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Posts posted by Galileo908

  1. "Furry Balls Plopped Menacingly on The Table, Inc." not quite as catchy as "CompuGlobal Hyper MegaNet." I like that the boys have finally adopted the Underpants Gnomes Business Model. Except "Collect Underpants > ? > Profit" has been replaced these days by "Start Up > Cash In > Sell Out > Bro Down."


    I got a big kick out of how ISIS ended up embracing the Washington Redskins.


    Using actual audio of Roger Goodell AND revealing he was a robot? I love you, South Park.


    I loved this one, and I hope this sets a trend of greatness this season.


    ETA: I loved how the boys were completely earnest & honest that their company was a complete scam. Can't get any more audacious than Cartman answering the phone with "Washington Redskins, Go Fuck Yourself" with that shit eating grin of his.

    • Love 1
  2. It turns out that one of the reasons for Season 1's long hiatus was because episodes kept missing deadlines.


    "I want you to find a girl. Before I ascend to heaven to be with the angels."

    "And Grandpa!"

    "No...he is not there."


    I relate to Soos too much. I can't flirt to save my life. And that dating sim hit a little too close to home.


    "9 out of 10 basement dwellers recommend!" I got a huge kick out of School University, too. And did anyone else think of Archer with Giffany? She looks a lot like Dr. Krieger's hologram anime wife.


    Heh, "Meatcute." I see what you did there. I got really happy for Soos when he managed a date with Melody, and how he got out of it relatively okay.


    The Animatronic Band 1) was totally creepy and 2) Clearly based on The Rock-A-Fire Explosion from the old Showbiz Pizza joints from back in the day. (You can still find them in Fun Zone-like places.)


    God, I loved Stan and Goldie touring Vegas during the credits there.


    All in all, another fantastic episode.


    ETA: The code in the journal page before the Disney logo translates as follows:


  3. "Doctor Who: The Show That Goes From Zero To What The Fuck Faster Than Any Series On Television!!"

    You know, this episode definitely reminded me of Rick & Morty. If you haven't watched it, you must. Twelve is the belligerent old scientist/time traveler and Clara is the young companion he drags along on his adventures because he needed another person with him. If Pink ever joins the TARDIS crew, I'd imagine this kind of relationship really forming between him and the Doctor.


    Yeah, when they were going through the litany of "What happens when you have a creature that's perfect at hiding," I was like "...Isn't that basically The Silence?" Feel like we've done this story before.

    I'd ay "but you'd forget about the Silence as soon as you looked away," but yeah, lots of freaking New Who monsters are like that.

  4. I almost forgot this was on! D:


    So awesome to see Bill Cipher again. Making Dipper as a "puppet?" I literally said "oh shit" at this, ESPECIALLY when he destroyed the laptop. There's another mystery that won't be getting solved any time soon. Dipper with cat eyes just looked...not right.


    "Human soda! I'm gonna drink it like a person!"


    "Hey Soos, want to hear the exact time and date of your death?"

    "Haha, sure!"


    "Whoa, children fighting! I can sell this!" Stan was great in this.


    The Sock Opera was legitimately awesome. I'd pay to see it.


    EDIT: Haven't gotten the code for the end-credits, but the one on the Journal page right before the Disney logo is as follows:





    • Love 2
  5. My least favorite is "Love is a Many Strangled Thing." If you don't remember that one, Homer make Bart accidentally pee his pants while on the Jumbotron. Then he goes into therapy for always choking Bart. This leads to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar showing up for some reason dressed as Homer to choke him out. There's a part in the episode where Homer almost accidentally hangs himself.


    It's the only episode out of 552 that made me feel bad about myself for watching.

    • Love 1
  6. "It's gonna be bigger than ten super bowls!"


    Well, we've officially hit The Wall (aka, post season 9), who's still watching? I am, but barely hanging on as it is. And I've seen all 552, so we're in for some deep hurting after Seasons 13 and 14 are done.


    ETA: I had to miss it most of Thursday and Friday but I had the marathon running in my head. I didn't leave the house for the entire weekend and only stopped to go out for food and to watch Doctor Who & Space Dandy. One of the best weekends I've ever had.

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  7. And, yeah, count me as one of those who got irritated by all the references to Doc 12's older appearance.  For pity's sake, he's not THAT old -- from the way they were going on about it, you'd think he was ready for a nursing home.



    I was thinking that this was not too subtle jab at the fangirls who needed to be told to get used to an older Doctor.

    • Love 1
  8. Sad day. 96 is a hell of a long run, and he'll never be forgotten. Who expected him to last as long as he did, even doing the opening from home?


    So...is it too soon to predict who will replace him? I'm banking on Steve Higgins.

  9. Also, the show totally got away with showing one of the golf people die. RIP Big Henry.


    BTW, one of the codes (the one shown on a title card just before the Disney logo) translates to "OLD MAN SLEEPING IN THE GREEN CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER WHAT HE'S SEEN"

  10. This was another great one!


    "Must. Follow. Newspaper." Soos continues to be weirdly hilarious. I loved his W-necks...and that Pacifica liked them. It was also a great touch seeing his garbage bag poncho.


    I want to see more of Mabel's stickers. I bet they'll show up again. Also, we need these stickers for real.


    The Lilli-putt-ians were great, I liked how each hole had its own society. We essentially had Patton Oswalt vs John O'Hurley vs Jim Cummings battle each other for supremacy of a mini-golf course. And it was awesome.

  11. I enjoyed the Foxy pirates, even if I knew it was all filler going in to it. But when the Water 7 arc started I was like "shit got real in this show."


    Yeah, that dumb 4Kids dub kept me away from this series until [as] picked it up. And I regret not getting into this sooner.

  12. Also, you can't just smack a Dalek. You just can't.



    Only if you're Ace and have a superpowered bat.


    As for most disappointing? The past few seasons have been disappointing, but I'll say the third Star Wars special. Not as good as the first two.

  13. I'm loving this season so far, and if these two episodes are any indication this will be all sorts of awesome.


    BTW, In addition to the code at the end of the credits, there's now a freeze-frame picture of another coded message! The ones found so far are here (Spoilers ahead).


    This episode's code translates to

    "improper use of machinery could lead to utter catastrophe."


    It's translated by substituting the numbers with their corresponding letters, then using Atbash, then using Caesar. Clever.

  14. In addition to the code at the end of the credits, there's now a freeze-frame picture of another coded message! The ones found so far are here (Spoilers ahead). This episode's code translates to "the man downstairs is very clever can he hide his plans forever?"


    It's translated by substituting the numbers with their corresponding letters, then using Atbash, then using Caesar. Clever.

  15. There's lots of secret messages hidden in this show, this topic should be about documenting them all. Every episode has a short message at the end of the episode, usually relating to that episode's plot and are translated by different ciphers.


    The cipher codes that have been used are as follows:

    1) Caesar, decoded by substituting each letter by the third letter behind it in the alphabet. A = X, Z = W, and so on.


    2) Atbash, the exact opposite of the Caesar code where you substitute letters by the third letter ahead of it. A = D, Z = C, etc.


    3) Numerical Substitution, substitute each letter with its corresponding number. A =1, Z = 26.


    Now with season 2, there's a 4th cipher being used: The Keyed Vigenere, described by this site as follows:


    Compared to a regular Vigenere cipher, you create an alphabet key first then use a passcode to encipher a message. This cipher allows the same letter to appear encoded as something else as it’s dependent on where a letter is positioned in the plaintext as well.



    In the first episode of season 2, this passcode is "Widdle," found in the brief glimpse of Gideon's jail cell. The code was SMOFZQA JDFV which can be translated as "WELCOME BACK." I don't get how this one even works, but these writers are damn clever at this and translators far better than I have cracked these codes for me. (EDIT: The passcode is hidden somewhere in the episode. Should've made that clearer.)


    There's also a quick title card that flashes just as the Disney logo shows up that shows yet another coded message. The ones revealed so far can be found here. (Spoilers ahead) They're translated by first using the numerical cipher, then atbash, then Caesar. Again, clever.


    Are there any other secret messages around? What do they mean? And has anyone else been noting Bill Cipher's likeness appearing everywhere?

    • Love 1
  16. I've been watching since day 1 and it was great to see the entire series again in one shot. So many great episodes (Time Traveler's Pig, The Inconveniencing and Dreamscaperers being my favorites), so much to take in.

    lol I never thought of using Smile Dip like that.. I always just think "Would you like to eat my candy paws!"

    I sometimes wonder how this stuff gets through as kids tv, some of it definitely isn't directed towards them :P


    The cut to a walleyed Mabel chewing on nothing is what makes that whole scene work.

  17. Thank Bill for the spoiler tags.


    This was a great one.

    I really like Wendy, and she really got to shine in this one. Totally not surprised that she lives in a log cabin mostly likely built by Manly Dan himself.

    A great sign of Dipper's immaturity: Being freaked out by laying on Wendy's bra.

    Holy crap was that monster terrifying. Being voiced by Mark Hamill will do that. Was one of the things he shapeshifted into was Groot from GOTG? We didn't meet The Author but now we know that he was some kind of scientist, and the gang now has his laptop. I'm really looking forward to where this goes.

    Loved all the terrible movie titles: The Planet People of Planet Planet, Ghost Turtle, Attack of The Exclamation Points!! My favorite had to be Help! My Mummie's A Werewolf 2: This Again.


  18. IT'S BACK! It's been so long. "Welcome to your dreams" indeed.


    "Your camera's a cinder block, Toby." He just keeps getting more hilariously pathetic. Has anyone else been watching the online shorts? He has unexplained cat whiskers!


    Loved hearing Nick Offerman as one of the government agents. I thought he would fight zombies, but no, Stan proved to be the total badass of the night.


    A few odd things: Stan offers free parking, and subscribes to "Fully Clothed Women" magazine. And it's really not surprising that the Mystery Shack was built on a mass grave. But...why?


    "What was the ONE thing I didn't want you to do tonight?!"
    "Raise the dead."

    "And what did you do?"

    "Raise the dead."


    I absolutely loved how Soos remained mostly the same as a zombie.


    So, which song is better: "T8king Over Midnight" or "Don't Stop Unbelievin'"? &NDRA was an awesome name, too. Matt Chapman had to have been the one to come up with that.


    Tonight's Code: SMOFQZA JDFV. There's a new cypher, so I don't know how to translate it right now. (EDIT: It translates to "WELCOME BACK." Obvious.)


    So there's even more secrets in the journal in invisible ink. That's really cool...and I wonder if the other two journals have those hidden messages, too.

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