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eurekagirl mOo

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Posts posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Matt, Matt, Matt. YOU have a problem! Ask yourself if drinking is affecting your relationships and/or your job. Apparently YES. FYI- AA is the first no. in the phone book. Try it. Because people who NEED to drink and drink THAT much? On a first date? That's a problem. Not to mention chugging JD out of the bottle. Last time I did that was on my 21st birthday. (I almost died from alcohol poisoning) Never did it again.

    I use closed captioning. Not due to hearing (well that also) but I live next to a major Air Force/Military base and I get jets all the time that make it totally impossible to hear) Point being the cc always says Boatswain. Is it Bosun? Or Boatswain? 

    Hey lazy maid (whatever your name is) I work with 2 other gals and we often cover for each other. Especially at vacations. But we all get a turn and no one has a problem.  Her "I don't want it" when Kate was being kind and offering her time off also. Big Baby.

    • Love 5
  2. I'm watching a show about devils and angels on earth. I don't care if the escaped convict/thief ran away in his undies.....or what happened to him. (Waves hand)

    That was Tom Welling???? I had to look him up (thanks google) Well we all get older. He's still a better actor than the actor on Kyle KY---LOL

    So glad this is back. Saw it on the DVR and just went "oh Goodie" and settled in for an hour of silly.

    • Love 3
  3. I was kinda upset at David at dinner until I realized she started with the nastiness"We're eating in the dining room. Big deal" He didn't answer her but got his shots in when she started talking. Divorce is sometimes, the only option. I stayed for 25 years. I did more harm than leaving. They (the kids) grew up with screaming, and crying, and yelling. Not good. I'd do it differently now. But hindsight is always 20/20.

    I used to love Shannon but she's  being a big old downer this year. Quit bitching and eat less, and walk woman! I lost 60 pounds on a treadmill. Took 6 months and 1 hour a day Mon-Fri. Not that hard. Sorry. 

    I like David. I LOVE me a construction worker! The arms on those guys. MMMMMMM

    Always like Lydia's Mom. Lydia, not so much. I'm just an old beach livin hippie but I'm around her age and I love me some good smoke. Makes watching the housewives much more tolerable. LOL 

    My BFF and I watched Downton Abbey every week with Dollar Tree with tiaras and fake pearls on. And we had tea, of course. Gotta have some fun in life! Lydia's Mom is welcome anytime to join us! 

    • Love 6
  4. Heck I chased my cousin around my house with a dildo this summer just to hear her scream! (True story) She was being a pain in the ass ...so I chased her..It was funny as hell. My best friend was there and she just shrugged and said "It's clean. I don't know why you're screaming about a piece of plastic" #TeamBrandi.

    Kameron does not have a stick up her butt. She has an entire redwood forest up there. What a nasty, condescending, classless piece of trash. Manner don't buy you class. Indeed. 

    If you were SOOOOO offended you just excuse yourself to go the ladies room. Take your time. Come back out with a smile and ignore it. You do not say "I wasn't brought up that way" Well la de da.....I wasn't either but I still know how to relax and have fun and giggle with my girlfriends. And we're all over 60!

    If I has Carey's body I'd be wearing that itty bitty bikini too. Kameron showed her jealousy there. And the "start" of the judgements. Tell me you didn't see Carys face. She was like "Oh OK. I'm not playing this game bitch" But Kameron kept going and going. I really REALLY dislike her. What a bummer!

    • Love 11
  5. I really hate Owen. He marries women who don't want kids and then whines about how HE wants kids. So be a single Dad! Nobody said you HAVE to have a wife to have a kid. There are plenty of kids who needs homes. But, you know the sister will die and Owen will get his "kid".

    Good to see Meredith smile again.

    If Owens "person" was that damn pushy and she's not even a family member? Oh hell know. No Dr. would have discussed anything with her. Mind your own business.. Owen is NOT YOUR husband. Can't stand Teddy.

    How do you get a clear MRI when women are ogasaming? Because my MIR I was threatened with death if I moved a muscle. (LOL)

    • Love 2
  6. OK onto to "cheerier" subjects. And Thanks ladies!

    That house was terrible! Who wants to live in a place as large as a shopping mall? Stupid. And that woman is so very, very strange. Watch that movie about her. She's the 1% who isn't even aware other people exist.

    Monroe is the cutest thing ever! So glad it looks like the colic eased off. Poor Baby. Poor parents. Poor nannies!

    • Love 1
  7. Could someone (anyone) please stuff every bit of fabric Mood has in the twins mouths so they STFU?? The snotty criticism of every designer (except them because they "deserve" to be in the top!) while they land in the bottom every week? Maddening.......Indeed

    • Love 18
  8. LOVED IT! Yep it was like putting on great jeans. Soft, and comfy. I roared with laughter. They give it to 45 all day long. No one deserves it more...

    NOT getting into politics but JMO.

    I'm in for the long haul. Loved seeing the actors and how comfortable they are with each other. 

    • Love 12
  9. WOW! What a shit show! Having said that I'll be taping and watching. I like any show where people compete (Survivor, top chef, project runway, etc.) but they really need to do some fine tuning on this.

    1- Why not team up the contestants that do hair with the ones who do make up? Switch them out every week for the first few weeks then go into Your On Your Own to do both hair and makeup when enough people are gone.

    2-Why are we even doing hair and makeup BOTH? I do, loved Shear Genius because all they did was hair! They cut wigs, they cut real hair, they styled. It was fun.

    3-Put all the models in the same black t's and slacks so we aren't distracted by the clothes.

    4-Send the models out in costume and everyone has to create a look for the costume.

    4-Dump the "helpers" If they aren't part of the competition they need to GO.

    5-Make the runway more than 1 damn minute! All that work and you blinked and you missed seeing it. 

    6-Do the Close Up looks like they do on PR , and Face Off. I love the discussions of the judges and often wish we could get the FULL tape of what they say. Bet it's really fascinating. And it might explain why the Wow look lost but the EHH look won. 

    • Love 2
  10. Which one is Vicky? I am HORRID with names. Is she the  one who wants a bigger part? If so, I love her.

    My neighbor turned me onto to this last year. Love! Original, fresh, funny, well acted. I don't think I have ever disliked anything Ted Danson is in.

    Thank you show!

  11. How ya'll know anyone's name is beyond me! I was waiting to be introduced to all the players not just one from each group! What the hell Survivor?? They couldn't get a 2 hour premiere for Season what...102? 

    I'm still calling for Survivor  Senior. I am sick of people being voted off because they are "older".  We're older but we're not dead! Lot's of us work out and are in great shape even if we are over 40 (!) (I'm not but I'm a lazy ass and I wouldn't last 5 mins. on that show) I know some wonderful 60 year olds who work out every day and a few who surf every day. Appearances can be deceiving guys. 

    Just like Jeff was surprised the skinny guy could pull so hard! Remember "Don't judge a book it's cover". That woman was in the damn OLYMPICS for swimming. I don't care if was 1988. Athletes tend to stay in good shape and she looked like she sure had! So congrats-You just voted out the strongest swimmer because of "how she looks"

    I just wanted Jeff to point to 3 signs-Hero's-Helpers-Hustlers and say "You pick. What team do you think you should be on?" THAT would have been telling!

    Sigh----It always gets better...or so I am telling myself.....

    • Love 11
  12. I LOVED it! Seriously did not think I would. Didn't even set it to tape. Watched it On Demand (damn commercials) and promptly started recording it from here on out. I like Sheldon. Grown up Sheldon. Kid Sheldon. Love! 

    I was an only child of a "much" older Mother (41 when I was born--60 years ago!)  who was a school principal. Talk about NOT fitting in! So I love seeing a show about a kid who doesn't fit in. He's not on the football team, he's not social, he's not self aware, look it's me!!! BUT he finds so much happiness in his family, even when they drive him crazy. He reads, he learns and he grows into a very successful man with a new fiancee who loves him. Win, Win

    • Love 11
  13. MJ said she had 10 shots JUST THAT DAY! You know who drinks like that? Alcoholics. That's who.

    I have made no secret of my dislike of MJ and It just continues. She's just a younger Vida but she is the same insane, nasty person as her Mother. I hope she does the world a favor and NEVER has kids.

    Tommy looked like he's gained a lot of weight. All that fast food from having no kitchen? 

    Does Tommy have a job besides the Shahs? Is he a construction worker or something? He has to have something done something before this show!

    • Love 4
  14. I refuse to believe that anyone beside THEMSELVES is responsible for anything they said or did. If you're weak enough to be a follower that's on you. No one can ORDER you do anything unless you're in the military! And even then war crimes are not excused for "following orders". If you bang pots and pans that's on YOU not the person who's idea it was. If you vote for someone because someone else tells you too that's your fault. NOT the person who told you. Take some responsibility!! 

    • Love 2
  15. Party of One----So sad Paul lost. He played the best game and that should have been the deciding factor. Josh was a big baby (who cries that much!) who was obnoxious and a way worse bully than Paul ever was.

    So wanted Kevin to win Favorite. I just loved him from beginning to end. I'm older than Kevin and I would have lost my damn mind in that house with those kids! I love to watch but be there? no, no thanks. 

    Raven made sure her face was on TeeVee so she snuggled up to Paul knowing that's where the camera would be. 

    • Love 3
  16. Excellent suggestion Ms. Hunted! All would be wonderful. But instead she'll dump a couple million in a restaurant, a business where over 60% fail in their first year, and she has no experience in. She just wants to walk around "her" restaurant and buy people drinks on the house (watch how much money that eats up!)   

    • Love 5
  17. Most chefs have gone to culinary school and sushi is definitely taught. So did he not go to school and just calls himself a chef?

    I love Kate. Go get with Jesus Kate...with this crew you deserve it.

    Shot glasses are HARD. Who knew?

    Loved seeing Capt. Lee laughing his ass off. 

    • Love 6
  18. 20 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

    Did Lydia get a butt job to go with the boobs?



    Thanks for the mammaries?


    18 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    From Peggy's blog:

    " It’s never about Shannon, but it seems to always end with her. While we were sitting on the table, both Lydia and I noticed Shannon squeezing Kelly’s leg in disapproval. Lydia thought it was about her, but it was actually about me. I chose not to demean her as I don't know her well enough, but as she seems to be dragging me into her conflicts. As I said before, it’s like being with children who whisper at the table. It is fairly rude of Kelly to invite me into her home, be sitting at the table with me, and as Shannon admitted, talk about me. She had better realize that she is messing with the wrong person. Her pointing of the finger is going to get her in trouble."

    Oh Peggy, you did demean her. Also, aggressive much? 

    Hey Peggy? You're on The Real Housewives not An Hour OF Bonding Over Coffee. The POINT is too fight, backstab, & gossip. You're boring and a fake. And judging from her reactions vs. her hubbys I'd venture to say HE wants her on the show for his business to gain visibility and she is less than thrilled about it. GO AWAY PEGGY!!!!

    Lydia's a cunning little shit stirrer and if she say Cut Off His Balls one more time I will scream. Makes you look really ignorant Lydia. Not cute.

    Loved Vickis BF telling her Everybody DIDN"T like her. And her wailing of WHHHHYYYYYY....Uh because you're a world class liar?

    Shannon is just exhausting. Every little thing has to be about her. Poor David. I'd have tuned her out long ago. Funny how now wi-fi is not the big bad devil that would send radio waves into her brain or whatever stupid reason she had for not having it. 

    However her dog is the greatest thing ever. But, seriously, don't keep throwing the ball into the POOL and then tell the dog he couldn't come in because he's wet! Water is wet. Who knew?

    Vicky is the Queen of "Alternative Facts" 

    Why couldn't Kelly put her own Vaseline on? Were her arms broken? And Oh, lets do it outside so everybody can see my big gigantic tits. A plastic spread on the floor and it's easy to do inside. I learned how to make a form out of tape in a sewing class once. You were wrapped up tight in muslin then duct tape was wrapped all around you. It was cut up the back to take it off. Voila. A dress form that fits you perfectly! Oddly none of us ran outside to do this! 

    Bravo I am sick of tits, vaginas, and waxing. Just STOP. 

    • Love 14
  19. I was so happy for GG getting her hearing aids!! Those babies are a godsend for hearing loss! 

    GG's sister needs to take a seat...behave like a grown up not a jealous kid. 

    I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing MJ again. That red onesies. So NOOOOOOO.

    • Love 3
  20. Well I (personally and JMO) figured Carmen fell on her big fake boobs and that she got up because she's a "show must go on" trooper and had pain that night. Went to a Dr. Who said "No running around, jumping, reaching, or picking up heavy things until this is healed" and THAT"S why she left.  Even a seat belt in a accident can cause massive damage for fake boobs. I fell at work, hopped up, NO NO I'm fine.....pain that night...sprained ankle....it happens.

    I just LOVE this show. Maybe because I'm old and easily amused but I get a kick out of it and LOL frequently. It's just silly and fun. Top Chef I take seriously. This? Just fun. 

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