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Lyra Angelica

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  1. This better not be an indication of how this writing is going to be. We waited months for this and then it gets dragged out for even longer. Blech.
  2. I think the City of Hope rightfully doesn't want to be part of Brooks' misrepresentations and have their institution associated with someone who is lying about being treated there. Good for the City of Hope (and the quack doctors Shannon knows ;) ).
  3. Could they not dig into his life as well and contact people he knows in "real life"? If he were really going through stage III cancer and his treatments weren't working, or even if he started going through more intensive treatments, either would take a toll on his body eventually. If he looked like the picture of good health all the time, it would look more and more suspcious and maybe those tabloids would latch onto the story. and start investigating.
  4. These women are not concerned about each other. It's all a big game to see who can come out on top and who can get the most air time.
  5. I didn't say you said that did I? I am saying that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If Heather McDonald is biased because she is Shannon's friend, then why isn't the same standard held to the McMackins close friends? There was plenty of discussion here after the second article came out which quoted people who were at the game with the McMackins that basically said see this is what really happened or people were saying they believed this version instead of the first because of what the McMackins friends said. It seems like there are two sides to the story and I think the truth lies somewhere between.
  6. No one here said the two situations hold the same weight. However, the women don't look very good for going through the lengths they did and the situation would never have escalated the way it did (the scans, the interviews, the Cut Fitness episode, etc.) if they had just let it die in the beginning. Brooks lies would have exposed him for what he is.
  7. They ALL kept the story going all season. They didn't have to keep the Brooks cancer lie going if they were so worried about their own storylines being relegated to the back bench.
  8. If she moved on, she sure could have fooled me, unless there was some serious editng going on with the reunion show and Heather did not open her mouth at all for the rest of time.
  9. No I'm not saying what Brooks and Vicki did is acceptable. I do not think that. This would be a non-story if Tamra and the others didn't keep it going all season. I said before, if Brooks lied about it then it only magnifies what a waste of person he is, but all this fake outrage and detective work doesn't make these women look very good either. If they just let Brooks hang himself if he doesn't really have cancer then the work is done without making themselves look bad in the process as well.
  10. Who said Heather raked Vicki over the coals, she didn't yell/raise her voice, call Vicki a "liar" or any other names? I don't think she handled it like an adult. A adult would have addressed it and moved on. Heather didn't move on; she and the rest of the women did not let this go.
  11. Ok, thanks for the correction! That goes to show how much I paid attention to that ****fest.
  12. I would say it wasn't true and leave it at that. And if the lie took SOOOOOO much tilme away from the other women, then there was an EASY answer to shut it down. Just stop talking about it. People aren't going to look to some stupid fake reality show to find answers to their cancer. That's ridiculous. If it was sooooo important to Heather, then why didn't she bring it up sooner?
  13. I never said it doesn't negate whether or not Brooks lied. I'm saying I don't care and I think these petty women are full of themselves if they care so much. And if the lie was told months before hand and it was SOOOOOOOOO important and offensive to Heather, then why didn't she bring it up during the season? Sounds like a bunch of b.s. to me.
  14. Was it Vicki who lied about the IV or Brooks? And no, I don't think that lie was worth are the truth and justice brigade's efforts to out Brooks.
  15. This exactly. What kind of people actually care whether or not Brooks was faking to go to the extent that they did? No matter how much these women try to spin it, it was not affecting them in anyway other than they were being duped--so hurt pride I guess. Were they organizing some sort of support for Brooks, monetary or otherwise, before they thought he was lying? No. Brooks is a slime-ball, con man and a lying liar that lies, but how exactly was his cancer/no cancer story personally detrimental to them? Their seach for the truth (and justice) was all b.s., and frankly creepy in a stalkerish way. IF Vicki didn't know the real truth, then I can see her being hurt and the only one of these women who was personally affected. And to a certain extent if Shannon used her personal contacts to try to help Brooks and he wasted her time and the time of the doctors to whom she referred Brooks, then I can see her being a little mad (however, not to the extent of going back to Hoag or Newport Imaging or wherever to get another scan to prove Brooks wrong). But the rest of these women? No.
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