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Everything posted by QuePasa

  1. You can waive the waiting period though. They just did that here in Wisconsin, for example, when the gay marriage ban was struck down for a few days before the order was stayed. A number of gay couples were able to get married right away during that time.Of course, it's not like they addressed that in the show though to show they knew that.
  2. Ok, what do Summer and Austin think getting married is going to do to help keep Austin out of jail? My guess is they want to use the spousal privilege so Summer can't testify against him. However, that privilege only counts for things said while you are married. So things you say before you get married aren't covered even if you subsequently get married. Not that the show will get that legality correct I would imagine.
  3. The Slate podcasts are great, my favorite being the Political Gabfest. There is a separate podcast called Slate's Daily Podcast that gives you all of them so you don't have to subscribe to each Slate podcast individually. I also really like Airline Pilot Guy, which is a commercial pilot talking about aviation issues. I am a US Supreme Court junkie so I like the Supreme Podcast which discusses the Court's decisions. Freakonomics Radio is another favorite.
  4. I call shenanigans. There's not a chance on Earth that guy was going to go straight to a major league team immediately just by losing some weight. I don't care how great a hitter he was. Certainly, if that were true there would have been other agents than the shady one out there to work with him. So this was all either fake or he was set up to fail by the show making promises to him that couldn't be kept. As soon as that fell through, it was over for him. That and his complete unwillingness to leave home.
  5. My problem with it is that Cena has told her he doesn't want to get married again. So If Nikki is going to be that upset that it might not happen for her, and she really does want to get married, then she needs to get out of that relationship.
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