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Posts posted by Trillian

  1. 4 hours ago, greekmom said:
    4 hours ago, greekmom said:

    I don't buy that Canadians are angry with American refugees. Maybe if this was set in our world but not in THT world. Since there is a low birth rate that has steadily increased that would also result in low population. Having the Americans in Canada would have resulted in a population boost. Show can't have it's cake and eat it too.  Plus, Luke was stopping someone from killing his wife. Isn't that involuntarily manslaughter? Any lawyers in the audience? 

    We don’t really have an offence of involuntary manslaughter. Manslaughter itself encompasses the notion that one did not have the requisite intent to murder but did have the intent to cause harm.  However, Luke has a self-defence argument (which, in Canada, includes reasonable belief that another person - and not just the accused himself - would otherwise be harmed). 

    I had no problem with the idea that he might be arrested.  It easily could go either way, and, when one person ends up dead or seriously injured, police tend to err on the side of arrest and let the courts figure it out. I did have a problem with how they went about it.  What was ridiculous was that they didn’t either arrest him immediately or ask him - possibly through the lawyer Moira mentions he has - to turn himself in.   There’s a very good chance he’d get bail.   Police do not “put out a bulletin” among themselves to announce they are getting a warrant, and they usually don’t get the warrant until the two options above are exhausted.  And the manhunt at the train station was absurd. All of a sudden, this show is painting Canada as a wild, lawless place with no explanation of how it got there.  Just shaking my head and glad I can now turn my attention to the Crown and get this mess out of my head. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, chaifan said:

    I think the simple explanation is that Serena was a willing member of the Wheeler household.  Especially pre-birth.  It wasn't her first choice, and she hated it there, but she was there of her own will, technically speaking.  She wasn't kidnapped.  It was obviously also her choice to return after she was released from the detention center.  Again, not much of a choice to be had there, but she went there willingly.  She was actively dissuaded from leaving, but never physically prevented from doing so (because as far as we saw, she never actually tried).  Now, the two slaps from Mrs. Wheeler would constitute assault, but no prosecutor would take on something as minor as that. 

    22 hours ago, tpwilder said:

    I think that Serena would actually need to go to the police and make these claims for something to be done. Why she didn't when she was in the hospital really needs to be explained. 

    None of it makes any sense. Earlier seasons showed women crossing the border to be embraced immediately by the support and protection of Canadian authorities.   Now, June and Serena rush to cross the (now mushy due to “no man’s land”) border and get to Toronto. What happens?  No Canadian official or child welfare worker is involved, but a representative of a foreign government arranges for her to be released (from whom, exactly?) to live in servitude to the Wheelers.  Who appear to be Canadians living in Canada. She told June she needed a lawyer but she doesn’t. “Hello, Toronto Police?  These people have my baby and won’t give him  back to me”.  It should be a no-brainer.  In Canada, it’s her baby, not Gilead’s or Tuello’s. 
    Similarly, while I don’t want to get into a debate about the Canadian criminal Justice system (although, frankly, I am qualified to do so and would welcome it by DM), holding someone’s baby hostage to intimidate the person into compliance - including not leaving the house at will - is an offence. Multiple offences. And I have seen people prosecuted for less than a couple of slaps. So all this board talk of escaping and going to Tuello or Lawrence doesn’t work for me.   They should have no authority north of the border.  If Serena doesn’t want to ask for help, explain it, please, show. If Gilead law now rules in Canada (or is it just Toronto?), explain it, please, show. Otherwise, this is just horrible, lazy writing. 

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  3. On 11/2/2022 at 3:10 PM, Helena Dax said:

    I'm glad Serena was able to run away. The situation with the Wheelers was bizarre and although I'm no expert in Canadian law, I'm pretty sure that their actions were illegal.

    I can assure you that assault, kidnapping, forcible confinement and slavery are all illegal in Canada.  I can’t wrap my mind around this show’s (sorry excuse for a) universe where this all happens in Canada and Serena has no recourse. 

    23 hours ago, SourK said:

    Also, I think it's unkind for people to picket while the Americans are trying to hold a memorial service (why they did it there instead of at the embassy or something IDK), but a scene where a little girl learns to say the pledge of allegiance while looking at a photo of a brave soldier who died... kind of made me want the Americans to go home?

    [small voice] I felt the same way. I get that this show, while based on a work by a Canadian author, filmed in Canada and now with most scenes based in Canada, must appeal for commercial reasons to the numerically larger American audience, but that was too much for me. The show has what’s left of the US gov’t conducting military operations from Canadian soil as if Canada is not a sovereign nation and as if they, the Americans, are in charge. They risk retaliation by Gilead on Canada but no one seems to notice.  Watching the soi-disant refugees publicly pledging allegiance to a foreign government made me both slightly ill and angry. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, Redrum said:

    No Man's Land is so ridiculous at this point. Seriously, why did we have Emily crossing at a well guarded and defined boarder when Lawrence could have had her driven to No Man's Land where she could hail an Uber. No need to swim the St. Lawrence in winter with a baby.

    I’ve kinda zoned out over No Man’s Land for several episodes now. Makes no sense when there’s there’s a defined water border.  I tend to go all “lalala” whenever it’s mentioned. Yes, I am hate watching at this  point. 

    this episode actually had me laughing when a woman was separated from her baby.  I’d like to think I’d be a June, who would help another woman in childbirth even if that woman is an enemy.  But after that?  I did find that -evilly- satisfying.  

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  5. 12 hours ago, chabelisaywow said:

    because Dan F is her husband.  That is the answer to every Madison question. TBH I'm still waiting to hear that Madison has some international thesis which has cured all eating disorders and daddy issues and she's won co-parent of the universe. 

    Husband, who is just a sporadic viewer, kept asking questions throughout the episode. One of them was, “why is Madison there?”  My answer “she’s married to the showrunner”. 

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Notabug said:

    Young, previously healthy guy like Jack would be given the full court press by the Code Team, figure 45 minutes or so.  Afterwards, the room would look like a war zone: equipment everywhere, wrappers from various IV sets and other suppies strewn about the floor.  Someone like Jack would've had his clothes cut off of him so they could work more easily placing lines and such. Because Jack died suddenly, he would've been a coroner's case which means an autopsy would be automatic; to discover a cause of death and rule out foul play.  That means that, BY LAW, none of the tubes can be removed from his body.  The coroner wants to be able to distinguish between bruises causes by IV starts vs recreational drugs.  They need to see that he was intubated and that the tube was in the proper place, that his death wasn't facilitated by a medical mistake.  That any bruises on his lips, cuts on his tongue or chipped teeth could be due to intubation and not violence. Usually, they cut the IV's off with just a couple inches of tubing still on the line and make sure it is taped down well and cut the endotracheal tube right at the lip line; but nothing gets removed.  

    Rebecca would not be brought into the room to view him until they'd cleaned him up a little and removed what they could and covered him with at least a sheet from the neck down.  As someone who has had more than one loved one die in the ER, I can attest that Rebecca wouldn't have even noticed the tubes and wires.  I didn't.

    Wow. My beloved cousin died suddenly of a heart attack just this week, and your description of what must’ve happened - his wife described the efforts to save him as heroic - is hitting hard. Thank you for the last paragraph - I’m glad she wouldn’t have seen the worst of it. 

    I guess this highlights the clumsy way they shoehorned Dr Marcus into the story. The whole circle of life with one dead and one saved in 20 minutes does sound like a total fail. What didn’t work for me (glaring on the rewatch I was able to do this afternoon) is Jack’s lemonade speech. It worked for Dr K, because the lemonade was baby Randall and, to be blunt, Kyle was already dead and the worst had already happened. But Jack told a father who was concerned about his son’s surviving surgery to make the best of a bad situation. He’s lucky the dad didn’t haul off and belt him. Time and place, Jack. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, marceline said:

    I need to vent about the circumstances around Jack's death. There's something that's bothered me ever since the original episode but revisiting this brought it all back up again.

    I never understood how Jack died while Rebecca was at the vending machine and yet there was no code blue or attempt to resuscitate him. When Rebecca returns to Jack's hospital room, he's just dead. No doctors or nurses lingering in the room. Just the body laid out like Joyce Summers on the couch. 

    And now we learned in this episode that the doctor was gone for 20 minutes. ("He was presenting normal not 20 minutes ago") the other doctor said Jack died because "Cardiac arrest. Lifesaving measures did not work."

    What lifesaving measures could they perform in 20 minutes?! Where was the call that Pearson in 107 was crashing? Where were the doctors and nurses? Why wasn't he covered with a sheet? I see nothing about those scenes that tells me they made even minimal effort to treat him. Not even so much as oxygen or intubation.

    I love this show but Jack's death has never sat well with me from a medical standpoint. He went from fine to dead in 20 minutes.

    Whew! It feels good to finally get this off my chest.

    IIRC, there were background sounds of the code while Rebecca was on the phone and one could see people running around and into “a” room in the background. 

    Just found the scene: I did remember correctly. Whether that all could’ve happened in the time allotted, I leave to you (I missed that class in law school).


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  8. 10 minutes ago, Evie said:

    Yeah, I think Rebecca and Miguel had a deep and meaningful love but Jack was the love of her life. Plus, he was the father of her kids, and as was hammered home, this was Rebecca's journey as a mother. I'm not bothered by Jack waiting for her at the end, but I would have made Miguel the conductor (I don't like William though) or at least had him be the older Miguel she fell in love with. His words felt weird to me coming from younger Miguel lol. 

    The show was always going to go with Jack at the end and there are good plot reasons for that, I agree. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that it should have ended with Miguel and only Miguel, or even Miguel being more “important” than Jack. It’s the short shrift he got that rankles me, and I suspect others. I like your idea that he should have been the conductor, but, then again, I don’t like William either. He was too much of the trope discussed here. I frankly think he wasn’t important enough in Rebecca’s life to have taken such a central role in her journey to the afterlife. I could see him being that with Beth, since they formed a close bond, but not Rebecca. 

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  9. 25 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    The show made sure Rebecca and Miguel were not together as long as her and Jack.  Rebecca and Jack's relationship has a very specific beginning and end with them meeting in December 1972 the night of the Immaculate Reception and Jack dying on Super Bowl Sunday 1998.  With the Rebecca-Miguel relationship, the show decided to go vague.  Rebecca and Miguel reconnect on Facebook in October 2008, but do not immediately start dating.  They do get married sometime in late 2011 or early 2012, and Miguel dies sometime between 2026 and 2030.  

    Rebecca and Miguel might not have been married as long as she and Jack were, but they were friends for a very long time, with their friendship becoming deeper and more meaningful after Jack died.  It’s like When Harry Met Sally: “it only took 3 months”; “well, 12 years and 3 months”. Miguel was in her life far longer than Jack was and the character deserved more than the quick brush-off on the train.

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  10. 29 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

     I felt the only reason to  showcase him and his family was to make him part of the Pearson’s by extension. 

    I wonder if Dr Marcus is a remnant of the clinical trial plot line that got derailed by covid. Otherwise, my only feeling when the Alzheimer’s breakthrough speech came (other than eye rolling at the long-term consequences of a Pearson speech) was that isn’t that nice but way too late to help Rebecca so who cares. 

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  11. 7 hours ago, Mrs Shibbles said:

    Sophie made a comment agreeing with Beth when she had talked about  her 30 years with the Pearsons like she, too had been a part of the family all along.  It took me out of the scene a bit.


    6 hours ago, funnygirl said:

    Sophie and Kevin may have not been together for 20 years in the middle there, on and off for some of it, but Sophie was around the Pearson's first. Before Beth, before Jack died. She was around when Jack died, saw first hand how the family dealt with it. 

    Say what you will about her, but she is not a newbie. 

    I had the same thoughts and ended up agreeing with @funnygirl on this one.  Sophie knows the family dynamic so well because she was around while it was being formed.  The same way your cousins or - if you are blessed with still being in touch with a childhood friend - know your family intimately even if you’ve lost physical proximity to them over the years. The groundwork for that family meeting was laid back when Sophie was around and even before Beth came on the scene. I’ll buy it. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, AriAu said:

    I'm smirking just thinking about the amazing snark that would have come from the recaps of this show. Wind up Wing Chun or SARS or  Deborah or Miss Ali or LTG and watch them go on many, many aspects of this show.

    You mean the “chain-smoking basement-dwellers and mentally unstable, muumuu-wearing losers”?  

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  13. 9 minutes ago, izabella said:

    My husband and I are living proof that Kevin and Sophie can work out.  We met when I was 18, tried dating several times which always ended up being messy, stayed friends, dated other people, tried again, stopped talking for a few years, I moved across country and years later moved back, kept dating other people...the works.  Our connection was undeniable, but we both needed to do some growing up and really figure out what we wanted out of life. 

    FINALLY, we spent months talking through the past and our issues, and then got back together.  Apparently, our timing was right that time, because everything between us was so easy, and was exactly what we had always believed our relationship could be if we would just freaking get our act together.  Five years after that, we married, and it's been the best thing ever. 

    I believe Kevin and Sophie are in a similar place, and will be happy together.  I think they do need to do more talking and working through the past so they can move forward, but this was a first step toward that.  We just won't get a chance to see them do it on this show, which is a shame.

    That’s a sweet story.  Even if it does sound like one of the documentary couples in When Harry Met Sally!  

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  14. 8 hours ago, debraran said:

    Kevin says that he's always carried Sophie with her and shows her the valentine. In your mind, how long has that valentine been in his wallet? I think that's something that's been there for a long time. He loves to put things in his wallet: He put that baseball card in there. I'm sure he's got a motivational quote somewhere in there and a Chinese fortune. That's been Kevin's thing.

    Kevin lost his wallet in the rain coming back from Vancouver for the twins’ birth.  I guess he got it back with the contents intact?

    why was Sophie still wearing her wedding ring - other than to psych us all out?

    The whole time Cassidy was in his room, I was waiting for her to see the pink bra strategically draped over the chair where she left her shawl.  And who changes in someone else’s room?  Kev, help me unzip this thing. Unzipped. She throws her shawl over the unzipped back and returns to her own room to change into PJs. Was she just going to wander around the hotel clutching her pyjamas until she found someone to help?

    Doesn’t matter. I loved it. Cried a bit at the montage of different-aged Sophie and Kevin walking together. It’s totally implausible, but it speaks to that deep-down longing for the first love - the one that got away - that a lot of people have. As someone above said, it’s a fairy tale. I, for one, am thrilled Kevin got his happily ever after. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, bros402 said:

    I have a bucket to hold my pills. It has my bottles in it - it is very smart to keep the pills and the bottle together, you don't want to get charged with felony possession (if you take a controlled substance - and a surprising number of drugs are controlled substances).

    I asked my pharmacist to give me a tiny, “travel-size”, empty bottle and put my Rx label on it. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    And the irony would be that K&S’s first marriage fell apart because he cheated and their second marriage came about because she cheated.

    They are doomed.

    I was surprised Miguel walked Kate down the aisle and not her two brothers.

    As a Sophie fan, rooting for those two crazy kids at my lonely table for one, I’m guessing they won’t go down the cheating road because the audience wouldn’t like it. We saw them in this episode taking a stroll together and looking pensive:  was Sophie perhaps telling Kevin that her marriage is troubled and/or essentially over so that she’s free to fulfil my dream of their getting back together?

    I also was surprised to see Miguel walking Kate down the aisle, as much as I was pleased the poor guy got the honour. Leaving aside the etiquette of giving away a mature second-time bride as if she is new [TM Miss Manners], Miguel was never a father figure to Kate, either in having taken that role when she was a child (since her own father was alive until her late teens) or in anything we’ve seen since.  I think they missed the chance - in keeping with earlier themes - to have Rebecca walk her down the aisle, perhaps accompanied by Miguel.

    Oh, and by the way, shut up, Randall. 

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    9 hours ago, Seelouis said:

    Apparently so. Phillip gets one person at the wedding. The rest were the Pearsons and everyone in their orbit. Did Phillip have a best man or any groomsmen? Just the Pearson brothers. I guess he’s perfect for Kate since he clearly has no life, no friends, nobody for Kate to be jealous of. 

    There were glimpses of women in hats/fascinators that I assumed were supposed to be his British relatives because - hats.  Same with random Scottish guy. I think the writers watched Three Weddings and a Funeral and assumed the hats and loud Scottish guy are representative of Brits at weddings. 

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  18. 11 hours ago, maggiemae said:

    Thing is little Jack and grown up little Jack had light brown hair...chubby little Jack had quite dark brown if not black hair like Hailey, iirc.

    I thought little Jack also looked quite a bit smaller/younger than his younger sister. I guess it can happen, since we don’t know the stature of Hailey’s biological father but I found it jarring.

    Then again, despite how perfect so much of the casting has been in matching the young and old versions of the characters, if they were looking for a vision-impaired young boy of a particular age (and kudos for doing so), the pool of candidates was probably limited. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

    Well, at least your earworm is no longer "Saturday in the Park!" 

    It wasn’t anymore - until I read your post. Gee, thanks for putting it back in my ear. 

    • LOL 16
  20. 9 hours ago, izabella said:

    What are these skills she has?  Where did they come from?   Being an average singer does not make for a skilled music teacher.  Has Kate herself ever taken a single music lesson in her life?  Does she play an instrument of any kind?  I am mystified why she thinks she can teach music. 

    I was about to write:. She has skills. She sings adequately enough to teach music to young children. My SIL is a teacher, specializing in music, for primary grades (K-3) and can’t sing nearly as well as Kate. 

    And then I remembered:. SIL reads music, plays the piano beautifully, has a bachelor’s degree in music and another bachelor’s degree in education. 

    So, never mind….

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