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Everything posted by TheGapper

  1. I can't remember exactly who it was, maybe Maggie, but a strong player who won one of the seasons never gave truthful DR interviews. That kept production in th dark and they could not manipulate her, she kept throwing them off the track, which in the end led her to be the winner. I think of Derrick using this same strategy.
  2. This is for Frankie: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=nelson+haha&fr=ipad&pcarrier=C+Spire&pmcc=311&pmnc=230
  3. I sincerely hope that Derrick is lying to production. That'll earn him mad props in my book plus I love that they can't control everything. Love Zach Stan. Better than Zach Attack. I think he'll concur.
  4. Somewhere another poster mentioned this, and I just have to reiterate since this is making the hair in the back of my neck stand up, but if it was a guy accosting a girl like this, everyone will be all over it. This is beyond repulsive. ETA second quote
  5. I can not WAIT for Frankie to lose! LOSE FRANKIE, LOSE!!
  6. Thanks wings707, this just made me crack up, I don't have the feeds, but your accurate report is awesome.
  7. For some sick reason I like that they're making huge asses of themselves. Yes, go on you two, show us.
  8. Caleb reminds me of "6 Pack" in Daisy of Love. Well, sort of. http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIWjzO9T_HQA0lv7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBzZzJoNGtoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMTY-?p=daisy+of+love+youtube&vid=6f294ee06394b889f40360e1eacdf87a&l=2%3A07&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DVN.608008451285517940%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGzJg0wgRjwA&tit=Daisy+of+Love%3A+The+Skunk&c=15&sigr=11am6idpc&sigt=10o92jn3q&age=0&&tt=b
  9. Yes, I agree with you, that is how Derek is operating this game, but I want to add that all of these people are such easy targets to manipulate, they are easy influencable and this doesn't really make Derrick THE brilliant master, he is just a tad smarter than the average Joe and has his undercover cop training which helps. If he gets pitted against stronger players we'll see how well he fares. I think under real pressure, he's bound to crumble.
  10. Ditto. Something does not sit right with the intense Victoria bashing. It's okay to call Cody and Caleb by their names, who clearly both seem dumber than bricks, but Victoria is an easy target and reflects poorly on snarky posters to pick on her. (sorry, I'm a sucker for an underdog.)
  11. Interesting all the comparisons about middle age. I have watched big brother from season one and I am 50 now. I have to say that I have never been happier or more stable then I am now. I am settled in my relationships and have zero to little anxiety or insecurities about general life issues. I look good, am fit, very active and I seriously don't think of myself as a life halfway lived. But that's the truth, I'm there. AARP member. These contestants are for the most part fairly young and I put Derek and Frankie in the same age category. I see Derek as a stable person, one who feels secure in who he is and a lot of that has to do with the training he has received as an undercover cop. (Even though he is an ass.) Frankie on the other hand rely so much on his looks, how he's perceived by people around him, relies on the admiration of fans (followers) and on top of it has the dangling competition of a successful younger sister with a career that I am sure, he wishes he has. So Frankie has to try extra hard, because in that environment, in that world he lives in and wants to succeed in and particularly a place like Los Angeles or New York, looks and age matters. He already shows his stress on his face, much more than Donny, who's older.
  12. I hardly ever post anything in all the seasons of reading this forum, but my horizon has widened greatly since starting to follow these posts. So I'm sorry, but I don't know how to put stuff in the little block to show you that I'm quoting someone but I'm quoting this following piece: "That reminds me, he actually asked someone while he was out, a driver maybe? to look up his Instagram and tell him how many followers he's up to. His IG name is "Insane Physique", and that's funny. Also, he got to weigh himself on the field trip, and thought people would be very interested to know how much he weighs now, and how much he weighed when he came into the house, as well as a detailed description of how the scale went back and forth by one pound on his final weight, blah blah blah. Riveting, Caleb! PLEASE TELL US MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! (rubs hands together with evil glee)" I absolutely have changed my mind and love Caleb, and between Caleb, Zack and Violetta, I am really not sure who is my favorite anymore. Caleb was a serious douche when I started to watch this, but with Amber's departure he really has become such a bright light of entertainment. He reminds me of the guys from Daisy of Love, particularly the skunk episode. The entertainment is endless. Violetta on the other hand, I have to say, I do not understand what her hair issue is, why people bitch about her fake hair, I absolutely love her gorgeous tresses, I don't care if they're fake or not, I love them. And then there is Zach, sweet funny hilarious, what seems to be tongue in cheek and wild eyed and bushytailed Zack. He reminds me when he laughs of Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills cop, that smirk and that glint is a dead ringer. His sense of humor and the way he totally plays with the cast, is highly entertaining and I totally can say I'd be friends with him. What's not to love, right? Then, controversial Derek, I love Derek. I think he plays a perfect role. I have a friend who's a narc and he's a little older than Derek but I see the similarities in training and the way that they observe the situation, sum it up and manipulate it to make it work for them, to keep them and only them safe and to make it work the way that they want things to play out and for that, kudos. It's not his fault that the rest of the people are total dimwitted, inexperienced and insecure, Finally, the other girls on this season have been so weak, I find myself (and I consider myself a fair person) don't even could want to be friends with them, there's nothing redeeming about any of them that I find appealing or encouraging, they are all weak and lame and pushovers, no wonder the guys are steam rolling them. At this point, the best thing about this season is reading these posts and reading the snark, that's major entertainment, and watching the sad sacks create chaos on the show. Oh one last thought, I absolutely love Donnie but he never had a chance. I honestly feel so bad for him because he has been shocked to his core because he realized after a few weeks what a rigged and planned show this is and that he never even had a chance from the get-go. And for Frankie, well, I really think that deep down inside he knows he's middle-aged and it's pretty much over for him, and he's just grasping at the last few straws that he can, secure that retirement and he knows that he can only fake it for so much longer before he will be exposed, and I don't mean exposed on the show but in general. Oh Lord, another thought. Cody equals boring. And Christine, there are no words, she is just so grating and reminds me of a cardboard box. Lastly, not that it means anything, nut I just want to sincerely thank you all, you posters, I won't name names, but I have been following you for years and love everything you write. So insightful and has absolutely altered the way that I view shows like this. Essentially it's a game of bullshitting. Who's going to be the best at bullshitting. Donny is useless. Christine thinks she can. Same with Cody and N. (Can't remember her name. ). However, I think the best bull shitters are Caleb (duh), Veronica, Zach and Derek.
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