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English Teacher

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Posts posted by English Teacher

  1. This is a tougher Kelli than I've seen since I've started watching in Season 6. She is not letting them talk her into another night, she is pulling no punches in her goodbye, last night evaluations. I had noticed she was more warm and nurturing in the past few seasons. She is tough as nails this season. Kitty may pale in comparison next week.

    I do feel badly that Colby was expecting to show the practiced routines and instead only had Stephanie's new routine to do. However, she was clearly not a match for this squad.

    I'm liking Taylor more than I thought I would.

    • Love 4
  2. W....T.....F.....?????

    Blake's parachute wins? And Jake's booty dress was safe???

    I don't disagree about Gabrielle's execution being poor, but Jakes lacked taste.

    I just need to process this.

    • Love 9
  3. The writers need to come to NYC to see some real sized rats!

    ...and maybe an alligator in the sewer

    I will repeat that the book was AWFUL but the animals globally and across species joined together quickly. It didn't happen in these pockets of animals in different corners of the continent. And the species joined forces...dogs, cats, rats together following a chimpanzee through the streets of New York.

  4. I just woke up thinking about how this challenge could have been much more interesting.

    This should have been the unconventional one....take designers out to sea for a three hour tour, cast them adrift on a seemingly uncharted island, and have them design a line of no fewer than 4 different looks for their collection. And they graciously have two days...but that includes swimming ashore in shark infested waters and having to make a radio out of coconuts to signal that they are done. Oh...let's make it a team challenge! The winner of each team will have his looks featured on a slideshow of Those People at Walmart and losers will be chum to distract the Sharks so the winners can swim back to the boat

    ...too much?

    • Love 7
  5. As much as this show needs to end, this show cannot end -- this forum. Is. Amazing.

    ..who is taking t-shirt orders for "no killer zebras"?

    I expected a Stephen king sized queen rat and was both woefully disappointed but a,so grateful I didn't have to see it.

    i don't know if it pays to be serious when it comes to this show, but I am concerned about Henry...he best NOT get aggressive. I draw the line at family dogs having to get put down.

  6. I see your points. I just think for a legion of young women who "want this so badly", being late should not be an issue. ...oh wait...and then there was Jordan. Lol

    • Love 2
  7. OH! One last pet peeve....  and this is because I have administrators who subscribe to this philosophy.  According to Kelli at the first meeting (and we have heard this before in previous seasons -- particularly when Morgan showed up "late" to her interview): Practices start at 7 but in "DCC world" that means 6:30.  WHY or why don't you just say, practice starts promptly at 7; you are expected to be there at 6:30 to primp, warm up, and prepare" ?????!!  I have worked for administrators who have written in instructions that if an exam starts at 8AM, proctors should be there at 7:45 -- but then are annoyed when the proctors aren't there at 7:30.  If you want someone there by a certain time, just tell them what time to be there!!!!  The "DCC is always early" is stupid imho.  


    ok...sorry....I've had too many drinks tonight on a very restrictive diet; 3 glasses > 1 protein bar.    lol.

    • Love 7
  8. I think the scoring system is what allows some low kickers to get in if they have other strong qualities. And I'm guessing that Taylor had strong marks in those other areas so her numbers kept her in the top 45.

    Two final Colby observations from me ...I call producer shenanigans on the go-America segment. I don't think she runs around wearing an American flag like a cape and I think her reasons to return were so patriotic because of the way the producers fed her the questions: (what do you love most about Americans? ). That question and response fits with DCCs American sweethearts / God bless American image.

    And while I found Kelli's questioning to be very tough on Colby, Judys snarky reply to Kelli's observation that she looked like an aerobics teacher (for Richard Simmons's era) was very harsh.

    Every year, Kelli seems to reinvent her approach and demeanor. For the past few years, she has been warmer, more encouraging ...this year, she is no nonsense and intimidating. No wonder the girls look terrified. And it is probably because if the pressure of a rebuilding year, but then recognize how it might undermine an otherwise potentially strong team member.

  9. im still waiting to see if these people can design. 3/3 challenges and no opportunities to go to Mood and SELF SELECT materials, colors, fabrics, textiles. Yes, there was backup fabric and they could ignore what was CHOSEN FIR THEM in random suitcases, but I don't know any designer that would given the time challenge and the fact they sketched in the ship with back up materials sight unseen. I'm hoping next week will allow them to truly reveal who they are. Until then, I can't really pick a favorite aside from their personalities.

    ...and I don't remember her saying she was mad,,,I thought she said she felt helpless, not mad....I'm probably wrong...

    • Love 2
  10. I clearly have no taste be I thought the top two were India and Greek Isles. I also thought South of France should have been safe and Hong Kong was in the bottom.

    Interesting is the girl power with this group. With the two worthless male partners, Lindsey and Merline had a lot of quiet support from the other female designers. And it wasn't comments like, thank goodness I don't have to work with him, the other women focused on how unfair it was to the two women.

    • Love 8
  11. ...not to mention, tears come quickly if you are tired and stressed. and many of these girls are over achievers so they get frustrated and angry with themselves when they don't perform perfectly. I think some of the tears come from there. But Madeline is turning into this season's Katherine Dunn with the crying jags.

    • Love 4
  12. When Kelli said at the start of first night, "speaking of personality" the look on some of the girls' faces was as if they expected Kitty to come out.

    Lots of low kicks on the across the floors...

    • Love 4
  13. Am I wrong, or is it rare that they don't teach part of Thunderstruck on the first night? These two dances seemed very new, which could explain why the rookies were confused. I'm sure many of them practiced the signature dance prior to TCC.

    I also felt Kelli let the girls know about cuts more than in previous years....normally she speaks about building a squad, not looking for the 10 weakest to cut.

    Not surprised that Megan and Melissa are friends...they are both powerhouses.

    I'm worried for Madeline; her facial expressions are not "pleasant to watch" when she dances. She also seems to be much more natural when it comes to makeup. she reminds me of someone...an actress I think.....

    im not a Colby fan but I agree she handled that verbal beating with grace and poise.

    • Love 1
  14. Speaking of wearing the same costume year after year (ie Taylor) I think jasmines solo costume was the same as her audioning rookie year. Not that it had anything to do with her cut...just thought it was interesting.

  15. Speaking of twinning, Amy T reminds me of Melissa.

    As for Neal, he is a little creepy, but I thought the nice eyes was funny. And he won points with me by being the only person to be kind and sympathetic to Ashkey Paige in the panel interview. He just has that leer...the other male judges comment on looks also but don't come across the same way.

    • Love 2
  16. Rewarding. Again. I really wish this episode was 2 hours each season. Among Kitty coaching, interviews, solos, field, evaluations, and calling TC, it's too much for one hour.

    I wish we saw more of Ashley from Kansas City to see if she was still as rigid. Otherwise I wish she had another chance at TC. I thought it was really unfair to "accuse" her of a loyalty to Kansas City. You cut her two years ago ; did you expect her to move to Texas anyway?

    • Love 3
  17. I agree that Blake was not treating Swapnil like a subservient, expecting him to set up the machines because he was from another country. I don't fault him for that. I do fault him for such an immature, impatient reaction to someone not understanding an idiom. Don't say it louder, say it differently. And his choice of phrase reveals him to be an a******. He could have just said, "I don't know how to say it differently". When he is doing his talking heads, I find myself channeling Kids in the Hall: "I'm squishing your head!"

    • Love 7
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