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Everything posted by brdwygurl

  1. I don’t suppose you’re anywhere near Delaware? These two are so freaking adorable, I volunteer with Delaware Humane https://www.facebook.com/delawarehumane/videos/2330413343887301/
  2. As me to another huge fan of the show. Such a refreshing change fron typical reality television. Where the contestants are, you know, actually good people. Who are kind to each other and cheer and support for each other. People always argue that reality TV would be boring without backstabbing and conflict, and that you have to cast really attractive people. The great British baking show proves both of those are not true. (I mean seriously, some of the contestants are downright homely. And I ADORE it ) I didn't hear about the change in station and hosts. That really bums me out. I adore the quirky humor of the two hosts now (can't think of their names). Seriously I laugh at their awful puns at the beginning of each show. BAAAAAKE To keep this post on topic, the current season of big brother is the complete opposite of the GBBS. And the fact that I would rather spend the time posting about the GBBS instead of big brothers just shows what a huge shit show this season Has been
  3. I almost spit my drink out when I read that. Could she be any less self aware? Don't answer that It's that time of the season when their egos have inflated and they all believe they are going to be big stars and famous when they leave the big brother house.
  4. I'm not sure about the interview, but I think I heard Jessica say that on that Instagram chat video. Because she said everyone should come to Disneyland with us, and I thought oh that's a bad idea
  5. Look on "see their activity" in the upper right-hand corner. For yours it gives me 522 pages, may not be all of your posts but it's a lot ?
  6. Also just FYI you can click on the person's profile and see all of the posts they have made I like Jessica SO much better outside of the house and away from Cody. Also good for her for giving props to Paul and putting the blame on the lemmings for being idiots and throwing their game for him. She seems, pretty level headed and not bitter
  7. Here is another article that talks about Jeffs other homophobic slurs https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2009/07/big-brother-11-jeff_gay_slurs/
  8. Cognitive dissonance 101. I am teaching general psych this year, maybe I'll use some big brother clips to illustrate key concepts :)
  9. Right? It made no sense to me that they targeted Cody during that one comp. I mean Marines are basically trained not to break under pressure. Anyone who's seen even one military movie that included basic training should realize that having some actor squirt ketchup on the back of Cody's shirt is not going to do shit. If anything it will fuel him and make him more focused and determined. But they continue to think that they will be able to distract him during a competition.
  10. I read it the same way as somebody saying, " he punched me in the kidneys". Obviously you didn't get punched in the kidneys because they are inside your body. You got punched on the outside over the area where your kidneys are. Of course I'm probably giving the hammies too much credit, because really any credit is too much
  11. OK so technically labia would be the current term . Here's a thread on jokers. The first post has a clip of Matt doing it to Jessica. I'm not sure if Jessica did it the same way to Alex. http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Board=BBDiscussion&Number=26920150 I don't understand kids these days, ::shakes fist in the air:: like the old person I am ETA: Here is the clip of Raven playing the "guess who's ...." game. https://out.reddit.com/t3_6rqvfy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamable.com%2F8or0v&token=AQAA9L6FWYItCO9BMoywTgU6ycKS1Zv29FSOiy-bkMTQ5JR4Xp42&app_name=mweb2x
  12. Do you think she literally called the police? Did they literally show up? ?
  13. Either that or from being near Jillian during the battle back they've all contracted some deadly disease
  14. She's not. I am a member (don't judge) I searched the member directory and she's not there. Of course you don't have to be a member of Mensa to figure that out LOL
  15. I'm thinking the block a houseguest from returning might be a Temptation. With of course a curse for the house if they accept. There has to be some sort of cost or trade off. Otherwise blocking somebody from returning would be a no-brainer ( yes I realize we are dealing with houseguests with no brians)
  16. I don't think the fact he had a longer interview was necessarily a sign that Julie like him. It's a live show and the timing has to be down to the second. There is a predetermined amount of pre-recorded footage, but the rest is allotted for julie chatting with them before the vote, voting and exit interview. So if the house guests make shorter or longer speeches, take longer to vote etc that all impacts the amount of time allowed for the interview. I want Jessica out this week so Cody and Jessica have to compete against each other in the battle back. that would be interesting, and I think I would like either of them more if they were in the house without the other
  17. Getting Jessica out is actually not a bad plan. Granted it would be more interesting for us if she goes all guns blazing and puts up a showmance. But doing that she just puts an even bigger target on her back. If she can work her way in and then create division, ultimately the group would turn on each other. Leaving her in a better spot. The bright spot to putting up and potentially voting out Jessica is that then Jessica would be competing against Cody in the battle back. Would Cody throw it for her? I'd love to know the answer to that.
  18. Ugh yes Cody will win the buyback I mean look at his competition And he will be even more of an insufferable, narcissistic, asshole
  19. The closest thing anything comes to getting "cleaned" in the BB house would be if production started putting itty bitty swiffer pads on the ant's feet. Now THAT would be some product placement I could get behind. Remember the (not so) genius idea last year to have the bathroom floor be faux sand. :::shudder:::
  20. Survivor sucks has their boot icon thread/voting up. This has been suggested for Raven, given how much she talks about her illnesses it's so wrong but so right Megan got a panda
  21. Please let Cody be evicted this week so he is wearing the costume! Jessica - For me it says a lot about a person, how they handle the whole costume thing. Embrace it, they are part of the BB experience From jokers:
  22. Riiiight, because when I am looking for a role model BB is the first place I look to
  23. Careful! Say his name three times and you'll conjure him to appear. Probably as part of a curse
  24. At the very beginning of BB After Dark Paul was talking about howJosh dropped an R bomb' in the kitchen. --- Josh: oh I didn't mean that I meant stupid Paul: you dug even deeper hole now Josh: The two things are synonymous Paul: nooooo they are not. For the exact reason why you shouldn't use it in that context. Fuck I was so mad ------ Did anybody catch that on the feeds? UGH
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