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Everything posted by Shicklove1

  1. Valley I hope you are feeling better soon it is never fun being limited by surgery.
  2. They are writing Billy as the most pathetic pond scum pig in GC I see not great love story I see is a sex fest no love just sex. I am so glad I record this crap and most of the time just delete can't be bothered to watch such garbage. Nikki and Ian show up at the cabin seriously who is writing this crap a 5 year old. Wow I think I just insulted a five year old.
  3. I have already had a hiatus for several months and nothing that is happening is enticing me to start watching again.
  4. Even Nick sprung for a hotel room that is when they were not doing it on dirty hay in the barn or on her well used sofa at the condo.
  5. Yea Phyllis is the love of Billy's life like she was the love of Nick's life does this pitiful woman never learn
  6. This is the best thing I have heard all day Pratt was one of the biggest mistakes and I would assume another FOJ's
  7. When I saw the tweets the first thing I thought was kissing butt mush.
  8. I watched the show several times and IMHO it stinks. I am very surprised it is getting a second season. The episode I saw with HK the whole time she was on screen the s/l was centered around the size of her boobs. I was not impressed. But I am very happy Summer is going to be on way less can't stand her I hope eventually she disappears completely.
  9. I could not agree more can't stand Philly and Turd and the doctor is just revolting.
  10. I happen to agree the only waty HHK could get one Emmy never mind two is if they were bought for her. Her talent is mediocre at best IMHO.
  11. I thnk the problem is KS and JM have no chemistry he had chemistry with both SC and MS I hated Phick but they did have chemistry. KS and JM are boring a hell and I see not chemistry with GT either the few times they were in a scene together I thought they were like strangers when they were suppose to be married at one time. I just don't see that working either.
  12. The actress who plays Faith is just so adorable and lovable I can't get enough of her.
  13. I have to agree I was very surprised when I found out that Kelly Sllivan was only 37 I thought she was more like 47 I was sure she was older that Joshua Morrow. I loved that scene to day Faith and Sully are so cute together and when Faith started singing to him. They are just darling. Sharon, Dylan and the kids make a great family too bad it is not going to last.
  14. I agree if it will get rid of Sage and KS who at best is a mediocore actress than let the child die. I am so tired of having to use my FF button she always has the same expression eyes squinted teeth showing look of horor on her face whether she is happy, sad, scared or angry no change in expression. She does give grumpy cat compitition.
  15. ITA they need to just get rid of this piece of dead wood. So boring Dummer and her purse holder have not been gone long enough to make me happy. Gone permanently not that would make me happy
  16. Sorry about that but I really did believe she was well into her forties. Not being nasty but IMHO she looks like she is in her forties. Even my husband when he saw a magazine I was looking at thought that Sage was too old to be paired with Nick
  17. I agree with everthing you have said except no way in hell is that woman in her thirties she is in her forties and looks it. I always thought Phyllis looked too old to be paired with Nick well Phyllis looks like a spring chicken next to Sage.
  18. That whole s/l has been changed now that the PTB have decided Sage is the best thing since slied cheese and they had Adam say that they agreed to do the switch. In the beginning she did it all on her own now we are suppose to forget that she kept him drugged and called him Gabe when he kept telling her he was Adam. Yep they think we are that stupid
  19. I soo agree I just can't get past her teeth everytime I look at her all I see is teeth and those crazy eyes. IMHO the are making the wrong lady crazy they should ago with Sage going over the bend not Sharon. Sage is as boring as watching paint dry but I would bet she does crazy perfectly.
  20. I remember watching that scene and all I could think was damn but this woman can't act at all. I laughed all the way through that scene.
  21. Best laugh I have had all day. You are too funny, Valley the one thing he didn't say is I love you and I want to marry you. That creep only loves himself. Hope this prenancy goes the way of the blueberry
  22. I agree Canadia it takes a pretty sick mind to try and get SC fired because MS chose to leave the show. It was MS's decision and had nothing to do with SC. MS had the right to leave if that is what she wanted and SC had the right to stay. Some fans go way overboard it is just crazy.
  23. You and me both can't stand Dummer and not a fan of HK either. She needs to go to school far far far away for a long time.
  24. I don't know why they are on every day but I can't wait for the end of this boring s/l. I am praying it doesn't go on much longer.
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