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  1. That's exactly what I thought. I bartended for six years and worked a different job at the same bar five years before that, so I've seen plenty of fights. The worst fight I saw was a man on steroids who is built just like Jeremiah and lost his mind in the same way. The veins popping out as he screamed were the same. My manager, who is ex-navy, is one of the strongest people I know and he had to hold steroids-guy back. He admitted to us afterwards that he was really struggling. Everything about the Gus vs Jeremiah fight reminded me of that night. The bromance montage they showed of Gus and Jeremiah, as if a couple had broken up or someone had died, cracked me up. Everything else- these people are crazy. That's all I've got for now.
  2. I agree, it was the best one, especially since NO WAY OMG NO WAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN (may or may not have) LIVED THERE!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s I agree with the others who think Jinger had no idea who Charlie Chaplin was until Jeremy and/or Google informed her.
  3. I'm not even done with the episode yet and Brianna has already scared the crap out of me twice. First, when her and her mom were feeding the baby chicken wings, of all things?! And then he was sticking the chicken bone into his mouth! Then, when the camera was on Brianna the baby started coughing off screen for a second I was sure he was choking on something. The only reason I didn't fully panic is because something as dramatic as a choking scene definitely would've been shown in the "next week on..." sequence from last week. Then, during the DNA test, Brianna kept taking her hands off the baby and leaving him on his own, squirming on top of a the bathroom vanity. So many opportunities for a serious head injury.... This show stresses me out.
  4. Brady's mom was so offended when someone first mentioned back at the studio that the blindfold was probably see-thru... Doesn't EVERYBODY know by now that the blindfolds in these kinds of stunts are ALWAYS see-thru? That's probably why Brady didn't get any extra special bonus points, even the judges knew! Everybody uses this gimmick so often that it's kind of embarrassing to even attempt it. Dancers, magicians, acrobats, tightrope walkers, daredevils, etc. Try and watch one episode of America's Got Talent without seeing some blindfolds. They are seriously no bid deal.
  5. I'm at the beginning of the episode but I had to comment before I end up forgetting- Timothy was complaining about Mikayla always texting people. He says, "She''ll be in another room in the house and text me, Can you bring me a glass of water? I mean really, you can't walk into the kitchen and ask me to get you a glass of water? It was probably an exaggeration, but I wouldn't be surprised if these enabling grandparents would pour Mikayla a glass of water while she is literally standing right in front of the tap if she asked them to.
  6. Also, why wasn't Lilly wearing pants?
  7. Did the "model" girl seriously make a youtube video for how to put your hair in a ponytail? And a LOW ponytail at that? And druggie boyfriend needs to understand that most fathers don't want their kids around druggies.
  8. CDC

    S09.E15: Bow Down

    I know Chelsea is trying to present Cole as some badass, but I think his reaction to finding the break-in pretty stupid. He (probably loudly) demanded that his wife and children all meet up in one spot (probably on the second floor?) and then went searching for himself because he was worried? And then called 911 afterwards? I don't care if I'm trying to be some alpha male- I would immediately get my family OUT OF THE HOUSE instead of putting their lives, regardless of my own, at risk. And honestly, from what I've heard it's kind of better when calling 911 to tell them that you think or don't know if the burglar is in the house. They respond more quickly if the person could still be there, assuming they pose a threat. If you tell them you've searched the house and are sure nobody is in there, they'll take longer to respond since it's not an emergency, which leaves open the possibility that the person could be hiding somewhere the homeowner didn't look and they'd all be in danger at that time. Though I agree with what others have posted previously- I'm not famous, not on TV, and most average people wouldn't be able to find out my address from quick google searches, but I still don't post on social media when I'm out of town because that lets people know that my house is unattended. Chelsea's so quick to move away, but she'd just be putting herself in the exact same circumstances the next time she goes on vacation while posting constant updates about her house being unattended while her address is easily found online. Ugh. These people.
  9. CDC

    S09.E15: Bow Down

    Brittany: I'm the sanest person in this family, I just want to be clear about that! Cameraman: *immediately cuts to Nova, who is clearly the only sane person in the family.* Am I the only one who was seriously creeped out when Gracie said that she was Jason's favorite kid because she looks like their mom? Though at least it buffered the slightly-less-creepy-but-still-extremely-creepy conversation where Leah was trying to subtly convince the girls to announce that they all "love" Jason. She was putting so much pressure on them to agree. It would have even been miles less uncomfortable if she had even asked instead, "Do you like Jason?" But for now Leah is convinced she's all in, so the girls must be dragged along. And Briana making her typical "innocent" doe eyes at John while Nova sat next to her, mute and uncomfortable looking, was also ridiculous. Nova is clearly intelligent, and I'm sure she's seen her mother make those eyes at many guys in the past and is figuring out what it means.
  10. Briana, her sister, and her mother are allowed to wear no bra or their weird paper thin white sports bras with their nipples showing at all times (in the mother's case, under a paper thin white t-shirt that still shows the bar AND the nipples), they can wander around unwashed and smelly-looking constantly, Briana can have surgery on her ass broadcasted live for free for anyone who wants, they can start fights and climb on restaurant furniture in fits of rage...... but a six year old makes a fart joke and she is SOOOOOO inappropriate! THE SHAME! These people are nuts. I felt bad for Chris's aunt. From watching that whole awkward interaction, I wondered she's just a family-oriented person who was desperately trying to stay in the life of a blood relative who she thinks she's at risk of losing contact with. She really wanted to appease Kail with changing from "he likes you" to "he loves you." Also, did anyone else notice that Kail dressed alike with Lux for the party? They had the same color socks, pants (ill-fitting leggings in Kail's case) and shirt. If you had to pick a kid to dress up as, wouldn't you chose the birthday kid? Maybe Kail thinks that dressing like Lux might make Chris mistake her for Lux and accidentally hug her instead of him? Nothing to be said about Chelsea, Jenelle or Leah that hasn't already been said.
  11. CDC

    S09.E07: Surprise

    Silly me! I can't believe I missed that much more likely explanation.
  12. CDC

    S09.E07: Surprise

    I apologize in advance for the long rant, but I’ve been under quite a bit of stress lately and watching this show reminds me that, overall, I have my life together quite well! It’s been pretty cathartic for me tonight lol. So here it begins. What does Briana have against bras? And will somebody please tell her to stop making out with Nova? Nova is a sweetie and I hope she somehow makes it out of that weird cycle she’s stuck in. Why did Jason have to drive Leah’s car to the dentist? She switched seats with him when he showed up! Is his masculinity so fragile that he can’t be driven down the block by a woman? And why did they have to talk about Leah’s relationship woes in the car right in front of Addie? I’m glad that Jason and Corey were kind and respectful towards each other. I thought that Chelsea and Cole were being completely inappropriate in regard to Paislee’s adoption in front of Aubree, but I became less angry with them when it was brought up that if something happens to Chelsea that Adam would be de facto guardian. It made me understand their urgency more, but they still need to make arrangements while keeping Aubree’s current best interests in mind. And then they kept pushing it and I was infuriated with them again. At least Randy seems to be the voice of reason. Kailyn explains to her friend that, using the typical formula, she could pay up to $10,000 a month to Jo, yet she’s still outraged that he’s asking of a $1,000 a month? Also, “He’s paid $30,000 in an eight-year period. I could owe that in one year!” So Kailyn thinks there are thirty months in a year. Interesting. Also, the fact that her lawyer came up with a much lower number she could owe per month ($2300/month, I think?) makes me think that Kailyn may be lying to her lawyer about some of her additional income sources. Or she’s terrible at math. Or she exaggerated in the first place for sympathy and/or drama. Or she was lying the entire time. Who knows with this chick? But at least she wasn’t talking about it in front of her kids! (See Leah and Chelsea above) But, I think she’s media savvy enough to realize that that’s a good thing to mention on camera that she doesn’t say anything in front of them, and I doubt she actually keeps it in around the kids when the cameras aren’t around. Nathan- At 27 years old, I have only ever known one per in my life who wore a Mohawk hairstyle. He did this from around 7-9. No grown ass adult is going to be taken seriously while wearing one, especially in a courtroom. To Nathan- I’m sorry that I, like Doris, can’t give you the “positive affirmation” that you desire so much. I’m so glad I don’t have people like this in my own life.
  13. CDC

    S09.E07: Surprise

    Thanks, it's always good to know I'm not crazy!
  14. CDC

    S09.E07: Surprise

    I'm very early in the episode but I wanted to ask a random question before I forget- Does anyone else say "[she] took charges out on [him]" the way Jenelle and Barb do? It always sounds so strange to me! I've heard of pressing charges or filing charges but not taking out charges. Is this a regional thing, something I happened to never hear before, or another example of the language butchering these girls are known for?
  15. Quote of the episode definitely goes to Kail, talking about her cousins (I know some of the names are wrong), "My cousins are Marly, Karly, Kailyn, Kaitlyn and McKayla. All of our names rhyme!"
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