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eurekagirl mOo

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Posts posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. KC! You sly little foxette! You WERE on GameFace last night!!!!!! We were bouncing up and down on the couch chanting, KC,KC,KC......Your first look was amazing! No doubt you "won" that. Sorry you went home after #2. That seems like a LOT in one day! By #3 all the artists look like they're completely out of gas. I just don't understand why it can't be 2 challenges-1st on double elimination than the second would be for the winner. JMO

    • Love 2
  2. On 9/13/2017 at 9:00 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Am I missing something about the single mother?  She has a young child, yet she's voluntarily away from her for weeks at a time?  She says, this is her DREAM.  So, I take it that it's not about the money, just a challenge for her.  Still, it's basically doing housecleaning on a boat...so, why is that a huge dream.  I just don't see how doing that job when you have a child at home is worth it.  I assume that she has proper child care, but, that's a long time to voluntarily not see your kid, especially, if you are the primary caretaker. 

    My guess is MONEY. She'll earn a ton from her Bravo paycheck and her tips. Should keep them for awhile. HOWEVER anyone who has "orgasms" at the dinner table? With co workers? Is DEAD to me. Tacky, classless, fame whoring, shit. 

    I was wondering too about that one guy working inside. But stews work pretty hard and he doesn't strike me as the type to work hard. He just wants to be complimented and told how great he is. Snowflake. I'm assuming yachts are a NOT a learn as go experience. You have to be tough to handle the criticism and then you have to actually LEARN from said criticism. All he can do is cry. (I worked in food and beverage for over 40 years. You HAVE to be tough!) 

    Chris Brown is a No #1 creeper. Chris Brown needs to get over himself. NOONE cares about your sex life! I sure as hell don't. And the only thing that creep could find to have sex with would be a blow up doll. UGH.

    Betting they are contractually required to go on those free nights drink a thons. Yes too whoever said Kate and Nico handled themselves well and called it a night so they could all, you know, work in the morning. 

    Canada in the kitchen-I love Kate

    One handed massage-I love Cap. Lee

    • Love 3
  3. It's a GAME people! Calm down. No one's getting shanked. Football players regularly smash into opponents to hurt them and it's ok because it's a GAME. They signed up to play. You get what you get in any game. This game is about deceiving,  back stabbing, and getting people on your side. Love him or hate him Paul has done that. And yes, I do think he's being a bit obnoxious but it's so much fun!

    How the heck would they cook with no knives?? Seriously? Kind of hard to cut a ton of stuff for dinner with a bread knife and I've seen people cooking. There has to be some way for them to do that. And no, I doubt the've had steak in a while but that (I would think) has more to do with cost then knives. 

    I want Kevin for the win! Wouldn't that shock them all down to there "pacemakers" and tattoos.

    By the way for someone who is so "sick" Raven did a pretty impressive somersault when she came out. 

    • Love 4
  4. Celebrity Big Brother? YES, please. I've only seen a few UK versions on Youtube and they're not all there so it's hard to say what there's is like.  I don't care who the celebs are I'm in! Fair warning: The next bit is about the Real Housewives as Celebrity BB so please skip if you could care less.

    New York-Ramona & Sonja would claim the Head of Household room for the ENTIRE time because.......they're a pain in the ass?

    Bethanny would be slapping Skinny Girl posters all over and having it delivered.

    Orange County-Shannon would cry that it's ALL Vickys fault there is candy, chips, and soda available and she gained weight eating it all. But it's VICKYS fault!

    Beverly Hills- Lisa would be the first contestant to come with 4 dogs and a pony for the backyard. And maybe a swan for the pool. 

    Jersey- Theresa would lead yoga classes in between flipping the dining room table and calling people Prostitution Whore.

    That's all I can think of right now. But it be DELICIOUS!

  5. Who presents a business idea with a Arts & Crafts piece of cardboard and a dam WAND??? Too stupid for words. Her husband a idiot to give her 10,000 also. She'll just go buy 2 pink purses and then cry because she's out of money for her "business" 

    So what did Brandis mom do that her Mother won't see her either? That is one screwed up family.... and I have relatives I refuse to speak too!

    Do Better Show. 

    • Love 1
  6. Silk is the WORST to sew! So is chiffon for that matter. Slippery awful stuff. 

    I sleep in warm PJ's in the winter (hello, flannel) or just short elastic waist pants with a tank top in the summer. $200. for something to SLEEP in? No. Just NO. 

    I did buy a shortie nightie for summer (from Target) and the straps keep slipping off and my boobs have a tendency to wander out. Now it's only worn when everything else is dirty. 

    I can't wait to see the "cheating scandal" either! Smart move to put that out there and keep us all watching!

    I really, really, really can not stand the twins. 

    More of the lovely woman who is a teacher and KNOWS what she's doing please. What the heck is her name????? I've done fabric manipulation for years (like 30) and as soon as he started painting I was like Oh NO! Paint sits on top of fabric and makes it hard unless you had a fabric additive or use fabric paint. And even then it's still not flowy anymore. Dye on the other hand, sinks into the fibers and tends to be much softer. There are pluses and minuses to both but you need to know that!

    • Love 5
  7. Hey Megan? If you don't want the DRAMA or the FIGHTING why did you sign on for another season? You're a phony. You had a baby. Big Deal. So do millions of woman every day. You just want your smug face on TEEVEE....GTFO..And honey? YOU started that shit with Kelly! If you're going to dish it out, take it. 

    I thought Peggy's husband commented on her lipstick because it looked like she had had her lips plumped and Botox shot in her forehead. 4th wall. Couldn't mention that so he went with "New Lipstick?" 

    Shannon.....Dear Goddess you are exhausting. It is NOT Vickys fault (not defending Icky) that YOU gained weight. She didn't shove the food in your mouth. Take some responsibility. 

    David- That dude is O.V.E.R. that marriage. Can't blame him but his "prayer" made me cringe. Not cool to be bringing up your marital problems in front of your kids. Just move out already!

    Kelly-Continues to be a low class piece of trash. UGH.

    Gretchen & Slade never bothered me. (Ducking) Hell I'll take ANYBODY over these woman!

    And yet, here I am, week after week, watching and commenting.....Sigh......I'm a Bravo Ho what can I say? They make me SO grateful for my quiet little broke ass life! So THANKS!

    Forgot to add....Guns???? Seriously? I'm over this wild wild west shit that we all need to be armed to go to Kroger!

    • Love 6
  8. Well at least we have The Stud of the Sea back! I was ok with Capt. Sandy but Lee is the OG.

    Blaming the bartender for the drink? Lame. You can LOOK at the glass and see it's not a martini glass! If you can't remember, duck behind a door, and write it down. Rookies. 

    • Love 3
  9. I have always liked Gage. Even when he was new to the craziness I felt for him. I'm an only child and that level of "teasing" in not something I'm comfortable with. Normally I just cry. (sad but true) So, yeah, I like Gage. He is SOOO good with Morgan (who is the cutest baby!) but Jeff needs to shut his dam mouth. "I pay the bills" OK so what? He's taking care of your CHILD. Why do you expect him to work and take care of the baby while you think it's ALL on you. News Flash Jeff---Once you have a child YOU are no longer the king of your home. The BABY is! And please, move that poor kid out of a construction zone! Geesh.

    • Love 5
  10. Well, party of 1 here. I'm really loving this...the contestants keep me laughing, i love the silly music and the sound effects. I love that no one is being yelled at or humilated. No matter how bad the judges just go, yeah it is food at least,and move on. The whole thing is just a wink and a nod of, yes this is silly.we're here to have fun. I just relax and giggle for an hour. JMO

    • Love 5
  11. OHHHH You KNOW there are a ton of actual, competent, seamen (seawomen?) aboard and they do the majority of the work. Once in awhile you can catch a glimpse of them towing in a rope or some such thing. NO ONE would run a yacht with that crew. Plus you need more than the people we see.  Engineers, maintenance guys, etc.,etc.

    I was a server for 45 years. I would have been a kick ass stew! Only taking care of, what, 5 to 10 people? Servers serve, often, up to a 100 people a shift on a busy night. 10 people? Heaven. 

    Go Kate!! 

    • Love 7
  12. LOL I was sooooooo late! Supposed to be born on the 5th, born on the 25th! To a 41 year old Mom and that was 59 years ago!  My Dad came home for the birth (in 1958!) and I was so late he built a beautiful coffee table that my parents had all their lives. I have it my home now and I'm so proud of that table and my late story that brought it into being. 

    Have fun guys!!!!

    • Love 12
  13. Well part 3 wasn't exactly exciting but it was enjoyable! I love these ladies. There are about 2 million IQ points of the OC. I doubt those dingleberries even know what an election is. Can you hear Peggy "WHat is theeese ellleccttion of which you speak" GTFO. At least these broads go to fundraisers and are, at least, marginally aware, of what's going on. 

    Tinsley just grates. You're NOT 19! Grow the hell up. 

    Still love Bethanny. Sorry, not sorry. 

    Ramona is a horrible person and next season she'll do the same shit, different day. She's sorry at EVERY reunion and then just does it again. 

    • Love 18
  14. No one seemed to mind the spiders. You know it was completely safe! They're not going to let anyone get bitten and die just to get a face piece.

    I'm loving this show!!! Took awhile to find the board. I kept looking under G for Game Face! 

    Love seeing the past contestants. Hoping KC competes as she has been so lovely on the boards to all of us. 

    • Love 1
  15. LeAnn is the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. What a classless, tacky, thing to do! You do not go to someones house and insult them. I kinda wish they had thrown her out but I also kinda see the Let her stay, & make a fool out of herself also. I would have thrown her out but I'm just that way. Good for Steph for keeping her calm. I couldn't have!!!!

    Does Brandi actually HAVE eyes? Every time I see her she's squinting like she just looked at the eclipse and forgot her glasses. No eyes  to be seen.

    WOW! Lot's of marriage trouble tonight from Stephs bossy husband, to the pain in the ass doctor, too pink dog food lady. Pink lady (I have no idea what her name is. Nor do I care) & her husband! He is SOOOOO over her. What grown man wants a Barbie at home going Give Me, Give Me, Give Me? No one I know. 

    • Love 9
  16. HOW did I miss GG married Shalom (or whatever his name is) for like 3 MONTHS and got divorced? Good God. And this is from me! I've been married 3 times!!! But I made it past at least a year! Problem being Husband #2 was gay. Le Sigh. But I made it 18 months!!!

    I can. not. stand. mj. She is a classless pig and so is Tommy. "I want to stick it in you" OH MY GOD!!! What a nasty way to put it on tv, with cameras. That is private bedroom talk dude....And NO Bravo I do not want to see the pig rutting with the other pig. I have to go wash my eyes out now. 

    • Love 3
  17. Here's where I see the problem:

    Not a ONE of these women are likable! Honestly, when Tamra is the best of the bunch you have a problem. And I like seeing her train. GF is over 40 and working out like a boss. Go Tamra!

    If no one will film with Icky can she just GO please? ANd did anyone else notice Icky no longer has the center orange? It's Tamra in the front! Love it.

    Lydia was ok last time but she's a idiot. Scare your kid to death bitch. Jesus. 

    Peggy needs to take her resting bitch face and her no understand the english and GTFO.

    Kelly Dodd is just......a sad, sad, alcoholic with major anger issues. She's not amusing in the least. 

    Hey Miss I can speaky the Irish..Shut Up!! You sound like a fool. If you're so dam worried about your weight get off your ass and go (as another smart poster said) and go take a walk with hubby! Take a bike ride together. Hike a small little trail. Sitting there sucking down Grey Goose is not going to make you thinner. Personally I think she looks fine. So she has more weight than she used too? Who cares? She's getting older and we gain weight. Deal with it or shut up and do something about it! Christ on a cracker woman you are the biggest Debbie Downer I have EVER seen! Go support your husband! Trust me, I quit going to my ex's things (pool and softball) and it wasn't long before we crumbled. He wanted me THERE with HIM. And now, I'm sorry I didn't make more effort instead of being so selfish. 

    This season sucks. Period. Full Stop. 

    • Love 16
  18. I loved last night. (Ducking the tomatoes) Paul made me LOL several times and the last bumper of him dancing in the tutu! Could. Not. Stop. Laughing.

    LOL and Josh and the teeth brushing also. Especially with Dad Kevin yelling JOSH Go to bed!!!! Funny as hell.

    Raven is just......What's your GPA? Dance and Business. Good God.

    And a wrist surgery when you're hanging onto something is very painful. I've had wrist surgery and I have little strength in that wrist from nerve damage. So what the hell a pacemaker had to do with that is beyond me. 

    These people are really dumber than dirt. Paul's going to win and they're all going to be happy! Do they think they ALL win if the "get to the end"? Dummies. 

    for the four hundredth time--I love Kevin! I don't remember anyone ever (on any comp show) of his age, staying so long. I'm older than he is and I would have been OUT long ago. Go Kevin!!!

    Whistle Nut needs his grubby hands to himself. You got a pregnant wife at home dude. Show her some respect! I'd be madder than hell if that was me!

    • Love 3
  19. I just cringed when they got the Who Did You Vote For question. I KNEW the boards would blow up with political talk. Trust and believe I am extremely political BUT I don't want that from the RH! I come to relax, forget about it, and just enjoy. Le Sigh. 

    Anyone who wants can PM me for my twitter handle. I'm pretty active.

    Bethannys mother sounds like a nightmare. She really was raised by wolves! Yikes. I raised my step kids (one in particular) 24/7 since he was 10 years old. He's over 40 now and I have never once seen his child. Once his Dad and I divorced he was able to cut me out of his life completely. I'd give anything to get a call saying Hey, want to see your grandchild! I'd happily drive the 7 hours up and back just to meet her. Oh well. Life suck sometimes. 

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