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What an emotional recount from the cast. Loved the background and especially how involved the unknown soldier became. Even though he bent the knee, he still talks about Jon like his king. Love that part.
I think Jon has made perfect;y clear that "he doesn't want it" IMO Jon would be 100% happier hanging with the wildings than being King and hanging with the court of Kings Landing. I think his ending was perfect, once he found the courage to do what was best for Westeros and kill a woman who was not going to ever stop conquering cities with her Dracarys style.
I am sure Jon will be sometimes at Castle Black and just spend a few weeks there but his real home will be with the wildings. It was mainly done to appease Grey Worm and company but maybe Tyrion played a little bit on how little the Unsullied and Dotraki know about Westeros culture and how the NW basically has ceased to exist, so all the more power to Jon. The wildings already respect him and admire him. Tormunds gets to be his right hand. I was happy to hear that Arya and Sansa both fought hard for Jon but there needed to be concessions made and this solution fits the bill.
I like that, the King beyond the Wall, his sister Sansa is his neighbor being the QITN so they can have regular meetings and trades, learn to cohabitate, the North and the Free Folk. His brother is the King of the six kingdoms and that also works to the advantage of the Wildings. Jon gets to be King in all but name. I like that. The Wildings are upfront and not so much into politics and double talking so this suits Jon's style perfectly.
I absolutely loved her coronation. Nobody has worked as hard as Sansa for an independent North. I believe she would have asked the same of Jon if he was named King. My hope for her is that she gets to be the Elizabeth of the North. After all she has been through I don't think she ever wants to be with a man again. When Arya gets done traveling she can settle (not marry) and have babies with Gendry, babies who will be Starks or maybe even after Bran pardons Jon, then Sansa can give him the Stark name and Jon's children could be her heirs.
IMO Jon was sentenced to go to the NW to appease the Unsullied who wanted to kill him but his brother is the King of the six kingdoms and his sister the QITN so I am sure he basically gets to go and do as he pleases up North. I went from liking Grey Worm to intensely dislike him. Hopefully, Jon will find himself a nice wilding girl that can keep him company. Jon, Tormund and Ghost future adventures put a smile on my face. In a few years, Bran will pardon him, Sansa will give him a hold in the North and he can finally live and peace, marry and maybe even have kids. JMO
You are not alone, come sit by me. I think that Ned would be mighty proud of his children and so am I.
I was sort of hoping for some remorse on Daenerys' part, some acknowledgment that what she did was horrible on all levels, but not one ounce of it, none. Her grandiose discourse was scary as shit. She believed her own delusions and thought she was the only one who knew better what was right for the people of the whole world. She was dangerous and needed to die. I am glad Jon had the courage to do it.
OMG, the look of pure happiness when Jon hugged Ghost was everything.
Game of Thrones I have read the books, I have watched the show faithfully, more than once. I am going to miss this. I was so enthralled with this story and for me, it has been perfect. Thanks to GOT for providing this wonderful source of escapism.
I sure hope so. Somebody has to, just might well be Arya to save her family. Arya will have to save Sansa and probably Bran as well. God knows Jon won't move a finger except to kiss Daenerys' feet.
She knew. Tyrion explained it to her and she agreed. Grey Worm was there as a witness She fully knew what the ringing of the bells meant. She made the executive decision to kill civilians and destroy the city despite the surrender. Now I understand why Bran needed Jon to know about his birth, he probably wanted to avoid this, he just couldn't figure out that Jon would become another of her yes man. All the signs have been there for anyone who cared to see but most viewers were in love with her and her dragons so the signs were dismissed. She has said it dozen on times. It has come from her own mouth: Fire and Blood, burn city to ashes, burn cities to the ground. All part of her promises. Tonight she did well on her promises of seven seasons.
Sansa is the only one who saw who Daenerys really was and had the cojones not to bend the knee (figuratively) That is why she irritated Daenerys so much, her fake flattery went nowhere with Sansa. Sansa was able to see that Danerys was just an improved version of Cersei but a tyrant nonetheless. Sansa was right, no one, no kingdom will ever be able to have any kind of freedom or remain with any kind of dignity for as long as Daenerys sits on the throne. Like she told Jon, "Fear it is" Sansa death is coming but I am glad that at least someone stood up to her. At least Sansa can say that she will die with her dignity intact.
He has given interviews saying that while Westeros was fighting their petty wars for the throne while the two major threats: White Walkers and Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons were getting ready to attack Westeros. He has given this interviews years ago so this is no news for him and this is the ending he has always wanted except with the path to get there. GRRM created the perfect sympathetic villain, the one who the good looks, the seemly right claim, the one who liberated slaves even if she didn't have a plan to help them or rule them afterward, but none of that makes her less than a villain, one who believes it is her destiny to liberate Westeros from a villain Cersei, all the while she is a villain herself, one with a weapon of mass destruction in the form of a dragon.
He might be sane but he is a wimp not fit to rule. He stood by while she burned a man to his death for the sin of telling the truth, that she was not the rightful heir to the throne. He stood there and said absolutely nothing. After witnessing that, he still went to cuddle her and comfort her and even kiss her. In my eyes, he is just as bad as she is. He needs to go and live a simple life knowing that thousands upon thousands of people have died by the hands of a woman he vouched for. I have no respect for Jon Snow, none!