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Posts posted by ILoveReading

  1. 3 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

    I posted up thread a ways that it might be fake. However twitter removed the post for copyright infringement. If it was all fan made I doubt anyone would care. Hard to say.

    They could also get a copy right infringement for using the Winchester IP without permission.

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  2. How can Dean be at his desk in the bunker when they dismantled it.   Dean's room no longer exists.

    I thought Jensen was just doing voice over and not actually appearing on screen.  As much as I want to see Dean, I will cry if he cuts that pretty hair for one scene. 

    As a fan of the show since Day 1, I never liked the whole angels manipulating John and Mary together, but if this doesn't happen at the start it doesn't mean it can't happen later.  The story starts several years before Dean is born.   It doesn't mean Mary and John won't have a massive falling out later on the angels decide they need to intervene. Just because the waypoints may happen different initially doesn't mean they can't fit in at some point later in the story. 

    TBH, I hated a lot of Dabb's disregard for canon.  In particular Hero's Journey.  It literally destroyed the entire show to say Sam and Dean's story was just God's fan fiction.  I hated the intro of the AU worlds because Dabb had enough trouble keeping one timeline straight and i felt like it made Sam and Dean even less special.  So if Jensen's prequel makes some of that invalid, I'm nore than cool with it.  I don't care if it makes me a hypocrite. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Icarus said:

    but Jensen said at a recent con that she had only watched a handful of episodes and Jared qualified that with Jensen agreeing that she had also watched particular scenes that Jensen had asked her to.  So I cannot see how Danneel can have much input in the storyline possibly only as an EP I would think. 

    EP's do more than just plot out story.  Maybe Danneel's responsibilities will be more behind the scenes.  Jensen knows the show so well even if he hasn't seen all the eps, and Robbie has said he's seen every ep more than once, so I think there is a good foundation for the story.  Much better than Dabb's new writers who bragged about seeing a whole 25 episodes. 

    TBH, I was kind of indifferent when I first heard the idea.  I always thought John was a fascinating character but Dabb did such a number on Mary (and not for the better) that he completely turned me off the character.

    But I remind myself Mary isn't the Mary of main show or even Dabb's Mary. 

    I think the new characters and the direction as a lot of potential and I'm getting excited about it and really hope its picked up so we can see it.

    I think about Jensen's answer when asked if he could bring back Bobby or John.  Jensen said that as Dean he would probably say John because Dean loved his father but that wouldn't be the right choice because Bobby was there for them more.  It was a very indepth and well thought out answer, given in the space of a couple of minutes.  It really showed how well Jensen understood Dean and how that wasn't really just a simple choice.  So I think he is well aware of the characters strengths and weaknesses of John and Mary and I think we will see that. 

    2 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

    As big a fan as I am of Robbie this premise has girl-power written all over it.  It really falls in line with his comic books.  IDK it just sounds like a miss to me.

    I liked Robbie, but he did have some misses, but I can see Mary being the dominate character mostly because John didn't know a whole lot, so she has the more interesting background.  The new characters sound interesting as well. 

    Plus this is just character descriptions.  what sounds good/bad on paper can be the total opposite on screen.  Actors can make their characters so much more than they were meant to be.  (see Dean Winchester). 

    I remember way back when, we actually got sides for different scenes and characters.  And when I read about Bella and Ruby, I thought i would end up liking Bella and hating Ruby.  It was the opposite.  I ended up up hating Bella and liking (orginial Ruby).  Sometimes what is written in a casting side, isn't necessarily a scene from the ep.  Sometimes its just a scene written for auditions.    So, I think its premature to call it awful, especially since we don't know how its plays on screen and how much of that infomation is accurate.  Its a leak, not info people with the production have released.

    1 hour ago, Bergamot said:

    It depends on how they develop the ideas behind it, how well the episodes are written, how good a job they do developing the characters, how successful they are at finding the right actors, and lots of other things.

    I have a lot of faith in Jensen, and The Winchesters now how an IMDB, and it seems their casting agents have casted some pretty big shows like The Boys, 911 and The Rookie. 


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  4. I remember watching Something Wicked.  I thought Ridge Canipe did a pretty good job playing young Dean.   But I always thought the kid playing Michael would have been perfect choice as young Dean.   I wish Sam and Dean could have met up with Michael and Asher in the last season and let us see what they are up too.

    @Myrelle  I agree.  I was never fond of that actors protrayal of Dean.  It was also some of the worst writing.  Dean, IMO, would never tell a teacher they wouldn't be there long.   That is such a red flag.   That I'm a hero speech was so OOC.  I could see Jensen making it work, somewhat because he would have played it more low key and defensive as if he was trying to convince himself.   Not straight up like the other guy did.  Dean didn't think that way about himself.

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  5. 2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    This counts as a whoa and a favourite. The moment Dean makes good on his promise to stab Zachariah in his face. It's a shame there was never any follow up on 'only an angel can kill another angel'.



    I wish they had also followed up on why he never went blind.  I never bought the explanation that it was because he decided to say yes to Michael because planning on doing something is not the same thing as doing it.

    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

    So I wonder what this will do to the prequel? It kind of sounds like the CW will be dissolved and maybe the surviving shows will go to streaming services depending on which network owns them.


    Chaos Machine's over deal is with Warner Brothers, not the CW, so they can put the prequel on another network if they decide to pick it up. Going to HBO Max might be the best thing for it.  Smaller seasons, more concise story telling, less filler and a lot more leeway on content. 

    • Love 5
  7. 38 minutes ago, Aithne said:

    I just reread Big Pink's "Fire in the Hole", first time I've read fic in probably ten years. Good God, that achy John & Dean post-Stanford goodness. I always thought that was one of the most interesting time periods in this family's life that was pretty much untouched in the show, but honestly, I don't think the show writers could've done it better than the fic writers did back then. That was one hell of a story, and her John&Dean dynamics are totally my head canon for that time in their lives. 

    I loved that story.  Big Pink was one of my favourite writers.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Except for the fact he'd have to be within 100ft of Jenny McCarthy (ick), I agree! It's most definitely my guilty pleasure show, and he would KILL it with his voice and his moves. The trick is to watch with a 15-20 minute delay so you can ff through the judgery.

    When they first talked about The Bull this season and talked about how he was an instant charmer and natural born showman, my mind immediately jumped to Jensen.  But the rest of clues didn't fit, but I can do a good job of stretching them and making them.  lol

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  9. I'm not sure of the exact terms and conditions with copyright/IP, but I think you can use the characters and universe if its just a passion project and you aren't making money or trying to profit.  Its how people can write fan fiction, and make videos.  So if they put a disclaimer that its just for fun, I think its allowed depending on the owner of the rights. 

    Like for example, I believe Ann Rice didn't allow fan fiction of her novels to be posted on the internet, but the WB clearly has no issue with it.  (Don't quote me on the Ann Rice thing because it was from someone I used to follow on twitter, not an official source). 

    23 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Is this not also the 'production' that hired that Twitter/Instagram sycophant guy? (the one who made the JDM video, then got hit up by fandom until he made one for most of the male case, and bought into his own hype) It all seemed pretty shady to me.

    No, that was a different group who call their show Lineage.  Different group.

  10. I'd open the season with Sam and Cas pulling the Malak box out of the Ocean and we find out that Dean went through it with and and last season and a half was Michael torturing Dean.  When that didn't work, he did the whole in heaven thing as a way to break Dean. 

     Sam and Cas had to bring him up because Jack absorbed God and went power mad and they need Michael.   So Dean has to try and keep Michael at bay, and also convince him to help, all the while dealing with kind of being half insane from being trapped under the ocean for a year and half.  

    I'd acutally tell the Michael story and really give Jensen a chance to play him.

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