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  1. LMAO Quantico is an embarrassment as is SHIELD but oh those are getting renewed. Get out of here. In other news JMO had an interview at SCAD where she said she absolutely wants a S7 and she hopes for it. It's in the SCAD official newspaper. Plus Eddy said that "we are all" ready for S7, aka everyone on the stage which was the creators and Colin/JMO the two people that retweeted the article about hopes for a S7. Just saying.
  2. Oh really that's what Jen said? Interesting because there's a vid of the panel and she says the complete opposite of what you're suggesting. Starts at 14:01. Please stop spreading false information, thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnDejmD3mTI&index=2&list=PLiAY9vIDnVOnLZGqzrjo-CuRDs0LW9HNn
  3. I'm not taking the asterisk to mean anything at this point. Personally this seems pretty balanced to me. And if Zelena is in Oz let's leave her there, please.
  4. You guys do know that this list does not indicate musical numbers correct. It just indicates where scenes take place and Pinocchio isn't a thing. They could literally just have a scene in his shop with Gepetto. I doubt the asterisk is any indication. There's not gonna be 11 songs in the episode. That is straight up impossible. How is Hook separated when him and JMO filmed together for 17? Also he was on set yesterday when NA came to set. I think some of you purposely sound this way so people could coddle you and make you feel better honestly,lol.
  5. Common sense. They're not gonna have a musical be the finale. It's way more likely it's 19 or 20. In other news Natalie was on set today, JMO, Colin, Lana, and Bex were tagged. So I assume they were there.
  6. It's not gonna be the finale.
  7. I highly doubt that's gonna happen.
  8. Unfortunately these writers like to rinse and repeast and Hook has history with Neverland characters so it was obvious he had dealings with Tiger Lily. It's Ursula 2.0.
  9. It means they want a modern version of his pirate coat. Why does there have to be a reason behind everything?
  10. I wonder if 6x17 to maybe 6x19 is the CS adventure?
  11. We officially have a new Hook jacket coming in 6x17.
  12. Some of those pilots won't live to see anything. The Magician one is serious monkey turd.
  13. Colin and JMO look like they filmed at loft today.
  14. Prequel about Regina? We've seen that already, in multiple spins throughout the last 6 seasons. We don't need more. If JMO is not signed for S7 then I could easily see her coming back near the end of it to wrap the show and her character. Nina Dobrev is coming back for VD's final season. The same situation could happen with OUAT. Even though I don't think we'll get to that point. I do have hope and believe JMO will come back in S7 as a regular..
  15. Modern World is represented through Emma. So losing her means losing the foundation of the show. She's the only real character on this show, where everybody else is from fairy tales. Without Emma the show is just a twist on fairytales, no modern world POV in it and she's not "Mcdreamy" in this show. She's Meredith Gray.
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