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eurekagirl mOo

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Posts posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. I read Brianna and Creepy Ryan have sold their OC house and are moving to NC to live in Ryan's hometown for a "Simpler Life". Brianna had it on Instagram so pretty sure it's true. Vicks will be beside herself!!

    Peggy has NO reason to talk about Megan then to be her normal passive aggressive, shit stirring, self. Go away!!

    Tamra may not have had a college education but she's done pretty well for herself! She's a smart cookie. Doesn't waste her $$ on McMansions or showy bags! I gotta give her that. She knows how to survive!

    • Love 20
  2. JUST saw this series. I tried about a year ago but the pig thing was SOOOO disgusting. Then I thought it was a series where in episode 2 we get more of the "pig fallout" story but NOOOOO it's frickin Twilight Zone! And i could not have been happier. Binge watched all 3 seasons in 2 days. My house is a mess but I had a ball. 

    • Love 2
  3. 46 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    Ha!  Unless you are football player Antonio Cromartie, who has now had three kids since his vasectomy.

    I laughed at Wil’s “if I had stayed on the show longer I would have a pool” because if I remember correctly staying on TNG wasn’t really his choice and if he had, there would have been riots at the studio.

    OH Do tell! We want the dirt LOL...I love Will Wheaton. He recommends some killer books on GoodReads.

    I was really hoping for PENNY to be the new Dr. Proton. She wants back in acting..she's pretty..heck we have a female Dr. Who coming up in December after 50 years! She would have NO clue what she was talking about but Sheldon and Will could help her and she's sell it and be a smash. 

    • Love 7
  4. Echoing everyone else....I FORKING Love this show! Smart, funny, entertaining, thought provoking. So YEAH let's take it off for 2-3 months. I HATE that!! Yeah it's a holiday time but we're still working and want to watch tv at night! I have lost the plot on soooo many shows because of this insanity. Loved 12 monkeys but I have no idea what's going on and it's not On Demand or Amazon to re watch the first 2 seasons unless you pay a fortune. (UGH) So...

    • Love 3
  5. That's the first time i've seen any chemistry between Brandi and hubby. When she was playing with her girls and making a mess in the kitchen, and shooting silly string!! You could see she was having a ball and loving her kids and letting them BE kids. And hubby walked in in the middle of it and just grinned! Good for both of them! You know if it had been Mark & Carey it A) Would never have happened) or B) Mark would have come in the house and come UNGLUED at the mess.....#TeamBrandi

    • Love 6
  6. No One should have to have boobs flashed in her face behind a closed door! I no Jen fan (AT ALL) but that was not acceptable. God knows what else could have happened behind that door. As a rape survivor, and by a drunk man, and woman no less, I felt sick to my stomach. It's been 40 years and it still makes me sick. Kate should have gone straight to the Captain. 

    • Love 13
  7. Ok I'm going to spread rumors. I read, on another site, (ahum) that they are open casting for the RHOC and that Peggy, Megan, and Shannon are probably done. Having spread that rumor I have also heard no decisions are made until after the reunion. But guess who is reported to be on the ends of the couch? Otherwise known as the Seat of Death. 

    • Love 2
  8. Well guess I'm the cheese standing alone but I really liked the rhymes. They were very Dr. Seuss and made me giggle. But I'm easily amused.

    MORE TIME!!!! For Gods sake please. Do just ONE challenge or do like the British baking show and do it over 2 days so they can rest from the challenges!!

    • Love 2
  9. Where to begin? Geez I love these women! 

    I also hate the no long hair after a certain age HOWEVER I had waist length, dyed black hair in Jan. Got it all cut off, quit dying it, now I have a short silver do that looks great. Just sorry I waited so long. (Ah-hum) Back to the show! Nothing wrong with long hair if it looks good but those extensions are not good. You can see Soggys extensions hanging under her real hair. 

    Soggy climb off the cross! It was a cake!! They ate it!! Tre was having fun for once in her damn life (which has been pretty miserable lately) Be happy your friend was laughing! And insulting Melissa? No, No, Nope. That was rude, nasty, uncivil, uncouth, unnecessary and just plain wrong. Never take relationship advice from her! "Well if you're insulted just insult the person back, belittle them, then lay on the floor and scream" Yeah that MAY work, if you're 5!

    You NEVER tell someone how to parent unless they ASK you. Especially on television! My sister in law sent my kids back to the bathroom once to re brush their teeth because she didn't think they brushed long enough! I was livid!!!! But I refrained from throwing myself on the floor over it.....

    Ok am I the only old retired waitress who was insulted by Melissa acting like being a server was akin to being forced to strip naked and parade down 5th Ave? I get sick of servers being slammed. It is a super hard job that keeps you running for 8 to 10 hours a day. You get dirty, you get stinky, you get sticky, you get burned, people yell at you. BUT those of us who were "career  servers" took great pride in making every meal a happy and great experience for our guests. And I've seen tons of Hostess's be drafted into serving when a server calls out sick on a busy night! And if you're the owner you should know how to do every single thing in that place so you can pitch in. (I can do prep, dishwash,cook, serve, hostess, and manage.) 

    I don't think Tre being gone for book signings or trips is some big "Oh she's not around her kids so Joe was the parent" Most women work way more then her and nobody sys we're not there for our kids because we're gone 40 hrs a week! I bet she's home 90% of the time. 

    And lastly--If you've lasted this long with me, I read on a site that the REAL rumor was that Tre was texting her BF. I say Good for her if she was! But that's the "rumor du jour" 

    • Love 7
  10. What wrong with being 60? I'm 60. Of course I'm not trying to have a baby either! LOL  MJ is a big old fake.

    My Mom had me at 41 so YES Woman get pregnant after 40 without help. Ask my Aunts who had 10 kids and 8 kids. But I think Asa is lying anyway. Shrugs. 

    The best thing for MJ WOULD be if she moved to NY with Tommy and had a real loving family instead of the vindictive, nasty Mom she has. Just cos your a mom doesn't make you a GOOD Mom. Don't remember who said she should move there but this is my "I second that" moment. 

    • Love 4
  11. Jen and the nasty, immature faces she makes!! Sticking out her tongue, wiggling her butt, sarcastic tone of voice. If I was Kate I would have fired her ass and thrown her overboard. (Yes, I know, production wants her around) but in the REAL world she would have walked the plank. 

    If EJ is the boss he needs to act like it! Letting Baby Nico take over and tell everyone what to do would be a No Go with me! We'd be having a chat about who's the senior person and who is not. Nico had a chance. He blew it. I kinda like EJ but I really want him to open his mouth and tell Nico where to get off. 

    Kates amazing! I worked in the food industry for 45 years and what they do is hard as hell and they are trapped with those guests and can't even punch out and go home! However they make BANK on those cruises so that would work for me! If Below Deck is looking for a 60 year old who can still can work her ass off....Call me....Guarantee I'll run rings around Jen! 

    I was all WTF when Jen is talking to her daughter and the kid says "I don't know" what the test is about! Uh yeah you do know. (Mother of 3 here.) Next is question is" What is the topic? Why aren't you prepared?" NOT "Oh don't stress over it"!! Yes it's a test!!! You're supposed to stress over it! Do your best or don't do it at all! 

    • Love 15
  12. Decent. Looking forward to the 2nd part.

    I used to kinda like Asa and her Pop Princess schtick but OMG...You are NOT the only woman who ever got pregnant! Yes it's HARD> File that one under No shit, Sherlock.  

    Liked Tommy and Vida being friends. I think he's as God awful as MJ but it was cute. Good thing he likes Vida cos I guarantee if he married MJ he will be living with Vida 2.0 24/7 as I think she's just as nasty as her Mom. 

    Reza looked good. Like a 1940s movie star....Much better.

    Who the hell says "bastard" in 2017??? That is just ignorant. 

    • Love 4
  13. I lived in a tiny little town that had very limited parking. I owned a retail store at the time and the only place to park was always a parallel situation. I got really good at 3 moves and your in! I can drive a stick also and it amazed me how many people can't.  To each there own. 

    Kameron needs to go. I LOL at her "I'm a blonde" Honey your eyebrows are brown. That blonde is out of a bottle. At least spring to get your eyebrows dyed if you're that desperate to lie about being blonde. Pink dog food is stupid. Kameron is stupid. I hate the way she talks, acts, and what she says. Oh and I hate her long hair, pale face, stupid valley girl vocal fry, her husband, and well...just everything. 

    • Love 7
  14. Iceland is beautiful! Not sure I'd want a 14 hour plane trip to get there though. 

    Almost NO PEGGY!! Thank you Baby Jesus and all the Saints. She is soooo condescending like she knows better than everybody when in reality, she's just a bitch faced fake who needs to STFU and get off this show. I really, really dislike her and her "act". 

    I'm a super picky eater so fermented shark? Just no. But at least be polite about it PEGGY!

    I dislike "Detective Megan" but her and Aspen together is so cute! And I thought Lydiot was rude when she came up with "Well if you're going to nurse the baby we're going for a walk" Like, you could wait a damn 30 mins. so Megan can handle the baby and then she could have gone also. Also Megan was so polite and so classy with that God awful shark. Hey if it's too gross for Anthony Bourdain I'm sure not eating it!

    And since I have confessed to being picky sorry, I may have tried some foods but I'm not going to starve because I don't like the food. Bring on the hamburger! Hell in England they think peanut butter and jelly is mucho weird. Different strokes. I won't criticize anyone for what they eat. But I will if you are RUDE about it. 

    • Love 10
  15. Thank you CrinkleCutCat! It's been 8 years , 9 this Feb ('18) I still miss him every day but I have learned to carry on. But the first 3 or 4 years I was a MESS!!! Didn't think I'd ever get over the loss. But you do learn to live with it and not let it destroy you. I use my Aunt as an example, she had 10 kids, 2 drowned and she has buried 2 husbands. Last Sunday she got married---at 87! So, you have to keep going because you don't know what's around the corner. Peace and Love, EurekaGirl

    • Love 8
  16. Now that's a fun game. Who would I hang with? Brandi, Leann, Stephanie, DeAndra. The rest I wouldn't give the time of day. Carys a stealth bitch with too much botox and she's just a money hungry social climber. There really are no words for Kameron. I would throat punch her in 5 mins. flat. Stop with the pink, the (badly) dyed blonde hair and the affected way of speaking. And YOU are not the arbiter of what people should or should not wear, see, or laugh at. Go to the OC. There's a bitch there named Peggy and you can make condescending, nasty faces at each other all day.

    But this is still miles from the mess the OC is. There is not one person on there who is entertaining, funny, or interesting. NOT.ONE.

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