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Posts posted by Thumper

  1. I thought the dog wedding was hysterical, and I'm not even a dog person.  Dorinda: "my dog is a country dog!" cracked me up.

    Dorinda was a good friend to Beth, accompanying her to the doc.  I understood Beth's fear/anxiety, even as she tried to be Tough Girl about it.

    Loved them shopping at Home Goods!

    I missed the Jules convo about an injury to her lady bits?  Can someone explain?  I am glad she found a cool project/ company to start.  

    Ramona cutting the cake??  Just no.

    Not watching the Lu special.  No thank you.

    • Love 10
  2. I read that Tamra recently won some "Miss Strength" competition.

    Who is this Kelly person?  Guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to the show, as I missed some stuff.  First impression -- I do not care for her.  That could change.

    Perhaps Vicki sees Shannon as a "weak" opponent, therefore Shannon is the one she is focusing on.  I still like Shannon.

    I don't like needles either, but I just don't look while they are being inserted.  Afterwards, I think it's cool to look at!  Maybe Meghan had some youthful trauma  regarding needles, but her reaction did seem extreme.  Not interested in her storyline.

    • Love 4
  3. Was Craig not told he was expected to work that event?  I was not following closely, so perhaps I missed something.  Not sure if JD was not explicit in his expectations, or if Craig just blew him off.  Seems weird.

    • Love 9
  4. Had to look up the word "meretricious."  Increasing my word power!

    Agree with Sheenieb that I would always side with Beth over Jill Zarin any day.  Jill and Lu were horrid to Beth that season.   

    I think Luanne is one of, if not the most beautiful RHONY.  However, I will never forget her treatment of others in earlier seasons, so I do agree that she is stealth.  I hope it works out with her new guy.

    • Love 6
  5. I actually liked NotKeithUrban's songs.  It was very sweet of him to do a song for Brandi's brother.  Not a fan of the hair though.  As a fellow straight-hair sufferer, but female, I think it is tougher for guys.  He should just go short.

    Liking Stephanie's and Brandi's friendship.  Good to see some of the underlying humanity in some of these women (including Leeanne, who is not my favorite).

    I don't know what to make of Heidi.  How did she become the Grand Poobah?

    It is interesting how each episode  (the editing?) brings out different facets of the personalities.

    • Love 7
  6. All that white furniture in Whitney's CA home.  And then he put his shoe on the white couch as he serenaded the gf!  Sorry, that caught my eye right away.  ;)

    Agree on the Cameran disappointment.  I didn't catch the $$ connection with Whitney, but that makes sense.

    • Love 12
  7. I miss Heather too, but am confused on how Dorinda was a fan favorite last year or got a good edit. She came across to me like a mean, sloppy, and hypocritical drunk.

    You are right; Dorinda's first season sort of negates my hypothesis! Although she sure took it to Heather and Heather didn't come back.

    I see the first season honeymoon with Erika on RHOBH this season -- she is still sort of an enigma.

    • Love 3
  8. I also miss Heather and Kristin, too. I didn't like the pile-up on Heather last season, and I think she could stand up to Beth. Maybe drunk Dorinda will take her on this season.

    It always seems like a new HW gets a decent edit her first season -- then look out!

    • Love 4
  9. The lingerie ladies are from Town Shop, a bra store on Broadway on the UWS (a few blocks north of Zabar's deli, in case you want to find it). On a trip to NYC I called in there as they had a sale on. A few weeks earlier I'd been fitted for a bra by Rigby & Peller in London (who make the Queen's lingerie, and who also fit you by sight), so I knew I was in the right size. All the salesladies at Town Shop were large, warm, motherly black ladies, and as soon as I walked in one of them said "Girrrrrl, I can see you're wearing the right size. 34DD." And she was absolutely right.


    I guess it's a skill honed with practice.

    Wow; that's impressive! I stand corrected! :)

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