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Posts posted by Iguana

  1. 52 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    I think the point is that they don't want to hear it though. I think it's kind of a no win for whomever goes on. Say they want you to come on and debate the green new deal. They don't believe climate change is even real. 

    If they can get more people to vote and try to win over the 'both are just as bad' voters and the share of the Fox voter to the electorate goes down. 

    I think it’s a very big generalization to conclude no one who watches Fox News will be willing to at least hear what the Democratic candidates have to say. Maybe it’s a very (very) few, and probably won’t change hardly any opinions but having one of the debates on Fox is a small effort that could have a pretty positive upside. It could play well with moderates and the both are bad crowds who want to see an attempt by Democrats to reach out to “the other side “. And a debate on climate change or minimum wage etc may be one way of getting some opposing information to someone who only watches Fox. 

    I agree that Dems must focus on voter turnout as a priority as they probably can’t get back many of the people who voted for Trump last time. But that doesn’t mean they should ignore them either.  Doing so  just reinforces the perception that dems are too chicken to deal with Fox and it’s audience and/or just don’t care about them. 

  2. On 3/19/2019 at 8:30 PM, SpiritSong said:

    He could have mentioned that Fox "News" isn't actually a news channel. As their own lawyers argued in court, Fox "News" is an entertainment channel. It makes as much sense for the Dems to have a debate on there as on The Cartoon Network. 

    Do I personally think Fox is “fair and balanced”?  Nope. But it’s the main news source for millions of Americans voters. Ignoring that plays right into the Republican narrative that the Democrats don’t give a damn about those people. Sure the vast majority of those viewers would never even consider voting for a democrat anyway but it can’t hurt for them to hear what the  candidates have to say. 

  3. Hey John. Interesting show, but not that funny. But that’s okay considering the events of the past week weren’t too laughable. His interview with Monica was well done and humanizing for her. I remember laughing at the Lewinsky jokes back in the 90’s until the point where I realized it was always about her being a slut and not very often about Clinton being a horn dog cheater. I’m not proud of how long it took me to get there though.     

    • Love 6
  4. Oh, Bill. You’re such a legend in your own mind. This is hardly Frost/Nixon. The Republicans that are willing to come on your show are selling something, whether it’s a book, a talking point or themselves. They know you don’t do tough questions  (which is okay since you’re not a journalist) and they can talk over the panel most times without you stopping them.  They aren’t brave, they’re just shills. 

    But I think he’s right about the DNC making a mistake in not having a primary debate on Fox. It makes them look like they either don’t give  a shit about those viewers or that they’re too scared to face a less than friendly audience. Not a good call

  5. So, hey, John. I think I owe you an apology. Here I was, watching  the show, thinking it was okay, but not that great. “Funny” Trump, cheesy Rachael Ray, and robocalls weren’t really doing it for me. But you ended it so brilliantly with the huge button and FCC robocall scheme. I should have had more faith in you. 

    • Love 4
  6. Michelle’s fabrics and garments  were hideous enough on their own. When worn together, they combined into an even more hideous look that literally made me cringe when it came down the runway.  Those prints clashed so badly I expected some Titans to show up and release the Kraken. Who would were that?  Sorry judges, that was a go home outfit, not a winner.  I didn’t love Irinas look but it was leaps and bounds ahead of Michelle’s abomination and deserved the win. 

    Bidel and Christina weren’t the most innovative but didn’t deserve the bottom. Biddell’s look was cute and wearable. And Christines was really pretty and in no way the worst. 

    I thougt Dmitri had the toughest weather transition to deal with and so I would keep him, even though his coat and dress weren’t that great. But Anthony Ryan had an boring garment with a tacky colour scheme and should have gone home just for the bare arm in the snow alone. 

    • Love 17
  7. Hello, John. I’m feeling an aura around you and am getting a picture of something that begins with a B... brilliant? ...baffling? ....bucks? ...No it’s coming clearly now...broadcasters!

    That was a brilliant takedown of those bullshit fakes. They brazenly  prey on vulnerable people’s grief, sorrow and fear for the bucks. It’s baffling and sad how so many believers in this bullshit there are and how the various broadcasts promote it.  And I still feel another B  there somewhere... what is it... BULLSHIT!!!!!

    edited to add:  and just as I post this, the ad that shows up is for a free angel reading from a psychic. Those algorithms may be the ones with the mind reading powers. Scary. 

    • LOL 2
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  8. Overalll, decent ep. more focus on issues and not many rote talking points. Amazing what it does to my enjoyment of the show when the asshole factor is minimal. Even the French fellow didn’t bother me because at least he had an interesting perspective I haven’t heard before. Adam Schiff can go on Fox but won’t be listened to by the people who need to hear what he’s saying. 

  9. This reminded me of old school BBT.  The whole gang involved in the same plot, no relationship angst, just the gang being funny. A bit mean and selfish, but funny. Loved the way they used Wil’s D&D game to get in some great cameos, and Shatner ruled.  A “filler” episode to be sure, but I enjoyed it a lot. 

    • Love 11
  10. Hello there John. Welcome back to commenting on the constant clusterfuck that is our lives now. I know you had to at least briefly address the Trump Temper Tantrum disguised as a National Emergency Declaration, but it was a nice change from the US media’s wall to wall Trumpalooza coverage for you to do a deeper dive into Brexit. They are truly fucked, aren’t they. 

    • Love 5
  11. Hours after the episode and less than a page of posts. Huh. How times (and the level of interest in Walking Dead) have changed.  

    The Whisperers are legitimately creepy, I will give the show that. Almost everything else, not so good. Everything Negan and Judith was unbelievably on the nose, and sometimes simply unbelievable. What was Judith doing on that road by herself?  And if they are going to have her pointing a gun constantly, she needs to figure out how to hold it steady if it’s going to be at all intimidating.  The waving about was distracting and made me think it was going to go off accidentally.  

    So Rosarita is pregnant after funtimes with the doctor, in a relationship with a minister, and is the recipient of the love confession of a smart but socially awkward friend. Hellllllll, no.  Hey writers, if I wanted to watch a soap opera I wouldn’t be watching a show about surviving the zombie apocalypse. 

    Still don’t give a shart, much less a crap, about Henry and his journey to adulthood.  

    • Love 5
  12. Well the 300th episode was pretty good. I didn’t love it like 200 (one of my favourites) but I liked that Sam and Dean got to have closure with John and got to hear him say he was proud of them.  They deserved that. I liked that they again chose their lives.  I thought the reactions of Mary to John and John to Mary was sad and sweet, and Samantha Smith finally showed me she can do more with Mary than just staring blankly.  The stuff with the kids and other locals and the stuff from the occult pawnshop was fine but definitely belonged in another episode. 

    Jeffery Dean Morgan is a good actor and he really sold John’s  surprised joy at seeing Mary again and his determined sorrow at having to leave her again too. And I believed that John was proud of and pleased for his sons and really regretted some of what he did as a parent.  So that’s good. 

    But, as I have previously expressed in John’s thread, John was still a shitty father who put his revenge ahead of his kids and treated them terribly.  It’s great for the boys that they were able to reconcile a lot of their issues and move on from blame and resentment of John but I still say John sucks.  

    That being said, damn JDM/John is seriously hot and I hope Mary and he found a bit of privacy before the pearl got smashed. 

    • LOL 1
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  13. I really wish New Rules had been funnier, but climate change isn’t a joke. It’s one of Bill’s issues that I don’t mind him constantly bringing up, cause it’s getting very close to the “we’re all very fucked” stage.

    The congresscritter fron the massive Texas district with 800 miles of border seemed to have a practical and reasonable position on the border security issue. I wish Bill had gotten into that more deeply rather than confronting him about how could he be a Republican, and then not really letting him respond. All of the other guests were fine although Deblasio needs to stop talking so much in sound bites and slogans. 

    • Love 4
  14. So how tall is Barclay?  The announcers didn’t mention it, but she looked like maybe about 5 feet or so.

    Seriously, most of the women did well and kudos to all the Nijas that finished. Europe was all new contestants and I think got way psyched out. The Australians were impressive but picked the wrong guy for the rope climb.  He was too big to go up fast.  But I don’t think anyone was going to beat Drew though. He flew up that rope like his ass was on fire. 

    • Love 5
  15. So....Ann Coulter....So tiresome and predictable and vapid. But I guess a troll’s gotta troll wherever it can cause those books won’t sell themselves.

    Given his lifestyle and profession, I don’t think Bill is in any position to tell anyone else to grow up or bitch about people being into “kid stuff”. But he’s not wrong about “adulting” being absolutely horrible and worthy of all the sneering mockery available.  He is wrong about the comics though. Besides if he hasn’t read them since he was a kid, how does he know what they’re like now?  Fifty years is a long time.  

    • Love 5
  16. That was pretty special.  Michael’s panic and thick neck, Janet being one of those three things (friend!), Tahani choosing to not engage with the blogger, Jason telling Elenor she’s the Blake Bortles of whatever this is, and the lovely home movies for Chidi and Elenor. 

    This ep made me laugh then cry then both at the same time. (Lry?? Craugh??).  The Good Place is such a truly one of a kind show, that I have to make up words to describe how it hits me in the feels. 

    • Love 12
  17. So, hey Bill welcome back. To start on a positive note I loved Barney Frank and Bill’s new rules was fierce and funny. And I appreciated that at least Bill made an effort to challenge Kasich’s non-answers.

    But actually, fuck you, Bill.  Fuck you and your asswipe “he must have just read the signals wrong” bullshit excuses.  Yeah, of course you assume the poor guy was just understandably confused by that nasty woman’s actions, whatever they really were  or weren’t.   You want to know why she didn’t just “tell him to get his fucking hands off her”?  I don’t know for sure but it could involve her being worried about losing her job if he was a superior or ongoing retaliation if he was a coworker or maybe being intimidated by someone larger and stronger or any number of reasons.  But that doesn’t really matter because the burden shouldn’t be on her to tell him to keep his hands to himself, it should be on him to , you know, actually keep his fucking hands to himself.  The fact you didn’t hold the guy at all accountable speaks volumes about what a sexist fucktard you can be, Bill.  I’m glad Barney and that other panelist called you out on your total dickishness. 

    And if you would like to know why Bernie and his campaign should be called out for what happened, even though the stuff that was reported wasn’t, as you so asshatedly put it “all that bad”, then I would refer you back to this ep’s New Rules.  Just like legroom in an airplane, someone’s rights, dignity and safety can be taken away inch by inch so gradually that you don’t realize how much is gone until it’s too late.  So it’s kind of important to not give them that first inch without a fight.  

    • Love 23
  18. Well that was a hell of a way to end the season. Enjoy your time off John. I’m sure nothing horrible, crazy or horribly crazy will happen while you’re off. 

    “The Wax and the Furious” was amazing.  Armie Hammer and Russel Crow deserve oodles of kudos as does the production team behind the movie.  But the true stars had to be Team Wax Presidents, although I think the Clinton head looked way more like John Travolta than Slick Willy.  

    I do note that it was no Salmon Cannon, but then, what is? 

    • Love 8
  19. Setting aside the issue of sex workers (I'm all for legalizing, destigmatizing and making it safe for all involved), there's far more to "getting laid" for a lot a people than on-line dating and hookup sites.  Many people are isolated by location, socialization issues, or physical negatives, among other things, and their need for intimacy, companionship or just good old one night stands aren't easily solved.  There are plenty of lonely people out there.

    The specific issue with the incels, as I understand it, is less about what they can do to improve their chances of a hookup or whatever, and more about their attitude about women and sex in general.  They appear to view sex as something they are entitled to, just by being males, and are angry that their rights are being denied by society, "lesser men", or whatever.  Women are a commodity to which they should be given effortless access.  As well, it seems that there is quite a bit of "I deserve a 9 or 10, no uggos or fatties are acceptable", ignoring, of course, where he may fall on that same attractiveness scale.

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