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Everything posted by Hana

  1. The whole episode was good, much better than the last two, but my favorite part was Coulson's face when the two Mays are about to fight, and his "I can't believe I am the only one seeing this" comment. I had a very similar reaction, in an "everybody stay calm, this is HAPPENING, EVERYBODY STAY F***ING CALM /end Steve Carell's voice" way. And they did not disappoint one bit. Kudos, AoS, major kudos.
  2. No. They can't kill of Lucy Lawless' character after one episode after that much hype. Nope. Na-ah. I will live in the world of denial. Apart from that, I actually enjoyed the episode, and the darker turn the show is taking. And May. There can never be enough of May just doing May stuff. As for Ward, I really hate it when US shows don’t know when it’s time to let go of a character (or simply stay the course with her/him if they turned out to be bad gals/guys). Certain actions a character makes cannot remain consequences free no matter how said character feels about those actions afterwards. Ward killed dozens (if not hundreds) of people in cold blood. He knew exactly what he was doing. It doesn’t matter what he does in the future, how many times he says he is sorry, how many times he does something to prove his loyalty to the team, how many times he tries to kill himself or nearly dies saving somebody, the fact remains he killed all those people and for that he has to suffer consequences of imprisonment for the remainder of his life. It’s that simple. Whatever he does will not erase the numerous crimes he committed. There is no redeeming somebody after you’ve shown them kill three people point blank and then snicker about it with the bad guy they released. They went too far with him. Are we really supposed to cheer for him to find his goodness now, and his happiness with Skye? Really? If this was a fantasy show set in a fantasy land where different set of rules applied it’d be easier to swallow, but like this, in a scifi setting emulating our world, not so much. Eh, I’ll keep hoping they decide not to take that route with him, however slim the chances for that may be.
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