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  1. Well, it was definitely an improvement from her sweater that was a DEAD RINGER for the quilt on Roseanne's couch.
  2. Man, if only they'd pulled out the frame-by-frame LAST week!!! 🙄
  3. Kaysar is new to me, but he is honestly so much more attractive than either Tyler or Enzo! Seriously, are they just trying to reassure themselves?! Because just look at this complete unbiased lineup: https://media.giphy.com/media/SL7euyPA6oG8qqNVfm/giphy.gif
  4. If you're looking for something to retail therapy shop for tonight 😉 (PS: I *do* have this, and it *is* fabulous!! ... and it is NOT $895!)
  5. Maybe that's how he lets his family know he's thinking of them? 😂
  6. "I could write an entire book," but instead I barely fill one page, and I repeat several things several times! (I miss you, I love you, everything is fine!) And yeah, if this is their "difficult times," I pity them for the day when real life hits. I don't think David is an idiot; but I do think he is scared shitless. He's scared that anything he says or does will be held against him & be the reason he gets put up again (and honestly, he's probably not wrong). So instead, he tries to give nothing away, even when asked specific questions, which just makes him sound idiotic or clueless.
  7. Angela the Vegan Ice Queen. I had to share this side-by-side of one of my fave girls from the Bachelor/Bachelorette kingdom & Tyler.... I don't know why it made me laugh so hard... 😂 And in regard to the Twitter controversy & the fact that it looks like Bay/Day are suddenly being pointed at, I feel like BB's racial bias training was basically: "Don't vote out anyone of color in first 3 weeks, and then you're good." I hope it wasn't. But seriously?!
  8. And anyone who made someone else feel bad for whatever kind of food they eat! (Looking at you, Dani!) This just made me laugh. Imagining the poor BTS people, "Awww, shit, here she comes again..." Didn't someone who worked on the show used to tweet? And tell us that kind of stuff? Maybe it was another show. Either way, that would be a Twitter account I would def follow! We don't have a Whole Foods where I am (I live pretty rurally) ... but the BEST, cheap, store-bought tortilla chips are these: I swear, they are freakin' amazing, and they make ANY guac taste 1000 times better. And the best thing about them? They literally do not get stale. They're like magical that way. I've had these bags open way longer than I should have, and they seriously never go stale. I don't know if they're available nationwide or not. But if you've never tried them and really love tortilla chips, see if they're accessible where you are. They're like $2.99, and worth every penny! 😊 Regarding the Tale of Two (or more) Cakes: I would choose to eat Janelle's cake over Franz's any day of the week and twice on Sunday, BUT Nicole's cake looked to me like a dump cake, which a lot of time does have that weird "dry" looking top, but after you bake it, it all blends... however, if she blended it with hot sauce, there is literally no coming back from that! Janelle's cake looked positively divine, and has me looking up lemon bar recipes on Pinterest! I was just about to agree with whomever said that Day & Bay might be who I would have to root for once the herd is thinned, but Day is messy and while Bay has been MUCH better this season, she's gonna have to reign things in to get my vote! But it would be VERY exciting if a POC won, since this show has been so plagued with race issues for so long. Bay was doing really good ... until I read Mooses' post! I think Nicole really got the extreme underdog portrayal last season, and for good reason, but everyone was so enamored of her and she got such praise, just for acting halfway normal. Now she came in the same way, trying to act "nice and normal" but can't understand why she's not getting the same love. She comes in at a disadvantage because she's not super popular, she's not super beautiful, and she's probably felt "less than" her whole life. Last season she was celebrated for being herself. This season, just being herself is not getting herself quite as far. And she's taking it out on the person who SHE probably feels has ALWAYS been super popular and super beautiful. Janelle may just be getting a whole life of pent up "feelings" about Nicole just being a nice and normal girl. And instead of ENJOYING being friends with the beauty queen, she's blaming her for everything that ever went wrong for her -- inside and outside of the game. I agree that therapy and avoiding social media for quite awhile would probably be her best move when her time here is done 😞 Put a target on him? Drama? Bring down Memphis? I don't like Christmas, but I'd be OK with any of those reasons!!
  9. HOW does the Franz think that PCR Nicole is going to help her get out Janelle when PCR is on the block & most likely going home this week?!? (Unless that has changed, too?) According to the social rules of veganism, in which you tell everyone that you are a vegan, what exactly that means and what you do/don't eat a hundred times & how you are single-handedly saving the earth, I'm pretty sure NO. Because we'd remember it like we remember Christmas' foot: *Painfully* (Mostly just joking, but I do have "that one friend" who always manages to make the rest of us feel bad for NOT being a vegan like her. So blame her for my snarkiness!) I'm seriously thanking the LORD ALMIGHTY because that foursome just might have been the thing that killed my love for BB. (And I started watching the season of Aaryn!) I am OK with Tyler, but I think the 4 of them together would be absolutely insufferable. My son learned how to do this with You Tube! He says it's just algorithms/patterns, and you just have to memorize them. He pretty much ruined my original impression that he was a genius with this information 😂 So full disclosure, I didn't watch TAR, but I did see that scene with Rachel/Elissa and Nic/Victor, and all I can say is that I think ANYONE trying to defend themselves against the TWO Reilly sisters would look like an idiot. So I sort of understand her breaking down in that situation.
  10. I think -- like almost everything -- it comes down to tone and presentation. If Day/Bay had said it, it would've been OK. If anyone had said it jokingly & light-hearted, it MIGHT have been OK. But Memphis saying it, in a condescending tone, and in his IDGAF way, is probably what really turned everyone so off by it. I did read a Q&A by Entertainment Weekly for Keesha, where she pretty much answers all, so I am *doubting* a buyback. But I guess if someone read it and made sure that it was OK, the same way they do for the Tweets that the houstguests are doing while IN the house, it could still be possible.
  11. Yes, as long as we do it knowing that every 3-4 pages, someone is bound to say "What does PCR mean?!" 😜 He's an episode ruiner, too. Whatever made him enjoyable last time has clearly dried up. If PCR keeps repeating this theory to people, she may end up giving some of those "alphas" the idea to do exactly that! Like Gail and John in "Pitch Perfect"?! If so, I vote YES!
  12. Man do I miss KAT!!! 😅
  13. Ohhhh my goodness, what did we (I?) miss?!?
  14. Finally caught up on the episode from last night ... I don't watch the feeds; I mostly catch up here and occasionally check out Twitter comments and IG memes, lol 😉 So I know from you guys that Nicole F has been crying & whining nonstop, but KEVIN was totally the Biggest Whiner in last night's episode! I ended up fast-forwarding through several of his crying/pouting scenes. And the scene with Dani that someone posted above makes me think at least some of the cast is feeling the same. (Disclosure: I started watching BB in the teen seasons, so a lot of the Old Timers are new to me. I still hope to go back and watch the first 10 seasons at some point!) By the end of the episode, I wanted Kevin to go just to stop his crying!! Maybe if I knew him better, it would be more endearing 🤔 My votes for first folks out: Christmas, Kevin, Keesha (just cause she seems clueless and not very entertaining) and Enzo and/or Cody. I can't stand the whole bro-dawg, yeah bro, Jersey bros, bro-ing out and combro-sations. Enzo and Cody seem the worst at it thus far. I hate Paul, Paulie, Corey and anyone else who said "your boy" in the past 10 seasons. If getting rid of Cody would calm down Enzo's bro-ness, I'd be OK with that too! Enzo seems like he really reflects whomever he's hanging out with, so he might be less grating with anyone OTHER than Cody!
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