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English Teacher

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Posts posted by English Teacher

  1. I really doubt Angela was promised show group. There's been a lot of negative talk about Kelli this season in particular. I kind of get it because she has had more of a hard edge this year, but she and Judy both have showed enough compassion in the past to make me think they would never do that to anyone, let alone a fifth year vet. Just because they have been open with their critiques this year and mimicked a few people doesn't mean they're stabbing girls in the back. I think Angela was probably just hoping for it, and thought her chances were good with the number of vets that retired last season. I know it's been said, but if they had no respect for Angela, they wouldn't have made her a group leader, which is an even bigger honor than show group. Just my opinion.

    This to everything!  

    • Love 2
  2. After looking for and finding Heidi's intimates sight to view the atrocious men's ware, I had to laugh at the main page. The set "designed" (and I use that term lightly) by Merline is featured twice on the home page....and in both, the model is practically clutching her arms to her side. I wonder which -- the tops or bottoms-- she is trying to hold up.

    • Love 3
  3. ...you're not alone on the Jennifer K dislike. Her comments of the "elite" show group soured me in her, but as LaurenBrook said, there have been some sweet moments that have made me reconsider my opinion. It's so hard since we only hear sound bytes and see quick moments to know what they are really like. But she will never be one of my favorites.

  4. I was not prepared to like Bella Thorne but she took her turn as judge seriously and had some good comments, without being mean about it.  I was getting ready to see if Lindsey pulled a pity card, but she didn't--good for her.  I'm sure her hand hurt and it was awkward, but she managed to work through it. 

    On the show, Lindsey said she lost 3 hours. I'm sure they had to take her to the hospital because of possible litigation on down the line if they didn't provide appropriate care for her injury.  It was probably not Lindsey's choice but a decision the producers made.  I don't think a rabies shot would have done her much good--the tetanus shot she was given probably wasn't needed but it also comes under the heading of preventing future problems for the show.


    I was thinking tetanus, lol. I think I subconsciously wrote rabies because I think the judges have been rabidly crazy with some of their decisions. . Sorry for the misspeak.

    And, yes....I hadn't thought of the litigious angle. Very good point. Thank you for pointing out my mistakes.

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  5. Kelly should have been in the top 3 over Marline -- that wasn't a bra.  It was a mess, and an uneven one at best. Ashley was robbed.

    ...and I'm sorry, but all I could think about when Lindsey returned to the workroom from the hospital was the post subway/ hospital scene in "Adventures in Babysitting":   Doctor: "One stitch"    Actor: "1?"   Doctor (bored and disgusted): "Yes, 1 stitch".

    Really? How much time did you lose for that?  And how the heck are the paramedics unable to give the girl 1 freaking stitch themselves and have her get a rabies shot after the runway show?

  6. I have always loved Angela, but the audition was not her best. We of course cannot know how may appearances she refused, but I imagine that given the time the show MTT spent on her, she became a favorite and was probably one of the women DCC wanted to go on appearances for that reason.  We don't know why she didn't do the calendar shoot, but that is a big deal too I'm sure.  

    What I thought was inexcusable was  (a) making the girls wait for the announcement.  I thought every other year they announced it that night (even though it kept the girls waiting).  Then they announce it at the start of rehearsal and don't give those (like Angela) any time to shake off their disappointment before (b) throwing in an in-your-face guest choreographer.  Yes, as a performer Angela has to leave personal baggage behind but SHE JUST LEARNED SHE WASN'T ON SHOW GROUP.  There was no time (even driving to the stadium) to decompress or process that. Let the girl be human.  And then © Kelli and Judy should have called Angela in. And not to criticize her, but to build her up again or at least explain.  And it shouldn't have been on camera.  For that one, maybe I'm being unfair and they did that....but based on the hard edge of this season, I think not.


    When I watched the show and not just the clip, I reconsidered Kitty's comment of "intense" about Melissa....I do think it was a compliment.  It really could not have been anything else -- that girls is a "fireball".   Sorry.  Had to be done.


    Whiteduck, you expressed my feelings about the tone and pace of this show perfectly.  It is too rushed and frantic ....why can't we see more of the dance?  I feel we get these quick montages or short bursts and then nothing.  However, I think they are showing more of the backstories of the TCC candidates.I hope we see the rest in the upcoming weeks.

  7. I want a baby serval. It was adorable.

    As for this train wreck on which an airplane crash landed upon which a pterodactyl flew overhead and pooped on, I stopped about 1 hour in. I'm going to read the more entertaining summaries of you fine folks and spare myself the migraine I know this will cause.

    ...and I did not think anything the writers did would /could be worse or less realistic than the book.

    Go Team Animals.

  8. ...just put this in the other thread bc I didn't see this one was opened already :-)


    ...Loren? wow.  really bad. Like Chelsea-bad.

    ...Did Kitty actually say that Melissa was too "severe"??!?!?! Is that an insult? Seriously? Super strong and talented is a bad thing...or am I misinterpreting her?

    ... Who the heck is twerking? And why in heaven's name would you think that would be a good thing to do in front of Kelli and Kitty?

    ... Robin and Holly are awesome.  Love them.

    ...Which vets fell? The montage is so fast I can't see :-(

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  9. The voice may just be the way it was downloaded & uploaded onto Youtube...??? But Wow.  Kelli sounds like Rupaul.


    Regarding the sneak peek tonight: Is Kitty seriously criticizing Melissa for being "too severe"?!?!  Because she is powerful and talented?!?!  

    And who is that twerking?!?!

    Loren: baaaaaddddddd.

  10. I think Ashley was both hurt from the selection snub and then felt adrift because there was no direction in the group. Her inability to do anything may not just have been from sulking, but from recognizing that the dysfunctional team opted to ignore the important point of the challenge (cohesion) and just do whatever they wanted....and we will make it fit together later. She knew they were doomed, they ignored her when she tried to warn them, and then she just got stuck.

    I'm not a fan of her designs, but I do understand and empathize with her reaction to being picked last. Anyone who has been bullied or has been a true outsider does not feel comfortable in groups. After she thought she earned some tacit respect from earlier wins and a great experience partnering with Candice, being the last one chosen shattered her. I would have felt the same way. So when she listened to everyone talking over each other, I don't think she was was as much pouting as feeling as if they wouldn't want to hear her opinions anyway. And then was proven right when her attempts were ignored.

    My dvr cut out before the previews...anything good up ahead for next week?

    • Love 6
  11. Just rewatched the episode ... I wasn't sure in the first viewing, but it is definitely Peter (Dawson?), the neighbor who is loading his car, that attacks Mrs. Cruz at the end of the episode.  Same shirt and his car was never finished packing.  

    But does that mean he died REALLY fast? Did the cough get him, or could he have been attacked without anyone noticing?  I guess the latter is possible with Madison at the school, Nick relatively unconscious, and Alicia scrubbing floors and calling Matt.....

    • Love 1
  12. I thought Madeleine's new hair color looked great in the salon, but when she was back in the studio, it looked as dark as ever. Was that just a bad edit? Also, I wish we'd seen Taylor's time in the salon. I have to admit, Taylor is really growing on me. I don't remember her runway walk either. Hmm. I'll have to re-watch the episode.

    I thought that too...it may be that there is better lighting at the salon...?

    • Love 3
  13. There are comments in some other threads about Kelli seeming "harder" this year. Every year, the gap between Kelli's age and the cheerleaders' age gets wider and wider. I wonder if she's just burnt out on dealing with young girls with more enthusiasm then sense or maturity. Especially in the first few weeks of camp before the girls truly understand how imperative it is that they get it together. Kelli has been director since the 90s, right? That's a lot of years of lame excuses, flakiness, boyfriend drama, cliques within the team, talking during rehearsal, and all the things girls in that age group go through. I'm sure the chapters and chapters of rules and instructions in that binder Kelli hands out are a direct result of years of girls doing stupid things. And even then, even when she takes the time to give them clothes to wear and spell out exactly which days to wear them on, some of them still get it wrong. I wonder if Kelli is just over it, and I wonder what she she would have really said if there hadn't been any cameras.


    I'm in my 30s and every year my company hires a batch of people in their early 20s. For the most part, they are great. But it seems like every year, more and more of them have no sense of what it is to have a real job in the real world. They oversleep, they zone out, they dress inappropriately, they're unprepared for meetings, they fiddle with their phones during training, they take loud and lengthy personal calls on company time, and have not one clue that any of this is wrong. Quite the opposite in fact. Many of them seem to think they are superstars at work. I find it totally exasperating and I'm not the one who actually has to manage them. I can't imagine having to deal with a dozen of those every summer, and Kelli doesn't strike me as a particularly patient person. For sure she seems have lost touch with what life is like at that age, and doesn't have much in the way of empathy.


    Ditto for Judy. It's like she can't be bothered. Her critiques seem to be vague and useless, and I have yet to see her actually dance or pull a dancer aside to show her how something is done or actually help her get better. Aside from Abby Lee Miller, she is the first "choreographer" I've ever seen who doesn't seem to dance, make dances, or teach her dances to other people. Kitty shows up dressed to dance and she physically participates in the rehearsal. Judy wears a dress and heels and sits in a chair. As if she is somehow "above" teaching.I don't get it. Is that normal? She seems over it too. I wonder if she has always been this way, or if she used to be more active and has slowed down with age. She does a little of it during auditions, but we never see it again.

    This is a very interesting perspective....but my only doubt is that up through last year she seemed very warm and, in some cases, nurturing to many of the girls -- the office visits were softer (except for Hannah's -- that was just painful) and she seemed more empathetic (even emotional for some -- like Alexandra).  This year she flipped a switch.  It reminded me of the years when some of my colleagues are going through so much garbage at home that they are there for the kids, they are teaching and prepping and doing all they are supposed to, but there is a bit of "human" missing.  

  14. Was this the first time we saw one of the regular weigh ins on the show? I know they do them but I don't recall them actually showing anything other than the initial body fat calculation.

    In season 8 (when Chelsea was cut) they made a point of showing (and then re-showing) Kelli telling the girls on the first night (the meeting) that they can get cut for weight...and then we saw a weigh-in (Brittany Schram made a great point of saying that scales and women often have a frenemy relationship) because it led to the night where the 4 girls didn't get to have cameos.

  15. I'm really curious as to who said maybe to the vets

    Can't believe that Kinzie was the lowest scoring vet

    This continues to bother me....so much that it popped up in a dream I had the other night in which Kinzie didn't make the team.  I woke up so upset!!   And then I was more horrified that MTT and DCC surpassed the typical schoolmares I have in the first week of school.  #ineedalife!

    • Love 2
  16. Re: Hannah, I think if she actually produced a reason for the weight gain (like she was concentrating on finishing her degree and studying > working out) they may have cut her a little slack.  As Rose711 said, she can't ramble on as if she hadn't heard the warning before.


    Re: This episode/season -- This stone-faced Kelli is freaking me out.  Even in some of the earlier seasons where she was more no-nonsense (she softened up in season 7 IMHO), she smiled and showed warmth to the girls.  Her demeanor is so hard and she is so much more catty in her comments to Judy, I am actually wondering if something is/was going on in her personal life and it made her more stern in TC.   OR Charlotte got on her for being to soft on the girls and allowing weaker ones onto the team (Breelan's Halloween close up comes to mind) that she is showing her fangs a little more.


    I HATE the pacing of this season.  It is as if we are getting appetizers instead of an entree -- a little tease but no depth.  Fitting the makeovers, the run way, AND the Kitty visit into one episode is just too much.  I would love to see more of the makeovers (although Rose's eyebrows are still too much in my opinion), the addition of alum on the runway was a nice touch -- but the Kitty episode is one I look forward to (sorry; I'm essentially a Kitty fan when she isn't being ridiculously vulgar) and we barely saw any dancing at all in this episode.  

    I think superficial is the word that came to mind while watching it -- it's glossing over everything and not really allowing us to see things in ANY depth whatsoever.  I hate it.


    I thought I remember that CMT's description of this season included a phrase like "cat fight".  I'm not expecting a brawl, but I thought perhaps some of the girls were snarky with one another (or "toxic").  


    I couldn't decide if Madeline's departure speech to the vets was rehearsed or sincere (that they are role models)...it was sweet, but I'm not sure.  And I thought Holly was on the verge of rolling her eyes while listening to it, but I saw other people thought she was sympathizing with Madeline.  I'm going to have to watch that part again.

    • Love 1
  17. Unless the writers and directors decided to create this show as a series of news reports from around the world,I'm not sure how they would be expected to show what is happening on a grander scale. Just like TWD, we are seeing the events from the limited vantage point of one family...a much more realistic and manageable way to show the inception and effects of this emerging problem. They represent average people, not conspiracy theorists like Tobias. Their choices to react to a fear of what they are seeing but what they cannot really process is probably the way most of us would handle it. And no one is talking about zombies because they don't know what they are....people on PCP may seem to have superhuman strength. Seeing people who appear mortally wounded suddenly go mad and attack people violently doesn't automatically mean the dead are rising. The normal person would not allow himself to believe this. To them it seems more like a bizarre symptom of this new flu.

    And Walnutqueen....I am sorry that I didn't read your most recent post before writing this... I seem to be saying the same thing as you, lol

    • Love 5
  18. First I need to snark: unless "The Desert" is a hangout that is well known, yeah...."I'll meet you there" ain't gonna happen.

    Second: Nick: PLEASE.SHOWER.NOW.

    Tobias: he's dead; go get your food!!!!!

    Madison: Take ALL of the drugs!!! Why are you sifting through them?!?! Even without zombies, you have a sick kid at home!!!


    Aside from some problems, I am really enjoying this series.  I find it very suspenseful and a great prelude to the big event that is TWD.

    The dramatic irony makes it both interesting and maddening.  I find myself yelling at the screen, but then realize that these people just don't know.

    I actually think they are handling the pacing and the aberrations really well ....  we recognize the danger, but these people don't have any experience or understanding.  So seeing someone fall down seemingly dead and then get up is not immediately a, "OMG, run -- it's a zombie!"  Human nature is to find logical and rational explanations -- when we see or hear something strange, we tend to keep it to ourselves because we don't want people to think we are crazy.  i think that is what Travis and Madison are experiencing right now.  Yes, they watched Calvin get run over twice, but that doesn't automatically mean he must be dead.  In the hospital or even regarding the police force, there are people whose hearts stop and then spontaneously beat again.  

    To their world, there is a terrible flu going around...and unless the victim stays dead for a significant amount of time, people may not realize yet that they are actually undead.  The violence just seems like another aspect of the illness -- like someone who is hallucinating or delusional due to fever.  The incident on the freeway was testament to the fact that people are not believing what they are seeing -- "That has to be fake" is a typical response.

    And as annoying as the teens are (and Chris can just volunteer himself to be eaten as far as I'm concerned), they don't recognize any danger.   This is just how they behave because they are teens with a difficult home situation.  Travis's ex-wife and Chris can't be expected to recognize the fear and intensity in his voice because they are thinking it's over child custody issues. Even with some news events, both the teens and the adults believe that if something was seriously wrong, that the proper authorities would warn them.  Why wouldn't they -- the biggest apocalypse the world is seeing is trading a player to a different team! A few of those authorities are beginning to break rank because they do recognize that something is seriously amiss (e.g., the policemen filling his trunk with water).  But even the authorities wouldn't necessarily know any differently -- people are ill and they are getting violent.  Who would believe that the dead are rising?


    I know some people have brought up that the CDC would have to issue warnings.  I'm in the midst of reading And the Band Played On (about the onset of the AIDS epidemic in the 80s).  The CDC was not permitted to reveal any specific warnings until they knew exactly what they were dealing with (virus, bacteria, or neither) and what the transmission was...and that wasn't until 5 years into the epidemic that they had enough info to tell people that it was sexually transmitted. Right now, they don't know anything more than it's a bad strain of the flu. The government doesn't want panic and they safeguard information -- which of course can lead to the riots that were seen in the show.  I actually thought that was an interesting way to take a page from the headlines today and incorporate it into the show.


    The Tobiases of the current world are going to be the fringe groups who see the writing on the wall...and they are few and far between.  Even Madison and Travis who witnessed a person who should be dead twice over still growl and move think that this is something that will pass and not the apocalyptic event of the century.  Because that's human nature -- we are resilient and think we can conquer anything.  So Madison not thinking, "Hell yeah, let me take that giant tub of pudding!" make sense; they obviously just need a few things for a few weeks...and then everything will go back to normal.


    I also like that we are following an extended dysfunctional but blended family.  When we joined TWD, most families were already ripped apart and there were only pairs of perhaps siblings or couples -- a full family out in the world (aside from the Greenes and those in Alexandria) are rare.  I'm interested in seeing how they are able to stay together -- or if they fall apart.  

    As a teacher, I was very disturbed to see two "colleagues" abandon a sick teenager alone -- but given the trauma they just experienced, I'm going to give them a pass.  I think the lack of communication is due to the fact that they don't know WHAT they just witnessed -- never mind telling Alicia what they saw in a way that she might believe them.  But I agree with above posters: Why wouldn't you ask him where/how he was bitten?!?!  And it was very powerful -- and sad -- that Madison blocks the door when Alicia wants to help her neighbor.  I just hope that Alicia's good impulses don't get her hurt.


    I LOVE that the first view of a zombie was by a drug addict making him a very unreliable source.  Gloria is eating people?  Too absurd to believe!  He's clearly high!


    The saddest moment for me was seeing the letter from Berkley on Alicia's desk.  All of these hopes and dreams are now completely unrealistic and will never be fulfilled.  


    Finally, I have a question: the family across the street (birthday party): Were they Carl's parents? I thought she was actually crossing the street to tell them (as she told Nick she was going to do).  Very confused.

    OK....I'm done now :-)   

    • Love 5
  19. Kinzie? 4 maybes?!?! W....t......f.....? she, Holly, and Kelsey are mainstays....how did they not get a full set of yes votes? This is why I wish the second episode was 2 hours and we could see and hear more of the judge deliberation But I still refuse to wrap my head around the scores for those 3.

  20. The science in the book made no sense and I hated it ...but it actually seems more logical than the garbled logic this show is now spewing. My head was spinning after this episode. Bird tracks! Lame. Hitchcock did it better and that was with the little technology he had over 60 years ago.

    If the birds are conmunicatong, why was it only one family of birds attacking? That scene should have been overpowering and gruesome. The rats in the elevator was so much better.

    Just...no ....no to everything.

    I would be happier if Abe just read the phone book next week. His voice is all the feels.

    Africa = zebras I hope.

    And where are they getting the money to do anything now that they are fugitives?

    ...but this forum makes it all better!

    • Love 1
  21. Colby in no way could "blend" into the team and her dance style was very (I hate to use this word) awkward, but I admire her spirit.  Clearly this was a dream and she went for it.  She seemed to appreciate the camaraderie with the girls and seemed to be working really hard.  But Kelli and Judy clearly did not like her.  Whether she is not being honest about her age or she just has that unfortunate older look, she could not work on the HD.  She is very pretty when she isn't trying to make dancer faces, but no.  Brittany Schram (One of my favorites) retired around 31/32 and looked much fresher.  Still, I think this may be the first time (aside from Kelsey and her illness) when I ever heard Kelli tell girls they were too thin.


    Oh that kick line.  I have never seen it look so bad.  The left side wasn't just low, they were completely out of sync with the rest of the line -- and someone on the right (I couldn't tell who) was very low and tight also.  And if I can notice it....   Every girl auditioning knows this is an integral part of the audition process; how are you not training on flexibility and kicking?


    Poor Madeline.  She clearly has the pedigree of a good dancer and Judy must be aware of her talent (I believe she referenced it in this episode) but I think the pace of learning and the innate intimidation is going to doom her.


    Who is the TCC who is VERY petite - at the end of the line? I don't know how that will work in boots and shorts.  Hasn't Kelli cut girls for being too small also?


    I also didn't mind the Jay segment -- much better than in the past when they had to climb trees and stand on 15 foot poles (I'm sorry, but my acrophobia would conquer my dream of being a DCC in an instant if that is what it took to make the team).  I feel that is such a reality show gimmick (like having chefs run a race to prove they can cook on Hell's Kitchen).  Not part of the job requirement and not necessary.


    My favorite element this season is seeing more of the vets coaching the girls.  I wish there would be more of that -- that is so much more interesting.  These episodes seem to be much more frenetic -- too much in too short a time.  The kickline could have been a full segment in itself (given how horrible it was) and you could see the vets making comments behind the TCC line -- I'd love to see more of them helping the rookies.


    Melissa is much better this year.  She's not picking favorites (yet) and she is much less of a cheerleader in her TH sessions -- she's very real and bluntly honest.  Actually, that's true of Kelli.  I'll say it again, this is a tougher, less nurturing Kelli than we've seen in previous seasons.

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