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104 Excellent-
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Let's not forget that Jennifer's slut princess daughter also abandoned her son and husband, but Abigail is just the bestest mother in all of Salem, and I agree, Jennifer looks and acts like Eric's mother. And, while she is passing judgment on Teresa and JJ for their past bad behavior, did she forget about her and Eric's hookups while they were both high and in addict denial. Okay for them to heal and hook up again, though. What a hypocrite and shrew she is. -
Anyone else, catch Cayden James' fake name when he walked into the Mayor's office? Ben Gale. Any Lost fans out there? And, I wasn't waiting for team for Dinah to get all bitchy when Curtis withheld information from her, but no. I guess withholding is a big deal only when it is OTA withholding it.
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Hey, Deimos, thanks for poisoning Maggie and then blackmailing the surgeon so you everyone can claim all the credit for her walking again after YOU PURPOSELY CAUSED her paralysis, you douche. Oh, and thanks for kidnapping Bo so he isn't able to receive treatment for his Braim tumor that CAUSED HIM TO DIE!!!! Boy, that Deimos, he's a real hero. At least Sonny isn't drinking the "Deimos is God" Kool-Aid. Hey Rafe, why don't you and your murder covering up commander Roman, take your snarling indignant faces and take a seat beside Deimos on Salem's douchebag train. This show seems to operate on the assumption that its viewers won't remember history. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Sorry for the long post, but I have to say that after yesterday’s show, I’m getting very close to calling it quits with this show. Hope has always been my favorite character and I really came to love her with Aiden. I know, he did lie and came really close to trying to kill her, but I was hoping somehow they could redeem him enough to make he and Hope a couple again. I just do not like her with Rafe. I can’t believe that the remaining half of my favorite super couple is going to be coupled with Rafe. He’s such a dud. Eck. Hope’s behavior yesterday was just plain ugly. Especially given all of her transgressions. Has she forgotten that she murdered Stephano? Has she forgotten that she once tried to set Bo on fire? Has she forgotten all she did as Princess Gina under Stephano’s control? I can accept her being angry, her feeling betrayed and hurt, but I don’t think she’s entitled to interrogate, threaten and assault Aiden the way she did. She’s supposed to be above that sort of behavior, isn’t she? Oh, and her “just you wait until I tell Rafe what you did” threat almost made me vomit. Definitely unpleasant to watch. Added to Hope’s abusive actions, we get treated to Jennifer’s insane rantings. I mean she really came off as the unstable one, not Chad. I loved that he called her on her addiction and her retort is that Chad is a DE-Meera. Oooh. Good one, Jen. I don’t think a normal court considers one guilty by association. Maybe in her twisted sanctimonious mind, they will, but not a reasonable court. Then, we had those awful Chase and Ciara’s scenes. The Ciara actress has got to go. I wanted to like her and have given her time to get better, but all her scenes are awful. On the other hand, the actor playing Chase really has some talent. He’s able to draw sympathy from me, when I know a rapist doesn’t deserve any. One of the worst shows ever. The abusive behavior from the designated “good girls” of Salem and the overall tone made me honestly consider quitting the show forever. There is nothing fun or good in Days of Our Lives. We’ve got the Tate napping, missing Blabagail, Shrew Jennifer and her best friend\cousin shrew Hope, shrew-in-training Ciara, crazy and mean Victor, psychotic Summer, Brain dead Brady, mean, vindictive, entitled, Kate and Andre the clown. Shouldn’t there be a little bit of goodness somewhere? -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Add me to the list of people feeling sorry for Chase. Whether it's intentional or not, I think the actor is successfully portraying remorse, guilt, and desperation. When I see him, I don't see an adult, I still see a child and I can't help but feel bad that he doesn't have anyone in his corner. I'm also disappointed that Hope hasn't done anything to offer guidance to him. I know her primary role is to support Ciara, but Hope has in effect been Chase's surrogate mother for many years. Wouldn't a parent want to support and get help for their child when they do something wrong--no matter how awful? We have this story playing at the same time that Joey murdered someone and his parents are covering up for him. Oh, and at the same time that Hope also murdered someone and Eric accidentally killed someone and Deimos attempted to kill Maggie and left Victor to die. I can't help but wonder if a redemption arc is in store for Chase because he's the only person in all these current murderous stories who is universally disliked. -
Evil Twins: Days Stars in Other Roles
Shenanigans replied to Rick Kitchen's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Allison Paige, the actress who played Bev, JJ's friend, was on Flash last night. She played the villain metahuman of the week, Eliza\Trajectory. I thought she was quite good. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Wow, what exactly does Gollum, I mean, Abigail think she’s going to do to Andre Dimera? I suppose she could strap her 3-month premature, newly-released-from-the-hospital-with-life-threatening-fever baby onto her back and burst into the unguarded Dimera estate and slap Andre real hard. Twice. Why, that will teach him a lesson for sure. Pure comedy gold, that’s what that was. The Steve and Ava stuff and their baby is just so boring. It reminds me of the Bo and Billie swamp baby story line—so unoriginal. If this boring and predictable story serves to make Steve and Kayla even stronger and ends with a fantastically romantic wedding, I’ll tolerate the nonsense for a while, but my patience is running thin fast. The school kids are okay and I’ll tolerate them because of their parents. Yes, the acting could be better, but since KM and MB are considered stellar actresses, how can I criticize the newbys. I do like that Theo and Lani are talking and the bully storyline may develop into more family scenes with the Carvers. I’d rather be bored with some realistic and organic relationships than bored by recycled plot contrivances like, we have a long-lost child together. Blech. What else? Oh yes, Hope and Rafe. I hope the writers can clean up this mess somehow, but the only way these two can come back from this is having someone else actually shooting Stephano. Notice, though, how Hope is worried what Chad and Andre would do to her and her children, but slapigail thinks she’s a legitimate threat? Pure. Comedy. Gold. Yesterday’s episode was so weird. There was just so much yuckiness going around—I’m finding it all so unpleasant. Not one good storyline going on. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
I'm so disappointed that we were denied the reunion between Bo and Shawn, especially with Jason Cook playing Shawn. When Bo and Shawn nearly ran into each other at the square and Bo said, "Hey Sailor," I was grinning from ear to ear. I always loved that Bo had nicknames for the people he loved. I wonder whether PR added that "sailor" greeting himself or if it was scripted. I like to believe that was all PR. I also loved Bo's hugging Hope and asking her to feel his heart, but I was totally unprepared for her to pull away from him. I think Hope's reaction was a clear statement to Bo and the viewers that she is emotionally shattered and credit to Bo for recognizing it and not pushing her. I think the writers are doing a pretty decent job writing realistic reactions for Bo and Hope and PR and KA are delivering. I thought Maggie's embrace of Theresa was a little WTF. I know that Maggie's attitudes has changed of late from judgmental harpy to understanding, compassionate matriarch, but are we really supposed to believe that Maggie has not only completely forgiven Theresa for running Melanie out of town, but has also become a maternal surrogate for Theresa? Sorry, I love Theresa, but Maggie's complete 180 is too fast and not believable. Same goes for Brady. Slow the pace down a bit, please? For months we endured Brady spewing some distasteful and hateful vitriol at Theresa and literally overnight he seems to be developing feelings for her. Not realistic and what's the hurry? I like Maggie and Jennifer's conversation and I liked Jennifer and Hope. All good stuff. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
I'm not a frequent poster here, but I regularly read everyone's comments. I gotta say that I am loving Bo and Hope. They are without question my favorite couple ever and when PR left I was devastated yet hopeful that he would return someday. In his absence, I was surprised how much I came to love Aiden and Hope together. I enjoyed their mature friendship, their love and their commitment to being a family with their children. When PR's return was announced, I was a little unsure how to feel. I thought we would get a back and forth triangle with Hope eventually choosing Bo, but I didn't expect the writers to so dramatically change Aiden's character and turn him into a psycho. Geez, heavy-handed much? So, in the context of the story that was told, I loved Bo's rescue of Hope though I'm not sure he really rescued her. I think she came alive all on her own, but he did kill Aiden--I assume to establish the drama with Chase and Ciara. Now, we have these Bo and Hope scenes where their chemistry and history is instantly palpable. I didn't realize how much I missed this couple until now, so I'm grateful that I'm able to soak up whatever last morsels of shared screen time with these two vets that we're given. They're just so natural and genuine with each other. I feel like I'm watching two old friends, not a television program. I realize this while I'm watching with a silly grin on my face and tears in my eyes. This observation leads me to my other opinion of recent stories--Abigail's kidnapping. Like many people have said, the actress who plays Abigail just doesn't have it. I recently saw some photos of Ashley Benson from the days 50th celebration and it really struck me how much better this story could be with a better actress. I realized while watching KA and MBE kill the material their given, that watching KM is like watching someone act, and that's the problem, isn't it? I can tell that she's acting, and not doing a very good job of it either. There is nothing naturally organic or authentic with her acting choices. She's been on the canvas long enough and had the great opportunity to work with some outstanding vets and she is just not good or even getting better. Since Abigail gets so much screen time, I resent that a better actress isn't portraying this character. With all the returning vets and their increased air time, I feel like I'm watching two shows. One with seasoned and competent actors and one with new actors who are trying to learn to act. I wish they'd cram all the subpar Abigail stuff into one or two shows per week that I could completely skip and put the rest of the stories with our beloved competent actors into the other days. Oh, and one last thing, I think I'd give my left arm in exchange for a bear hug like the one Bo gave Ciara. -
My UO is enough of Eve's grief already. I've seen enough and I get it. KdP is a great veteran actress, but enough already. I'm annoyed partly because her affair with her daughter's boyfriend was disgusting and because of that, her daughter's last days were miserable. I'm also annoyed because I suspect we won't see another single character given as much screen time to mourn the upcoming deaths. Paige wasn't on the canvas much longer than Serena, but a huge chunk of time is given to her mother's grief. Sorry, while I appreciate KdP's performances, I have very little sympathy for her character.
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
I can't believe that someone somewhere hasn't coached the actress who plays Melanie against making all those unattractive faces and contorting her mouth like she does. Even more unbelievable is that she gets hired and inserts those stupid quirks into her character. There are probably a million better actresses than she in local amateur theaters alone. Why are we stuck with this actress? I would have loved Theresa to say, "I'll tell my dad you said, hello," right before she slammed the door in John's face. Come on. I don't care what she's done, I find it completely unreasonable the way her family and close friends of her family treat her. Why did they bother making her connected to the Bradys if they planned to treat her like an outsider? -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
While I do think that Rafe is probably upset about Chad's relationship with Jordan, I think he is also after Chad because Stephano and EJ aren't around so he's the only Dimera left in town to go after. Rafe still cares about Jordan and is concerned about Jordan being hurt by Chad, and the audience knows that Rafe is right to be concerned. I'll admit, though, that I'm bit confused over Rafe's rather sudden obsession with Chad. I know it doesn't seem like there's anything for Rafe to do and, since Hope finally has a story other than representing the Salem PD, I guess Rafe now is filling the primary law enforcement role. I like the idea of adding some of the crime\mob element into the program. I think we need something more than love triangles, cheating and angst. I like that we're seeing Rafe and Victor working to bring Clyde down and I like seeing the writers remember that the Dimeras aren't upstanding citizens. I'd like to see John, Roman, Abe and Hope included in bringing down the Dimera organization, but I'm sure that's part of the past that will never to revisited. So, I think Rafe is behaving somewhat irrationally and without real motivation, but I do like that we not just be seeing emotionally scandalous stories, but we may be getting some stories that are more legal or business centric. I'd love to see some boardroom drama with Lucas, Kate, Chad, Brady, John and Victor. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Now I'm concerned that the show is making Theresa desperate enough to accept a marriage proposal from Paul even if she knows it's a cover. They even had her only friend in the whole world, Anne, turn on her a little yesterday. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
I do remember why Eric says he HATES Nicole, but I still think his hatred irrational. Is he hurt?yes. Is he angry? Okay. But he says he hates her with such contempt. The fact that intensity of his hatred hasn't diminished any over item is ridiculous. When I think about what rape is and the intention behind it and what it must be like to be a victim of rape, I simply cannot accept that Nicole's deception is worthy of so much hate when a rapist is forgiven. I'll go even further and argue that if you love someone the way that Eric claims he loved Nicole, you shouldn't be able to carry the hate for so long. Case in point, look how Sami and others who have been cheated on can, not only forgive, but also love their cheater again. I think Marlena should be more concerned about her son's inability to move on from his hatred and question whether it's even reasonable rather than forcing Nicole to listen to her unsolicited advice. -
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Shenanigans replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
I wish Theresa had some sort of support from someone. There are plenty of Bradys in town. Why does the show want us to believe that she is so isolated. It's so ridiculous that Kayla, Roman, Caroline, Eric and even Marlena would allow her to spiral out of control without offering some support or guidance. I think both Brady and Eric are disgusting. Brady for the way he physically assaults women and Eric for his hatred for Nicole. Come on. He needs to get help. How can he forgive the person who drugged a raped him and still carry around all that hate for Nicole. They both need to take some responsibility for their lives. I really hope that neither Theresa nor Nicole get back with these two losers. I think Theresa would be fantastic with Chad and Nicole has chemistry with everyone. I like her with Rafe, Lucas, Aiden or even Dan. Melanie behaves like spoiled immature child. Both in the way she bullies and picks fights with Theresa and in the pouty little baby talk act she plays when she gets caught. I feel like I'm watching one of Ciara's schoolmates, not a grown woman. Unless the show hired the actress who portrays Melanie to portray her character as though she is a ten year old child, her acting skills are awful. Oh, one more thing. Is it possible we three consecutive days without scabigail?