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Posts posted by Iguana

  1. Sucks that it's ending, as shows that gets their drama from the challenges, rather than the production-enhanced petty bitcheries between the contestants, are few and far between.  But it was always going to have to end sooner or later.  It has a lot fewer potential contestants than something like Big Brother or Survivor, and they were going to reach the bottom of the barrel eventually.  I expect that they'll let the show rest for a few years, then bring it back when the contestant pool has had time to replenish itself.

    • Love 8
  2. So, Russell Crowe creates the John Oliver Koala Chlamydia Ward. Well done , sir. I say, very well done. (Iguana stands and tips hat towards Australia)

    In other news, Guliani is a Walking Dead zombie who just won’t stop talking. And I’m mad that none of the horses who didn’t win the Kentucky Derby were named Carlos Danger or Janet From Accounting. 

    • Love 11
  3. That. Was. Bullshit. 

    Roly has done some good tats but no one should be getting into the finals with that terrible pinup. Automatic disqualification, no appeal. I’d gladly trade some skin trauma ( which will heal) for Jason’s gorgeous tattoo rather than having to live with Roly’s kindergarten drawing. I’ve seen better artwork on the family fridge door. 

    • Love 7
  4. Wow is this show not for me. The me first/willfully oblivious attitude of Stella grated, but not all of that is her fault considering the bubble she was kept in. For me, the implied blame on her of all the bad choices and shitty circumstances of her family grated even more. Sister, no one forced you to have those kids. Brother, lots of people with terminally ill siblings manage to not be losers. Parents, you didn’t have to ignore your other kids and/or fuck up your own lives because of Stella’s cancer. 

    • Love 2
  5. When the flash challenge is more impressive than the tattoos, you know there’s a massive fail happening. The glass panels paintings were all very cool and I agreed with the judges that the battlefield scene was the best. But then came all the “stone” tats and boy did they suck. The best were only passable and the worst were   truly awful.  As good as what’s his name has been in the past that wolf was definitely worth being sent home for.  Just bad 

    • Love 4
  6. While I've never found Zoey Deschanel all that charming, I'm not sure she's solely at fault for the horrible interview segment with Bill.  He really seemed to get hostile when she wouldn't agree with him about not eating certain foods, and he just started barking "Bread BAD!!".   I think she was trying to say that engaging kids about where their food comes from instead of just plopping it on their plate can make them more interested and willing to try (good) food, but she was doing a god awful job of it.  Although Bill didn't help by interrupting her all of the time.  He really needs to let his guests speak more than he does during the interviews.


    Oh, and Bill?  The Jerusalem issue is a small part of a very big and complex mess that is the middle east right now.  There are reasons why most nations, and the UN, have tried to avoid setting off this particular powder keg, and Trump just went ahead with his usual lack of foresight and consideration.  And gained nothing in return.  

    • Love 3
  7. Hey y’all. Haven’t posted in ages but Happy New Year to all my Supernatural friends out there.  May this year bring you more of what you want than what we may deserve.  And that maudlin sentiment has been brought to you by a drunk off her ass Iguana. 

    • Love 6
  8. According to the CBC website, the first episode is November 1, 2017.  I am hoping that the Canadian version echoes the British original and goes with a focus on the baking fails or successes and camaraderie between contestants for the drama , and not bullshit rivalries and one-upmanship like too many other reality shows have.  I want that Canadian reputation for polite competitiveness to shine through.

    • Love 3
  9. No problem with the winners or losers this time. Pearl harbour was beautiful and could easily have been the best tattoo of the day even if the others had been of similar quality. Which, by a factor of infinity, they most certainly weren't. Am the rest had major problems of one kind or another but it was time for think before you ink to go home. They were unwilling to admit their tats had any issues and stood little chance of getting better and even less chance of winning. 

    • Love 3
  10. Thanks for the replies. I guess I wasn't clear that I was wondering if ptv was doing recaps of face off this season. As it's been more than five days since the ep aired and no sign  of a revap, it appears they aren't. Too bad as I enjoyed the commentary with visuals. 

    • Love 7
  11. Werewolves are not what I would choose for the first challenge, because their face shape, with the muzzle and ears, makes it likely the result will be mask-like, and, almost more importantly, werewolves have been done so often that its almost impossible to find an innovative look.  That being said, all of the makeups were less than breathtaking, even the winner.  Pretty ugly, all around., although the black wolves were noticeably better than the white.

     I am not thrilled with the set up for this season, with the us v. them shops, and the "foreperson" being in charge and held responsible for failure, but rarely getting credit for success.  Reminds me too much of the Apprentice and similar shows where its all about the shit talking, blame shifting and fake drama.  I watch Face Off for the process, and enjoyable camaraderie of the contestants, not this under the bus throwing shit.  I am not feeling optimistic about the changes, or the level of talent this season.  Hope they can pull it out asap.

    • Love 6
  12. To those having anxiety about this scary situation, I offer this small comfort. Consider the current make up of sSCOTUS. Trump has only one appointment to fill. Yes it will be a very conservative person and you can expect a rollback on a lot of social issues like reproductive rights, anti discrimination environmental protection etc. And that's going to suck epically for a lot of people. But none of the current members of the bench owe Trump a damn thing. And even the most conservative of the current judges will have issues with laws that blatantly violate the constitution, like a Muslim registry or revoking citizenship would.  And I think that it would be highly likely that at least one of the four conservatives would vote with the liberal foursome to reject them. It's not much I know but there it is. 

    • Love 8
  13. That was boring as all get out. Bad call to start the second half of the season with a low energy "character study" that didn't really tell us anything new or interesting about the character. Also, I could live with fewer dead dogs, pee drinking and vomit. And while this show has always had characters do stupid things just because the plot said al or so, the two guys from the jeep just standing there while the herd shambled towards them may just be the best/worst one yet. 

    And until Nick finds and uses soap, shampoo, clean clothes and a comb, I cannot take him seriously. He's not a real person, but how anyone can stand to be within sight or smell of him without their eyes watering and their gorges rising is beyond me. And I don't think that's the audience reaction the show runners are going for here. 

    • Love 12
  14. 20 years to make the sequel and that's the best they could come up with?  No heart, no suspense, no logic, no thrills, no originality, no one in the theatre...  

    Why would the aliens in the prison still be in their protective bio-mechanic suit?  What happened to David's wife?  Why was the gravitational force of the queens ship strong enough to uproot cities but not raise the ocean water or the boats therein, or pull the moon out of orbit?  What  was Judd Hirsch and those inexplicably non-traumatized children and their dog even doing in this movie? If the queen lured the fighters and bombers inside the ship to trap them, why were the pilots able to move around without detection and so little opposition?  How can I get the last two hours of my life back?

    • Love 2
  15. What bothers me most about this show is the same thing that drove me crazy last season:  that almost none of the way Wayward Pines is run makes any sense from a survival standpoints.  People are nearly starving, but there are no signs of any food being grown or animals being raised by the citizens. Even if the soil inside the fence was no longer fertile for whatever bullshit reason they gave, they should have container gardens and hydroponics everywhere. Or maybe dig up those lawns where the grass is growing so lushly and plant some potatoes.  And continuing to have people doing non survival related jobs like running a beauty shop is a complete waste of labour and resources. And given Pilchers the children are our future motto, why would that malnourished kid not be a higher priority for food than the less useful adults. 

    The stupid, it burns. 

    • Love 16
  16. -- bottom 3 (setting up a triple kill! Mwa ha ha ha!

    10 - Bad Luck Sam

    06 - Impala Sam

    02 - Samifer

    01 - Tech Support Sam

    01 - Soulless Sam

    Restored to original factory settings

    Siren Sam

    Wicked Witch Sam

    Demon Blood Sam

    Husband Sam

    Sam in Teenage Witch


    Titanic Sam

    Djinn Dream Sam

    Trials Sam

    Hell Memory Sam


    Crazy Sam

  17. -- bottom 3

    18 - Bad Luck Sam

    17 - Impala/Sam

    15 - Soulless Sam

    11 - Tech Support Sam

    07 - Samifer

    03 - Crazy Sam

    01 - Meg/Sam

    Restored to original factory settings

    Siren Sam

    Wicked Witch Sam

    Demon Blood Sam

    Husband Sam

    Sam in Teenage Witch


    Titanic Sam

    Djinn Dream Sam

    Trials Sam

    Hell Memory Sam

  18. Heh. All due love and affection, Awesome, but I think I will have to decline any BBQ invites from you! You don't need hysteria woman causing a ruckus for your waspy friends. I'm not allergic, but they freak me the fuck out like nothing else.

    Heh. All due love and affection, Awesome, but I think I will have to decline any BBQ invites from you! You don't need hysteria woman causing a ruckus for your waspy friends. I'm not allergic, but they freak me the fuck out like nothing else.

    • Love 3
  19. Aw, geez guys. Sorry to hear about the tough times for y'all. Good vibes and happy thoughts to everyone.

    Just to share, I don't have any visual triggers that I'm aware of, but just the sound of a wasp or bee buzzing near me causes almost total paralysis. My body just locks up, instantly, while my mind starts gibbering in terror. Don't know why.

  20. --bottom 3

    23 - Bad Luck Sam

    21 - Soulless Sam

    21 - Impala/Sam

    18 - Tech Support Sam

    15 - Crazy Sam

    12 - Meg/Sam

    10 - Samifer

    Restored to original factory settings

    Siren Sam

    Wicked Witch Sam

    Demon Blood Sam

    Husband Sam

    Sam in Teenage Witch


    Titanic Sam

    Djinn Dream Sam

    Trials Sam

    Hell Memory Sam

  21. -- bottom 3

    21 - Bad Luck Sam

    19 - Tech Support Sam

    19 - Impala/Sam

    19 - Soulless Sam

    17 - Meg/Sam

    17 - Hell Memory Sam

    17 - Crazy Sam

    15 - Samifer

    15 - Trials Sam

    09 - Titanic Sam

    09 - Djinn Dream Sam

    05 - Gadreel/Sam

    Restored to Original Factory Settings

    Siren Sam

    Wicked Witch Sam

    Demon Blood Sam

    Husband Sam

    Sam in Teenage Witch

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