.  She's 30.  There are commercials for different birth control options on tv.  Or she could spend two minutes looking online.  She is in no position to be having a second kid since both parents are unemployed.  It's frustrating to watch someone who is so willfully ignorant and irresponsible.  Her family clearly has enabled her.  If I were in her position, my dad would flat out tell me that I was immature and a poor excuse for an adult.

    Leida should be counting her lucky stars that Eric's ex-wife is so decent. 

    Fernanda reminded me this episode that she is 19.  She just isn't ready to be married yet. 

    • Love 13
  16. 7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    I stood up in 2 weddings and the dresses were very reasonable, like $45.

    Bold - I think that is a southern thing.  Up here in Michigan the girl's family throws the shower, I have never been to a bachelorette party and being in the wedding is the gift.  In our family a co-bachelor/bachelorette party is the thing to do.  You rent gambling tables from the Catholic church and have a potlock.  The couple is the house.  You can even bring your kids as the grandmothers usually stay inside and stay with the kids.

    Wow.  I kinda envy your wedding traditions.  I'm in NJ, and weddings are over the top.  I don't think I've been to any that are modest.  As someone mentioned, showers are at restaurants, sometimes with open bars, and cost a lot of $$ that bridesmaids pay for.  And it is common for bachelorettte parties to be in Mexico or Vegas.  I honestly don't understand how so many people expect their friends to fork over such large amounts of money.  And at the showers/weddings I've been to, the bridal party gives a gift in addition to paying for everything I just mentioned plus their dress, shoes, hair, and make-up.  I once declined an invitation to be in a bridal party because it is just too much.

    • Love 11
  17. 3 hours ago, Pasha Kitty said:

    I agree that Tasha is not a child, she hasn't paid rent, and she trashes the place.  Leida is setting boundaries- good for her. 

    Same old story lines as the last few seasons.  The Larissa "calling the cops" scene was done by prior fiances Jessie and the little guy from the DR.  The fiance wanting the over-budget wedding dress was done by prior fiance Anfisa.  The family drama involving the overgrown kid Asuelo and his earth mother/fiance Kalini, been there done that.  More of the same.

    At least we'll get a new story line with the couple in Russia- fiance trying to leave a foreign country with his foreign born baby- hey, that's a new one for us!  Oh, and I sort of feel badly saying this, but Debbie really should see a dermatologist about having that big growth removed from her face.  Ugh, it's so ugly and probably a very easy fix.

    I disagree with you completely about Tasha.  It is not Leida's place to "set boundaries" when she barely even knows Tasha.  That's Eric's job as her father.  In these scenes, Leida isn't even married yet to Eric.  Also, she didn't pay the rent for one month while she was looking for a place, not multiple months.  And from what I understand, the apartment was Tasha's and she invited Eric to live with her.  Her room was messy...but I lived at college when I was Tasha's age and saw many rooms like that.  And if the apartment was Tasha's in the first place, she can get it messy if she wants to.  Eric and Ledia can go elsewhere.  I had a stepmother who entered my life when I was slightly older than Tasha, and she doesn't insert herself into the relationship between my father and me because it's none of her business and my father and I are both adults and were family long before she came into the picture  (She and I have a great relationship...probably because we both know our places.).

    Leida claims to be from "money" and claims to be very educated- so why does this woman bring no money into her marriage?

    This season is surely depressing.  I don't care about Colt/Debbie/Larissa anymore because Larissa needs to go.  Clearly Colt is never going to give her what she wants, the there will be a perpetual power struggle with Debbie.  She's blind if she can't see that by now!

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