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Posts posted by RedDelicious

  1. 11 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    I just thought the actors weren’t that good at playing convincing racist Southern white men.

    I'm not trying to make light of the scene but honestly I was waiting for the sidekick to yell SHAKE AND BAKE, it was that bad.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

    See I found it quite realistic about things that happened in the south back then and not so long ago.  After all the Civil Rights Movement was not that long ago.  My late inlaws were from Louisiana and while not violent, some of the racist things I have heard them say and do is gringe worthy indeed.

    To your point, I definitely agree that the scene and the situation itself were very realistic. I can’t find exactly the right words but the two white man actors could have been John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell playing caricatures of bad guys.

    By comparison and for example, we are currently watching Bass Reeves on P+ and let me tell you, Dennis Quaid and the others can put a chill down your spine. I can’t watch it too late at night because it’s pretty intense and I don’t want anything to happen to Bass and his family.

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  3. 1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

    Yes, Oscar did ask "was Mr. Gould satisfied?" He didn't really answer the question. He just seem pretty annoyed at how much Oscar knows and that he is asking all the questions, and asked not to reveal any information that Oscar was given.

    LOL @ "whateverthefuckheis"


    If the banker is not acting in the best interest of his client, and he won’t say if her benefactor is aware of his intentions, Oscar may very well be his foil! 


  4. 12 hours ago, Roseanna said:

    Some young men are charmed by pretty face and have to endure a dull wife during the rest of life (cf. Mr and Mrs Bennett in Austen's Pride and Prejudice).

    See also Newland and May Archer in The Age of Innocence!

    Couple of other thoughts. The restaurant scene with the two men felt like something out of Little House on the Prairie. The acting itself was a bit over the top, as otherwise serious scenes in Little House often were. Like Laura pushing Nellie in her wheelchair down the hill and into a pond. The overacting is distracting to the point that the viewer loses the gravity (no pun) of the situation. 

    Wrapping up my thoughts on Oscar and I put it in a spoiler because I’m not sure about speculation. 


    I thought Maud Beaton’s biological father is Jay Gould and I’m going on the assumption that he set up some form of trust fund for her. I thought the banker is her money manager. My guess is he’s mishandling her funds and I’m hoping Oscar discovers what he’s doing and stops it before the banker loses all her money from Gould. 

    I’ve had the fortune to be a guest at some dinner parties where the courses were served like the soup ballet. It was really cool.

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  5. 17 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    I feel like we learned that the guy Lane is playing actually did talk like that--he hammed up his own accent so in this case it's historically accurate.

    I'm not from Boston so can't speak to authenticity but I've really loved RSL's accent. It's very soft and doesn't sound like he's trying to do a whole Boston accent thing like in a Ben Affleck movie. It's endearing and very pleasant!

    Laugh emoji because of the Ben Affleck movie reference. Side note, in The Town Jeremy Renner did a better Boston accent than frigging Ben Affleck who has Dunkin running through his veins. You grew up right he-ah, same rules rules that I did!

    Seriously though, Robert Sean Rector is doing a lovely job. Perfectly nuanced.

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  6. I’m hoping against hope that it is Oscar who uncovers a scam or a mishandling of Miss Beaton’s money and in turn he saves the day. He hasn’t seemed so bad the past few episodes. Maybe he will gain some conscience and realize that he shouldn’t try to get Miss Beaton to agree to marry him if he doesn’t have the proper intentions. I feel bad for him that he can’t be who he is. 

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  7. I am SO here for the love in middle age storyline. I feel like it is so seldom done where it actually works out that I'd love for it to be real this time, just for the feel good part of it. It certainly makes me happy. 

    I'm loving the soapiness of this season!

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  8. Ethan and the donuts infuriates me. My ex who was a raging narcissist did that with a former girlfriend and she slammed into the passenger window so hard it knocked her out and she got a concussion. I didn’t find out about this until the end of my relationship with him. Reckless driving is one of many behaviors that characterize narcs. Ethan definitely has the whole covert thing going on. All innocent and simple on the outside and Kim like the Alien on the inside. 

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  9. On 9/12/2023 at 9:16 PM, LuvMyShows said:

    To be fair, there was no mention of money in the obit or in the linked "store". The gifts were memorial type things, as princelina mentioned above. But what confused me about the gifts, is who they were for. Most of the gifts seemed like things that the buyer would want for themselves, to remember Babs by, not something they would give to Babs' family. It seems like it would be weird for them to just receive lots of blankets, wind chimes, framings, etc. 

    I think you’re right. I know when my dog (who was a child to me) passed, I desperately wanted a few things to memorialize her so I could remember her every day. Not that I ever would forget her. I got a heart stone with forget me nots and comforting words on it, a few very nice picture frames and a necklace with her initial. Having those touch points makes me feel connected to her. I think the items in the store are for people to purchase for themselves. There was also the option to purchase trees to plant which I thought was nice. 

    I too had to nope out of the Babs episode. It was too much. Tal crying pushed me right over the edge. Babs was a special lady, a real gem with a fish purse. Rest easy Babs.


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  10. 17 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

    All. Of. This. Moriah is acting like a 12 year old. 

    We know Solja Boy likes middle aged white women. We’re gonna get “baby girl Kim” in a couple seasons. 

    Babygirl Kim 2.0 !! 

    I would pay money to see a Kim vs. Kim cage match. My money's actually on Kim Plath.

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  11. On 9/19/2023 at 1:31 PM, Kellyee said:

    This family has been messed up for long time, and it's not just because of Robyn. Christine was never cut out for polygamy, and Kody has despised Meri for years and years. Janelle may have only stayed for religion and free childcare.

    I think it was a major dill breaker for the first three wives to see Kody keep all of his promises to Robyn and shower her and her/their children with attention and resources, especially resources that weren't allocated fairly. The other three were boxed out and punished for not jumping on the bandwagon. And Robyn sits there and plays dumb. I absolutely think it was because of her. But I also think if it wasn't Robyn, it would be somebody else with a similar outcome.

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  12. I can definitely buy that they are both devastated by each other. They were about to make one of the biggest mistakes of their lives, at least one that would create a difficult disentanglement, especially from a legal perspective.

    Lindsey shouldn't have pursued a relationship with a person in early recovery with a history of infidelity, and Carl shouldn't have promised a lifetime together when he should be focusing on his health and getting his sh*t together. They're both toxic individuals and their relationship was a house of cards from the moment they met.

    Some types of people like the person(s) that everyone loves to hate, i.e., Carl and Lindsey, and they were behind them and their relationship 100%. But for everyone else who didn't feel that way, it was pretty evident the Babes were doomed from the start. 

    They should both just get out and stay out of Summer House. It's not a healthy place and it's not even fun/funny anymore. Seriously, these people are on the cusp of middle age and need to grow up. Its embarrassing. 

    ETA: I think their relationship was propelled by brand/endorsement deals and the financial resources really clouded their judgement which was already questionable at best. 

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  13. I almost feel bad for her because at her core she is a miserable person and I don’t think much more of him either. I think the epilogue will be that Carl dodged a bullet and if her behavior was that bad, Lindsey will be exiled like a Brandi or a Bethenny. I can’t imagine who would want to date or hire as an employee either one of them. 

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  14. Honestly I never believed the engagement was actually real. I definitely believe their feelings for each other were as real as they could be but I never bought that they were end game. I think they created the scenario and sold it. Come on, the breakup was filmed? Maybe that’s why Danielle was so unhinged about them because she knew what they were doing and she thought they were making a big mistake. If that’s true they really sold their souls for a reality tv paycheck. It’s gross. 

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  15. 23 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Or beat their 75 year old mother with shoes because she won’t make spaghetti. You don’t have to tell me!
    Trust, I KNOW (as the typical sibling who deals with the consequences of three decades of #mommyguilt), but you can’t tell people anything about their kids. 


    Aidan wants to believe that he’s doing the right thing with Wyatt, Kathy may be the ONLY person who can rein that in and keep Wyatt on the right path while he is still young enough they can force him to capitulate. (If he pulled at 18 he might be behind bars) Aidan is a “soft touch” which is great, (no one is doubting his love for his son) and there is a time for that, but his entire speech to Carrie felt like 1. He was PUNKING her, or 2. He was so wrapped in guilt he couldn’t see straight. 

    Aidan’s emotions around Wyatt’s accident were realistic, how he approached Carrie about the situation was lazy writing. 

    Omg!! (spaghetti) I didn’t understand your post but now I do. My apologies for that. Goodness gracious. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    #ParentGuilt, especially if the child has a disability or illness of some kind.  If Wyatt does have significant mental health challenges (like anxiety etc), I am not surprised by Aidan’s reaction in the slightest. 

    I’ve been the typical sibling watching the #mommyguilt. It never dies!

    I wasn’t surprised by his reaction either because it’s Aidan, but guilt is one of the many things that creates a lack of boundaries and children who elope from the classroom with a sharpie, draw penises all over the mats in the gym, flip their hair when they get collected by the principal and then don’t get recess taken away because mom said they don’t get consequences. Kids with special needs need boundaries just as much as the other kids. Anything less is doesn’t teach them a darn thing. Wyatt isn’t going to learn anything about the consequences of his actions if Aidan is picking up all the pieces for the next 5 years.

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  17. 4 hours ago, JeanJean said:

    Was anyone else distracted by Carrie's breasts during the not-a-break-up scene? I'm a straight -- and elderly! -- female and I still wanted to ask them to move, like when someone too tall sits in front of you at the movies.

    I was distracted by the skin on her chest! It had all these weird spot bumps on it. It was bizarre 😳

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  18. My u/o is that I liked the cut and style of Carrie's dress but not the fabrication, and I hated the cropped leggings underneath. Checks really aren't my thing. One of my favorite party dresses was the blue one she wore in the movie for Charlotte's baby shower.

    I know we don't know the nature of Wyatt's challenges, but one thing I know for sure is that kids, especially kids with developmental disabilities (not specifically saying Wyatt has a DD) are manipulative AF. My sister was an aide for one child with Fragile X Syndrome and one with Down Syndrome and you wouldn't believe the sh*t those kids would try and successfully get away with during the school day. There wasn't a thing she could do about it because the parents were overly indulgent and refused to set boundaries. They made excuses and fully allowed their inappropriate behavior. No rules, no consequences. Developmentally disabled and also neurodivergent kids are not stupid. Quite the opposite. Aidan should be and is not setting boundaries with Wyatt. I agree that what Wyatt needs is therapy, and he also needs a strong parent who will guide him, not placate him.

    When Brady pulled up on his bicycle I fully expected him to be towing Kip on rollerblades.

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  19. 2 hours ago, luna1122again said:

    When Negan literally killed The Walking Dead for me, I stopped watching, stopped reading about it, stopped visiting the boards for it. Despite some lingering fondness for some of the characters, the hate outweighed it so much that I couldn't stand to watch or know any more about it. It was a RELIEF to give it up. 

    I watched through to the end of TWD and it was a chore. I didn't touch any of the spinoffs. Well, except I watched Fear until that piece of sh*t kid fed his golden retriever to the zombies and then I noped TF out of there. That was not acceptable. I could deal with Glenn/Abraham but not the golden retriever.

    Che is Negan in a sense that they killed the show. Make them likeable and beam Miranda back from the aliens and maybe there would be some hope but we know that's not going to happen.

    I also hate watched TIU. I worked in a physical office at that time and TWD and TIU are examples of shows I started watching so I could participate in the office chatter. Ugh.

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  20. I think this is the only show on network television still "doing" Covid. What an incredibly boring episode. Robyn and her *ill words and pitchers made me laugh though. So did the afghan Meri was wearing as a scarf. 

    Even though Robyn didn't technically dead name Leon in the episode, I could see her doing that if Kody didn't accept Leon's chosen name and identity. ETA: it's been so long I didn't even remember what Leon's birth name actually was.

    I did always like Meri's krispy treat turkey with the candy stuffing. That really was fun and creative and everybody seemed to love it. 

    I'll watch this season for Christine's victory lap.

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  21. 19 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

    but hot dogs and clams?  And beer?  That’s a fraternity hazing ritual, not a business venture, Steve.  Like, all at the same time?  I get hot dogs *or* clams, but both?  Together?

    It's usually hot dogs or clams. And beer. I live on the coast in New England and most places where you can get a clam basket or a clam roll, you can also get a New England style hot dog, where they butter and grill the roll. New England rolls have straight sides and are cut on the top. Delicious 🌭 Bonus points for roller dogs.

    1 hour ago, T Summer said:

    John Corbett  just seems so bland and vanilla! His acting sure doesn't inspire admiration, as he's exactly the same in everything I've ever seen him in.

    John Corbett is literally a Nilla Wafer. Bland and vanillary. I don't dislike him at all, and I could probably use a Nilla Wafer in my life, but I totally agree. The crying in the car scene really put me off my lunch.

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  22. On 8/20/2023 at 4:04 PM, T Summer said:

    re: LTW's unexpected pregnancy


    I was thinking about how usually these story lines are made to quickly resolve by being written as ending in a miscarriage. I   thought I  remembered the All In The Family spin off series Maude doing an episode where she has an abortion way back in the 70's. Apparently it was a two part episode  in 1972  and Maude was 45 years old. Wasn't it only legalized in 1972? I ran across this  page, a timeline of abortion stories in U.S. popular media. I didn't remember  the All My Children character Erica Cain had one in 1973. It's interesting.



    Also Mimi Rose had an abortion without first telling Adam on Girls, circa 2014-2015.

    My closing thoughts on LTW and the miscarriage is I thought they were going down the path of advanced maternal age and pregnancy loss, which is something that does happen to the target demographic of the show. I thought it would develop into a bonding moment to deepen the friendship between LTW and Charlotte, since Charlotte previously experienced pregnancy loss. I'm going on the assumption that they did develop the storyline but it the scenes were cut. That's the only thing I can come up with. Unless they tell us later, we'll never really know. 

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