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Everything posted by Vella

  1. No, not at all. That was a widely panned flop of a tv movie from 25 years ago. What pushed him to massive popularity and endless front burner status was the success of S&B. What keeps it going is the nostalgia of THAT Sonny and that time period and that pairing. The show may brag about his legendary status, the mob, S&C etc. but really, I think his front burner status lives off those S&B fumes.
  2. Once again, this show does not get how TIME works. You can't have Ava/Quasimodo talking in Ava's apartment and Laura/Spencer/Kevin talking outside Kelly's and in the same time, have the Cockroaches get caught in a blast, dig themselves out, go to the hospital, have Sonny go through surgery to get the bullet, come out of surgery and wake up groggy in recovery. It doesn't fucking WORK. Ava/Quasi and Laura/Kevin/Spencer MIGHT take 30 minutes to 1 hour, all things Sonny would have taken upwards of 12 hours. Idiots. I did like Ava/Quasimodo talk today. That was actually good. This is why Ava will always been far more interesting than Carly, Sonny, Jason, Sam, Franco combined can ever hope to be. They don't box her in. She's allowed to be selfish and do terrible things and 3/4 of the canvas isn't rushing around fixing her problems or insisting how amazing she is. For now she's going to hang onto that thread of decency, but her fears and self-pity and self-loathing is going to get the better of her. The other idiots may get the limelight and cheer squads but Ava gets the meat. I'm so glad Spencer's going. NB is a good actor, when he got emotional, that was GOOD STUFF and I can't believe the show wasted YEARS on him behaving like a little shit instead of focusing on the fact that he's alone, afraid to be alone, fearful that he's not loved. Hopefully he's gone for a LONG time. And while I get the context of why Jason wanted Sam to rest, when he told her to 'just stop' to get her to shut up, that irritated me. You shut the fuck up you goon, you just badgered someone to death, why don't YOU fucking simmer down?
  3. And another thing, why would a PCPD security detail be dispatched to investigate a disturbance in the library next door? That's what hospital security, which we know GH has, is for. These writers don't think AT ALL.
  4. Garvey for the win! He doesn't give a shit about Jason "look at me, I'm OUT!" Morgan issuing threats. Then he croaks without giving Jason anything to go on. Hah! Thank goodness Spencer is finally fucking off. We're getting another useless Nelle backstory aren't we? Oooh, she knows about bullets, is cagey about her background. No wonder Bobbie is still snitting about Nelle, with zero life of her own. It's a CRUEL tease to have S&C in a building set to collapse in a demolition as the seconds tick down KNOWING that neither cockroach will die.
  5. So Hayden got raging drunk one night, had it out with her husband, drove drunk and killed a girl? And her ex took the fall for it? What the fuck is this? THIS is her exit story? Or what leads to it? I know Hayden's not AJFAT, but HELL, that WTF writing decision certainly FEELS like someone is pissed off at RBudig for something.
  6. I'd rather go in another direction and ret-con Sam being Alexis' child period. There was no DNA test between Sam and Alexis. Sam was a con artist hell bent on revenge against Alexis. I'd rather not have Alexis being raped by Stavros, since she's one of the few female characters on the show that hasn't been sexually assaulted in some way. Soaps don't take real risks anymore. Well, scratch that, they take risks in doing stupid shit that'll get whatever fans left watching to change the channel. But they don't take GOOD risks. I'd much rather see Sam be revealed as knowing all along she wasn't Alexis' child, that originally it was a con designed to hurt Alexis, but a plan she gave up after realizing she cared about Alexis and Krolly and enjoyed being a part of their family and that Sam found 'proof' that Alexis' child is 'dead' and decided to keep it a secret and just carry on as Alexis' long lost child. Not even Jason knows. But Helena DID. But this is GH. And making Sam a villain or even morally grey is never going to happen.
  7. LOLOL! So Sam has a brain parasite called Taxoplas---let's called it SONNYHATE, because that's basically what it is. I like Garvey. I *buy* that he's dangerous. I believe he hates Sonny. I laughed when he told Sonny to go to hell and all Sonny could do was look offended. When Garvey grabbed Liz, I believed he was in pain, that he was scared and very close to snapping her neck. Why isn't HE taking over the mob? He is WAY more believable as a mob boss and a force to be reckoned with than Sonny or Jason, combined, have EVER been. So Scout is with Alexis and I guess Danny's with Monica? Sam and Jason DO NOT WORK. They have ZERO jobs to keep them occupied. So why are family members who've raised THEIR OWN babies being the ones saddled with Sam/Jason kids? They're such lazy losers.
  8. LAME. Sam didn't shoot Sonny in the chest, but sort of accidentally in the upper thigh and then kicks him into a hole. LAME LAME LAME. If she meant it? She would have shot him center mass. This show is AWFUL. Even when Sam has WIMMIN DISEASE she's a moron. And Diane weeping over Max and that whole WTF? conversation with Jason and Carly is just another exercise in how moronic these show runners are. Max isn't being promoted to general manager of WALMART, GH. He's not being brought up from the minor leagues. Despite Diane's grotesque reference to Max being a soldier and now a general, he's not serving his country. He's going to get to order the MURDER of other people. He gets to profit and hurt others. Fucking morons. And Jason? Your ass is NOT out. Idiot.
  9. I can believe that she made up the 'ex-husband who left me with all the bills/huge debt' story for Ric's benefit when they first met and that she's never actually been married as Hayden Barnes before Nikolas. Needing money fits with her backstory of dramatically changing her life and her name and having to start over. So Obrecht digging into Rachel Berlin's life could produce a potentially jilted ex-fiance. I can't believe a storyline actually makes sense.
  10. Yes. Lucy is suddenly a realtor now and showed Hayden/Finn a house to buy. He was excited, she wasn't because it was a nice home and reminded her of the one she grew up in and the kind of person she was back then. He said some nice things and then they got hot'n'bothered and had sex in an empty house. When Lucy came back, she was not immediately grossed out when she realized what they'd been up to. Also, Obrecht is still pissed and is digging into Hayden's past when she was Rachel Berlin. She found an ex-fiance and called him up.
  11. For those of you that didn't catch it, today was an exercise in how utterly PATHETIC the show runners are at forcing S&C, but really Sonny, into a storyline that 100% does not warrant his involvement. It was EMBARRASSING watching Laura tell Sonny she "didn't know where else to go" regarding Spencer's kidnapping. She didn't go to Alexis or even a dimwit like Sam, she didn't go to Mac/Flea or say ANNA DEVANE for help. Nope, she went to Sonny and weepily asked him to use his connections. Carly gushed over how amazing Sonny is and how he'd go to the ends of the world to find Spencer, even ask the Five Families. Sonny bragged in his big boy voice about letting everyone out 'there' know if they were involved Sonny would DO SOMETHING to retaliate. Then Joss showed up crying, blaming herself for Spencer going missing. Remember how we all knew that there would be a point where Joss would do an about face and immediately, jarringly be on Sonny's side again? That was TODAY. Sonny offers to give Carly/Joss privacy and Joss inexplicably asks him to stay, stares hopefully at him and says "and you'll find him?" in that hero worship voice we all know in the Conrinthii children. Through it all Carly gushes and simpers and stares admiringly at her noble knight on his crusade to find the little Shithead. It was BANANAS.
  12. Here's what should happen: Morgan comes back but has no memory, he's also disfigured (recast) and is learning to heal. He and Ava meet, they're in the same boat, trying to heal and cope. They fall in love, Morgan is plagued by memories of an exploding car, Ava helps him. He gets his memory back, initially hates Ava's guts, but can't stand S&C and others going after her. Ultimately he forgives her, believes they both deserve a fresh start. S&C heads explode. The End. Anything to make S&C lose their heads. ANYTHING. Nelle&Michael just aren't doing it.
  13. What the fuck? Since when do CASSADINES have picnics and go have meetings in the park in summertime? No, no, no. Alexis/Quasimodo should have met at Wyndemere, where it is perpetually gloomy and foggy as shit. Jesus, let the Cassadines BE, writers. Ending it with Quasi whispering ominously on the phone about taking on a 10 YEAR OLD is a pretty poor dismount. Flames on the side of my face with the Kiki/Sonny scenes. They were just so GROSS. As if Kiki would EVER say Avery is better off with S&C, as if Kiki would think how Ava got Avery was WRONG but Sonny blackmailing Ava to get Avery is OKAY. Kiki STILL doesn't know that this douchehole used HER to threaten Ava into giving Avery up. STILL. Such bullshit. Lee gets ONE flashback. That's it. 4 people stuck in ONE room the entire time. No room for Kevin or Monica or Mac/Flea or Bobbie? People who would have known Lee? Why did Serena, who was there with Lee when he died, fly all the way up to PC to be with Scott and leave Gail? That made no sense. But the whole thing really was a fail. The actors gave it a go, but considering how half assed the whole thing was, I don't know why they even bothered.
  14. Sonny is totally the kind of man who brags about 'babysitting' his kids for his wife and expects the world to go "Awwwww, what an amazing man!!!" Carly fawning over Sonny like he didn't create this bullshit mess and fuck over Joss, her 14 year old CHILD, was straight up typical for Carly. Always putting Sonny before her child. She's 3 for 3 on that count. Sonny deserves NO accolades for cleaning up a mess HE created. I like that Joss didn't give up the grudge and instead reminded Sonny that he started this whole stupidity, but she should have TOTALLY called him out for insisting he had her back. But this is the beginning of the softening, I'm sure. It was bound to happen eventually. Bobbie/Carly giggling and scheming over how to get Nelle was just PATHETIC. They are PATHETIC. And of course, it's insulting how this Lee Baldwin thing is starting out. Can't give them airtime, and of course, we can't forget the show basically ignoring Lee/Gail for nearly 15 years, so all of this "remember Lee?!" thing feels awkward as hell. The actor has died and someone got a knee jerk bad idea. I love that Serena is back, but I fear she'll be staring moon eyes at Michael or some other mob related loser very, very soon.
  15. I re-watched Person of Interest the other day, and a couple of things struck me that either I had forgotten or didn't realize the first time watching. Firstly, I love seeing the subtle, but clear ways Eames disagrees with Goren, KE did SO MUCH with her reaction shots to Goren going further off track. Even when he stubbornly starts to insist Croyden fit the profile, I love her choice of just quietly but firmly telling Bobby he didn't listen. She doesn't even say that he was wrong or that he screwed up, but rather that he didn't listen. And the turmoil in Goren after she leaves the room? Oof. He was wrong, he let himself be blinded and prejudiced, he let down Eames and the squad and he still doesn't quite get WHAT actually happened. Which brings up Nicole. What was neat was that I actually forgot this was a Nicole episode and so, despite the hints that SOMETHING more was going on, nothing clicked into place until she showed up at the restaurant, and then it's "ah ha! Of course, it was Nicole." Most other shows would go overboard, making it SO clear who's behind it, but I love they didn't do that here. Even Goren hasn't clued into Nicole being responsible until she shows up. What I find amusing is that Nicole probably would have gotten away with it. Nobody suspected her, not even a bit. And then she just HAD to show up at the restaurant and by doing that she reveals her hand and completely screws herself over. Finally, I love the team corralling and Deakins/Carver totally being on board. Yay team! The best was Goren admitting to Eames, shamefully, that he was played. In the interrogation room, in the dark, looking at the mirror. He could have told the team, but it's Eames he confesses to, because of course, it is her forgiveness/strength that he needs. I get the show runners were trying to build up Goren/Nicole as arch rivals, but really they ended up showcasing the awesomeness of Goren/Eames.
  16. Once again, Joss comes across as a smart, sensible, straight forward young adult, knowing full well just how full of shit Carly is and Carly comes across as a foot stomping, tantrum throwing "I'm not the bad guy!" whining child. Sonny typically alternates between not giving any fucks and sulking when it comes to the Joss problem HE 100% created. The Bachelorette/Bachelor parties were embarrassing dull fests. Michael, Dillon and Dante? That's it? Olivia getting drunk alone in 15 minutes? She doesn't even get the semblance of a party? And Ned insisting he'd walk through fire before hurting Olivia. Really? Because I don't remember you walking through fire when you completely 100% dumped Olivia and Leo at the height of the "Julian's the dad" secret, despite insisting you NEVER would do that, and completely left that shitpile for her to deal with (which Alexis cleaned up) to go be a rock star. Such bullcrap from Ned. And what kind of cop would EVER think Olivia was a hooker? Found in HER hotel, drunk off her ass, wearing a 'Bride to be' tiara and pink boa, mistakenly trying to grind on a firefighter she thought was a stripper. Really GH? The writers are morons.
  17. Joss was a BOSS today. Sure, there was some teenage whining mixed in, but she kept nailing 3 pointers again and again and again about the awfulness of Sonny and how hurt and angry she is. No wonder Carly sputters and stuttered and could barely muster up any defense other than "I love Sonny, we're better together" like a fucking moron. And OF COURSE Sonny is dismissive of Joss' feelings. Of course he thinks he can talk to her and she'll get past it with a shrug of his shoulders. He doesn't fucking care and neither does Carly. Neither are prepared to WORK or make any kind of sacrifice on Joss' behalf. Rock on Joss. Be that shit disturber as long as you can.
  18. Only on GH would statements like the ones Sam made today be a red flag for SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH YOUR WOMAN PARTS. I didn't connect with anything Sam said because it sounds ridiculous coming from her, just like it does with Carly. These women are not new to the world and they don't put children first. Neither are Sonny or Jason, so this wailing about putting Sonny before family is not normal. She's always known that. No wonder Jason was patronizing the shit out of her. Although I did get a kick out of Jason treating her like she was loco.
  19. This is something viewers might feel, not at all what we saw portrayed on screen. Even when AJ made his brief return a couple of years ago, there was NO mention of Jason stealing Michael. It has never been suggested that Jason was anything other than a beacon of good in Michael's life. Any of Michael's flaws are marginally put on S&C, mostly Sonny but never on Jason. Michael has never questioned Jason or what he did or how Michael's life was horrible in so many ways because of Jason's selfishness. Nobody on this show laments who Michael could have been while in the same breath detracting what Jason did because nobody blames Jason for what he did. Anytime there is talk of Jason/Michael it is almost always how Michael is just like Jason and gets his best qualities from Jason. Nobody, not even Monica looks at Michael and tells him how much he reminds them of AJ, because AJ is just one of many dirty words on this show. And Guza will always, by a long and wide margin be the worst writer to ever pen GH. He got a GOOD show and turned it to trash in a breathtakingly fast amount of time, often discarding decades of history to satisfy his infantile scribbling. Friendships? Gone. Families? Gone. The list goes on because it really all stopped with him. Everyone else who followed in writing did very little but then, they were given an AWFUL show with ashes to build from. So what is going on with Jason right now? Is pretty much on target with what Guza would have done. Jason is a good man, doing good things and being honorable all the time. He is loved and respected and admired by all and anyone who feels differently is a terrible person or simply misguided and will soon get on board the party line.
  20. He already did, for years and years with Michael. A child Jason stole. Guza spent a decade exalting the ways Jason was the best at EVERYTHING, including parenthood. There were no consequences of any kind. Guza would never write consequences because Guza would never even THINK to suggest Jason was anything other than perfect. Any choices Jason made were noble and heroic. To have a character call out Jason would be the easiest way to label a character as EVIL. What happens now is just more of the same, a continuation of what has been going on for years. Jason doesn't do anything wrong. Living off mob blood money is okay. Threatening people is okay, especially when you're clearing the local mobster's name. Shooting people and then celebrating afterwards is okay because that guy was bad and let's forget about the fact he went after Sonny because Sonny murdered his brother. There's no stress, no conflict, no nothing. Jason's feet are never held to the fire, he's never put in an uncomfortable position of actually coming to grips with the choices HE made because the show is never going to suggest Jason or Sam or the mob is in the wrong. This is exactly the sort of thing Guza would write if he were here. Guza was never a soap writer, he was a sledgehammer determined to put his embarrassing mob opus on screen.
  21. Any Jason/Sam conversation about being safe is going to be ridiculous simply because everything the both of them have done right up until even now indicates that neither are willing to giving up anything to be safe. BOTH actively court dangerous situations and BOTH have chosen again and again, WITH CHILDREN, to maintain their lives firmly attached to Mob Central. Just a short while ago they were both hustling around town verbally threatening people with Sonnyviolence for cooperation for the sole purpose of proving Sonny's innocence. Sonny didn't even ASK them to do this, it was something, per usual, they jumped into headfirst. So with a decade plus under their belts of choosing to be in a violent and high risk lifestyle, any mewling about being safe is a JOKE when they have not had ONE single honest conversation about WHY their CHOICES have brought them to this point. The closest was that 'on the run' nonsense in which both VERY carefully skirted around their individual and mutual culpability. It's a complete wash when neither is willing to be honest. It is always someone else's fault and now they're 'trapped'. They aren't trapped, not even a little bit.
  22. I really wish Monica had just busted out laughing at Sam's passionate whining about them being in Sonny's clutches and declaring that noise about making a new life. That or a deadpan, slightly snarky "uh huh......Anyway!" Because honey, nobody is buying that train of nonsense shooting out of your mouth.
  23. I agree, it's a soap staple for children to be with nannies/babysitters/family off screen and if GH kept it to that, it would have been standard. But for a time period, it seemed like a huge chunk of time, Danny was with Molly or Molly/TJ. Molly was either just coming from babysitting Danny, just on her way to babysitting Danny or actually had him in the scene with her. It was comedic how oblivious the show was to it. On occasion it was Alexis or Monica, but the default was Molly.
  24. She didn't have a nanny because she had Molly. It became a bit ridiculous that Sam's miracle baby was being raised, in large part, by Molly. A better soap would have done something with that, but not GH.
  25. Oatmeal cookies and green tea. What an absolutely perfect description of how tame and bland Michael and Nelle are. I love how Sonny, Carly and Jason don't even TALK about a man showing up at their door with a gun, intent to kill over something Sonny has done to another's family. Instead they laugh and toast and are happy the guy's going to face charges once he recovers? This show is so fucking stupid. Sam? You are a LIAR. You and Jason were making ZERO efforts to cut yourselves off from Sonny and the mob. You were actually working to inch your way BACK IN. Sam was so full of shit today. Can Trina please be related to the Qs in some way? And Oscar could be a Scorpio somehow? Both actors were great and the Joss actress was really solid as well. BUILD ON THAT GH. I really got a kick out of Trina being a great party thrower, and that she's a nice friend to Joss by inviting Joss' crush. Keep fighting the good fight Joss!
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