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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Hopefully this week we're heading for a Woke Anand vs Joe showdown where lectures on how right they are ping around the studio like super balls.
  2. Mika's monologue about Matthews was hilarious and embarrassing. "I'm not sure. I'm still reading about it." She's still reading about it? What the fuck does that even mean? "I haven't done my homework?" "I am too dull-minded to have an immediate thought?" When has "I'm still reading about it" worked previously in her life?
  3. Nah. The point of KYV is that men innately understand their value and it's up to women to copy men's confidence in the work place.
  4. So is Forbes paying Mika to produce a 50 over 50 analysis of women over the age of 50 who have "made it?" Or is she peripherally involved? How does she sell her transparently thin schtick to people? Are we that starving for content?
  5. Too bad Joe doesn't take on smug, woke-ass Anand in studio. Joe's fury would be incendiary. He would have to be restrained. There'd be a melee. Donnie would break a chair over Anand's smug head.
  6. That is a fascinating stat. That is baaaaad bad bad bad news.
  7. "funnest?" I'm sure she thinks it's cute. But I'm not 100% sure she has the leeway here.
  8. Did she delete it? Or maybe, I'm very boomered to say, I may not know what Instagram stories are. I did see Joe and his SHITTY band practicing the SHITTIEST music out of key. Christ that was horrible. One of her Instagram posts is of her dad's books. Ha! That made me laugh. Mika: "I'll take What Are Things I've Never Read for $2,500, Alex" Another particular favorite is her guzzling wine with her Upper East Side WASP crew as they struggled out of despair and poverty and rejuvenated their careers so well they can celebrate! They moved all the way from incredible wealth and privilege to slightly more incredible wealth and privilege. "JUST RESET, BITCHES!!!!" I'm 100% certain that phrase is in all of Zbig's books and is the underpinning philosophy to all his foreign policy work. Imagine how much fun she isn't at Joe's gigs.
  9. "Hi Jill, this is Mika. Mika Brzezinski? Morning Joe? Joe Scarborough's side piece? We met at that thing... remember? With the cake and I... Well, anyway, know your value girl! Hello?"
  10. I was enjoying everyone dunking on Bernie until after Claire voiced her distaste of of Bernie and the culture that surrounds him, Mika said, "Well done." And of course Joe made it about Joe.
  11. I just couldn't stick around this morning. The pain of listening would have been too uncomfortable. But, what is her thesis here? "Do as I did?" Did she leave the work force in the late 90s to parent her kids then return to local overnights, then MSNBC spot work, then caught the attention of Joe's trousers? She's a 53 year old busty mess of privilege, poisonous habits, and scar tissue. I DARE her to quit MSNBC so she gets her sleeping taken care of,* and work more normal hours in a lateral move in a similar role. I dare her to attempt that. *This is what she preaches. She's written 3 books on it. This is what she claims to have learned from her super special Lady Gaga Oprah dialectic meditative therapy. Change your circumstances, improve your life. Nope. Instead she takes drugs and tells herself she's happy and that failing daily is winning. God, she's pathetic.
  12. at 8:50am Mika introduced a segment where Mika "gets the tables flipped" and she answers questions about her 3rd KYV book. I changed the channel.
  13. Today is Mika's worst show ever? One of those wall-mounted talking bass would add more gravitas and insights. Her input today: "Mmmmm. Mmmmm." "Mhm. Yuh." "Yes." "It's just... I can't..." "Yes. Yes." "unbelievable"
  14. Her addiction to sleeping medicines, that shamarticle about her therapy and Gaga, and that the article is on her sham "Know Your Value" NBC page all together is all you need to know about everything having to do with Mika. She's a simple, pandering, facile, vain, clumsy hypocrite. Every sentence of her article is either a lie or projection or posturing. It's also awesomely poor writing. She attempted to write about her pain and how she heals it... and I'm left angry, wholly unsympathetic and certain she's one of the stupidest people in America's television culture.
  15. Mooch spent the morning kicking Trump in the balls like a drunk hooligan in a Guy Ritchie movie. IT WAS AWESOME
  16. At the risk of being vulgar, a burden I'm happy to shoulder, at least a few of those furiously scribbled notes are her in a scoop top tee with the original girls, bigger size, even bigger, and then comically big and the biggest ones circled with a "YASSS!" and a smiley face and hearts with a "MB hearts JS" The rest, PrincessPurrsALot, absolutely have to do with cake and people she hates. Probably a picture or two of Heidi with an X through her face and knives pointed at her. "How to get back in the work force in your 60s when you're a lady executive. Step 1. Sleep with the boss" and she scratched it out. "Think of something else. Have Ariana H. write it."
  17. I would pay a bit to see the catalog of notes she's taken during shows.
  18. Joe Scarborough opted out of interviewing the #3 Democrat running for President? Wow. How long did they give her? A few segments?
  19. I went to MJ's twitter to laugh at snark on her KYVing Warren, but the comments under the Warren tweet range from toxic to stupid and there is nothing else. Went there in a humorous mood, left in despair.
  20. two of the four most recent KYV posts are Mika squeeeeeing over women having children: https://twitter.com/MikaKYV365
  21. I saw Elizabeth Warren uncomfortably waiting to come on, and changed the channel. How big of an ass did Mika make of herself?
  22. Generally, Mika's practiced "I'm listening" face is akin to a dog seeing itself in a mirror.
  23. I would have liked to have learned whether her husband is getting any time off and what his anxieties and later work prospects look like.
  24. We are through the fucking looking glass. the level of chaos that is about to occur is terrifying. Trump properties globally are now massive targets. Our allies are absolutely likely now to be targeted by cut-out mercenary groups. It will be an absolute free for all that ties all responsibility back to the US, and Russia will benefit. Also, can we once and for all use this catastrophe as evidence there is no such thing as a "deep state?"
  25. Was this when he explained to all the stupids on the panel how obvious it was that this military leader had to be assassinated and it was a long time coming and if you didn't know that you're pretty stupid? I stepped out before i heard anyone reply.
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