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English Teacher

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Posts posted by English Teacher

  1. This photo makes me think of every dream (when I'm sleeping) I've ever had where I've somehow made the team but I have NO idea what I'm doing and I KNOW I don't fit in and I wonder if anyone will notice :)  That's me on the right ;)


    ETA: I'm not saying Amy doesn't know what she's doing or doesn't fit in - it's an unfortunate photograph (eek).

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with those dreams....but I'm also always getting weight warnings in mine too!!

  2. I just got the tweet that Kinzie is recovering.  I'm thinking back to the videos Kelli posted of the kickline in training camp and remember all of us remarking that Kinzie was kicking low.  I wonder if she's been having problems that have gotten too hard too ignore.  My impressions of her (and this is aside from the fact that I want to be her in my next life!) is that she is very serious and committed to dance and would probably (like many dancers) continue to perform if her leg was on fire.  I hope this doesn't mean she will retire; she is one of my favorites.   I do imagine that the jump split must wreak havoc on those girls' legs & knees.

  3. I just rewatched Season 1 from the marathon while convalescing (actually, not the best choice of shows to watch when you have a fever and are coughing up your left lung) and realized just how far down the dark and twisted road this show has gone.  I remember feeling this show was SO intense with important characters dying every episode...but looking at it now (after woodbury and Hershel's death and cannibals), season 1 was a carnival.  I personally LOVED the Vatos episode; the sudden spark of humor with the cute little grandma coming through was charming; two similar good groups trying to look tougher to protect their people instead of our heroes coming across a group who would want to rape a 12 year old boy or cut off someone's leg for a bbq.  I fell in love with Daryl all over again in "Cherokee Rose" and marvelled at the devolution of Shane (great character to hate).  When I first watched it I didn't get all the Internet hate for Lori; on a second viewing, hell yes.  Sign me up for the hate club.

    Glen seemed so young and innocent; it's amazing to see where they are now -- how much they really have gone through and changed as characters.  Although the seasons (and even episodes within the seasons) can be unbalanced and inconsistent with pacing and content, I applaud the writers and actors for developing these characters so incredibly well.  


    Just one question because I can't remember any more:   In one of the early episodes (maybe 4) Rick sees a helicopter fly by (the episode with the church) and then in the season finale, a helicopter is what draws the walkers to the farm.

     Or did they ever explain who/how/what was behind the helicopter?

    • Love 1
  4. I apologize if I am repeating other posters because I haven't read through the whole thread yet but...
    I have to disagree that Swapnils model was overly picky and shame on him for blaming her. She told him what she wanted and he already decided what she would get. That is NOT working with a client. She is not looking for a space suit from head to toe and I don't think she's Amish. I think, like MANY women, she is a woman with body issues. She feels her arms and legs are too big (not true, but we ALL have those type of self perceptions. Well, maybe not Heidi). She probably would have been ok with the sleeves on the last outfit if they were not skin tight. That would be why she asked if he could loosen them up. And he had 2 days. Would pants have been impossible ? He had NOTHING at the first fitting bc he is there for Camp Runway not Project Runway. I think he loves the experience and camaraderie but not the competition. I now doubt he misunderstood about his sewing kit too. I think he figured they'd give him something. I think he seems like a great guy,me specially based on how the others responded to him, but Tim was right. What was his true motivation for being there?
    I'm over Ashley. And I don't care if she felt added pressure to prove herself with a challenge perfectly suited for her. Very few large women want to showcase their arms. Her model SPECIFICALLY said that. And you go sleeveless?!?! As a full sized woman, I'd choose the patterns from Woman Within and Romans before her fabric selections. I question her taste level not her talent. I think she is just not someone who works well under pressure. She needs to develop her aesthetic more. And the tears are exhausting...but I think some of that may just be from lack of sleep. I know I'm more apt to tear up when I'm running on fumes.
    Candice can go home too. What a one trick pony. She and Ashley were a good team because Ashley pulled her away from all black and Candice kept her from picking LSD inspired Easter egg patterns. They can both leave now.
    Merline salvaged a really bad thing but I think she made top 3 because the others were so Fugiy. Her outfit was not good.

    I'm all for Edmond and Kelly. So odd because I did NOT like them at the start of the series. Kelly listened, adapted, and succeeded.
    And I'm glad Tim showed his frustration. So many of the critiques were born from the fact that the designers did not listen to their models....which was the point of the challenge.

    • Love 6
  5. Andy shooting Ophelia made sense.., if you want to really torture a person, you harm that whom he loves the most. And some residual anger for betraying him was bonus

    I would love if the writers would follow the American Horror Story format. Since the vast majority of viewers hate this cast anyway, each season could explore how the outbreak affected different cities and regions. And then they could fix the common complaints of not showing a big city, etc. I'd love to see how NYC and Washingyon dealt with this

  6. The interaction with Charlotte, Judy, and Kelli was very uncomfortable. K and J seemed pretty tense. "They have this one moment to make a good impression." Yikes! I wonder how much pressure Charlotte puts on them about the girls. After she walked away, all I could think of was poor Ashley N. She better not re-audition next year because she's probably on Charlotte's bad list now.

    Althought this last episode was choppy, I liked they spent a good amount of time with some of the events like training camp and preseason game rehearsal.

    I get that tense vibe whenever Charlotte shows up at a rehearsal or pre game rehearsal. This is why I've been thinking Kelli and Judy cut their losses with the border lines that would have previously made the team such as Taylor. I really think Charlotte gave them hell for that Breelan close up on Halloween. Lol

  7. Yes. But frankly I didn't see the importance of that. In the promo he says that the Center was like the soldier said so he must have been telling the truth? Or something like that? Oookay.

    I also don't get the importance of the Center, it's as if all hell will break loose when the zombies there break out. But there were millions of people in LA, are they telling us that all people and zombies have been cleared except those? What?

    Cause frankly, 2000 is nothing compared to the millions that should be walking around. Like someone said, LA must be hell by now.

    I thought perhaps Daniel plans to use the hoard as a means to prevent Operation Cobalt and provide a distraction so he can get to his undead wife. Of course it is insane to unleash a thousand score of walkers but this episode has portrayed him as a man willing and capable of anything to "protect" his family.

  8. I don't get the impression that Kinzie was making excuses or having a panic attack. when it's humid, it can be hard to breathe in an environment where you aren't exerting yourself. I agree with other posters she was trying to explain how it felt...and if you suddenly can't breathe, I think I may have asthma may be a logical conclusion. She seems to be a dedicated dancer and performer but she probably was either dehydrated or overheated and her body just said, I'm done! She went on to perform sp clearly it passed when she had a chance to cool down. I loved Lacey trying to help! And I understand they want the girls to always look their best, but if they are having an extended practice in the intense sun, could they let them at least wear pony tails, lighter clothing, and ditch the dance stockings for rehearsal?

    My heart breaks for Ashkey N. She is such an awesome performer but I think her knee is telling her to turn in her poms. :-(

  9. natyxg...I completely understand your perspective. For me, it seems more ...realistic (?) this way. If it focused on a big city, there would be much more action and carnage and the need to understand and adapt quickly. I like this pace because I can connect a little better I guess in wondering which character I would be more like..,would I believe or deny (like Travis). I also like to watch the characters evolve...or devolve...and it can be more compelling when it's done slowly. Just my 2 cents. And, like I said, I know I'm in the minority.

    • Love 9
  10. I guess I'm in the small minority, but I am loving this show. Yes, there are flaws, but if the idea is to witness the apocalypse of society, the choice to do it through the lens of a single family is a good one. I did not expect this series to be WWZ...I hoped to watch the impact on a regular, every day, ordinary family. And I think they are doing so successfully. However, it's clear that if they didn't meet Daniel, there would be no one left to follow after 0900 tomorrow.

    One really bad decision, IMHO, was to put a join-the-army commercial in the midst of this particular episode.

    • Love 19
  11. I cannot believe that they didn't send Laurie home.  That was the hottest hot mess of an outfit I have ever seen!!!!  And, where would someone wear that?  The top completely exposed the model's breasts and the "hot pants" left half of her bottom exposed, until she added some extra material, which only added more volume to an already bad concept.  


    The model was extremely uncomfortable wearing it - she couldn't wait to cover herself up everytime her breasts were exposed.  I felt bad for her having to walk that catastrophe down the runway, and even worse for her when Zac was pulling open the jacket to examine the top.  For Gods' sake - it was so bad was there any reason to further embarrass the model?  


    There were so many different ideas going on and not one of them was executed well.


    Tinkerbell and fairies??  WTF?  That outfit should be sent to Neverland, as in "Never to be seen again-land"!!!  


    It was clear that Nina does not like Lindsay, and that was more the reason she was eliminated than the fact that her dress was "boring" (and, yes, it was boring compared to the other garments).  Nina had that "something smells bad in here" look on her face when speaking to and about Lindsay.


    I have to begrudgingly say that Candice's was probably the best, but she can be insufferable.  She really does think she is a know-it-all and above everyone else. She sounds like she is trying to mentor everyone else - newsflash - Tim Gunn already holds that position.  

    Perhaps Candice sees, like many of us, that Tim seems to be bored with his position and is jockeying to be his replacement.


    As for the TG save, yes - I think he is saving it for Ashley who is the designated victim of the season; however, a small part of me wonders if in a week or two, he will suddenly have an announcement for the designers and tell them that he is bringing back Jake (?) because he feels badly about him having to leave over his dog.  Actually, when he told them he had an announcement this week, I thought that is what he was going to say.

    • Love 2
  12. Honestly, the field entrance hasn't changed in years. They could do like the one poster here (forgive me for not remembering which one) who taught herself Thunderstruck from youtube videos. The field entrance is a whole lot less complicated. If you already know the choreography, half the battle is gone when Judy is blocking it. Learn from youtube, go to any football field, and practice. 

    I'm not a dancer so many of you can enlighten me a little on this.  My perception of DCC's dancing is not that it isn't repetitive or can't be accessed on youtube, etc.  BUT that it seems that there are so many little "style" and "polish" extras they add to the basic steps that make it harder for some well trained dancers to pick it up.  For instance, when Loren was teaching, she was fussing about putting more shoulder in it.  Would that be easily discernible for someone to learn from watching game entrances on video or would you need a choreographer to point it out?  I seem to remember the vets when they do their talking heads while instructing the rookies each season mention that the DCC style has so many of these tiny extras that it can be taxing on the memory.  

    If this is the case, I wonder how many are concerned about learning it "wrong" and having to learn it the right way later....this step goes with this half-hair flip; point this foot when you do this arm movement????  

    Again: I look to those of you who are dancers for your opinion on this. 

    • Love 1
  13. I agree they should teach the field entrance earlier on in TC, so the girls don't fall apart with the stress of having to have this new thing perfect right away or get cut for it. It's too much.

    I do NOT agree with the cuttings of Taylor, (who I thought was improving noticiably in the kicks and was perfect in every other way)

    I also think cutting Kyndall and Courtney were both mistakes, which will wind up being regretted.

    In the past they've taken MANY girls who still need some more polish and most of them do very well... Caila from season 9 is a great example of this. Rarely are one of these girls such a problem that they get let go during the season. Never really. The only one that stands out to us is Loni running off the field for kickline.

    I think Kelly shot herself in the foot and broke 3 potentially GREAT girls spirits down, and I hope all 3 of them get the last laugh.

    I think those 3 would have been fine, too -- but I wonder how much Kelli has to answer for some of those who, unlike Caila, did not have a great season and did not show the strides and improvements once they eliminated the pressure of TC (Ashley Pro, Breelin, Kaitlyn L, Morgan, even Kalli (who I LOVED but whose kicks did not improve). I really wonder how much that 50 yard close up of Breelin clearly counting the steps in her head during the Halloween halftime put a blemish on the team.  Some above posters have claimed the big board is probably to 'blame' -- and I think I agree.  I have noticed that they no longer post video clips of their games or performances on their websites -- they are even removed from the reruns or purchased episodes once CMT has aired them.  I've opined the conspiracy theory that Charlotte may be cracking the whip for a more polished, stronger team and those 2 girls every season who JUST slipped through were this season's casualties.  Courtney won me back over with her megawatt smile and clear love for what she was doing when she performed.  I hope she and Kendall get some dance lessons in and come back next year; I hope Taylor finds a strong kicking coach because that was so sad.


    ...and now that that awful "Bang Bang" song is stuck in my head, I'm sorry for hating on "Fireball"

    • Love 2
  14. I've actually wondered about doing the entrances earlier too; if I were a rookie, I would PAY a vet to take me out on ANY football field and just help guide me, get to the lines, etc., just to get the style and rhythm down before the blocking.


    Personal pet peeve: I tend to watch tv with close captioning.  NEVER - not ONCE since the poor girl was a rookie -- has Kinzie's name been spelled correctly in the CC.  At least this week it was closest (Kenzie).  There have been some FUNKY spellings of that girl's name.


    I've gone back and forth on this issue, especially after reading people's comments, but regarding Kelli asking girls, "How do you think this week went" I have to admit, I do that myself as a teacher.  When I am about to conference with a student (and I teach high school; I would not do this for the little guys) about a disappointing grade or report card average, I begin the conversation asking for his/her perception.  I'm not doing it to be mean or cruel or condescending -- I am looking for some insight into how their perception meets reality and to see if they have the self awareness that can accompany improvement (or explain problems). That said, I have expressed my opinion on Kelli's affect in the office this season vs. other seasons -- so I do see how that question can seem incredibly harsh in light of the horrible news that accompanies it.   

    It just seems strange to me -- she seems so detached.  Every other season, she has shed tears for at least one girl's departure (Alexandra last season; even Chelsea's cut led her to well up with tears; Kalli F.... and when there aren't tears, she expresses some remorse (Alex in season 6, Ashley Pro in season 8)...  Nothing this season, not even for Taylor who she said was one of her favorite performers.  

    It kind of matches the mood this MTT season has had to me: very intense and a little cold.  

    • Love 1
  15. Sorry I don't know how to do the quote thing I'm replying to from my phone. Anyhow, someone said the girls pay for their own hair and makeup, someone else said he Cowboys pay for it... Neither of those are correct. The salon that sponsors the DCC does the services complimentary for all the girls. In return they get to advertise that they are the official salon of the DCC and they get their name and logo listed in programs and on some promotional items ( I forget if it's posters or calendars or what). Besides the services the girls get done at the actual salon, the salon sends people to the locker room to do the girls hair and makeup before the games.

    Really? Because I always thought they show (on MTT) the girls in the locker room helping each other with their hair and makeup....

  16. I stopped watching the moment Jackson was terrified by two little bitty kitty cats.  Tree O'cats? I'm with you -- unnerving (hasn't anyone seen Cat People? Sleepwalkers?)....but these two? That was it.  Turned it off.  

    If it goes into another season, I think I'll have to pass.  But I want to thank all of you in this forum who have made me chuckle, giggle, chortle, and guffaw each week.  Ya'all are amazing and should send in your resumes to be writers of this show.  It would be EPIC if you were at the helm.  

    • Love 3
  17. Let me ask a question about Walker cuisine.  Whenever we've seen a walker happily dining, the arrival of a principal cast member makes them turn away from their meal to try to bite the above-the-line talent.  Are they that finicky, as in only the first few bites are the best?  Why wouldn't the walkerneighbor just finish the dog on his plate instead of turning to bite the family?

    This has bothered me for years.

    I think because they are just walking primal urges, they are easily distracted and see the next meal without any thought of the previous.  They don't function like an animal does, to hide their food - they just are driven by hunger; if they see their next meal, the one they are eating is forgotten.

    • Love 7
  18. LOL! I forgot about my frustration with the flashlight thing! Haven't any of these people seen Jurassic Park?!?!? Stop waving your flashlights; it garners attention!!!

    Ugh, I hated the flashlight thing too. Dumb, so much dumb. I also laughed at Madison standing at the window looking through the blinds, when the blinds were only partially down. Her entire midsection was in front of unobstructed view, so she obviously wasn't concerned about remaining hidden. Why didn't she just open the blinds all the way? Or better yet, lower them and not be exposed to the entire street? But no, she decided to peer through blinds that were half open. For some reason, this bothered me so much.


    ITA, the lack of anyone trying to find out what's going on from media or friends/family is driving me crazy. Barber lied about calling his cousin, so apparently they all think the phones are working. Why aren't they trying to reach other people? Even just their loved ones? Are all their families dead in El Salvador?


    And I totally agree about the actress playing Madison. When the neighbor got half his face blown off and remained upright, you would think her face would register some shock and horror. Nope, nothing.


    Yes, I so wish this show was set in a hospital. We would have started out with plenty of disparate characters and naturally occurring dramatic situations. It would also make sense that they would be holed up there and would naturally have food and fuel stores. Also, they would have been better informed with regards to the governments emergency response. That would have been way more interesting. 

    ...or a prison!  It might have been really interesting to see the Prison of TWD at the start of this.

    • Love 4
  19. ...and may I add my vote to the "don't need to see any more animals deaths" petition that is going around?


    I still believe in this show.  Tonight I found to be particularly intense and it got under my skin.  I found myself hearing extra clangs and snap noises outside my window when I was trying to sleep lol. 

    I'm still learning names but Barber Dad has clearly lived through some shit before, including military marshals.  He is a little quicker to go into survival mode.

    I think Travis still represents most of us (who aren't zombie apocalypse junkies): they think this is a virus, that it will go away, that the military will contain the threat, and that life will go on as normal.  The recycling moment best showed that along with not letting Madison put down Susan.  As many other posters have said, Hershel had the same philosophy (they can be cured) and this was after living through the entirety of it; for Travis, he is still at its inception.

    I think the "Morning Susan" was him being darkly humorous and not that naive; I actually chuckled at that.

    The Monopoly game has been zinged by so many on-line reviewers, but I can't think of a more normal response of a mother than to distract the kids from what's going on and their fears.  You have a kid who is going through withdrawals, another who is terrified for her boyfriend, both of whom want you to leave and not wait for your husband to return (which of course would have been the BEST thing they could have done after getting a shot gun at least).  Moms have a PhD in the art of distracting their kids -- and without electricity, monopoly is a LONG game and can get very engrossing.  A good way to pass the time.  And I am going to repeat myself: she isn't packing up every supply in the house because despite what they've seen, they think it will get better, there will be a cure, etc.

    The dysfunction among the extended family + strangers will be very interesting.  Chris is gravitating towards Barber Dad; this could be a Carl/Shane thing which I imagine will not go well with Travis.  Adding the ex and the current and step-siblings -- yep.  Dysfunction.  

    Two things that did bother me:

    a) Griselda (spelling?) has a bad injury - the military didn't notice that? I guess she kept it under a blanket OR they didn't do full sweeps of the house (otherwise there HAD to be blood in the living room).

    b) I don't care if you are in a crisis or not, you CLOSE YOUR FREAKING DOORS when you leave the house.  That dog's demise did not have to happen.


    My question for upcoming episodes (and not about the military - you know they are going to behave atrociously so I'm just expecting a firestorm) is when Griselda turns (which obviously will happen first): will Barber Dad be able to do what must be done or will he be "weak"?

    And Madison just gave the ex a green light to kill her when the time comes.  By the look in her eyes, the ex will go all Carol on her the moment Maddie gets a cough.  Not sure I'd want to give someone who hates me that much power over me! LOL.

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