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  1. My station is not playing the team tournament, I’m seeing some regular game! Bummed... this is in San Diego CA.
  2. Really? When is that taken out, I don't think the IT-201 (the NY income tax form) has a line for that.
  3. And federal taxes too, at whatever their marginal tax rate is based on their other income. Austin would have to pay both NY state AND NY city tax... Saw Buzzy tweet:
  4. I like all three of the finalists, don't actually have a favorite. Really looking forward to it...
  5. Looking forward to tomorrow, I find Austin entertaining. I know, a minority opinion here...
  6. Ha! I have Ashlee Vance's book on Musk right next to me. I was a bit thrown, though, as Vance is male... they referred to "her" book.
  7. I'm just catching up, have been traveling, but I like Seth a lot too. I think he looks a bit like Jack Black.
  8. Great story this morning on CBS Sunday Morning on Tim Daly. Apparently the chemistry is off-screen as well as on. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tim-dalys-most-important-role-father/
  9. One thing I loved in this episode was Elizabeth's reaction to the idea of performing in the talent show. Thought it humanized her, it's the first time she wasn't ultra confident and competent at something, as she has been in the most extremely difficult situations...
  10. "I think I read somewhere that she said that she was specifically referring to Derrick's impersonation (during which he prayed) of her in the ill-advised TAFY play." Maybe. But even so, maybe he was doing his own praying, on his own, not for show...
  11. "I have a bone to pick with Jocasta. She was unhappy, or trying to appear up in arms over Derrick doing what she calls "fake praying" Every spiritual person that I know, and especially those who consider themselves spiritual leaders would agree that what ever the intent, getting someone to pray is beneficial whether the person knows it, or means it, or not. So who is Jocasta, anyways, that she would put someone down for that?" This. Who is Jocasta to say that someone else's praying is "fake". Why is her praying any more authentic?
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