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Posts posted by secnarf

  1. Ian uses they/them pronouns.

    I felt the episode was okay, but kind of filler. I'm over Addison's relationship drama. I didn't really mind Addison and Ben together as much as many others seemed to, but I hate the triangle (quadrangle?). Either go for it or drop it, but I hate this in between. It doesn't make anybody look good.

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  2. They have dry food out all the time. When I do try to separate them (when they get wet food for "dinner"), they refuse to eat because they are distressed that they are locked in separate rooms. They are very accustomed to eating dry food together, but especially Ginny - if she hears Luna eating, she will always come join, even before the microchip feeder. It doesn't help that I have a pretty small 1 bedroom apartment, so one would never be so far away that they don't hear what the other is doing.

    @Bastet thanks for the link! The rear guard isn't on their Canadian website, but is on Amazon, so I may pick that up, though it won't help Ginny sneaking in from the front. I also am hoping to get their stainless steel bowls at some point, as Luna has acne on her chin and the plastic has made it worse. But, I just spent a lot of money on the feeder itself, so I need to wait a bit before dropping a combined $100 on those accessories.

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  3. On 1/26/2024 at 9:47 PM, Bastet said:

    Those work great -- so long as you don't have cats who will stand side by side eating out of the same bowl.  If Kitty A sidles up to Kitty B while she's eating to try to snag B's food and B gets irritated and moves away, the feeder will close and A can't get to the food; mission accomplished.  But if B simply lets A stick her head in there and share, the feeder stays open.

    I hope it works out for them.

    This is exactly what has happened :( They do like to eat together - and especially Ginny will like to come over and start eating if she hears Luna eating.

    I had to wedge the microchip feeder into a corner so it is blocked from the back (it has an open back, which seems a poor design) and now Ginny tries to push her way in from the front. Luna has hissed at her more than once, but Ginny is not the fastest learner and will not give up.


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  4. It was a slow mental trek towards FJ for me today - my brain was slowly shifting from West to East, and then slowly picturing red and blue...a shape of a building coming into focus, first in broad strokes and then more detailed...narrowing it down to SE Asia...Considered Laos, then thought of Cambodia and went with that, just in the nick of time.


    • Applause 4
  5. Quote

    With their respected colleague Josh Folsom under arrest for the death of Kahn Schefter – the man responsible for killing Folsom’s mother – the CSI team combs through every crumb of forensic evidence to determine his innocence or guilt.

    Original air date: Feb 18, 2024

  6. Quote

    When Ben leaps into a bounty hunter escorting the world's most slippery criminal, a deadly pursuit forces them to go into hiding. Ben quickly realizes this leap is more than meets the eye. Addison faces a difficult decision.

    Original air date: Jan 30, 2024

  7. Quote

    The NCIS team must help Torres when he puts his future at stake by confronting the man who tormented his family when he was a child.

    Original air date: Feb 12, 2024

  8. Quote

    After Tennant passes her medical and psych evaluations, she's surprised to see Sam's conducting her final interview to clear her return to work. Also, when the team discovers a breach in the U.S. Marshal's database, Sam joins Tennant in Las Vegas to locate the hacker.

    Original air date: Feb 12, 2024

  9. My girls now both have acne on their chin, so we are doing chlorhexidine wipes. As is the usual any time I notice anything skin-related with them, I worry about ringworm. For what it's worth, Luna was examined under a black light and it didn't fluoresce, but I know that's not 100% reliable. Hopefully in another week or so there is noticeable improvement.

    Ginny's diarrhea was all better once I put her back on the anallergenic food, but then I started weaning her dexamethasone and on the last step, her diarrhea came back full force. She has been sneaking bits of Luna's food so that could be it too, but she was doing that beforehand also. So, we have gone back a couple steps on the steroid. But if this keeps up, pretty soon I'm going to have a diabetic cat on my hands.

    Luna also apparently dislikes Ginny's anallergenic dry food, and so has lost quite a bit of weight. I've ordered a microchip feeder to be able to give her regular (and less expensive!) food, so hopefully that helps as well.

    *sigh* I just want healthy cats for once.

    • Hugs 9
  10. 28 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    I said Ohio without any confidence, just because there have been so many from Ohio.  I was not surprised to be wrong.

    Me too!

    Mostly I'm just happy that I have absorbed the knowledge that many presidents are from Ohio. I had no idea where Lincoln was born.

    • Like 7
  11. 22 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

    Ah yes, that most American of structures, the Eiffel Tower. 😆🤦‍♀️

    FJ was an instaget, really what else could it be!? Glad Juveria knew it because those other answers, wow.

    I found it funny because Juveria was also the only Canadian of the three of them. But yes, I felt bad for the Eiffel Tower answer; obviously forgot about the category.

    For tonight, I immediately said Ho Chi Minh, then realized that made absolutely no sense. I did a project on the Cambodian genocide in high school and so it wasn't a huge stretch to get Pol Pot, though I couldn't remember if the year was correct.

    • Like 2
  12. I liked all three of them a lot. It was a decent game, and didn't feel like it dragged like these games sometimes do.

    Instaget FJ - and I was certain I had gotten the year correct; it's one of those things that sticks in my brain.

    Was glad to see Katie rounded up her math this time :)

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  13. Instaget FJ. I was gifted a copy of The Secret Garden movie as a child for my birthday, but never actually watched it or read the book. It has perpetually been "on my list" for over 25 years.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    I got the dates wrong. I thought Churchill wasn't in power at that point. I thought it was weird that Chamberlain might be called a warmonger (but some "I'm rubber, you're glue" accusations tend to get flung about in heated times). But I thought the accusation of being a coward (fleeing to Canada) fit him. (from my rather basic knowledge of British history, and The Crown 😉)

    I first thought Chamberlain because of the fleeing to Canada part - and spent most of the think music trying to come up with his name ("The appeaser! The one who was PM before Churchill!") but right at the end realized that the warmonger part meant it was actually probably Churchill, and so switched my answer at the last possible second. Had I been there, I wouldn't have had time to write it down, but since I am sitting on my couch at home, I will take the credit ;)

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  15. I didn't put up my 6 ft tree this year, because I didn't trust Ginny and Luna. Instead I got a 4 ft tree that I could put on a low dresser in my bedroom, so the door would be closed when I am not home. They were actually impressively good with it, for cats that get into absolutely everything.

    This is Luna, checking it out for the first time.


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