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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. I think they saw how much Olicity exploded between S1 and S2. They decided to test it out with the beginning of S2 featuring Oliver/Felicity development and when that was received positively by the majority of the fans and critics they decided to go full force (they just had to get through a few things first..which were UGH). I don't think some audience members realize everything starts with the writers and evolves from there. Look at Joss Whedon, he was always listening to the fans: killed the Connor plot line on Angel, didn't kill off Spike and is continuing to listen to fans and its improving AOS tenfold. The Fanbase should be your first resource, because are the ones who love the show the most and they will hurt you with that love to make you better. HYMYM LOL I had stopped watch that show, but tuned back in for the finale. I was so angry.
  2. Newbie poster: For me, Laurel lacks foundation as a character. Its like she was built on quicksand. Its hard for me to understand where she is coming from half the time so it's difficult for me to understand where her character is heading. With two seasons under her, we should now who she is. Its kinda sad when we know characters like Felicity (even with her backstory - we know her) and even Sin better but a lead that was in the plan from the beginning. And the really sad thing is, I have two seasons of indifference and downright annoyance with the character. Season three is going to be a hard sell for me; I can't do quick fixes with these characters.
  3. It could cover a lot of things. I think Olicity is a really good bet. It is going to be referenced as proof by those who don't support the relationship. Though I think people need to get away from the idea that 'BECAUSE of the fan base' is negative thing. The influence of the fans can really improve the evolution of a show.
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