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eurekagirl mOo

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Posts posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Brandi slapped LVP and she was (thankfully) fired. I really don't see Doito  getting away with climbing all over LVP and, literally, sitting on her so she couldn't get up. I would have freaked the hell out if I was restrained like that. It really was unsettling to watch. I think Dum Dum Dorit just signed her death warrant for this show. Isn't there something in their contract about NO touching?

    • Love 6
  2. Well my dvr recorded none of all stars...like at all...all season! Frantic binge watching for 2 nights to get caught up ( one of the few times i was happy for on demand)

    Josh, stop being so thin skinned. Your going to be critiqued. Grow up.

    Anthony's great. Please give him a show.

    I like Anne. She doesn't pussyfoot around. Just yep, nope, start over. Love it. At least she tells them not like uncle tim who hems and haws and 9 times out of 10 is completely wrong.

    • Love 7
  3. Yeah....I have body issues...boo hoo.....now I'm gonna put on a bathing suit and wiggle my butt in front of cameras.....go away Adriana.

    FI is the best. Dude, just go be a stylist..your made for it.

    Adderall is super popular for weight. Like coke/speed. Take it and no hunger.

    • Love 11
  4. All I know about fancy boats is what I've seen on Below Deck BUT they always have to take off there shoes so as not to make holes in the floor (deck?) Then I realized that was just a rent a dinner "yacht". We have one here for company dinners and tourists. So I guess that was any "fancy" yacht.

    • Love 2
  5. 23 hours ago, bosawks said:

    If being down to earth means having a pot luck at my beach home I think I'm doing down to earth wrong........

    I'm no richy rich, not by a loooong shot, but I live at the beach and we ain't fancy! At least on the East Coast (in the south) us beach dwellers are mostly known as old hippies or artists or retired. It's a pretty easy life style. My apartment is 3 blocks from the beach (2 bedrooms-not 5) and the main way to get around for the "natives" is bicycles. They are everywhere! Probably drive those snotty bitches NUTS after one day. 

    17 hours ago, film noire said:


    But (and not to start a war of the roses) go I fear your standards are debased compared to mine, beloved Queen of Walnuts --  I myself doth eschew any whose language is not that of the Bard himself (who said of PK: "Yon slick fucker") and my wine is poured only by mine butler  (an escaped lunatic named Bug Breath) and my glassware freshly blown for each drink requested.  (All very "To the manor bore", as the saying doesn't:) 

    You might be right. 

    If nothing else  (at least to me) both Dorit and Lisa feel like they have a prissy-stick up their mutual ass, in comparison to the easy breezy Cali lifestyle Teddi (at least seems) to be living.  (eta: Dorit isn't good for Lisa's energy, imo.  With Kyle, Lisa has a fun & sloppy edge  -- around Dorit, she becomes fuss-potty. Like her Brit class consciousness is kicking in, and she wants to be seen as to the manor born,  and slumming it/pretending to be down home.)

    You said that so much nicer (and funnier) then I would have! I was like"So you're the grammar police? Geese go drink your Coke out of a wine glass and CHILL!"

    • Love 4
  6. All in all a good season. I do love the niceness.. Enough with the snarky remarks! We want cooking and they are delivering.

    Could have done without the teeny, tiny cooking utensils. This isn't cutthroat kitchen! 

    And I generally like kids, I enjoy when they bake and cook BUT I don't need smart mouth kids "judging". I know there the kids of chef's but seriously? 

    • Love 3
  7. Loved it! I'm not terribly picky I just adore Dr. Who! Such a treat to come home yesterday and watch a NEW Dr. Who. 

    Also just discovered The Sarah Jane Chronicles. Looking forward to watching more of those tonight!

    In the last 2 Christmas's I have gotten:

    A- Dr. Who Yahtzee Set

    B-A Dr. Who miniature Tardis. Battery Operated

    C- A Sonic Screwdriver

    I was ready last night to see Who!!!

    • Love 1
  8. I watched the 2nd one last night. Figured one more to give it a chance. I'm in! I find it kind of fun to see what they choose and how they change. I was astonished that those girls didn't get SOAP until the Mom got on the phone and went YECH...LOL. Then they all got toothbrushes and soap. 

    I'd take a mattress on day one. A blanket on day 2 and soap and toothpaste next. Then worry about clothes or phones.

    I would like to see them NOT be able to go to jobs, or coffee shops, or beg for money. Doesn't seem very "stripped" if people can bring you food, take you out, or you can go the gym to shower. HMMMMM...

    Ladies the lesson you were supposed to learn was NOT "look how easy it is too get money when you're naked". Just NO. 

    • Love 5
  9. Doubling the wholesale price + some is how small businesses have to price. Big companies (Wal Mart, Target) get massive discounts so they can buy and sell cheaper. Plus Melissa is buying Italian designers that are not readily available to buy here. There is a niche for that. I'm broke as a joke but I'll cough up 80.00 for Italian shoes at Stein Mart!

    Soogy/Siggy is a FOOL...Some relationship expert. Screaming in a restaurant isn't a good look lady! And shut up about your hysterectomy. No excuse. I had a full at 29 for medical reasons and I didn't go around screaming at people for the next 30 years saying "Well I had a hysterectomy" 

    Hey I've invoked Hitler and I give to the ACLU, Southern Poverty Center, and the NAACP. Saying "Who does he think he is Hitler?" (or words to that effect) is not THAT uncommon a comment and I have NEVER been called anti-semitic!

    Italy is beautiful! 

    I like Margret. Not so much the pigtails but hey you do you girl. At least she's a damn adult and doesn't go around acting like a screaming shrew like Siggy! Go home Siggy..please. And then quit. Pretty please. 

    • Love 13
  10. Well I still LOVE the NJ ladies. Bring on the yelling, screaming, and wine throwing! LOL....No body brings in more and with more enthusiasm than the NJ gals. 

    Delores and Soggy should be ashamed. Their "friend" was treated like shit, lied about, and they just stood there! They would be DEAD to me for that. You're my friend you have my back. If you want to tell me in private I'm wrong, or over the top ok but in public you support me. Like husband and wives. Support!

    Delores NO ONE was "telling" you what to do! Melissa was astonished you were still walking. That's all she said. Calm down lady. 

    I sure as hell don't miss the Manzo's or the Laurita's. I'll take Margret any day!

    I hope Tre does get a divorce. She's still young, she's pretty, she can get another man who won't cheat on her or send her to jail. (Yes I know it's her fault also)

    • Love 11
  11. It's back!!! Happy Dance...Why is this so yummy still, and the RH's are so boring? I don't know but I do love these kids and their romances, rumors, drinking, etc. Hooray!!! (Even if my stupid DVR didn't record it and I was forced to watch on On Demand. Ugh. Commercials and a "squished screen" Blech.) But I'll do pretty much anything to see these guys..

    • Love 3
  12. I'm sorry this is almost over! What a joy to have a competition without snarky TH's or stupid - cook everything in front of you in 20 mins. and incorporate these 15 candies and 10 kinds of seafood and tell us a story about it!!! WTH. At least they are learning and taking criticism and Guy is so kind and good to them! This is just a joy to watch. 

    I catch one baking show on Netflix or Amazon (can't remember) from Australia and they get 3 hours for a "quick" fire and they know in advance what their challenge is and they do so much better! 

    • Love 4
  13. I raised 3 step children 24/7 because their Mom walked out and ran off with someone else. For 27 years I worked to put those kids through good schools and loved them dearly. My youngest passed at 31 (8 years ago) and neither of the other kids have ever spoken to me again. Despite the fact their Dad cheated on me for 27 years now there all We Love Mom and to hell with me. It hurts. Trust and Believe it hurts. I  have a grand daughter I've never even seen! 

    Sorry folks I hate to bring my life into this BUT step kids, adopted kids, natural kids, IVF kids. YOU are the parent if you raise them!

    • Love 14
  14. 4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I think their (Captain Lee and Kate's) hands are tied behind their backs as to what they can or cannot do. IRL I think a lot of these so called crew would have been fired many episodes ago. It is clear that Captain hates to babysit and his latest charge is Matt who is not doing a superior job in the galley and stands to flunk without Bruno's help. Poor Kate just has two more charters to suffer through with Jen who is so inept she seems to ask her 8-10 year old for life advice. Sigh. I don't think this format with the totally unskilled workers made for a good season of watching. Give them a decent crew and then bring on guests like the housewives of ______. The biggest hazard would all the broken glasses and dishes. Topsiders for everyone. Between this lackluster season and all the hurricane damage to the Caribbean this show might be in jeopardy of being renewed. 

    I was thinking that last night! I want people who KNOW what they're doing. I don't want to watch a friggin training film. I don't care how you dock a boat! 

    The Real Housewives would be the crossover from HELL!!!! Any of them would be killer. Actually the NYC gals would behave but they would fight over the bedrooms. I'd love to see Kate and Capt. Lee deal with Theresa or Siggy! Oh My.........

    • Love 4
  15. Normally I would say kids are 100% off limits however when someone (anyone) calls me an "old whore" or just "whore" all bets are OFF. You wanta play? I'll play! (Said Kate's brain) I too, would have fired Jens ass---first off, long ago. I doubt Kate can fire people as this is a TV show not a real cruise BUT IRL she would have been swimming home!

    Klyle and Jen?? OK. Maybe she'll shut up for 5 mins. Can you imagine? "Kyle isn't a good lover. He expects me to move and make sounds!!! I just want to lie there while he worships me" BLECH....She's the worst server ever "Nobody told me the special" Not their job to tell you, it's your job to ASK before you see the guests.

    Wait Jen a real estate agent? Well that explains her attitude. RE agents are independent contractors. They pay a fee to an office but they run their business as they see fit (or not) They don't really answer to anybody and if they don't work they don't get paid. It's all up to them. Bust your ass and you can make an amazing living. Sit around moaning? Those people usually wash out because they need structure and someone to tell them what to do. That's one of the reasons older woman go into RE. We DON"T want to be told what to do and we like to be independent. (I'm not an agent, used to be) but for someone like her it's a disaster. Of course, she can't take direction AT ALL! 

    Loved Captain Lee and his beautiful wife! Congrats on a long and happy marriage!!

    Adding----I do work in RE but in the admin. end of things.

    • Love 5
  16. 1 minute ago, bourbon said:

    Oh, it does me too.  The implication is that a woman who *doesn't* cover her arms or legs is somehow *immodest.* I feel like we should have moved past those labels. I don't know what else you could call Ayana's aesthetic, though.


    • Love 6
  17. Party of one (maybe Two) I like Margaritas collection. She lives in a tropical paradise (or did anyway) and she is influenced by that. Also thought her clothes would sparkle on the runway! Not everyone  wants to look "New York" some people like color, sequins, LIFE in their clothes.

    Now having said that, I liked the cover up over the black dress. But I would have pearly high heels that matched it and a fabulous necklace. And a bra. 

    Never did care for the girl who got aufed. She was always too weepy and stressed out for me.

    LOVED Brandon's flamingos. As a textile person I was loving the color remover idea to give that print life and depth. Of course I have huge flamingos on my shower doors so there is that....

    Kento pink dress with that gorgeous top was everything! Love, love, love. The white one? Not so much. Looked like a giant goiter on her side. 

    "Modest" clothing is getting on my nerves. What the hell is NOT modest? Showing your arms? Your knees? Your elbows? Not saying I'd walk down the street naked but I live in a beach resort and it is HOT and HUMID. I'm 59 and I wear tank tops and shorts all summer. I'm not roasting because my arms jiggle. Screw that. I'm all for COMFORT.

    • Love 23
  18. I don't have a problem watching Tre's Dad. It's sad. It's heartbreaking. But it's REAL. The screaming and fighting is boring as hell at this point. I like seeing their real lives. Tre is so protective of her Dad...When he said "Now you have me" I teared up a little. Plus if he's on camera he's getting a Bravo check and that can't hurt. 

    Tre DOES need to discipline her kids but she never has and it's hard to switch that horse in mid stream but she better or she'll be needing bail money for them! I do think they're good kids, who have been through a LOT, a lot of loss especially. But as a rule of thumb kids need and want boundaries. And she needs to stop that "You went away" talk. She didn't leave by choice, she made a mistake and had to pay and that's what she should tell them. 

    Loved seeing Joe G. at the play park with his daughter!

    Now I've heard Margaret's story I'm ALL #TeamMargret. I raised 3 kids. 24/7. The youngest was 4. When he died 8 years ago was the last time I saw his brothers. I have to see my grand daughter on FB also. There Dad cheated on me for 25 years but I was the villain because I left him! BS

    • Love 13
  19. Nico needs to shut it. Really easy to armchair quarterback when you don't have any real responsibility. 

    I enjoyed this much more with what's his name shut up in his cabin. Can we keep him there all season? Please?

    Dear God Jen! STFU! You know where else laundry never ends? AT HOME! Also toilet cleaning, cooking,grocery shopping,changing beds, washing up, etc. And you sure don't see the Caribbean while you're doing it...I really would hate to see what her house looks like (shudder)

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