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Posts posted by ILoveReading

  1. IIRC, it was originally a 6 week shoot and the tragedy happened just over half way through.  I think they had 2-3 weeks left to shoot.  Which fits the filming permit someone found that said they were filming until the 25th. (Not sure if this includes the documentary they are planning. 

    It seemed like Jensen filmed pretty much every day until filming shut down.   So would they have enough time to re-film all of Jensen's scenes? 

    Jensen said he only had a few days left to film, so I wonder if they are going to keep what he filmed and give his remaining action scenes/ dialog to Josh.  There probably weren't many left.   It would seem more economical just to kill Jensen's character off screen, or kill him off using a stand in and film the rest of the movie than to start from scratch.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Casseiopeia said:

    It doesn't look like the movie Rust is going to be completed. Baldwin and the armorer have both been charged with involuntary man slaughter.

    I have no idea if it will be or won't be, but the charges aren't an automatic deal breaker.  Ezra Miller faced multiple charges and the WB actually still went ahead with them doing limited press and they (Ezra) took a plea and will apparently remain as an actor. 

    Trials and appeals can take years.

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  3. Avery is supposed to own a tech company.  I wonder if Paige and Luke and the Whistleblower are some how connected and it's Avery's company he talked about.  Maybe the missing money was part of a bribe.

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  4. I honestly, really enjoyed it.  I thought the supporting characters were great (especially Carlos).  Drake and Meg did a really good job channelling Mary and John.  Lots of Dean parallels with both characters. 

    I can see how John is going to get to the the person he was in the SPN pilot. 

    The atmosphere was a very old school vibe.

    I'm not just saying this because it's Jensen's project.  If this was my first exposure to the Supernatural world, I'd be all in. 

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  5. On 9/7/2022 at 3:08 PM, Casseiopeia said:

    So Creation blames the studio every year? Why would Creation then only ban merchandise with Winchesters, The Winchesters and Winchester Bros along with the Impala and the amulet? Those were the only items mentioned. Everything else SPN related is okay apparently.

    No, the sale of copy writed merchandise was never allowed.  There is a bit of a grey area with what they call transformative works.  

    Building on what @gonzosgirrl said, I was in the merch room, and I was looking at pins and asked if they had Dean ones, and was told to come back the next day because apparently after creation did its walk through they would mix a few of the Dean pins in with rest. 

    They aren't banning the sale of Winchester merch, they are banning unlicensed sellers from selling licensed stuff.  If you have a license, like Conquest journals there, they are free to sell however much they like. 

    With the take over, its possible Discovery is a lot stricter on that stuff.e. 

    SPN stuff isn't okay if they don't have permission.  IIRC, the rules say the stuff vendors can't sell trademarked.  They specifically mentioned the new things because its part of a new show. It suddenly doesn't change for other licensed trademarked stuff.

    On 9/6/2022 at 11:16 PM, Casseiopeia said:

    So far  I'm mostly seeing concern in the comment section from many fans about the seeming retcon of John and Mary.

    I honestly don't get why this is such a major sticking point for some many people.  Its not like the mothership didn't twist Mary's history into a pretzel already.  At first she hated hunting and wanted out, than not so much as he left her husband and young son to go hunt, and acted like her sons were some kind of burden.

    John was supposed to be in love with Mary so much his whole world imploded when she died, than not so much, they hated each other and cupids arrow brought them together.  Suddenly the whole reason for the show existing in the first place no longer existed. 

    It was just really about making sure Sam and Dean were being born, except wait no it wasn't it was just God being bored and writing some lousy fan fiction and the story never existed,  If people adhere strictly to show canon, then the mother ship never started until the end 15.19.  Sam and Dean really only had free will for one episode.  So that means the series if basically one episode long and Dean dies on their first hunt, and Sam leaves for parts unknown and lives a lonely life. 

    Not exactly a great legacy for our "heroes"   in canon.  I mean they didn't save anyone.  God just wrote it that way.  First time they did it on their own was a disaster.

    Canon sucked toward the end of the show.  If Jensen can fix that.  I say more power to him.

    What about the mother ship would actually change if John knew all along? "I went to Missouri and learned the truth' could really apply to more than one thing.  It could be learning about the demon deal Mary made, then  John would still start hunting after Mary died.  He's still become obsessed with the thing that killed her.  He'd still keep Sam and Dean in the dark.  The only WTF moment it would create is in The Song Remain the Same where John found out and had his memory erased. 

    Which makes it canon that that John knew before hand.  So its really not as against canon as some comments make it out to be as it already happened.   Its a show about the Supernatural, time travel, angels, memory wipes and AU's  It's really doesn't matter when or how John knew because there are multiple options to bring it full circle, and even if this don't, nothing would really change. 

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  6. On 8/27/2022 at 7:39 AM, Aeryn13 said:

    Must be heaven, in 15 years of the show, no matter what happened, I can never remember  his hair being so tousled. Haha.

    I figured it was more tousled because he had to keep it a certain length because of Beau.  The spiking will look messier because of the length.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Katy M said:

    I also think because of the "soldier following orders" he was supposed to have more of a military look.  Could be reading too much into things.  Wouldn't be the first time.

    I've seen it this way too.  Dean's hair was more "the good son" following orders, and Sam was
    "the rebel"

    Speaking of reading to much into things, whats up with the eyeballs on this tweet.

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  8. On 7/8/2022 at 6:40 PM, PurpleTentacle said:

    It's clear that Noir's flashback is reliable, as the other evidence we have lines up perfectly. It was just a creative way of the writers giving us yet another flashback, without getting too repetitive.

    IMO, there is a glaring discrepancy in Noir's flashback, and that is Gunpowder.  If Soldier Boy's abuse was so bad he actually filed a complaint why would he be the one person to not go along with the plan to take down Soldier Boy?

    I can't buy that he would have been to scared they wouldn't succeed, since he lodged the complaint in the first place.  If hew as so afraid of Soldier Boy, I can't see him putting in writing and leaving a paper trail where it could get back to Soldier Boy.  Gunpowder would be setting himself up with Vought to either disappear or get killed since that is how Vought deals with problems.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

    Gold, Silver and Copper tickets always sell out months if not a year before scheduled conventions. I don't think Creation has any plans to shake up the formula that the fans want to see. 

    Not always recently.  I was keeping an eye on Toronto in case i could make it work, and its not sold out.  Neither is Denver.  Last few cons I've noticed Jared and Jensen photo ops are still for sale.

    As both Jared and Jensen get busier the risk of them cancelling is only going to increase.  So if you buy a ticket for them only, chances are increasing you (general you) will end up disappointed. 

    Having a more varied guest list and panels will keep things interesting.

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  10. I think it would benefit cons a lot if Creation did a shake up.  Its always the same guests and the same panels.  David/Adam, Kim/Bri, Jensen/Jared, etc.

    I'm not saying never have a another Jared and Jensen panel, but if they are there two days have Jensen with Rob or Jason, or any of the new guests.  Pair Jared with Adam or Ruth or a new guest.

    I think it would encourage people to ask new questions. 

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  11. Its exactly why Creation is renaming the cons to Creation Cons rather than a salute to Supernatural.  A Salute to Supernatural con now comes with the expectation that Jensen and/or Jared will appear and if they both cancel the con would be rescheduled or cancelled. 

    Creation has to know that as time goes on the chances of one or both cancelling is expontially higher than it was when SPN was airing.

    But by naming it Creation Cos if one/both cancelled they can still have it without offering refunds since it wasn't and SPN con you bought tickets too. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, roamyn said:

    I wish we could get over the narrative that Jensen hated the finale.

    He initially was not happy with his character’s demise, but he has REPEATEDLY said in recent Cons that he now believes it was the right thing for Dean to die.

    It just took some time and outside perspective.

    Please stop repeating that Jensen hates the finale.

    I think that was how he was sold on it.  That it was the right thing and that Dean couldn't function without Sam. 

    I don't think he hated it, and I think he truly appreciated the scene with the brothers and the effort they put in to it, and I think he made his peace with it and found a way to accept it=but I don't believe he's truly 100% settled. 

    Someone said to me, that Dean will never find peace until Jensen does. 

    Given how many times he said he wants a reboot, I feel like this backs up that statement. 

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  13. It's possible Edgar/Vought have been trying to get supes into the military for decades.   We saw from MM's wall that Soldier Boy probably had more collateral damage than he did saves and was probably becoming a liability.  So Edgar probably saw turning Soldier Boy over to the Russians as a win/win.   If Russia can make a few supes they would have to choice but to send their own supes.    Soldier Boy didn't seem to have the chest blasts when he was captured. 

    Or maybe Edgar/Vought weren't involved at all.  Maybe after they were attacked, Crimson Countess saw a way to get rid of him and told the Russians, leave me alive, and I'll give you the real prize, type Dean. 

    For Homelander getting depowered and being a regular person would be worse than death.  We already saw fear in Homelander after he heard the reports.    So Im hoping this is what will happen.   I think Antony would be great at portraying a Homelander who last everything.   We 

    For Kimiko, I think she is going to realize that powers aren't all that bad.   We saw Frenchie not come back, and Kimiko is going to be powerless (literally and figuratively) to help him.  So I can see her taking temp V.  

    I wonder if MM will hold on to his principals or if he was consider temp V to level the playing field with Soldier Boy. 

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  14. Nothing is ever going to convince me Dean wasn't supposed to do the trials.  There was an article just before episode 14 where the interviewer said Jared and Jensen were stoked about the upcoming mythology.  There was video, and Jensen looked disappointed.  He was quiet, looking down and didn't say a word while Jared went on and on.  Several people asked if there was another interview because Jensen looked anything but stoked.   So it wasn't just one person's opinion. Then after episode 19, she said Dean needed more to do and the next week was convinced that Dean had a part to play, even though he had less to do in that ep than he did it 19.  Many wondered if she got her hand slapped. 

    The trials themselves, killing a hellhound, saving a soul from hell, curing a demon, they are all things that would better suit putting Dean's physical and metaphorical demons to bed.  I think something changed behind the scenes and they were given to Jared.  The whole, "I need to be purified thing" made no sense after episode Sam saying he forgave himself for everything and carried no guilt. 

    I knew the outcome of that storyline the minute we got the spoiler only brother was going to do the trials.  Sam would chosen one, Dean would get support and Sam would be resentful of Dean not treating him like a big boy and it played out exactly like that.   For all Sam's whining that he had to do it all by himself he had no problem accepting help from anyone but Dean.  

    There was no reason they both couldn't do them.  Have Dean do one, Sam do the other and do the last together.

    I also thought the whole stoyline was stupid, and made both Sam and Dean look like idiots.  Why did they jump in so blindly?  The world was status quo and there was no pressing need for it to be done immediately.  Why not wait until they had all 3 trials?  I get the appeal of closing the gates of hell and if it was s1 I would understand but they had been around the block enough times to know that things are never what they seem and if it sounds too good to be true it probably was.  They never even questioned what happens if they were closed and if souls could still go to hell. 

    Not to mention at that point there was a good chance of renewal and they weren't going to eliminate demon.  So Sam and Dean were either going to look selfish by refusing to close the gates (which is what happened, because their knowledge to "turn the tide" didn't do a single bit of good) or if closing was going to have as many negative effects as positive they look like idiots.  No way to end that story on a positive note. 

    How did Dean not realize Sam was dying?

    Between all that and how the show framed Dean as a mean one because he was upset Sam abandoned him, aside from the small amount of purgatory  I loathed s8,  I almost stopped watching. 

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  15. I think this is why Creation is re-branding their SPN cons as Creation cons and inviting guests from Jensen and Jared's other shows.  They know that their schedules are less stable and one of both might have to cancel.  They tried the whole SPN cons without Jensen or Jared and they didn't seem to sell well or creation will still be doing them. 

    I would love if they did a Boys con in Toronto. 

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  16. My pet theory is that Soldier Boy was becoming a liability and impossible for Vought to control and Edgar wanted to get rid of him, but he didn't really have a replacement.  I think Crimson Countess found herself pregnant with Soldier Boy's baby and Edgar saw a chance at a do-over.  He set up Soldier Boy to be captured and to make sure he had control they raised the baby, who turned out to be Homelander in a lab. 

    In the movie Robocop the maker of the Robocop programmed him so he couldn't attack him.  I wonder if Edgar did something similar with Homelander.  He was brainwashed that no matter what Edgar says Homelander won't attack him.   It would explain why Edgar is so calm. 

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  17. 20 minutes ago, roamyn said:

    *I'm sure the rebar was a nod to Dean Winchester, as they said their would be Easter Eggs to SPN.  I wonder if the hamster was another.  After all a hamster helped Crowley get the MoC off Dean's arm.  And here a hamster helped take out one of SB's guards.

    This is possible since the writer for this episode was Meredith Glynn, who is a former Supernatural writer.

    1 hour ago, Boadicea said:

    lLoveReading said:   “I think the Russians put Solider Boy on ice because he's not too powerful and can seemingly neutralize other supes around him”

    Typo.  that should have said, not only too powerful but can seemingly neutralize other supe.

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  18. Is becoming the thing you hate most, literal?

    4 minutes ago, Bergamot said:

    they need to find a better way of communicating with each other than whispering in the hallway at work!

    Especially when the guy you are trying to keep it from has super hearing.

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