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Posts posted by ILoveReading

  1. From @Katy M is the Social Media thread.


    Well, yes, they both get treated like children, but in different ways.  Jared like he doesn't know any better when he does something wrong.  Jensen like he can't take care of himself.  And I'm of course not saying everyone does this.  And since this did involve a death, if this were the only incident I see it, I wouldn't have even said anything.


    TBH, I find Jensen gets treated as if he doesn't have feelings.  I still remember when we found out Danneel was pregnant with twins.  It was just before a con.  People actually said not to congratulate Jensen because it would be awkward if Danneel had a miscarriage and then these same people asked Jared how he feels, and what he would name them.

    That fact that people are accusing others of infantilizing Jensen for expressing concern speaks volumes to me.  Because if it was Jared, We love you Jared would have trended and people would be talking about making we love Jared books and demanding people be extra nice to him.  There is a clear double standard in this fandom in how it treats Jared and Jensen.

    After this incident, there were so many posts saying, this isn't about Jensen, as if worrying whether he was okay was wrong because he wasn't directly effected.  I even saw one person say he wasn't traumatized because he's from Texas.   

    Jensen is strong.  No one is denying that, but too often the strong one is the person overlooked and the last one to be asked how he is doing.

    Regardless, of whether he was on set.  He was supposed to be in that scene.  It has to hit him, how easily he could have been on the other end of that gun.  Working on Walker, less than 2 weeks after this, where he might have to direct someone getting shot, has to be hard on anyone.  I hope Jared talked to Jensen and made adjustments to the script if Jensen expressed concern.  This isn't about him not being capable- see opening of 15, its about losing a colleague/friend.

    Wondering if its too soon is not infantailizing.  Its normal.  As for the con, its the anniversary of the confession scene and hellers, and this fandom loves to throw "gotcha" questions at Jensen (see the question about female Jack).   So them being jerks to Jensen isn't unreasonable to expect,

    If Jensen is a little more closed off emotionally, which is entirely possible, I can already here people calling him cold.

    IMO, the reason I think its too soon is because so many in this fandom (and this is not directed at anyone here) don't see Jensen as a person in his own right.   He's just an extension of their fave. Of course, Jensen will do what is right for him, but if ihe's a little off his game, I can easily see both sides taking advantage of that. 

    We also know that Jensen will do whatever he can to honor his commitments.   He showed up at a con the day after his twins were born.  Even this last con, he asked his bosses on a brand new production if they can let him have Sunday off, even though he was a main character and filmed on weekends.  No one appreciated him making that effort.  Multiple people cancelled.  Jensen is the only one that got hate for it.  Misha fans gloated and said he must have changed his day because he wanted to be with Misha, and Jared fans criticized him saying he was avoiding Jared.  Which emphasizes my point about so many only seeing him as an extension of their fave (this don't apply to everyone of course).


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  2. 1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

    . Especially after he talked about some of the on=set horseplay at the convention

    This was an anecdotal story told to fans and most likely details were omitted or embellished. It was not about describing conditions on set in any way.   There was another actor who said the more experience actors double and triple checked their weapons on set.  IMO, it sounded like the armourer was assessing Jensen's level of skill and experience with guns, and have him pick out the one he wanted to use for the duration of the shoot, similar to the wrangler getting him to pick out his horse and see what kind of experience he had.

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  3. Its hard to say exactly where they are at in filming.  But I saw a permit someone posted that said filming was supposed to go until early November.  So if that was bascially the first week of November, and the film's production days were Wednesday to Sunday, that means they only had about 10-15 filming days left. 

    But I agree with @MAK  its will be the financers who make the decisions. 

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

    My only point was that Jensen is on the rise in the industry he doesn't need to get involved in low budget projects that have been having serious violations on set.

    Its easy to say in hindsight, but its possible he didn't know. 

    As for why he took the role, that's simple.  He said it at the con last weekend.  He's wanted to be in a western since he was 6 months old.  Given that was an old school, period piece western it probably had extra appeal.  He's always said he wants to do parts that are interesting and challenging.  He said he read and liked the script and the character.   If it was just the big A-List status he was after he would have left SPN after Marvel came knocking. 

    I don't think he look down on a role because its not attached to a big budget hollywood blockbuster.

    Also Baldwin reached out to him.  There was supposed to be another actor from the part, but Jensen was definitely giddy over it, so if it was another big name, and said the other person had to cancel because of scheduling issues.  So it it was a big name, along with Baldwin, and him being brought in at the last minute, its not unreasonable to think that he picture was already vetted.


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  5. 37 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

    So this guy had a role in Better Call Saul.

    I'm loving that Jensen seems to somehow have wound up working with actors from that show and, hopefully, with writers and producers of that ilk.

    I've always dreamed of him working on a Vince Gilligan production, and maybe reuniting with John Shiban. 


    He's also working with Travis Fimmel from Vikings. As a fan of that show its a pairing I never knew I needed. 

    Also the BTS people (not sure if the its writers or producers or both) are the ones that did The Trial of the Chicago 7.  Which got both critical acclaim and won both golden globes and SAG awards.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Right out of the gate he cut/cut down his Michael scenes - including a rather significant one that went to motivation. He gave some of the most interesting 'Michael' scenes to other actors. And worst of all, when Jensen actually asked for some direction (like a professional actor does), Badd basically ignored him and left him to twist.

    yup, and he took Jared out to dinner to discuss the leadership story.  That clearly shows his motivations.

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  7. 1 hour ago, roamyn said:

    Unlike Sam, who basically had nothing to do, but run the hunter network.

    TPTB gave Jared nothing, but gave Jensen the opportunity to flex his acting muscles.

    I disagree.  Sam's leadership story was given far more focus and attention then Michael was.  IMO, they let Jensen play Michael as a way to get Jensen off screen. Dabb did say that removing Jensen gave other's breathing room. 

    The season premier was all about how great Chief was.   I feel like Stranger in a strange land referred more to Sam being in a leadership postilion than about Michael. 

    Michael had about 3 scenes. And the scene where he speaks Arabic was cut.  (there was an audio recording of the scene that was much longer) and it cut so much of Michael's motivation.

    But with the whole leader ship thing it was driving home again and again just how awesome Sam was this.  Nightmare Logic was all about Chief the awesome and best leader in the history of leaders (or they tried to tell us this).  When Sam got called out for a very real mistake he made, we had 3 follow scenes telling us how wrong Bobby was and just how amazing Chief actually was. Even Bobby apologized that the end.

    Dabb and co. had been trying to push Sam as a leader ever since Who We Are and it wasn't working because Jensen naturally dominates on screen.  I feel like this was supposed to be the dominate storyline of the first half of 14 but Jared wasn't strong enough to pull it off.



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  8. 6 minutes ago, Bessie said:

    I doubt it. If he could get high profile interviews, he’d do them. It’s part of his job.  Actors don’t generally pass up these kinds of media opportunities. 

    Yes, its part of his job and he will do them when the publicity for the Boys ramps up as it gets closer to airing.  Right now he's busy filming.  There isn't any need for him to do interviews at this time. 

    The Boys is an Emmy nominated show.  Jensen is set to be a major player in s3. Yes he could get an interview in NYTs if he really wanted to.  

    There is a lot of buzz around his name lately. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Bessie said:

    Jensen and his wife would have loved to be interviewed by the NYT. Jared is the one with the pull to get it. They need him, he’s moved on.

    If Jensen wanted to be interviewed by the NYTs he could have his PR team arrange it. He has enough pull, especially since he's about to be on a very high profile show.    Jensen and Danneel, don't actually need Jared.    The WB (not just the CW) gave them a multi year production deal to develop projects.  Not Jared and Jensen.  Jared isn't part of Chaos Machine and apparently had no interest in anything it was doing since he had months to ask Jensen about the projects he was working on. (Communication works both ways).  

    The reason we haven't heard much from Jensen lately is The Boys is still filming because of delays caused by covid restrictions, not because he doesn't have pull. 



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  10. 4 minutes ago, MAK said:

    It was a retcon

    This could help the spin off.  There are different stories and contradictions so what's what truth.

    Jensen said they would hit the highlights and fill in the rest.  This give the story room to breath without being locked in to every minor detail.

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