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Posts posted by Galileo908

  1. Blendin's back! It's interesting to notice that he is simultaneously Rick and Morty. Doesn't hurt that they're all voiced by Justin Roiland.


    I think my favorite part of the time travel to Young!Soos's birthday was Dipper finally getting perspective on his crush on Wendy.


    Yeah, Infinite Pizza is a damn good time wish. I love how Blendin was immediately on board with that, but then again how could you not?


    Code for the book page at the end:




    ETA: "I'm going to stammer until you find them!" was probably my favorite line in the episode.


    Code seen at the credits: "DON'T DO THE TIME CRIME IF YOU CAN'T DO THE TIME TIME."

  2. Brian getting his mouth injured was something I wish I didn't see. So glad that he came back to life, you guys. Then again, Brian with his new teeth was pretty weird to look at, too. Apparently all you need to be a good realtor is a weird smile.


    "My Dinner with Andre The Giant" was probably the only thing that got a laugh out of me tonight.

    • Love 2
  3. Man, that couch gag was...freaky. That's Hedonismbot for ya.


    "Even God hates jazz!"


    Loved Homer's "Hot To Read A Book in Bed" book.


    Of course Bender and Homer would become fast friends. I'm pretty sure that Bender's Yaw calculations was from Futurama's side of the writing. Gotta love that this episode was both an homage to Gremlins and Back to the Future 2 (with Bender heading to the racetrack to bet on every sports event in the last 1000 years)


    Loved all the shoutouts in both series! Pin Pals jerseys, Bart's old catchphrases (complete with El Barto at the end), "Skinner is a Weiner," Lrrr and Ndnd, Nibbler and his eating habits, and the holophoner in saxophone form.


    Apparently Springfield is in New York, since we passed by Panucci's and Seymour. But shouldn't Seymour have not been there? Lars (back when he was still a paradox time duplicate of Fry) went back for him.


    I really liked that ending, Kang and Kodos showing up on Omicron Persei 8 was the perfect freaking cameo.

    Al Jean has confirmed that Bender will be shown in the basement (like the Olmec head) from now on. Hell yes.

    • Love 3
  4. Crossover time! From SNPP:

    Bart blows his nose on a sandwich that he puts into a time capsule, which, when combined with Milhouse's rabbit's foot and radioactive slime, causes a nuclear catastrophe when it is opened 1000 years from now, resulting in Bender (yes, from Futurama) going back in time to kill Bart before he can cause the problem in the first place...and never mind that it been established in this series (in "Fraudcast News") that Futurama is fictional



  5. I totally forgot about "Spooky Fish," the second Halloween special. Killer animals, alternate universes, and a good guy Cartman with a goatee. Also, Sharon's Aunt Flo comes to visit for the last time.


    Don't forget "Spookyvision," with pictures of Celine Dion on each corner of the screen.

  6. Totally my favorite of the season so far.


    Loved that the show took on Freemium games. Paying 40 cents on a "free" game is stupid, pay $59.99 on a game like normal people! I thought the reveal of Jimmy being a pusher was great.


    Continuity check: Randy writing songs as Lorde and The gluten-free PBR. Of course Randy drank a "sampler" of eight wines & beers and called it a "tasting." Mark of alcoholism right there, right on top of claiming that the addiction gene "somehow" skipped over him.


    That alcohol ad was great. "DRINK DRINK DRINK PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY DRINK DRINK DRINK...Please Drink Responsibly."


    It was great to see Satan again. And he actually explained addiction in a clear and understandable way! Hell, he even brought up gluten! Oh yeah, LOVED the reveal of Beelzeboot, and his fight with Satan!Stan.  And of course the Canadians wondering who to root for was great.


    "This is a sad day for Canada, and therefore the world."

    • Love 2
  7. I agree with everyone, this was a standout episode for Andre Braugher. I also didn't realize until now that his SO is Marc Evan Jackson, who plays Sparks Nevada on the Thrilling Adventure Hour. I find that incredibly awesome.


    I liked this last year, but it's getting better and better.  Great acting and writing.  And they seemed to have noticed that Gina was horrible and toned her down.  She's now a little more like a Michael Scott.


    I think it's like Parks and Rec. If you recall, the first season Leslie Knope was awful and self-centered, almost just a cartoon character.  In subsequent seasons, they fixed her character, and I believe that made the show a success. 

    B99 also has two Jerry's in Scully & Hitchcock.

    I guess this was the end for Wuntch/Hold feud, for the time being? It was a pretty neat storyline, and gave Holt something new to do. I liked it.

     I doubt that this is far from over. I can't get enough.

  8. "If you're wondering how I'm pulling this off, I'm thinking back to when I was 8 when Don Mattingly called me a little turd."

    "Was he right?"



    Terry, even Lil Terry, dancing some Disco will never not be great.


    Looks like this whole battle with Holt and Wuntch is the season-long runner, isn't it? But I don't care, I really love it.

  9. "You can't invite a couple of Riddlers to stay in the Batcave!" Hey, a short plot with Patty & Selma. It was nice to see them do something what they do best: smoke.


    Loved Homer's "Food Hider" magazine, as well as his ability to create a giant donut out of donuts.


    "Marge Simpson I'm as mad at you as you usually are at me." Jeez, Marge was right the whole time and Homer was still a gullible idiot. An actual environmental message was derailed by a pretty unfunny romance plot. But hey, at least for once Burns dated someone near his own age. And Jane Fonda of all people. Their little bit at the end was kinda sad, but it seems about as happy as an ending Burns could get.


    "Well, I ain't no Carl when it comes to this stuff, but I ain't no Lenny either."

  10. Exterminator(s): Hugs Not Bugs (relevant to the plot for once), Beetle Kan-Evil.


    "What is wrong with the exterminators in our town?!"


    Burger(s) of The Day: Texas Chainsaw Massa-Curd Burger, Human Polenta-Pede Burger, (couldn't see the first word) of The Crypt Burger, Paranormal Pepper Jacktivity Burger


    I love how Linda's reaction to Tina dating Jeff is for her to get "some clanking chains for the prom." I absolutely loved the whole climax. Tina finally realized that she doesn't always need a boy (for now), while everyone wants Tammy to stop being a horrible jealous girl.


    Loved the costumes: Gene was Half Turner/Half Hooch and Louise as Ryan Gosling from Drive.

    • Love 2
  11. Mr. Burns falls in love with a state assemblywoman trying to stop his fracking operation


    The show finally takes on fracking. Will this endeavor end up with him nearly dead like that time he used his slant-drilling operation to steal the elementary school's oil? Probably not.

  12. Cold Open: Going after Chris Christie and Ebola. No one came out looking good in that situation. Rather "eh," until Christie showed up in that house in Maine.


    Monologue: And now for someone who can deliver a monologue without breaking into song. Chris Rock did not disappoint at all, as was expected.


    How 2 Dance with Janelle: "You're embarrassing me in front of Just My Friend!" Chris Rock is old and being exposed to Youtube culture, like comments. And twerking. Also the first time I've ever heard "Fap" on this show. I don't think this sketch wouldn't have worked as well if the dad was anyone other than Chris Rock. Then again, I think the biggest laughs I got were from Chris Rock screwing with the filters.


    GoProbe: They finally take GoPros down a notch. "Grandpa's Colonoscopy" was the best part. You know this is gonna be a thing soon.


    How's He Doing?: I feel like we've seen this one before. I liked this one, but it sounds like the audience wasn't feeling it that much. Must've been too uncomfortable.


    WU: Loved Michael Che talking about the Pope. "He doesn't look like the dice in that game Trouble." He flubbed a few times, though which was kinda jarring. I also liked Pete Davidson's latest monologue. And again I have ti point out Jay's eerily dead-on Katt Williams impression.


    Shark Tank: ISIS on Shark Tank? No wonder this was put on after Update. I do like how none of the panelists were impressed with them. "Genocidal regimes are a very risky business. I've been burned before." Once again, lots of uncomfortable silence from the audience.


    Swiftamine: Realizing you like Taylor Swift is the leading cause of vertigo. I love that. Why wasn't this one on earlier?!


    Uber: Chris Rock and Leslie Jones having an argument...again, uncomfortable. Apparently the cue card guy screwed up, causing that weird pause in the sketch.


    Bank Robbery: This was funny.


    Women in The Workplace: This was a weird funny one. It was meant to be a terrible 1990's workplace video, but it came off as "we don't care how we act, it's 12:55 and we're tired." And hey, there's Vanessa Bayer in this episode! Kate was totally the MVP of this episode, she just sold this sketch so much.


    Well, the taped stuff was great, not so much on the live stuff. This one really had an "Early 90's SNL" feel to it, like when Chris Rock was on. November 15th brings back Woody Harrelson, that SHOULD be a good one.

    • Love 2
  13. Cartman + Butters + Drone = hilarity.


    So we got drones, NSA, the Fappening, the Michael Brown situation all in one episode. Man, it was weird seeing the whole Ferguson thing play out with just drones.


    Heh, the Cissy bathroom is still there.

  14. This was a fantastic episode!


    Man, so much continuity! All of Mabel's past romances, some closure with Mermando, the gnomes, and well, everything else came to a head here. Hell, McGucket pointed out the bandage on his beard. Speaking of, his descent into madness eerily mirrored Simon's from Adventure Time. Only involving technology. And self-inflicted. And just as depressing.


    The Society of the Blind Eye was so very creepy. And I was honestly taken aback at who was in it: Toby, Bud Gleeful, the guy who married the woodpecker, and the tattooed bouncer guy. And what's gonna happen to Bud Gleeful now that his memory of the society got erased?


    "Dysentery's gonna get you, dawg!"


    ETA: That was Peter Serafinowicz as Blind Ivan. He's most known for "Look Around You" but recently he's been in in Guardians of the Galaxy, Parks and Rec, and Adventure Time (as Lumpy Space Prince)

  15. Cold Open: Yeah, what Ebola's done best is move all of Obama's "scandals" out of the news, so win for him. Always good to bring in Al Sharpton to spout his usual nonsense in a political sketch. "Brush your teeth with Purell!"


    Monologue: As soon as Jim Carrey stepped out in his Helvis costume, I knew everything was going to be okay. The guy who writes the songs for the show must have some clout, it seems that EVERY monologue lately requires a song. But Jim Carrey just sells it.


    Matthew McCaughney for Lincoln: Another spoof of these dumb commercials (South Park did their take on it last week). Jim Carrey was spot on.


    Carrey Family Reunion: Just like that Walken Family Reunion sketch a few years back, it gave everyone a chance to do their best Jim Carrey impression. Also a good way to get all of Jim Carrey's old catchphrases out of the way at once. Nice to see Leslie Jones in her first official sketch. Hey, Jeff Daniels cameo! This sketch was better executed not only from the Walken sketch but also that time Mark McKinney was Jim Carrey while Jim was Jimmy Stewart on the Joe Pesci Show.


    Matthew McCaughney for Lincoln 2: This one was great. "You're going five miles an hour."


    Graveyard: I'm with the inanimate objects, I got tired of Paul & Phil quite quickly.


    Allstate: The second they set up the Allstate ad, totally called Matthew running him over. Still very satisfying and awesome.


    WU: It's official, New York City has ALL the diseases. Vanessa Bayer as the ditzy RomCom girl was kinda awkward, but I love seeing Michael Che just react to characters like this. Like, he ain't putting up with this bullcrap like the other anchors would. I liked how he looked around to see where the RomCom music was coming from. I love seeing recurring anchors like Drunk Uncle react to the new anchors. "Yes, I went to the corn maze. I'm sorry, Native American Maze."


    Secret Billionaire: Obviously Jim Carrey was the best part of this. "It serves as both a gift and a warning."


    Ghosts: Fact or Fiction: Putting Leslie Jones in a Ghost Hunters sketch is a formula for gold. Why was this so far into the show?


    Zombies: Dumb sketch, but I liked Jim's character.


    Costume Contest: "Todd, it looks like you're some kind of butt or vagina?" "I'm a peach." Jim as the Weird Kinda Nude Girl from Sia's "Chandelier" music video, then re-enacting that music video was something I won't be able to unsee for a while. But I loved how the whole contest broke the fourth wall and went through the entire soundstage.


    Geoffs Halloween Emporium: Another opportunity for Jim Carrey to mug to the camera. I like how the women were disinterested by Galadriel the Demon.


    A few good sketches aside, this one was totally disappointing. I'm hoping Chris Rock's episode next week is good.

    • Love 3
  16. We'll be seeing more of Kang and Kodos this year.  According to Wikipedia, episode 11 (in January) is basically "The Simpsons are going to Rigel 7!"  No idea how that will fit into canon...


    Wow, that episode is finally gonna air? I think it was supposed to be the season 24 finale but then got shelved for whatever reason.

  17. The scene where Jake and the gang actually steal Holt's watch was nothing short of amazing. And then the twist that Holt knew the whole time and put Jake through hell? Masterful. I love this show so much.


    "Ms. Pac-Man's nipple!"
    "No, that's brown."

    "How do you know that?"

    • Love 5
  18. Oh yeah, appreciated seeing Dr. Marvin Monroe again. Love how they acknowledged that he's neither alive nor dead, just in some kinda limbo.


    ETA: I also wish that segment focused a bit on Lisa, she probably had the most character development. Early Lisa was fun, rambunctious, pretty much a smarter version of Bart. Current Lisa is quiet, self-righteous, vegetarian and Buddhist, Early Lisa would've freaked at that.

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