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  1. I was wondering about that random cop that worked with Burgess. When he checked out of the case just before the final operation with Q and Pena, I wondered if he might be up to something and maybe was going to tip off someone or maybe he supplied the gun to Q.
  2. The episode aired in Canada. I see that it will air on NBC in the US at 10:00 PM ET.
  3. I like the new detective Upton.
  4. Married couples on Chicago shows: Trudy & Mouch, Hermann & Cathy, Gabby & Matt, Boden & Donna, Jay & girl from his past, Jeffries & his wife on Chicago Justice.
  5. On the topic of Voight, according to Wikipedia, he was undercover as a dirty cop as revealed in early episodes of Chicago Fire. (I wasn't watching CF then, so I am relying on Wikipedia.) I think there is some intentional ambiguity about Voight's character as portrayed on Chicago PD.
  6. When Peter was meeting with Anna to ask about her relationship with the judge, one relevant question would be who else knew that the judge would be at that bar that evening. I hope that it turns out that there was nothing sexual going on between Anna and the judge. I agree with the posters above that she could be his daughter or maybe a former law school professor who is mentoring her.
  7. As they are kissing, Ella tells Ryan that they have to act appropriately in a law office. The old show LA Law came to mind where there was a lot more going on! Of course LA Law would be way before Ella and Ryan's time!
  8. When the attackers entered Julia's room in Mexico, she sat up pretty quickly, as if she was waiting for them or perhaps she wasn't able to sleep.
  9. Pro tip when meeting drug dealers in Mexico: Be sure to back up your files to iCloud!
  10. Just curious: Will accepted Nina's offer to move in with her in part to save money on rent. But wouldn't he still have to pay rent on his old place at least for a while? What would he do with his stuff from his apartment? I doubt that any of it would show up at Nina's place.
  11. I enjoyed seeing Melinda Kanakaredes again on TV. I didn't watch CSI NY, but I remember her from Providence.
  12. I loved DA Max's line: "Everything I know about dating I learned watching the Bachelor!" Julia would have definitely received a rose!
  13. One random observation from this week's episode. When Jasmine and Kevin opened the fantasy suite card, they were in Havana. However, the fantasy suite was actually in Varadero. I see to recall from a visit to Cuba in the late 1990s that it takes about an hour or so to drive from Havana to Varadero.
  14. I still enjoy watching the Julia-Jake interaction. They are clearly close friends who trust each other and who support each other without being jealous. I wasn't surprised that Julia had nothing in her fridge. She is probably always at the station.
  15. I like Jasmine too. She seems to be a nice girl with a clear sense of what she wants.
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