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I wish that the writers would have focused on more shades to the wives than " Nags" . The world's oldest cliche, and these ladies can't act to save their lives, so maybe that's all they could do? I think the rest of the cast are trolling social media hard for fans and renewal-- Completely unrelated-- does anyone else find the sound mixing on the show horrible? I had to watch with closed captioning last night.
All I can say is that Walton Goggins did Harvey Weinstein and this show.a huge favor by stepping in when Joe Mangianello took ill. Between the writing and the wooden acting by a good number of the cast, I was cringing watching this episode. The man is magic.
Woof. And I love Walton Goggins! Other than him, the acting was so bad. Especially by the two wives. I will dvr and just watch his scenes, maybe. I read a review today that perfectly described this show as a CBS show with cursing.
Good to know that all the La Croix water I bought on sale can serve more than the purpose of being a delicious beverage. I was happy to have a Russell centric episode this week, especially after seeing the depths of his darkness last week Lee Russell trying so hard to be a man, claiming to have the sexual prowess of Warren Beatty and prancing off, killed me as did his smug victory song. Even Gamby broke my heart a little this week, when his "friend" moved on The way they're having the adults suffer the indignity of High School is something I really like about this show
I really liked seeing Russell and Gamby meet their Percival High doppelgängers. And that acid trip sequence was great. Nice to see that Gamby has some sort of code, as warped as it is. He feels a shred of remorse. Russell is just a horrible person. Damn, is Walton Goggins good.
Lee Russell is definitely the Regina George of N. Jackson High. I'm sure on Wednesdays he wears pink. Walton Goggins' presence was missed in this episode. I love how he can change Russell's demeanor on a dime from bitching about dr. Brown to kissing her ass. And yes, when Iclose my eyes and hear himsweet talk her, all I can hear is Venus Van Dam. I hope we get more insight into what makes Russell tick.
I don't think this show is a comedy. Just like I didn't think Getting On was. Sure, I laughed, but there's more at play here, I think. Gamby's certainly made a deal with the Devil. Russell is totally setting him up as the Patsy.
But so confusing when he sorta sounds like Venus Van Dam!
So What's the over/under for Dr. Brown to see through Lee Russell? He was working her over pretty well. Once again, Walton Goggins makes things so much better. Seeing him mouth the words to Wind Beneath my Wings was great. Not a fan of Georgia King. I didn't like her in The New Normal, and the wide eyed delivery.
Piscatella was also on Justified, as one of the Bennett boys. Count me in as someone who can't wait for Piper's fall. Between Frieda and Lolly, that garden shed scene was gold.
I get a Michael Rapaport vibe from her. Definitely interesting.
Sister Julienne in the hospital holding the baby made me ugly cry. Jenny Agutter is so good.
Ugh. Inigo Montoya and the Sand snakes. Make them go away. I dug that reveal at the end with Melissandre. I thought she looked like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Brienne and Podrick and the return of the shame nun were the best parts of tonight for me.
Too many great details to enumerate, from the indignity of air travel to Women's issues. A re-watch is definitely in order. As a Fitbit user who has more than once walked in place when I'm thiiis close to 10k steps, I loved that bit with Tracee Ellis Ross.
Sooo Jealous!!! I tried to get tickets but was shut out. I used to see them back in the day at Fez, and Flamingo East, and watched them work their way up the food chain, the last time I saw them was when they played in San Francisco in 2007.