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Posts posted by StarBrand

  1. Well, that was better than what last week's episode seemed to foreshawdow.

    Picard is now an android-pretty much saw that coming when they were talking about downloading consciousness into a synth last week.

    Yes, where did Narek go? What of the xb's and the Borg ship? I suppose next season we'll find out.

    I liked when Riker showed up.

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  2. Indeed, shit blew up real good. No turning back from that.

    I wonder how things will be like next season. Are we going to see the aftermath right away, or is time gonna pass before we pick up again?

    One plotline I wouldn't be surprised to see happen is Hannah's family filing a lawsuit against the network. Going on live TV and more or less saying the culture of your network, which no one really tried to stop,  left your daughter unable to cope, well, that's probably not going to sit well for the family.......

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  3. Well, that was pretty intense.  The big surprise was that big coup, getting Mitch on the air for an interview, did not in fact, happen. Mitch wanted to be part of the takedown, but in the end, it happened without him. Poor Hannah. I had an inkling that something would happen to her-it would appear that she didn't intend to kill herself, but self-medicated a little bit too much-and as we know from Ep 6, she's been doing that for some time now.

    Another little surprise was the fact that Alex was the one to initiate dropping the truth bomb on the unsuspecting audience. The revealation of Mitch's actions with Hannah, and how that contribued to her death, was really the last straw for her, and she just coudln't pretend anymore.  The ending, with Alex and Bradley being cut off to a test patten, then the zoom-out of Mitch alone in his house, perhaps for the first time ever, having it dawn on him what his actions have caused. He's truly on his own now, with no way to salvage his reputation. He had chances to redeem himself, or at least own up to what he'd done, but played the vicim card until the very end. Now it's far too late.

    I actually hope this is the last we see Mitch, because it would seem to me that his arc has come to an end.

    So, things blew up pretty good at TMS. It'll be interesting to see what the fallout is like.

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  4. Wow. Mitch is seriously deluded about how he's not the bad guy. I give credit to Steve Carroll for making Mitch both likeable and deplorable all at once.

    Alex's story to Mitch about waking up in his bed-I'm not quite sure if that is a true recollection, or Alex threatening to smear Mitch a little more with a false story. If it's in fact bullshit, in this story of legitimate claims against Mitch, having Alex, a woman in power, making up a story to shut Mitch up is a little disturbing

    Speaking of disturbing, that conversation between Alex and Fred, was hard to sit through, because 100 per cent of what came out of both of their mouths was utter horseshit.  Although to Alex's credit, she didn't seem too happy about having to throw Chip under the bus. But Chip now knows what she's up to.

    I like the Maggie character. She sees completely through everybody. Cory remains the most entertaining character on the show-I can never predict how he's going to react any given moment.

    I'm really curious about how this interview will go.  I don't know how it goes down without taking both Alex and Fred with it.

    Just now, StarBrand said:
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  5. I'm usually skeptical about flashback episodes, but this one worked.

    Up untiil now, there's been enough doubt placed about Mitch-was he really the predator that his accusers made him out to be?. That gets answered loud and clear this episode.  Technically, what he does to Hannah isn't rape, it's grossly inappropriate.  I can imagine how hard that scene was to watch for a lot of people.  Hannah's reaction to the rape victim interview in ep 4, and her little drug bender in ep 7 makes complete sense in retrospect.

    Also here is where we can see very clearly how much presented himself as a likeable guy, and you can see how people would let their guard down around him.  He's not an obvious bad guy, but got to do a lot of horrible things to women and the network let him get away with it. He would have every right to think that he could keep doing so indefinitely.

    In light of what we've seen here, I wonder how exactly Mitch thinks Hannah is going to help him out.

    I can't believe there's only two eps left.

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  6. Just when you think Alex can't go any further down the rabbit hole, she has that conversation with her daughter. She's running out of fucks to give. Hubby's really gonna love to hear about that speech.

    Everyone is pretty much at the end of their rope. Chip is just itching to do something to start bringing Fred down. I did like that he stuck up for Mia by firing the young dickhead, although Mia was right about that not helping a thing.  I didn't expect her to go full on confessional to the staff about her thing with Mitch-and I'm surprised she'd still have a job after that outburst.

    With all the talk about Mia being with Mitch, ahd using that to further her career, I thought it was a nice fakeout for Hannah being revealed as the one her used Mitch to do that.

    Regarding the Yanko/Claire thing-it always amuses me how people start relationships with people at work and think that (a) they won't be found out, and (b) that is couldn't possibly fuck things up at work for both of them.

    Nice to see the softer relationship between Alex and Bradley and them being friends-I think things work better when they're not at odds with each other-of course, that will probably change when Bradley takes up Mitch's offer.

    • Love 3
  7. I was impressed with Chloe revealing that the reason she even thought about working with the priest to send him back to Hell, was because it's terrifying for her to know she's actually dealing with the actual devil. So she's far from being OK with him, even after refusing to work with the priest against him.Lucifer proved his point when he asked Chloe if she could look at him with his devil face, and she could barely do so.

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  8. So Chloe now knows that it's her proximity to Lucifer that makes him vunerable. Had she really wanted to get rid of Lucifer she simply could have killed him with that axe. Or any time she's with him. Very trusting of Lucifer to willingly allow himself to be around someone that could do what no other human can do.  Too bad the priest comes along and helps ruin that trust.

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  9. Thank heaven this show got saved by Netflix. It would have been infuriating to have ended the series where season three left off.

    I liked seeing Lucifer get cuf off from saying WTF just as the opening credits rolled. Nice wink about being on Netflix now.

    I figured Chloe was not as fine with Lucifier as she kept saying she was. It wouldn't really have made sense for her to be "oh I've been working with the actual devil, that's cool". Having Chloe out of the know for so long was frustrating, but it's good that we can now see how she reacted to that revelation. The last scene would seem to suggest she's in favour of operating against Lucifer, but I think you can already see how conflicted she is about him.

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  10. Got into this series very recently on Netflix-not sure why it took me so long, but I did.

    I agree with people that season 3 as a whole was rather inconsistent, although whether that's due to parsing plots out during a full season, or network interference, or both is unknown I guess. I would also agree this was the first of a great one-two punch to end the season though.

    A rather tragic end for the Charlotte . They did a good job of the same person playing two different personalities. The scene where Amen takes her to heaven was sad and haunting. (As pointed out by others, the show knows how to make good use of its music for maximum effect.

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  11. 4 hours ago, blueray said:

    shouldn't have doubted May at the end of last episode.  May is such a badass. As soon as I saw her alive and with the sword I knew she was going to kill the ones with the stones.  I was confused on how she was still actively fighting after being stabbed in the stomach.  But oh well.

    That was because when she crossed over, death had no meaning, so depite the face she was mortally injurered, she could be her badass self. As soon as she got back, she (almost) succumbed to her injury.

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  12. I liked this. Had me guessing exactly how the shield crew were going to get out of this mess.

    I thought that perhaps Deke was going to pull out a last-minute miracle to disarb the bomb. Good thing Daisy's around.

    Speaking of Daisy, I like when the show remembers she can do a lot more with her powers than just break down doors, and propel peaple into walls. First, the whole stabalizing of the bomb so that it wouldn't go off, then demolishing the shrek(?) in one fell swoop. That was a nice shot. I liked  Snowflake's wonderment about how all women on this planet are so powerful, and May's smirk when she said "yes, they are."

    While I can see how Isreal caught a ride in someone's body, I don't think she was in control of May when she shot Sarge. May was just talking with Yo'-Yo about how she should have killed him when she had the chance to, and how she kept thinking this man was anything like Coulsen. So I think shooting him was completly her idea.

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  13. Fitz is jealous of his future self? Gemma should remind him that his other self had a psychic break and forcibly performed surgury on Daisy. That'll stop his jealously right in its tracks.

    Figures that Snowflake took a liking to Deke. 

    So, the Sarge crew knows now that both Daisy and Yo-yo are not your average humans. Not sure if that's a good thing.

    I like the fact that these characters are still around having new adventures, but part of me wonders if it would have been best for the series to end last season. It would have served as a pretty good coda.

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  14. It's too bad about Yo'-yo's boyfriend-I figured he had hung around long enough to not die this quickly. I liked his character. Of course, he was staning in the way of Yo-yo and Mack's eventual reunion of course.  What exactly would have happened if she hadn't mercifully killed him?

    I'm really curious to find out what the deal is with Sarge's crew, what their motives are, and why exactly we have essentially a Coulsen clone walking around.  What does he want with May?

    I wasn't that thrilled to see Deke show up, but it was worth it to lead to Mack's expression upon finding out about Deke's framework thing, and the all-sexed up Daisy.

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  15. 1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

    I don’t think it’s fair to condemn a story before the story’s over. Who knows what could happen next week? And even after it’s over, I won’t fault it if it’s not what I wanted or envisioned. Storytellers have a right to tell their story, in their own way. An audience member can like it or not, but not liking it doesn’t automatically mean it was a bad story. 

    Totally this.

    • Love 6
  16. I'm not sure what to think of all that. It's rather disheartening to me to see Dany go full out nuts on the whole fucking city.

    I did like CleaganeBowl. I did like the scene between Jamie and Tyrion.  It was worth it  to to see Ceresei scared shitless.

    But what's the point now? King's Landing is ashes, and if anyone is King/Queen, what are they Lords of?


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  17. Quote

    I didn't really understand Melisandre going to dust when she took off her necklace, she took off her necklace before and just turned old?   

    I'm guessing it was because her "normal" self had now aged so far, that if she took the necklace off again, she'd pretty much die instantly.

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  18. 1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I'm not sure if there is any reaction to Jamie that will please the Northerners.  Your suggestion would show her to be reasonable, but the Northerners hate the Lanisters, so they might want Jamie killed anyway.  

    Perhaps. I just have the feeling this Dany-Jamie meeting will not quite go as we expect it might...

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  19. I believe the first test of Dany's character, at least in the eyes of the skeptical northerners, would be how she deals with Jamie Lannister. If she were to say something to him along the lines of"you killed my father-and that was actually the right thing to do. You ended a reign of tyranny.  You should have been praised for your bravery, not given the Kingslayer label". That would make people believe this Targareon is, in fact, not her father. That kind of response would floor Jamie (which might account for how his look goes from afraid to puzzled during the promo.)

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  20. I figured this would be more of a "set-up" episode, which it was. I really didn't care, because it was so nice to see new stuff.

    I can buy the northerners being a bit miffed.  Jon said as king of the north he would get allies for the battles to come.  They did not expect him to relinquish his crown, and bring back a Queen.

    I'm also glad they did not drag out Jon knowing about his true parentage. How long will it be before Dany knows? 

    I don't think Dany is being arrogant or throwing her weight around. Not yet, anyway.  As Jon said, the Northerners have no idea who she is.  And right now, she's this unknown, scary strangers, with dragons, to boot.  She says she's not like her father-she needs to show these (and us) that.

    Tyrion seems to be losing his strategic touch the last couple of seasons. Trusting Cersei to keep her word just being the latest.  I don't think he believed that, even after being confronted with the evidence of the White Walkers, that she'd be stubborn enough to sit things out.  But alas, Cersei is nuts.

    A calm before the storm, this was, presumably before next week, when shit starts hitting the fans.

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